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Vet's Now, the UK's leading Out of Hours emergency vets, reports that their 4th Congress, held in Harrogate at the end of November, attracted a record 450 delegates.
From its beginnings back in 2004, Vets Now's Emergency and Critical Care Congress this year attracted in excess of 450 delegates to Harrogate with an impressive and exciting line up of speakers from the UK, Europe and the USA.
Similar to previous years, lectures were delivered by an exciting line up of speakers from around Europe and the USA. They were designed to suit the CPD needs of both those working in an emergency field and in general practice, and were aimed at vets, VNs and reception staff. Lecture topics this year covered a range of life saving procedures and there were also sessions held on improving communications with clients, emergency workshops on tubes, case report discussions, a transfusion workshop and a bereavement session.
The social programme also proved a big attraction for everyone who attended Congress and this year there was an entertaining Television Games Quiz on the Wednesday evening followed by a formal dinner and entertainment on the Thursday night.
With numbers of both delegates and exhibitors increasing year on year, Vets Now is confident that its Congress is becoming a highly important date in the veterinary events calendar.
PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vet nurses.