The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

The Integument


  1. Define integument.
  2. List the 8 main functions of the skin.
  3. Name the 3 distinctive layers that comprise the skin.
  4. The epidermis is made of stratified squamous epithelium and consists of 4 strata (layers). Name them.
  5. The epidermis is avascular; what does this mean?
  6. What is another name for the stratum germinativum?
  7. What are melanocytes and where would you find them?
  8. Give an example of a part of the body where dermal papillae likely to be prevalent.
  9. What is the name of the protein which forms the principle constituent of all horny tissues?
  10. List 6 structures located within the dermis.
  11. Which part of the skin consists of loose connective tissue that is often infiltrated by fat?
  12. Briefly describe how hair is formed.
  13. What substance is secreted by the sebaceous glands?
  14. List the 4 main functions of sebum.
  15. What is the name given to the long hairs of the topcoat which are responsible for waterproofing?
  16. Which muscles are responsible for raising the hairs when the animal is cold or about to fight?
  17. What is the name given to the insulating layer of short, soft hairs found beneath the topcoat?
  18. What part of the dog's anatomy carries guard hairs but no undercoat?
  19. What is another name for the tactile hairs?
  20. Why should the vibrissae not be cut without good reason?
  21. What is the correct term for the seasonal shedding of hair?
  22. During what seasons do kennelled dogs moult most heavily?
  23. Give 2 reasons why many household pets shed pretty much throughout the whole year?
  24. What is the correct name for the nosepad?
  25. What is the name of the main pad on the forelimb of a dog or cat?
  26. What is the name of the main pad on the hindlimb of a dog or cat?
  27. Where are the digital pads located and how many are present in dogs and cats?
  28. What is another name for the carpal pad that covers the accessory carpal bone?
  29. Why are cats' claws sharper than dogs' claws?
  30. What is the name of the specialised part of the epidermis from which the nail grows?
  31. What is the purpose of the dew claws?
  32. What do the sudiferous glands secrete?
  33. In what part of the anatomy are the sudiferous glands found?
  34. Name the 3 specialised sebaceous glands that play an important role in territorial marking.