Animalcare has announced that it will be hosting three more osteoarthritis (OA) evening CPD workshops in Darlington (11th June), Edinburgh (12th June) and Bournemouth (26th June).

Each event is designed to help attendees with:

  • Insights into canine osteoarthritis and the various treatment modalities
  • Insights into pet owner motivations and effective strategies to bolster adherence to treatment plans
  • Maximising the effectiveness of practice teams to deliver tailored care for each patient

Each attendee will be given a complimentary annual Veterinary Osteoarthritis Alliance (VOA) membership.

Kai Crawshaw, Animalcare Brand Manager said: "We had excellent feedback from our first workshops, so we’re pleased to be able to reach veterinary practices in more locations around the UK.

"We also have plans to run more across the rest of the year.

"We hope that these events will lead to veterinary staff becoming more confident in dealing with OA in dogs and helping owners understand the options open to them."

All events start at 7:30pm (arrival from 7pm) and will finish approximately at 9:30pm. 

Hot food and drinks will be provided.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vet nurses.