Anaesthesia - loss of feeling or sensation in a part or the whole of the body; usually drug induced.
Analgesia - the relief of pain without causing unconsciousness.
Anticholinergic - a drug that inhibits the action of acetylcholine.
Apnoea - cessation of respiration.
Arrythmia - variation from the normal rhythm of the heart.
Ataractic - a tranquilliser.
Auscultation - examination of the internal organs by listening to their sound.
Basal narcosis - a state of unconsciousness produced prior to surgical anaesthesia.
Blood brain barrier - the membranous barrier that separates blood from the brain; it is permeable to water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose, alcohol, general anaesthetics and some drugs.
Bradycardia - abnormally low heart rate.
Bradypnoea - abnormally low respiratory rate.
Cardiac tamponade - impairment of the heart function by haemorrhage or effusion into the pericardium.
Cyanosis - blue-grey mucous membranes; a sign of inadequate oxygenation of the blood.
Defibrillation - the restoration of normal heart rhythm in ventricular or atrial fibrillation.
Defibrillator - an instrument which restores normal heart rhythm by the application of a high voltage electric current.
Diuresis - increased excretion of urine.
Dyspnoea - laboured breathing.
Dysrhythmia - disturbance of a regularly occurring pattern.
Epidural - outside the dura mater. Epidural analgesia is a form of pain relief obtained by the injection of a local analgesic into the epidural space in order to block the spinal nerves.
Hypercapnia/hypercarbia - excess blood carbon dioxide.
Hyperpnoea - hyperventilation.
Hypertension - persistently high blood pressure.
Hypotension - persistently low blood pressure.
Hypoventilation - shallow breathing at a very slow rate which may cause a build up of carbon dioxide in the blood.
Hypoxia - inadequate oxygen in the tissues.
Laryngospasm - a reflex prolonged contraction of the laryngeal muscles; this may be associated with the clumsy passing of endotracheal tubes.
Narcotic - a drug that produces narcosis (unnatural sleep).
Neurolept - a drug which acts upon the nervous system.
Poikilothermic - describes an animal which is unable to control its body temperature such as neonates and reptiles.
Premedicant - drug/s given preoperatively in order to reduce fear and anxiety and to facilitate the induction, maintenance and recovery of anaesthesia.
Pulse deficit - a sign of atrial fibrillation; the pulse rate is slower than the apex beat.
Sedative - a sleep inducing drug; used to lessen excitement and reduce tension.
Soporific - sleep inducing.
Syncope - fainting.
Tachycardia - a higher than normal heart rate.
Tachypnoea - a higher than normal respiratory rate.
Thoracotomy - a surgical incision into the thorax.
Tracheostomy - a permanent or long term surgical opening into the trachea.
Tracheotomy - a temporary opening into the trachea.
Tranquilliser - a drug that allays fear and anxiety without inducing sleep.