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Revision Guide
Student VN Revision Guide Pt 1
Student VN Revision Guide Pt 2
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The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)
Nursing & Clinical
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Handling, Restraint & Training
Table of Contents
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 1
Anatomy & Physiology
Animal Management & Hygiene
Animal Management & Hygiene - Glossary
Animal Management & Hygiene - Summary & Further Reading
Antiseptics & Disinfectants
Bathing and Grooming
Clicker Training
Environmental Enrichment For Cats
Environmental Enrichment For Dogs
Handling, Restraint & Training
Handling, Restraint & Training - Answers
How do Dogs Learn?
Import, Export & Quarantine
Kennels & Catteries
Training With Food Rewards
First Aid
General Nursing
Genetics & Animal Breeding
Human First Aid
Introduction & Syllabus
Nutrition & Feeding
Pharmacy & Dispensing
Systems of the Body
The Skeletal System
Handling, Restraint & Training
In order to prevent chaos in the waiting room, what are the 2 most important rules that clients must obey when bringing their pet into the veterinary surgery?
A client telephones the surgery for an appointment, but informs you that his dog is aggressive. What common sense advice would you offer prior to their visit to the practice?
Having advised the client in Q2 accordingly, what vital step should then be taken to avoid risk to the veterinary surgeon and other personnel?
A very aggressive dog is admitted for surgery. The premedicant is administered with the assistance of the owner. Once this starts to take effect and the dog becomes a little calmer, you are to take the patient through to the hospital kennels. Describe your actions.
Who is liable if an animal bites the owner during a veterinary consultation?
List restraining aids for the handling of aggressive dogs.
List the types of muzzle available, and state the type most suitable for use in practice.
What is the main disadvantage of the nylon "Mikki" muzzle?
List restraining aids for the handling of aggressive cats.
Why are cat bites a particular risk?
A client arrives at the surgery carrying a loose cat. The cat subsequently escapes. Who is liable?
List the ways in which you would reassure a hospitalised patient prior to handling.
Describe ways in which a tablet could be administered to an uncooperative cat.
At what age should a puppy begin its training?
What is the most influential age of a dog's life?
What basic obedience exercises should be taught to a puppy?
By what age should a puppy be able to walk to heel?
Describe "positive reinforcement"
A client telephones the surgery. Her 10 week old puppy is driving her to despair.he has chewed 2 doorframes, is urinating and defecating all over the house and upsets the neighbours by howling when she goes out. What advice would you give?
List training aids suitable for dogs.
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