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To enter the competition, you need to upload a photo or share a YouTube video of a recent dermatology case, together with a description or case notes, in the new Dermatology Gallery on
Examples of two cases already submitted to the competition can be seen here, and here.
The BSAVA Nurse Merit Award in Dermatology course, which is delivered in conjunction with Vetruus, is taught by renowned specialist dermatologists, Sue Paterson and Natalie Barnard. It comprises two days of theory and a practical day at Bristol University. In addition to the study, each nurse is required to submit a case project.
Cathy Gurney, Managing Director at Vetruus said: "The latest course was fully booked and we already have a waiting list for the next course, a testament to the quality of training on offer and the high regard in which a BSAVA Veterinary Dermatology Award is held."
On passing the BSAVA Nurse Merit Award, in Dermatology, each nurse also automatically qualifies to become a Vetruus Dermatology Nurse Advisor.
Cathy added: "We are keen to support nurses and practices with both formal training and informal tutorials, such as Vetruus Bites online videos. We want Vetruus Dermatology Nurse Advisors to become a key part of patient care."
The BSAVA Nurse Merit Award in Dermatology course normally costs £510 to BSAVA members and £763 to non-members and the competition closes on 31st December 2017.
Photo: John Redbond
PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vet nurses.