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Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
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The Axial Skeleton - Answers
List the 5 components of the axial skeleton.
Vertebral column.
List the 3 categories of head shape in dogs. Briefly describe each and state a breed typical of each example.
Brachiocephalic - short and broad (e.g. the Bulldog).
Doliocephalic - long and narrow (e.g. the Saluki).
Mesocephalic - "normal" (e.g. the Labrador Retriever).
What are the 2 main components of the skull?
Cranium - encloses the brain.
Maxilla - forms the upper jaw and contains the nasal chambers.
What is the name of the large hole at the back and towards the base of the cranium through which the spinal cord enters the cranial cavity?
The foramen magnum.
What is the name of the flat area at the back of the skull to which the muscles that support the head on the neck attach?
The occipital region.
Where are the occipital condyles located?
At the base of the skull, either side of the foramen magnum. This is where the first cervical vertebra articulates with the skull.
What are the names of the 2 prominences located on either side of the occipital condyles?
The jugular processes.
What is the name of the opening where the external ear canal attaches to the skull?
The external acoustic meatus.
What is housed by the tympanic bulla?
The structures of the middle ear.
Name the 3 bones that contribute to the hard palate.
Premaxilla (or incisive).
What is the correct name for the nose pad?
The rhinarium.
What bones are located behind the frontal bones?
The parietal bones (with small interparietal bones interspersed)
What is contained within the orbits?
The eyes.
What is the name of the cartilaginous structure which divides the nasal chamber longitudinally into 2 sections?
The nasal septum.
What are the names of the thin, scroll-like bones covered with ciliated mucous epithelium within each nasal chamber?
The nasal turbinates.
What are the names of the delicate bones which carry smell receptors in their covering mucous membrane?
The ethmoturbinates.
What is the name of the site where the dentaries join together at the chin?
The mandibular symphysis.
What is the name of the site where the temporal muscle is attached?
The coronoid process.
What is the name of the site where the masseter muscle is attached?
The masseteric fossa.
Name the 2 main bony components of the lower jaw.
The horizontal ramus.
The vertical ramus.
Describe the structure and function of the hyoid apparatus.
A series of small bones and cartilages hanging from the tympanic bone of the skull which suspend the larynx below the pharynx, allowing the larynx to swing back and forth.
State the 5 regions that the vertebrae are divided into, and the number of vertebrae in each.
Cervical - 7.
Thoracic - 13.
Lumbar - 7.
Sacral - 3.
Caudal (or coccygeal) - varies depending upon tail length.
List 4 generalised properties of vertebrae.
Possess a body known as the centrum.
Possess a neural arch located above the centrum (collectively known as the spinal canal, through which the spinal cord runs).
Possess a neural spine located above the neural arch.
Possesses processes for muscle attachment.
What is the term that describes the 1st cervical vertebra?
The atlas.
What is the term that describes the 2nd cervical vertebra?
The axis.
What is the name of the cranially projecting process attached to the body of the axis?
The dens.
What is the name of the ligament which attaches the neural spine of the axis to the neural spine of the atlas thus assisting with the support of the head?
The nuchal ligament.
What are fovea?
Articular depressions.
What is the function of the sacrum?
Provision of support for the pelvis.
What is the name of the ligament that runs from the sacrum to the sciatic tuberosity on the pelvic bone which supports much of the musculature of the rump?
The sacro-tuberous ligament.
How many sets of ribs do the dog and the cat possess?
Name the 2 articulations of the ribs with the thoracic vertebrae.
Capitulum - articulates with the body of the vertebra.
Tuberculum - articulates with the transverse process of the vertebra.
What is the 13th rib known as, and why?
The floating rib; it is very short and its end lies free within the muscle of the body wall.
What is the name of the structure which is composed of the distal ends of the 1st 8 ribs (sternebrae)?
The sternum.
What is the name of the bony prominence projecting from the cranial end of the 1st sternebra?
The manubrium.
What is the name of the flap of cartilage which is attached to the last sternebra?
The xiphisternum (or xiphoid cartilage).
What is meant by the term "false ribs"? List 3 differences between true and false ribs.
False ribs are those located behind the xiphoid cartilage.
There are 8 pairs of true ribs and 5 pairs of false ribs.
False ribs are more caudal to true ribs.
True ribs articulate directly with the sternum
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