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Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 2
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Infections Diseases In Cats & Dogs
Give an example of a rickettsial disease.
What is the common name for haemobartonellosis?
Name 2 other infectious diseases of cats that are associated with feline infectious anaemia.
What infectious disease of cats is caused by a coronavirus?
What infectious disease of cats is caused by a species specific retrovirus?
Name the main neoplastic condition associated with FeLV.
Of all the infectious agents that affect cats, which virus is the single most important cause of mortality?
What infectious disease of cats is caused by an RNA retrovirus?
Describe the symptoms of chlamydial disease in cats.
Why is chlamydial disease difficult to control?
What is the most common cause of conjunctivitis in cats?
What is the incubation period of feline pneumonitis?
By what other names may feline panleucopenia also be known?
List 5 ways in which feline panleucopenia is transmitted.
What is the common name for feline upper respiratory disease (FURD)?
Name the 3 viruses associated with FURD.
What is the most common route of infection for FURD?
List 6 complications that may arise post recovery from FURD.
What is the incubation period of FURD?
What breed of cat is often infected with FURD?
In addition to dogs, what other species may be infected with distemper?
What is the most common route of infection for canine distemper?
In addition to being spread by the aerosol route, how else may distemper be transmitted?
What is the name of the virus that causes distemper?
What tissues are targeted chiefly by the distemper virus?
What is the incubation period of distemper?
There are many clinical signs of distemper. List them.
By what other name might canine distemper be known?
By what other name is infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) also known?
In addition to dogs, what other species may be infected by ICH?
What 3 tissue types are primarily targeted by the ICH virus?
Name the 2 viruses associated with ICH.
What risk is associated with the use of vaccination against ICH with the CAV-1 virus?
State the main route of entry for the CAV-1 and CAV-2 viruses.
What condition affects 20% of dogs following recovery from ICH?
What is the incubation period of ICH?
Give 2 other names by which canine contagious respiratory disease (CCRD) may be known.
What is the primary pathogen associated with CCRD?
In addition to B bronchiseptica, name the other viruses associate with CCRD.
There are many sero-types of leptospirosis, but only 2 are significant in the dog. Can you name them?
By what other name might L icterohaemorrhagiae be known?
What is the main source of infection of leptospirosis?
In addition to being spread via urine, how else may leptospirosis be transmitted?
Which infectious disease of the dog is associated with myocarditits in puppies?
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