The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Pharmacy & Dispensing - Glossary

Adsorbent = A substance that attracts gas or fluid to itself.

Anabolism = The building up or synthesis of cell structure from digested food material.

Anaesthetic = A drug causing reversible loss of sensation in part or the whole of the body.

Analeptic = A drug that stimulates the central nervous system.

Antagonist = A drug which inhibits the action of another drug or enzyme.

Analgesic = A drug possessing the property of pain relief.

Anthelmintic = A drug which kills and removes parasitic worms from the intestine of the host.

Anticoagulant = A drug which prevents blood from clotting.

Antidote = An agent which counteracts the effect of a poison.

Antiemetic = An anti-sickness drug.

Antipyretic = An agent which reduces fever.

Antisialagogue = An agent which reduces the quantity but increases the viscosity of saliva.

Antitissusive = A cough suppressant.

Astringent = An agent which causes contraction of the tissues, thus checking secretions.

Ataractic = A tranquilliser; a drug which induces calm without causing drowsiness.

Carminative = A drug which reduces flatulence.

Cathartic = A laxative with a very strong bowel purging effect.

Controlled drugs = Drugs controlled under the Misuse of drugs Act 1971 and the Misuse of drugs Regulations 1985 which regulate the dispensing of psychoactive drugs.

Cytotoxics = Agents that destroy cells, usually chemotherapeutic agents.

Demulcent = An agent which soothes irritation, particularly in sensitive mucous membranes.

Dispensing = The distribution of a drug from the pharmacy to a patient under the veterinary surgeon's care.

Diuretic = An agent that promotes urine secretion.

Emetic = A vomit inducing drug.

Laxative = A drug that promotes gentle evacuation of the bowels.

Miotic = A drug that causes constriction of the pupils.

Mydriatic = A drug that causes dilation of the pupils.

Oxytocic = A drug that promotes uterine contractions.

Pharmacology = The science of drugs referring primarily to their action within the body.

Pharmacy = The art of comparing, compounding and dispensing medicines. (Also the place where drugs are stored and dispensed).

Prescription = Written directions to the pharmacist by the veterinary surgeon to supply medication.

Prostaglandins = Hormones with cardiac, gastric, respiratory and uterine effects.

Purgative = A very strong laxative used to purge the contents of the bowels.

Sedative = A soporific calming agent often used as a premedicant drug.

Solution = A liquid in which one or more substances have been dissolved.

Suspension = A liquid in which undissolved particles of a substance are held.

Therapeutic index = The safety margin of a drug; i.e. the ratio between a drug dose causing toxic effects and a drug dose causing the desired curative effect.

Toxoid = A toxin deprived of some of its harmful properties, thus rendering it safe to use in a vaccine. (It is till capable of producing immunity).

Tranquilliser = An ataractic drug which calms the patient without causing drowsiness.

Vaccine = A suspension of killed or attenuated organisms administered for the prevention or treatment of infectious diseases.