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Student VN Revision Guide Pt 1
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The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)
Nursing & Clinical
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Occupational Hazards
Table of Contents
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Anatomy & Physiology
Animal Management & Hygiene
First Aid
General Nursing
Genetics & Animal Breeding
Human First Aid
General Rules - Key Notes
Human First Aid - Glossary
Human First Aid - Summary & Further Reading
Objectives of First Aid
Occupational Hazards
Occupational Hazards - Answers
Safety Signs - Key Notes
The First Aid Box
Introduction & Syllabus
Nutrition & Feeding
Pharmacy & Dispensing
Systems of the Body
The Skeletal System
Occupational Hazards
All practice staff who come into contact with patients should regularly be immunised against what?
List the 3 types of microorganism carried by cats that pose the risk of deep implantation of infection if you are bitten or scratched.
Cat bites and scratches inflicted upon humans must be given prompt medical attention. What may result if such injuries are ignored or if medical treatment is misdirected (sometimes solely towards the prevention of tetanus - an unlikely infection from a cat)?
Name the cause of 50% of work place fires.
How might the risk of fires be reduced?
Name the 2 types of fire extinguisher that may be used on any type of fire.
What should not be used on electrical fires?
List 4 common sense general fire safety rules.
Name the 3 things upon which fire depends.
Name the 3 things to put out a fire.
The dispensing of veterinary medicinal products may be hazardous. In order to ensure their safe handling, certain rules must be observed. Can you list them?
Why must Griseofulvin not be handled by women of child-bearing age?
Why should disposable gloves be worn when handling corticosteroids?
Why do prostaglandins pose a particular risk?
List the risks associated with cytotoxic drugs.
Name the cytotoxic drug that is often administered intravenously to cats with lymphoma.
Name the cytotoxic drug that is often administered orally to dogs with Cushings disease.
Why must particular care be taken when handling oil-based vaccines?
Levamisol may cause idiosyncratic reactions and serious blood disorders in a small number of people. When using such products, what symptoms should you look out for?
State 2 medicinal products that may cause adverse reactions to those sensitive to them.
List 6 common veterinary products that contain penicillin/cephalosporin.
Veterinary waste is a significant risk if not disposed of in the required manner. State the 4 types of clinical waste and describe how each should be correctly and safely disposed of.
How must any product, which is classified as flammable, infectious, corrosive, toxic, irritant or harmful, be disposed of?
Describe how you would safely deal with a liquid spillage.
How should fragments of broken glass be picked up?
Anaesthetic gases pose particular risks due to their inflammable nature. How might the risk of explosion be reduced?
List safety rules that reduce the risk of anaesthetic gas pollution.
State the 2 main risks associated with electricity.
List the rules that must be followed when using electricity.
Manual handling activities account for over 25% of work injuries and work days lost. Describe safe manual handling principles adopted to reduce the risk of injury to personnel.
Describe the correct lifting technique.
Pregnant women must follow certain rules to ensure their health and that of the unborn baby. What tasks must NOT be undertaken by anyone who is pregnant or suspects that they may be?
List 6 common veterinary drugs that contain corticosteroids.
List 6 common veterinary drugs that are hormone products.
Disinfectants used in small animal practice are generally low risk, providing due care is taken. List 6 factors that will ensure the safe use of such products.
What is meant by "ergonomics"?
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