The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

The Operating Theatre


  1. List the items of theatre clothing that should be worn by all theatre personnel.
  2. In addition to the items listed in Q1, what additional attire should be worn by the surgical team?
  3. Why is a well-ventilated theatre essential?
  4. In addition to the operating theatre itself, list the other areas which comprise the theatre suite.
  5. List 10 essential properties of the theatre.
  6. List desirable features of the theatre.
  7. Every practice will have its own set of local rules drawn up with regard to theatre procedures. Can you name some common sense rules that will be similar across the board?
  8. List 6 hazards that may pose a risk to theatre personnel.
  9. Briefly outline the duties of the scrubbed nurse.
  10. Briefly outline the duties of the circulating nurse.