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Clean all walls and surfaces including blinds and air conditioning unit.
Safe 4-10 mls in 1 litre water.
Clean table - pay extra attention to rubber mat, sides, underside and pedals (safe 4). Make sure heat mat and operating light are also cleaned.
Remove everything from GA trolley, clean and replace bedding & ensure the following stocked:
Stock up draws
Stock up radio cupboard
Ensure all cupboards are tidy
Clean all glass - Windows and doors.
Wipe over drip stand and multiparameter machine (even if not used).
Sweep and mop flows - move table to clean underneath.
All the best, Arlo Guthrie Editor PS. Don't forget that when you post a question on, you're not just doing it for yourself, but for everyone in the profession, for whom your question and any answers you get are added to a searchable knowledgebase of experience and opinions. PPS. Remember too that there is no such thing as a silly question! is published by Working Communities Ltd, a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered Number: 4169534. Registered office: 41 Cornmarket Street, Oxford OX1 3HA. View in Browser | Unsubscribe