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Student VN Revision Guide Pt 1
Student VN Revision Guide Pt 2
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The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)
Nursing & Clinical
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 2
Table of Contents
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 2
Anaesthesia & Analgesia
Exotics & Wildlife
Fluid Therapy
Infectious Diseases
Introduction & Syllabus
Laboratory Diagnostic Aids
Medical Nursing
Microbiology & Immunology
Obstetrics & Paediatrics
revision guide
Surgical Nursing
Abscesses, Ulcers & Haematomas
Fractures - Answers
Hernias & Ruptures
Internal Fracture Repair
Summary & Further Reading
Surgical Correction Of Eye & Ear Conditions
Surgical Correction Of Other Conditions
Veterinary Dentistry
Wound Care
Theatre Practice
What is the term that describes a fracture resulting from the normal use of a bone weakened by a disease process?
List 8 signs or symptoms that may be displayed by an animal suffering a fractured limb bone.
Briefly describe the principles of fracture first aid.
State the 3 main indications for fracture fixation.
What is the name of the large support dressing often used to immobilise a fractured limb in a first aid situation?
What should always be performed in cases of a suspected fracture?
What is the name given to a fracture affecting the mid-shaft of a bone?
What is a physeal fracture?
By what name is a physeal fracture also known?
What part of the body is most likely to be affected by a depressed fracture?
What is a greenstick fracture?
What is the difference between a compound and a complicated fracture?
What is the name given to a complex fracture creating 3 or more bone fragments?
Give 3 examples of terms used to describe the direction of a fracture line relative to the bone.
List the 4 main processes involved in fracture healing.
How long does it take for a fracture to heal in a normal adult animal?
List 6 factors that may cause delayed healing of a fracture.
What is the term that describes a fracture that is healing more slowly than originally anticipated?
What complication is associated with poor aseptic technique and/or where the local blood supply to a fracture site is damaged?
List 5 factors that may influence the reason for choosing a particular method of fracture repair.
What are the 2 main types of external coaption?
Why can splints only be used to immobilise joints below the elbow and stifle?
List 6 types of splint.
Give an example of a type of extension splint.
When might the use of an extension splint be indicated?
State 2 advantages of a split cast.
The use of casts to immobilise fractures is much reduced as a result of improved techniques in internal fixation. It can however play a useful role in certain types of fracture. What types of fractures are suitable for casting?
List 5 disadvantages of Plaster of Paris.
Give 2 examples of casting materials that are generally considered to be preferable to plaster of Paris.
State 8 advantages of cold water setting fibre glass materials.
State the basic principles that must be adhered to when casting to ensure maximum success with this technique.
List 10 factors regarding cast care that an owner should be made aware of.
What is external skeletal fixation?
How can pin tract infections be reduced during external skeletal fixation.
Why should the use of high pressure, high speed power equipment be avoided when inserting fixation pins?
During external skeletal fixation, why is it important that the fixation pins are placed at 35-40° angles to one another?
State the name of an external skeletal fixation device commonly used in small animal practice.
List 6 indications for the use of external skeletal fixation.
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