The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Settings, Positioning, Collimating & Centring


  1. List the details required for an exposure chart.
  2. What are the preferred techniques for the labelling of radiographs?
  3. Why are the answers to Q2 preferable to chinagraph pencil or light markers?
  4. What information must be present on a BVA KC hip dysplasia scoring scheme radiograph?
  5. List 6 positioning aids used in radiography.
  6. Whilst cranio-caudal (Cr.Cd) and caudo-cranial (Cd.Cr) are used to describe radiographic views above the radiocarpal and tibiotarsal joints, what nomenclature describes the views below these joints?
  7. Why are thoracic radiographs usually taken on inspiration?
  8. What positions are suitable for heart radiographs and why?
  9. Why are abdominal radiographs usually taken on expiration?
  10. Why must a dyspnoeic patient not be placed in dorsal recumbency (ventro-dorsal position)?
  11. In spinal radiography, why is it preferable to perform a series of x-rays rather than simply one view of the vertebral column?
  12. What position is required for the BVA KC Hip Dysplasia Scheme?
  13. When would it be advisable to use the flexed (or "frog-legged") view of the pelvis?