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Hill's Pet Nutrition is offering a series of free webinars about feline medicine, delivered by some of the best-known experts in the field.
The first presentation on feline liver disease will be delivered by Danièlle Gunn-Moore BVM&S BSc PhD MACVSc MRCVS, on the 26th January 2011. Martha Cannon BA VetMB DSAM(fel) MRCVS (pictured right) will present the next two webinars on Renal disease on 2nd March and Chronic Diarrhoea on 4th May. Both speakers are RCVS Specialists in feline medicine. Norman Johnston BVM&S, Dipl. AVDC, Dipl. EVDC, MRCVS, will be discussing stomatitis in the cat - a particularly problematic disease - on the 18th May. Norman is an RCVS, American and European Specialist in Veterinary Dentistry. The series will end on 8th June with Duncan Lascelles BSc, BVSc, PhD, CertVA, DSAS (ST), DECVS, DACVS, Associate Professor in Small Animal Surgery at North Carolina State, talking about osteoarthritis in the cat.
The events kick off at 8.30 pm and are hosted by the Webinar Vet ( One initial registration provides access to the complete series, with scheduled e-mail reminders sent out prior to the latest webinar. To register, go to and enter your details as well as the code hillsnl.
Webinars are ideal for time pressed individuals who may not always be able to travel to a distant venue, yet still offer a 'real- time' and interactive experience. No special equipment is required, other than a reasonable standard PC or MAC and a broadband connection. The events are open to both vets and nurses but early registration is advisable to take full advantage of the whole Hill's Feline webinar series.
PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vet nurses.
all the webinars are recorded and will be available on our website a few days later
The Hills series is free but we do lots of other webinars. We have nurse members who pay £14 per month or get in free as part of a practice mebership. Let me know if you want more info
i've signed up....but just realised that i'm at a physical cpd on the 26th at the same time as the 1st webinar, is there a way to watch it after?
am i correct we have to pay to register each month on the web site? or have i got this wrong?
Itis "proper learning"
you are logged as being present and you get a certificate if you go to the live presentation
OMG, am going to sign up! How do webinars work with CPD time? RVN's need 15hrs per year, of which 5 can be "self learning"
Is this part of the 5? or will it count as proper CPD?
great to see so many nurses availing themselves of the free CPD. Some have asked if it would be suitable for nurses. I am sure you will enjoy the series and learn lots
Get registered!