The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Examination & Prioritisation


  1. Define first aid.
  2. State the 3 aims of first aid.
  3. State the 4 rules of first aid.
  4. Who is legally entitled to perform first aid on an animal?
  5. Describe the 3 types of emergency and give an example of each.
  6. A client telephones the surgery in a panic. Her cat has just been stung by a wasp and is reacting strangely. Explain why it is vitally important to take a full medical history prior to offering advice.
  7. List the important questions that should be asked when taking down details of an emergency case by telephone.
  8. Give 5 examples of life-threatening emergencies.
  9. Give 5 examples of emergencies that whilst not necessarily life-threatening do require immediate attention.
  10. Give 5 examples of minor emergencies.
  11. Explain what is meant by the "ABC" of first aid.
  12. Define shock.
  13. List 6 signs of shock.
  14. List 10 possible signs of pain. An animal may show any combination of these signs but not necessarily all of them.
  15. What is meant by capillary refill time (CRT)? Describe how you would perform assessment of a patient's CRT.
  16. The eyes can tell a lot about an injured patient. List abnormalities that may be observed following an accident and explain their significance.
  17. Describe what is meant by conscious proprioception.
  18. List common sense first aid actions that you would take having performed your initial "ABC" examination.
  19. List 5 vital signs to be assessed when monitoring a critical care case. State the normal ranges for each in both cats and dogs.
  20. Name 4 pulse points and explain where on the body they are found.
  21. What is meant by a pulse deficit?
  22. In addition to the vital signs listed in your answer to Q19, list other important facts to be monitored and recorded.