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The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)
Nursing & Clinical
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Kennels & Catteries
Table of Contents
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Anatomy & Physiology
Animal Management & Hygiene
Animal Management & Hygiene - Glossary
Animal Management & Hygiene - Summary & Further Reading
Antiseptics & Disinfectants
Bathing and Grooming
Clicker Training
Environmental Enrichment For Cats
Environmental Enrichment For Dogs
Handling, Restraint & Training
How do Dogs Learn?
Import, Export & Quarantine
Kennels & Catteries
Kennels & Catteries - Answers
Training With Food Rewards
First Aid
General Nursing
Genetics & Animal Breeding
Human First Aid
Introduction & Syllabus
Nutrition & Feeding
Pharmacy & Dispensing
Systems of the Body
The Skeletal System
Kennels & Catteries
State the basic requirements of a kennelled animal.
List types of kennels commonly used in veterinary hospitals, and briefly outline any major advantages and disadvantages.
A client telephones the surgery asking you to recommend a local cattery. She is upset that there are none within the vicinity of the town. Explain why this is so. Explain also why it is not prudent to make recommendations unless you can personally vouch from experience with your own pet.
In addition to hospital and boarding kennels, list other situations in which kennelling may be necessary.
Briefly describe key factors which must be taken into account when designing a kennels or cattery.
List 4 design layouts of purpose built kennels.
Why is cattery design more complex than that of a boarding kennels?
What is the maximum number of cats that may share a unit in a cattery?
Why are hospital kennels or cages often deliberately restrictive in size?
What is a "metabolic kennel"?
Describe an "intensive care kennel".
Describe the difference between active and passive ventilation.
Give 2 reasons why good ventilation is essential in kennels and catteries.
State the minimum and maximum temperature recommended for boarding kennels.
What is the recommended temperature range for hospital kennels?
What is the recommended temperature for a whelping box containing neonates?
List methods available for the heating of kennels and catteries.
Why are fleece Vetbeds ideal for use in hospital kennels?
How should waste from hospital kennels be disposed of?
List key items that should be to hand in hospital kennels and explain why.
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