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Student VN Revision Guide Pt 1
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The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)
Nursing & Clinical
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
The Reproductive System - Answers
Table of Contents
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Anatomy & Physiology
Animal Management & Hygiene
First Aid
General Nursing
Genetics & Animal Breeding
Human First Aid
Introduction & Syllabus
Nutrition & Feeding
Pharmacy & Dispensing
Systems of the Body
Arteries & Veins - Key Notes
Basic Terms & Definitions
Blood Circulation - Key Notes
Systems of the Body - Glossary
Systems of the Body - Summary & Further Reading
The Cardiovascular System
The Digestive System
The Endocrine System
The Hepatic Portal System
The Immune System
The Integument
The Lymphatic System
The Nervous System
The Reproductive System
The Reproductive System - Answers
The Respiratory System
The Special Senses
The Urinary System
The Skeletal System
The Reproductive System - Answers
State the functions of the male reproductive system.
The production, nourishment & storage of sperm.
The transport of sperm to the genital tract of the female.
List the structures comprising the male reproductive system and briefly describe the function of each.
Testes - sperm production.
Epididymides - sperm storage.
Vasa deferentia - carries sperm from the epididymides to the urethra.
Prostate gland - production of seminal fluid.
Urethra - the canal through which semen is ejaculated (urine is also discharged via this channel).
Penis - coitus.
Prepuce - the sheath which covers and protects the distal part of the penis.
What is the name of the sac of skin housing the testes?
The scrotum.
What is the name of the double fold of peritoneum that surrounds the testes within the scrotum?
The tunica vaginalis.
What is the difference between cryptorchid and monorchid?
Cryptorchid describes an animal with one (or both) testicle/s retained within the abdomen or inguinal region, whilst monorchid describes an animal that only possesses one testicle (the other simply does not exist and is not hidden away in the abdomen or inguinal region).
What is the name of the muscle that enables the testes to be raised or lowered within the scrotum?
The cremaster muscle.
By what other name might the vasa deferentia be known?
The deferent ducts.
What is the name of the massively convoluted blood vessel that runs alongside of the epididymis?
The pampiniform plexus.
Name the 2 types of cell lining the seminiferous tubules within the testis.
Spermatogenic cells (produce sperm).
Sertoli cells (produce oestrogens & nutritive fluid for the sperm).
Testosterone is responsible for spermatogenesis and the development and maintenance of secondary male sexual characteristics. Where is testosterone produced?
Within the cells of Leydig (found in the supportive connective tissue of the testis).
By what other name might the cells of Leydig be known?
Interstitial cells.
List the 2 main ways in which the penis of the cat differs from that of the dog.
The penis of the cat points backwards, whilst in the dog it lies facing forwards along the ventral abdomen.
The penis of the cat possesses a number of barbs on the glans; these are absent in the dog.
What is the name of the muscle responsible for pulling the penis back into the prepuce?
The retractor penis muscle.
What is the function of the female reproductive system?
The production of ova (eggs).
List the structures comprising the female reproductive system and briefly describe the function of each.
Ovaries - production of ova.
Fallopian tubes - conduction of the ova from the ovaries to the interior of the uterus.
Uterus (uterine horns, body & cervix) - nourishment and protection of the foetus during pregnancy.
Vagina - accommodation of the penis during coitus.
Vestibule - contribution to the "tie" during mating.
Clitoris - sexual stimulation.
Vulva - enables entry of the male to the vagina.
By what other name might the Fallopian tubes be known?
The oviducts.
By what other name might the uterus be known?
The womb.
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