Oh So Precious, a new trade-only range of memorials and keepsakes to commemorate the lives of pets, is to launch at the London Vet Show (stand F14).

The new brand has a couple of display stands that practices can use to show off the range of memory boxes, paw print kits, paw moulds, fur/hair bottles, plant markers and forget-me-not seeds, and hanging/seasonal decorations.

Oh So Precious is the brainchild of Helen Davies, founder of The Lovely Gift Group (pictured right).

She said: “Having lost pets myself and sold many keepsakes, I know how much emotion and passion we put into our relationships with them.

“When my daughter asked for a keepsake for her best friend I realised their was a gap in the market.

“We also identified a need for good quality, pet related items through our existing gift customers.

"We learn a lot from them and they continually highlight requirements for themselves and as thoughtful gifts for friends who have lost pets.

"The unity among pet owners – that need to convey an understanding and appreciation for those suffering the pain of pet loss - is very real.”

Helen says that as well as providing a new revenue stream, the range will help practices meet client needs and provide new ways to be empathetic to clients in times of distress.

There will be a special show offer for orders taken at The London Vet Show, and in 2023 the team is planning to launch personalised pet keepsakes via links from vet practice websites.


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