The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Terms and Definitions


  1. What is meant by microbiology?
  2. What is immunology?
  3. What is a microorganism?
  4. What is another name for a microorganism?
  5. What units are frequently used to measure the size of microorganisms?
  6. What is the name given to the system of naming microorganisms?
  7. Briefly describe the following: bacterium and virus.
  8. List 6 differences between bacteria and viruses.
  9. What is a parasite? Describe the main difference between endo- and ectoparasites.
  10. What is a saprophyte?
  11. What is a pathogen?
  12. List the 4 main ways in which a pathogen causes infectious disease.
  13. What is meant by symbiosis?
  14. What is meant by mutualistic?
  15. What is a commensal?
  16. What are opportunists?
  17. In addition to bacteria, viruses and fungi; what other microorganism may be pathogenic?
  18. Can you give 2 examples of protozoa? What disease might each cause?
  19. The rickettsias are a group of obligate intracellular organisms that are smaller than bacteria. What is the name of the rickettsia organism associated with feline infectious anaemia?
  20. What is the name of the stain used to detect the presence of haemobartonella felis?
  21. Can you name the 2 groups of microorganisms which may be either unicellular or multicellular?
  22. What are toxins, and which group of microorganisms employ them in order to cause infectious disease?
  23. What are the 2 types of toxin recognised?
  24. What is meant by virulence?
  25. How is the virulence of a microorganism enhanced?