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Student VN Revision Guide Pt 1
Student VN Revision Guide Pt 2
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The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)
Nursing & Clinical
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 2
Developing & Film Faults
Table of Contents
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 2
Anaesthesia & Analgesia
Exotics & Wildlife
Fluid Therapy
Infectious Diseases
Introduction & Syllabus
Laboratory Diagnostic Aids
Medical Nursing
Microbiology & Immunology
Obstetrics & Paediatrics
Contrast Radiography
Developing & Film Faults
Automatic Processing - Practical Task
Developing & Film Faults - Answers
Film Faults - Key Notes
Manual Processing - Practical Task
Health & Safety
Producing A Radiographic Image
Radiography - Glossary
Radiography - Summary & Further Reading
Radiography Equipment
Settings, Positioning, Collimating & Centring
revision guide
Surgical Nursing
Theatre Practice
Developing & Film Faults
Why does bone appear whiter on a radiograph than fat?
What are very dark shades on a radiograph likely to show?
Why might a very thick area of tissue appear more radiopaque than a thin area of bone?
What colour/s are unexposed radiographic films?
The film is coated with an emulsion responsible for the production of the image. What does this emulsion consist of?
What attaches the emulsion layers to the transparent, polyester film base?
What are the outer surfaces of the emulsion protected with?
What is the main active ingredient in developer?
List 3 other chemical agents present in developer.
During the development stage of processing, the silver bromide crystals of the film emulsion are converted into black metallic silver, whilst the bromide ions are released into solution. What is the name of this reaction?
What precautions may help arrest oxidation of the developer?
How frequently should developer be changed completely?
What is the main active ingredient in fixer?
Is fixer acidic or alkaline?
Describe the reaction undergone during fixing.
What name is given to describe the time taken for the removal of unexposed halide?
What is the term that describes the hardening of film emulsion during fixing?
When should the fixing solution be changed completely?
What colour should the dark-room walls be painted and why?
What is the maximum wattage suitable for a safe-light bulb?
What colour safe-light filter should be used for blue light sensitive film?
What colour safe-light filter should be used for green light sensitive film?
At what temperature should manual developer be maintained?
At what temperature should automatic developer be maintained?
List 4 faults associated with poor handling of film during processing.
List 2 faults associated with the mishandling of x-ray cassettes.
What is dichroic fog?
What colour will developer and fixer splashes appear on an exposed film?
List 4 common environmental problems associated with processing.
List 4 advantages of automatic processing over manual development.
List 4 factors that may cause a radiograph to appear too dark.
List 4 factors that may cause a radiograph to appear too pale.
What are the 3 key terms used in the assessment of radiographic quality?
Under-development is the most common processing fault. How might this be prevented?
What is meant by a "soot and whitewash" film?
What is meant by a "flat" film?
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