Just over 17% of the RCVS membership voted in the Council elections - which the RCVS reports is consistent with previous turn-outs.

New faces on the RCVS Council include Richard Stephenson, Charles Gruchy and Catherine Goldie. Dr Barry Johnson (first elected to Council in 1985) and Dr Christopher Chesney (first elected in 1996) have been voted on for further terms. Dr Robert Ellis, who has had three previous periods on Council, has been re-elected.

Meanwhile about 9% of registered and listed veterinary nurses cast their vote in the VN Council elections. At 680, the number of votes was up 100 on last year, but the turnout remains disappointing low. Dot Creighton, current Vice-Chairman, will continue on Council for another term, and Katherine Kissick has been newly-elected.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vet nurses.