The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Animal Management & Hygiene - Glossary

ABSCESS= A collection of pus in a cavity, caused by the disintegration and replacement of tissue damaged by mechanical, chemical or bacterial injury.

ANISCORIA = Inequality of the diameter of the pupils.

ANTISEPTIC = A substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria; usually used on the skin.

BACTERICIDAL = Capable of killing bacteria.

BACTERIOSTATIC = Inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

BARRIER NURSING = Techniques employed to help reduce the risk of transmission of infection from patient to patient.

CRYPTORCHIDISM = Failure of the testicles to descend into the scrotum; may be unilateral (one testicle retained) or bilateral (both retained).

DECUBITUS ULCER = Bedsore, usually affecting the bony prominences of a recumbent patient if not regularly turned.

DERMATITIS = Inflammation of the skin.

DISINFECTANT = An agent (usually applied to inanimate objects) that destroys infection-producing organisms.

ENTROPION = Inversion of the eyelid which may cause the lashes to rub against the eyeball.

EPISTAXIS = Nose bleed.

HAEMATOMA = Blood blister, usually caused by blunt trauma. An aural haematoma affects the pinna of the ear.

ISOLATION = The separation of an animal with an infectious disease from those non-infected.

MALASSEZIA = A yeast infection of the skin usually characterised by a white scurf and musty odour.

ORCHITIS = Inflammation of the testicles.

OTODECTES = Ear mites.

PARAPHIMOSIS = Inability to retract the penis.

PHIMOSIS = Inability to extrude the penis.

PETS SCHEME = Government scheme which began on 28th February 2000 enabling pets that meet certain criteria to travel to selected European countries and return to the UK without having to be quarantined.

POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT = A method of training involving the rewarding of good behaviour.

PREMEDICANT = Drug/s administered to a patient prior to anaesthesia/surgery in order to ensure smooth induction and recovery.

PYODERMA = Purulent (pus containing) skin disease.

QUARANTINE = Period of strictly regulated isolation (usually of animals imported into the country) in order to prevent the spread of disease, particularly rabies.

SEBACEOUS GLANDS = Glands located in the skin which communicate with the hair follicles and secrete sebum.

SEBORRHOEA = A disease of the sebaceous glands characterised by excessive secretion of sebum which collects on the skin in oily scales.

SEPTICAEMIA = The presence of large numbers of bacteria and their toxins within the blood. This condition may be life-threatening.

STERILISATION = The destruction of all microbial life.

ZOONOTIC DISEASE = A disease carried by animals which is transmittable to humans. Examples include rabies, toxoplasmosis and cat scratch fever.