Rig Vet Recruitment has added a new title to its range of personnel recruitment guides with the introduction of "Rig's Locum VN Guide".

The guide covers all the issues you might face when working as a locum, and gives a handy checklist of things to cover with your temporary employer to help you get up to speed as fast as possible.

"We were so pleased with the positive responses we received when we launched the locum vet guides last year that locum vet nurses' versions were an obvious next step," said Justin Carpenter, Rig Vet Recruitment Managing Director.

He added: "At the end of last year, we conducted a survey among some vet nurses and frankly were surprised at how little information on practice admin and procedures some VNs were given on their first day," Justin continued. "For example, 88 per cent were not given a formal induction, 78 per cent were not advised on fire and health & safety regulations, and when expected to undertake reception work, 97 percent were not informed on phone protocols or appointment systems.

The guide is available free of charge from Rig Veterinary Recruitment: enquiries@rigvets.co.uk

Rig Vet Recruitment are on stand number 719 at BSAVA Congress 2008.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vet nurses.