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Revision Guide
Student VN Revision Guide Pt 1
Student VN Revision Guide Pt 2
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The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)
Nursing & Clinical
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 2
Importance Of Vaccination
Table of Contents
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 2
Anaesthesia & Analgesia
Exotics & Wildlife
Fluid Therapy
Infectious Diseases
Importance Of Vaccination
Importance Of Vaccination - Answers
Infectious Diseases - Glossary
Infectious Diseases - Summary & Further Reading
Infectious Diseases In Cats & Dogs
Nursing Patients With Infectious Diseases
Terms & Definitions
Use Of Disinfectants - Key Notes
Zoonotic Diseases In Cats & Dogs
Introduction & Syllabus
Laboratory Diagnostic Aids
Medical Nursing
Microbiology & Immunology
Obstetrics & Paediatrics
revision guide
Surgical Nursing
Theatre Practice
Importance Of Vaccination
Give 6 reasons why you would recommend a client to vaccinate their dog.
Give 6 reasons why you would recommend a client to vaccinate their cat.
State the general factors that must be known in order to plan the best disease control strategy by the use of vaccination.
State the 2 most important causes of cat 'flu.
Explain in layman's terms how vaccines work.
What is an antigen?
What is an antibody?
What is passive immunisation?
What is active immunisation?
List 3 ways in which viruses used to make live vaccines are made safe.
Why are live vaccines usually lyophilised?
Give an example of a modified live vaccine.
Give 2 examples of vaccines that may be modified live or killed.
State 2 advantages of the use of killed vaccines.
Give 4 examples of killed vaccines.
State 2 disadvantages of the use of killed vaccines.
For what purpose is an adjuvant employed?
What is the name given to a vaccine made from a specific immunogenic protein antigen that is identified on the organism, and produced in large amounts by genetic manipulation of a carrier organism?
Why are toxoid vaccines not commonly used in small animal practice.
What is a heterologous vaccine?
Give 2 examples of heterologous vaccines.
At what age should puppies have their first vaccination?
At what age should kittens have their first vaccination?
Why are yearly boosters necessary for adult dogs and cats?
An additional vaccination is available for dogs that helps to protect against Bordetella bronchiseptica (one of the viruses that cause kennel cough). How frequently should this vaccine be administered?
Most vaccines are administered by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. How does the Intrac vaccine for Bordetella bronchiseptica differ?
State 3 disadvantages of the Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccine.
How frequently should Rabisin rabies boosters be administered?
Name the 2 diseases affecting rabbits that may be vaccinated against.
How can veterinary personnel ensure that annual boosters are not overlooked?
A client comes into the surgery to make enquiries about vaccination. She is concerned about their safety, having read about the possible dangers associated with the inoculation of children. How would you put her mind at rest?
State some circumstances in which vaccination may be contraindicated.
State 3 reasons why a puppy or kitten may fail to respond to vaccination.
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