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The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)
Nursing & Clinical
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Import, Export & Quarantine - Answers
Table of Contents
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Anatomy & Physiology
Animal Management & Hygiene
Animal Management & Hygiene - Glossary
Animal Management & Hygiene - Summary & Further Reading
Antiseptics & Disinfectants
Bathing and Grooming
Clicker Training
Environmental Enrichment For Cats
Environmental Enrichment For Dogs
Handling, Restraint & Training
How do Dogs Learn?
Import, Export & Quarantine
Import, Export & Quarantine - Answers
Key Notes - The PETS Scheme
Kennels & Catteries
Training With Food Rewards
First Aid
General Nursing
Genetics & Animal Breeding
Human First Aid
Introduction & Syllabus
Nutrition & Feeding
Pharmacy & Dispensing
Systems of the Body
The Skeletal System
Import, Export & Quarantine - Answers
Define quarantine.
A period of detention of animals entering the country from overseas to avoid the introduction of infectious disease (particularly rabies).
Define isolation.
The separation of an animal with an infectious disease from those non-affected. Protective isolation is a term describing the housing of a non-infected but susceptible animal to prevent its contact with disease causing organisms.
List the 4 factors essential to the transmission of infectious disease from one animal to another.
Disease causing micro-organisms.
Favourable environment for the replication of disease causing micro-organisms.
Mechanism responsible for the transfer of the disease causing micro-organism.
Susceptible host.
State the distances in metres that isolation kennels must be separated from the main kennels/cattery.
Existing kennels = 5m.
Existing catteries = 3m.
New style kennels and catteries = 10m.
Describe the techniques involved in "barrier nursing".
Protective clothing.
Handling restrictions.
Foot bath.
Effective use of efficient disinfectants.
Washing facilities.
Separate waste disposal facility.
Nursing and treatment as appropriate.
To meet the principles of quarantine for the prevention of rabies entering the United Kingdom, what 4 main rules apply?
No physical contact is allowed between animals (unless of the same species, from the same household and sharing a quarantine kennel).
No animal must have contact with the body fluids of another animal.
No animal may have contact with any inanimate objects, such as bedding, bowls etc, that have be used by another animal unless prior disinfection has been carried out.
The kennel must be escape proof.
Which government organisation controls the kennels and catteries used for the quarantine of animals in the United Kingdom?
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF).
State the minimum heights of dog compartment barriers, dividing partitions and run fencing of quarantine kennels.
Barriers = 1.8m.
Dividing partitions = 1.8m.
Run fencing = 3m.
List the general safety procedures in quarantine establishments.
Personnel must be advised regarding the risk of rabies. Any member of staff likely to come into contact with an imported animal from a country where rabies is a risk should be vaccinated prior to handling.
Quarantine kennels must be run as a completely separate unit to any other kennelling or cattery facilities on site.
Security, fire and COSHH regulations must be upheld.
An authorised carrying agent must transport animals to the quarantine unit.
Animals entering the quarantine unit must be transferred from their transport vehicle within a high security area.
Rabies inoculation must be carried out within 24 hours of arrival.
The new arrival should be clearly identified to all personnel.
The new arrival will be allocated one accommodation unit and will remain there for the duration of its stay.
Approved disinfectants will be used to maintain strict hygiene standards.
Visiting access is restricted. The owners may visit prior to 14 days of quarantine by special permission only.
Movements, visits and health records must be strictly recorded.
Describe the procedure if a rabies case is suspected whilst in quarantine.
Inform the MAFF Duty Veterinary Officer (DVO) at the local Animal Health Divisional Office (AHDO) by telephone.
Advise the owner or keeper of the animal that rabies is suspected and that therefore it is necessary for an official enquiry to be carried out by the Ministry veterinary officer attending the case.
The animal must be isolated in escape-proof accommodation and must remain on the premises upon which it has been examined until the Ministry veterinary officer's enquiries are complete.
Anyone who has had direct contact with the suspected rabies case must be recorded. Cases of human contact must be referred to the Medical Officer or Environmental Health Office for further action and advice.
Any animal that has had contact with the saliva, or been bitten or scratched by the suspected rabies case must be detained at the premises until the Ministry veterinary officer's enquiries are complete.
Personnel who have handled the animal must perform a thorough personal disinfection.
Contaminated clothing should be removed and sterilised.
Equipment used by or on the animal should be removed and sterilised.
What dog breeds may not be imported to the United Kingdom?
Dogo Argentino.
Fila Braziliero.
Japanese Tosa.
Pit bull.
The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 (as amended 1997) forbids the import of the above fighting breeds.
Which species are not considered a rabies risk upon import?
Guinea pigs.
Domestic farm livestock.
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