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Student VN Revision Guide Pt 1
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The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)
Nursing & Clinical
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Bathing and Grooming
Table of Contents
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Anatomy & Physiology
Animal Management & Hygiene
Animal Management & Hygiene - Glossary
Animal Management & Hygiene - Summary & Further Reading
Antiseptics & Disinfectants
Bathing and Grooming
Bathing and Grooming - Answers
Clicker Training
Environmental Enrichment For Cats
Environmental Enrichment For Dogs
Handling, Restraint & Training
How do Dogs Learn?
Import, Export & Quarantine
Kennels & Catteries
Training With Food Rewards
First Aid
General Nursing
Genetics & Animal Breeding
Human First Aid
Introduction & Syllabus
Nutrition & Feeding
Pharmacy & Dispensing
Systems of the Body
The Skeletal System
Bathing and Grooming
List the 5 main reasons for the bathing and grooming of pets.
Why is grooming particularly beneficial for hospitalised pets?
List 8 medical conditions that might be diagnosed by an examination of the skin and coat.
Why might a hospitalised patient resent grooming?
What is the average daily rate of hair growth in the dog?
What 4 main factors affect the rate of hair growth?
Describe how the environmental temperature and time of year affect moulting.
Give 4 examples of nutrients essential for a healthy coat.
List the 6 coat types found in dogs, and give an example of a breed for each.
A badly matted Persian cat is brought to the surgery for "de-matting"; describe the procedure.
Give examples of 4 types of grooming brush and explain when their use would be suitable.
Give examples of 4 types of comb and explain when their use would be suitable.
Give examples of types of scissors used for trimming and explain when their use would be suitable.
Describe the care of clippers.
During bathing and grooming, certain areas require particular attention. List these and explain procedures involved.
When is bathing contraindicated?
What are the 4 main reasons for bathing?
A wire-coated terrier is due to be discharged following a long period of hospitalisation. The veterinary surgeon in charge of the case has asked you to ensure that the dog is groomed and bathed prior to the owner coming to collect him. Describe what you would do in chronological order.
Describe how nails and beaks are clipped.
Describe how the owner may maintain dental hygiene at home.
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