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Hedgehogs: A Practical Guide for Vets aims to help vets assess sick hedgehogs and administer emergency treatment to stabilise them so they can be transferred to a wildlife rescue centre for specialist care.
Hannah, who has examined and treated more than 1,500 hedgehogs since setting up her sanctuary four years ago, said she also wants to create more awareness that hedgehogs seen during the daytime need urgent help.
She said: “As soon as a hedgehog comes out in the day it is usually a cry for help and they should be taken to the vets or a rescue centre as a matter of urgency.
“I wrote the book to help vets who are more familiar with treating small pets like dogs and cats know what to do if a sick hedgehog is brought to them, and to increase their confidence when treating wildlife.
"There are three simple things that every sick hedgehog needs, which are warmth, fluid and pain relief.”
PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vet nurses.