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Student VN Revision Guide Pt 1
Student VN Revision Guide Pt 2
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The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)
Nursing & Clinical
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 2
Domestic Mammals
Table of Contents
Revision Guide For Student Nurses - Part 2
Anaesthesia & Analgesia
Exotics & Wildlife
Amphibia, Fish, Insects etc.
Domestic Mammals
Domestic Mammals - Answers
Exotics & Wildlife - Glossary
Exotics & Wildlife - Summary & Further Reading
Mammalia (Wildlife)
Fluid Therapy
Infectious Diseases
Introduction & Syllabus
Laboratory Diagnostic Aids
Medical Nursing
Microbiology & Immunology
Obstetrics & Paediatrics
revision guide
Surgical Nursing
Theatre Practice
Domestic Mammals
List 6 features common to mammals.
What 2 animals are members of the lagomorph group?
Rabbit teeth grow continually throughout life. What is the term used to describe teeth of this type?
State the dental formula of a rabbit.
Rabbits (and all of the small rodents) practice coprophagia (eating of the faeces). Special dark, mucous covered faeces are passed at night and eaten directly from the anus in order to ensure that all possible nutrients are extracted from the food. Can you name this type of stool and the term used to describe the ingestion of such faeces?
What is the name of the large fold of skin present under the chin of does, and why is this present?
Describe how you would sex a rabbit.
What is the average life expectancy of a rabbit?
What is the gestation period of a rabbit?
At what age do rabbits reach sexual maturity?
List 5 breeds of rabbit commonly seen in small animal practice.
Rabbits are sociable animals and require company. Why is it best to keep a male and female (either or both should be neutered!) together?
List 4 advantages of spaying a female rabbit.
List 6 considerations to be taken into account when nursing a rabbit recovering from castration under general anaesthesia.
What is the most important part of a rabbit's diet?
List 4 wild plants that may be safely eaten by rabbits.
Rabbits like clover, but large amounts can be harmful. Why is this?
There are many garden plants that are poisonous to rabbits. Can you list 10?
List 3 weeds that are poisonous to rabbits.
Why is it preferable to feed rabbits a diet of complete pellets rather than a mix?
What is the name of the causative organism responsible for canker in rabbits?
Name the 2 diseases of rabbits that may be vaccinated against.
What special technique might be employed to calm and restrain a struggling rabbit?
List rodents commonly kept as pets.
Describe the sexing of small rodents.
State the dental formula of a guinea pig.
What is the average life expectancy of a guinea pig?
What is the gestation period of a guinea pig?
From what country to guinea pigs originate?
Give 2 reasons why proprietary rabbit food should not be fed to guinea pigs.
Give 2 reasons why care should be taken if providing a guinea pig with a vitamin C supplement.
What is the name of the sarcoptic mange mite that may be responsible for skin disease in guinea pigs?
Why are chinchillas difficult to sex?
When is the breeding season for chinchillas?
Why should chinchillas never be bathed in water?
A client asks for advice regarding the acquisition of a small pet for the children. Why would you favour a rat over a hamster.
What is the common name for proliferative ileitis (a common disease of hamsters that causes diarrhoea and perianal excoriation)?
Name the mange mites that commonly affect hamsters, mice and rats.
What is a sciuromorph?
Why should care be taken if feeding sunflower seeds to rodents.
Can you state the 2 types of ferret?
State the dental formula of the ferret.
What is the average life expectancy of a ferret?
What is the correct term for a male ferret?
What is the correct term for a female ferret?
Why is it recommended that female ferrets be spayed unless they are to be used for breeding?
Ferrets can catch human colds and therefore it is not wise to handle them if you are suffering from such a virus. What disease can be transmitted to ferrets via dogs?
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