The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Vital Signs


  1. State the normal temperature ranges for an adult cat and dog (in degrees Celsius). ·
  2. List 6 methods employed to control the body temperature of a hospitalised patient.
  3. What does the term 'poikilothermic' mean?
  4. State the normal respiratory rates for an adult cat and dog.
  5. State the normal heart rates for an adult cat and dog.
  6. What is the difference between pulse and heart beat?
  7. What is meant by the term 'pulse deficit'?
  8. What is meant by the term 'sinus arrhythmia'?
  9. List 6 pulse points.
  10. State the normal calorific requirements of an adult cat and dog per day.
  11. What is the normal water intake of an adult cat and dog per day?
  12. State the normal urine pH ranges for an adult cat and dog.
  13. State the normal urine specific gravity ranges for an adult cat and dog.
  14. List 3 conditions that may cause an increased urine specific gravity.
  15. List 3 conditions that may cause a decreased urine specific gravity.
  16. State the normal capillary refill time.
  17. List the signs of shock.
  18. List 10 reflexes useful in the examination and assessment of a patient.
  19. Name and pinpoint the lymph nodes.
  20. Give 5 functions of the lymph nodes.

Note: A Practical Task: Performing a clinical examination of an adult dog accompanies this module.