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The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)
Nursing & Clinical
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Definitions - Answers
Table of Contents
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Anatomy & Physiology
Anatomy & Physiology - Glossary
Anatomy & Physiology - Summary & Further Reading
Body Fluids
Chemistry, Cell Structure & Function
Definitions - Answers
Tissue Types
Animal Management & Hygiene
First Aid
General Nursing
Genetics & Animal Breeding
Human First Aid
Introduction & Syllabus
Nutrition & Feeding
Pharmacy & Dispensing
Systems of the Body
The Skeletal System
Definitions - Answers
Define anatomy.
The science of the structure of the body.
Define physiology.
The science of the functioning of living organisms - how the body works.
List 4 characteristics common to mammals.
Warm blood.
Mammary glands.
Hair (with the exception of whales).
What is the term describing an animal with a backbone.
An invertebrate describes an animal with no backbone. Can you give 2 examples of unwanted invertebrates commonly seen in veterinary practice?
Intestinal worms such as roundworm and tapeworm.
Most mammals are placental. What does this term mean?
The pregnant female of the species possesses a highly vascular membranous structure that allows attachment of the developing fetus to the uterine wall. The placenta allows the transfer of nutrients and oxygen from the dam to the fetus, and waste products in the opposite direction.
Mammals are classified into sub-groups; what are these known as?
What characterises the order carnivora?
The order carnivora derives its nutrition from the eating of flesh. Cats are an example of this group.
What is pathology?
The diseased state of the body as seen with the naked eye.
What is the difference between histology and histopathology?
Histology is microanatomy - anatomy seen microscopically, whilst histopathology is the diseased state of the body seen microscopically.
What is the name given to the plane that divides the body longitudinally into 2 equal halves?
The median plane.
What is the name given to any plane lying parallel to the median plane?
A sagittal plane.
What is meant by a dorsal plane?
A horizontal section parallel to the dorsum (back) of the animal.
What is meant by a transverse plane or section?
A plane running perpendicular to the long axis of the part of the body to be sectioned.
What terms are used to describe relative distances with regard to the surfaces of the body?
To what parts of the body do the following anatomical directions relate: caudal, cranial, rostral & ventral?
Caudal = towards the tail.
Cranial = towards the head.
Rostral = towards the nose.
Ventral = towards the chest.
To what part of the body do the terms palmar and plantar refer?
The lower limb. Palmar refers to the underside of the forelimb (below the radio-carpal joint), whilst plantar refers to the underside of the hindlimb (below the tibio-tarsal joint).
What are viscera?
Organs located in the body cavities.
What is meant by a visceral body system? Can you give 3 examples?
A system with most of its organs sited within the body cavities (but not always all). Examples:
The digestive system.
The respiratory system.
The urogenital system.
Can you name the 3 body cavities?
Abdominal cavity.
Pelvic cavity.
Thoracic cavity (within the chest).
What is the name of the serous membrane lining the abdomen and most of the pelvis?
The peritoneum.
What is the name of the serous membrane lining the thorax?
The pleura.
What is the name of the space between the left and right pleural sacks?
The mediastinum.
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