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The company says that while attendance CPD events are permitted under UK coronavirus guidelines, it has found that many lecturers and delegates are unwilling or unable to participate in them for the time being.
The main distinction between Zoom and traditional webinars is the ability for members of the audience to see each other and the presenter, which helps engender a sense of community and of a live event. Central CPD says it gives all the feel and interactivity of attending a CPD course in person.
Central CPD is now delivering day-long events split into four sessions, which gives delegates the choice of joining for a whole day or just selected sessions.
The Zoom presentations are recorded in high definition, with the audience removed, so delegates can catch up on anything they missed later via Central CPD On-Demand.
Two days of CPD have so far been delivered via the new livestream service. Lecturer Mike Rhodes BVM&S CertVOphthal DipECVO MRCVS said: "This was my first time giving a livestream CPD day and compared to my previous experience of prerecorded lectures I found the interaction with the delegates very good fun - this could definitely be the new future with regards to veterinary CPD: COVID or no COVID!"
Livestream courses are free for subscribers or £45 + VAT per event, including unlimited access to the recorded footage afterwards.
Upcoming events for December are:
Details and booking information can be found at
PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vet nurses.