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Student VN Revision Guide Pt 1
Student VN Revision Guide Pt 2
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The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)
Nursing & Clinical
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 2
Producing A Radiographic Image
Table of Contents
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 2
Anaesthesia & Analgesia
Exotics & Wildlife
Fluid Therapy
Infectious Diseases
Introduction & Syllabus
Laboratory Diagnostic Aids
Medical Nursing
Microbiology & Immunology
Obstetrics & Paediatrics
Contrast Radiography
Developing & Film Faults
Health & Safety
Producing A Radiographic Image
Producing A Radiographic Image - Answers
Radiography - Glossary
Radiography - Summary & Further Reading
Radiography Equipment
Settings, Positioning, Collimating & Centring
revision guide
Surgical Nursing
Theatre Practice
Producing A Radiographic Image
Define radiography.
Define radiology.
Which 2 members of the electromagnetic spectrum possess the highest frequency and the shortest wavelength?
What are electromagnetic radiations made up of?
What 4 properties are possessed by all the members of the electromagnetic spectrum?
What 3 special properties do x-rays possess?
What is an atom?
What is meant by the "atomic number" of an element?
What is a compound?
X-rays are generated in the tube head of the x-ray machine. Name the 2 types of tube head available.
Why is a rotating anode superior to a stationary anode?
A rotating anode is mounted upon a molybdenum rod which spins at speeds of up to 10,000 rpm. Why is molybdenum used?
At what angle is the target area set on a rotating anode?
What is the cathode?
Why is tungsten the material of choice for the cathode?
What is the anode?
How are x-ray photons produced within the tube head?
What 2 factors increase the speed of the electrons travelling from the filament to the target?
What is the glass envelope contained within and why?
What is the term used to describe a small electrical current passed through a filament and the subsequent release of an electron cloud following heat generation?
What is the function of the step-down or filament transformer?
What is the function of the step-up or high-tension transformer?
What is the function of the focusing cup?
What is the focusing cup made of?
Why is the target set in a copper stem?
What is meant by the terms "actual focal spot" and "effective focal spot"?
How is focal spot size adjusted?
What is the advantage of the fine focus?
What is the advantage of the coarse (or broad) focus?
What is the main disadvantage of the fine focus?
What is the main disadvantage of the coarse (or broad) focus?
Define the "penumbra effect".
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