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Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 2
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List 6 characteristics common to all birds.
How does the blood of birds differ from that of mammals?
How does the pelvis of birds differ from that of mammals, and why?
State 2 anatomical features that are common to the order mammalia, but absent in the order aves.
How many different orders of birds are there?
List 6 common orders of bird and give an example of a species belonging to each.
What is the common name given to the order passeriformes?
How do the toes of climbing birds differ to those belonging to perching birds?
Of the birds listed in your answer to Q6, can you state 2 that are referred to as birds of prey?
Of the birds listed in your answer to Q6, can you state 1 that is referred to as a game bird?
List 3 species of bird commonly kept as pets that originate from Australia.
Which species of bird has a particularly well developed quadrate bone and why?
What is the name of the joint between the upper part of the beak and the rest of the skull?
List 5 ways in which the skeleton of the bird is specially adapted for flight.
What is the correct term for the "*** wing"?
What proteinaceous substance are feathers composed from?
What are the 2 main functions of feathers?
List the 3 main types of feather.
When do birds moult?
What is meant when a feather is described as "in pin" or "in the blood"?
What is the function of the preen gland that is present in some species of bird?
Name 2 species of bird that produce a very fine dust that helps to keep the plumage in good condition.
Why do birds possess no teeth?
What is the function of the crop that is present in some species of bird?
What is the correct name for a baby bird?
Can you name the 2 chambers of the stomach that are present in most species of bird?
Name 1 species of bird that does not possess a ventriculus (or gizzard). Why is this?
Why might a budgerigar possess 2 large caeca, whilst the sunbird possesses none at all?
What is the cloaca (or vent)?
Why is general anaesthesia more risky in birds that in mammals of a comparable size?
Explain how you would perform a beak clipping procedure in a budgerigar.
The veterinary surgeon asks you to administer an intramuscular injection to a parakeet. Why must particular care be taken?
List 4 ways in which stress levels may be kept to a minimum when nursing birds.
List suitable foods for the following types of bird: hardbills, softbills, psittacines & raptors. Give an example of a type of bird belonging to each group.
What is the average life expectancy of a parrot?
List hazards that may affect birds allowed to fly free within the owner's home.
Why must particular care be taken if introducing an imprinted bird to a cage containing other birds?
State the act that forbids the possession of certain falconiform birds of prey unless ringed and registered.
Name 2 aids that enable easier handling of birds of prey.
What is the name of the causative organism of "scaly leg"/"scaly beak"?
What is the name of the causative organism of "bumble foot"?
"Feather cysts" may be genetically predisposed and often affect certain strains of canary. What is the correct term for this condition?
Name the endoparasite that may infest the upper alimentary tract of birds.
Psittacosis is a zoonotic disease of birds which may produce either respiratory or gastrointestinal signs. List ways in which you would prevent the spread of infection.
By what other names might psittacosis be known?
Describe the treatment of an egg-bound bird.
Why is respiratory distress a common symptom of iodine deficiency?
Behavioural problems are common in large domestic birds such as parrots and may manifest as one or a combination of the following: feather plucking, nail chewing, self-mutilation and excessive screaming. List 8 stress inducing factors that may contribute to such problems.
A client telephones the surgery. Her budgerigar has been prescribed a medicated seed which the bird will not eat. What advice would you offer?
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