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Stefano qualified in Parma, Italy and has a Master’s in Clinical Oncology. He has worked in a number of referral practices, managing and treating small animal oncological cases. He also has an interesting history of working with animals across the globe: he has a Master’s in Tropical Veterinary Medicine and worked with the United Nations in Somalia, Malaysia and Guyana in wildlife management.
Founder, CEO and Clinical Director of The Ralph, Shailen Jasani said: "We had always planned to include an oncology service here at The Ralph though not quite this soon after opening. However, over the last eight months, this has been one area of veterinary medicine where we have not been able to serve our patients, their carers or our referral community. This did not sit well with us. Serendipity being what it is, our path crossed with Stefano's and we were able to extend our services."
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