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The RCVS List of Veterinary Nurses Incorporating the Register of Veterinary Nurses 2008 is now available. This is the first time that the publication distinguishes between Listed and Registered Veterinary Nurses, following the introduction of the non-statutory Register in September 2007.
The publication includes 4,808 Registered Veterinary Nurses (RVNs), although the figure continues to rise and is currently around the 5,000 mark. The data used in the List/Register is correct as of 10 March 2008. It is possible to check the most up-to-date information on RCVSonline:
RVNs indicate a willingness to be accountable for their professional practice, by following the Guide to Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses, and keeping their skills up-to-date through Continuing Professional Development.
Only Registered Veterinary Nurses are able to use the letters RVN after their name. Veterinary Nurses who have not yet registered and would like to, should contact the RCVS Veterinary Nursing Department for a transfer pack: 020 7202 0788 and Transfer is free of charge.
"I look forward to seeing the RVN section of the publication increasing in size year on year, as veterinary nurses signal to the public and their colleagues that they wish to be recognised as accountable professionals," commented Andrea Jeffery, Chairman of the RCVS Veterinary Nurses Council.
The publication has been posted to all Listed and Registered Veterinary Nurses and Veterinary Nursing Approved Centres. It is also available to purchase from RCVSonline (
PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vet nurses.