The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Nursing Patients With Infectious Diseases


  1. Why should animals with respiratory disease be isolated?
  2. State the 5 main ways in which infection may establish itself within a new host.
  3. List ways in which infectious agents are excreted from the body.
  4. What is another name given to the congenital route of entry by infection into a new host?
  5. What is the name given to inanimate carriers of disease such as shared food bowls?
  6. Give 2 examples of infectious diseases spread by formites.
  7. What is the name given to an invertebrate animal (such as a tick or flea) that carries a parasite from one vertebrate host to another?
  8. What is another name for a biological vector?
  9. What is another name for a non-biological vector?
  10. What are the 2 sub-divisions of mechanical vector? Briefly describe each and give an example.
  11. List 10 methods of disease control.
  12. Define the following: isolation and quarantine.
  13. What is meant by modified barrier nursing?
  14. List the 4 main ways in which an infectious disease is spread by direct contact (ie. an infected animal coming into direct physical contact with another susceptible animal).
  15. You are nursing an isolated cat with cat 'flu. List ways in which you would aim to ensure that the virus is not spread by indirect contact (ie. contamination of the environment).
  16. A client telephones the surgery. He suspects that the dog has something stuck in its throat due to the bouts of coughing and retching. He is puzzled, since the dog is not a scavenger, and has definitely not been given any bones or inappropriate toys. What is the most likely possible cause of these symptoms.