A shift towards a more outcomes-based model of CPD for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses has been under discussion for a number of years and one of its main proponents has been the current RCVS Senior Vice-President Professor Stephen May (pictured right), who chaired the CPD Policy Working Party.
Stephen said: "There has been increasing recognition over a range of different professions that CPD records based on ‘inputs’ alone, for example, measuring the number of hours attending a lecture, do not necessarily prove that any significant learning has taken place or that this learning will be used to improve professional practice.
"By contrast, research has demonstrated that CPD activities focused on outcomes encourage professionals to reflect on what they have learned, how they will apply their learning and how it will improve their practice, which has a positive impact on professionalism and patient health outcomes. Numerous other professions, including human medicine and dentistry, have moved to this model and the veterinary world has been somewhat ‘behind the curve’ as a result.
"However, as with any significant shift in policy, there has been a recognition that we needed to take the profession with us and not force through change. This is why, in March 2017, we launched a pilot scheme for the outcomes-based model with veterinary and veterinary nurse volunteers, including people who, during the initial consultation stage, had voiced some skepticism towards the concept.
"The overall feedback from volunteers was very positive and supportive towards the changes and I look forward, over the coming years, to talking to the professions at large about the benefits of the approach and how to best engage with the model."
In all, around 120 volunteers took part in the pilot, of whom 70% were veterinary surgeons and 30% veterinary nurses. When the pilot finished in October 2018, volunteers provided feedback as part of the evaluation process. Of the 57% of volunteers (n=70) who responded to the survey:
77% said they would be willing to use an outcomes-based CPD model in the future;
41% found it ‘easy’ or ‘very easy’ to implement outcomes-based CPD while only 11% thought it was either ‘difficult’ or ‘very difficult’;
61% thought that the outcomes-based model made CPD more meaningful for them and 25% said it encouraged them to undertake a wider range of CPD activities than previously;
Other feedback included the need for a better CPD recording system and more information and guidance ahead of any future changes.
Following the feedback, particularly around the need for a new approach to CPD recording, it was also recommended to Council that a new online CPD recording system should be introduced. This system will integrate the current disparate systems, such as the Student Experience Log (for vet students), Nursing Progress Log (for student VNs) and the Professional Development Phase (for recent vet graduates), making it a ‘one-stop shop’ professional development recording platform.
Richard Burley, RCVS Chief Technology Officer, said: "We will be building a new platform, consolidating all professional development-related capability for all members, into a single, integrated solution, seamlessly accessible via our ‘My Account’ online portal, and forthcoming mobile app. We have assembled a new, dedicated, software development team to drive this work and more details about this system will be published in coming months."
Linda Prescott-Clements, RCVS Director of Education, added:"Following the approval of the CPD proposals by RCVS Council, a phased roll-out of the new model and the accompanying IT system will take place. This includes recruiting a group of volunteers from the profession later this year to get some initial feedback around the guidance resources and online CPD platform, with members of the profession being voluntarily able to sign up to the new model and IT system from January 2020 onwards.
"Implementation of the new CPD requirement for all members is expected to start in January 2022 but, prior to that, we will be working hard to talk to the profession about why an outcomes-based model is a more effective and meaningful way of undertaking CPD and this will include workshops, webinars and roadshows. Look out for more news on our plans over the coming months."
For more information about the College’s current CPD policy requirement and policy, visit: www.rcvs.org.uk/cpd
The company says the new range performs as well as the leading brands and delivers consistently reliable sterilisation, but at a much lower price point than the market has seen before. The entry level 8 Litre machine retails at £1,100.
The Yeson machines range in size from an 8 litre to a 22 litre capacity and offer quiet Class B operation, 7 pre-set sterilisation programs, B&D Helix testing and a choice of printer or USB reporting.
Yeson UK MD Will Thomas said: "The autoclave market has been dominated by a few major players for many years and until now they’ve been largely unchallenged. Many people are now asking “why should I pay thousands more for a utility machine such as an autoclave? We’re just hoping that we can meet the demand."
For more information, visit www.yeson-uk.com
The ceremonies, which took place on Tuesday, saw newly-qualified veterinary nurses being formally welcomed to the profession and taken through their professional declarations by Racheal Marshall, Chair of the RCVS Veterinary Nurses Council.
Six veterinary nurses who had achieved the Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing (DipAVN) also had their achievement marked on the day.
Racheal said: "It is very apt that this ceremony is taking place during BVNA’s VN Awareness Month, where veterinary practices are encouraged to talk to their clients and the wider public about who veterinary nurses are, what they do and why, as a caring profession, they are so important to animal health and welfare."
"With VNs like you joining our profession or continuing to excel in your careers and helping to raise awareness of veterinary nursing amongst the general public, I am positive that we will continue to progress."
Racheal also gave three pieces of advice to the new registrants: accept that there will be change in your career and life, look after your own physical and mental wellbeing, and use your voice as a veterinary nurse by voicing your opinions and ideas, voting in VN Council elections – or even standing as a member – and contributing to the VN Futures project.
One particularly special element of the day was the recognition of Surrey-based veterinary nurse Sandra Robson for her long service with a veterinary nursing career spanning over 40 years. Sandra, who now works part-time at Brelades Vets in Dorking, began her training in 1968 and qualified as a Registered Animal Nursing Assistant (or RANA) in August 1970. She has worked as a head nurse and practice manager at equine and small animal practices and has also been keen to pass on her experience to her peers being active in teaching and training many student veterinary nurses over the years.
Sandra said: "The people here should be proud of their profession because they have taken a long time to achieve their qualifications and they should be making everyone aware that it is an important achievement. There has been many general developments over the years with the introduction of the Register, the importance on veterinary nurses being professionally responsible for their own actions and Schedule 3."
Also attending the day was RCVS President Amanda Boag who presented each of the new veterinary nurses with a scroll containing the professional declaration made by all veterinary nurses on admission to the Register of Veterinary Nurses and formally welcoming them to the VN profession as an associate of the RCVS.
Amanda said: "As a veterinary surgeon, I am incredibly proud to work alongside your profession. I have been very lucky within my career to work with some amazing nurses, and I have learnt so much from being part of the wider veterinary team.
"As a young vet working in busy emergency clinics, it was very often the fantastic nurses I worked with who saved the day and were responsible for helping me save patients’ lives. I couldn’t have done it without them.
"Being a vet nurse is a wonderful vocation with great and increasing career opportunities and you are such an important part of the veterinary team."
The next VN Day ceremony takes place on Thursday 17 October 2019.
The hearing concerned an incident which took place at the VetsNow Huyton premises in Liverpool. There were two charges against Dr Rafiq. The first was that in December 2017, shortly after a litter of puppies was delivered by caesarean to a French Bulldog named Lila, she took one of the puppies away from the practice with the intention that it should not be returned to Lila’s owner and that, in doing so, she was dishonest, misleading and had not acted in the best interest of the puppy’s welfare.
Another puppy was taken away by an animal care assistant who was also working at Vets Now Huyton on the night in question.
The second charge against Dr Rafiq was that she had told her employer at VetsNow that the puppy she had taken from the practice had died in the car when she had been driving home when, in fact, the puppy was alive at that stage and, in telling her employer this, she had been dishonest and misleading.
There was one charge against Mr Perez: that he had made an entry in the clinical records for Lila that she had given birth to four live puppies when in fact she had six; that he had only discharged four of the six puppies to the owner; that he knew that his colleagues intended to remove or had removed the puppies; that he had failed to prevent the removal of the puppies and had failed to report to a colleague the removal of the puppies. The charge also stated that, in relation to the incident, Mr Perez had been dishonest, misleading, did not act in the best interests of the puppies’ welfare and failed to keep accurate clinical records.
At the outset of the hearing, Dr Rafiq admitted in full the charges against her and accepted that she had acted dishonestly. Mr Perez admitted some of the charges against him including that he had made the false clinical record, had discharged four rather than six puppies and had failed to keep accurate clinical records, however he denied any knowledge of the intention to remove puppies and denied that his conduct had been misleading or dishonest.
The Committee was not satisfied that Mr Perez knew at the time of surgery that his colleagues intended to remove the puppies and also considered there was insufficient evidence that he subsequently became aware of their removal.
As a result, the Committee found that he could not have prevented their removal or reported the matter to a colleague. However, the Committee did find that his actions were unintentionally misleading regarding the clinical records and the discharge of the incorrect number of puppies.
The Committee found all the charges against Dr Rafiq proven.
The Committee considered whether the admitted and/or proven charges against Dr Rafiq and Mr Perez amounted to serious professional misconduct.
In respect of Mr Perez, the Committee was critical of his failure to keep accurate clinical records and considered that it was his duty to know how many puppies were born and to record them accurately.
However, while the Committee concluded that Mr Perez’s conduct fell below the expected professional standards of a veterinary surgeon, it did not fall so short as to constitute serious professional misconduct. As a result, no further action was taken against Mr Perez.
In regard to Dr Rafiq, the Committee recognised her admission at the outset that her actions constituted serious professional misconduct and noted her expression of remorse.
The Committee did however have concerns regarding the evidence she gave as to her actions being motivated by animal welfare concerns. The Committee felt that such concerns should have been raised with colleagues and it found that Dr Rafiq had acted recklessly and had been dishonest both with the owner and with her colleagues.
The Committee therefore concluded that her conduct fell so far short of what would be expected of a veterinary surgeon that it constituted serious professional misconduct.
The Committee then considered the sanction against Dr Rafiq, taking into account aggravating and mitigating factors. The aggravating factors included a risk of injury to the puppies, an abuse of the client’s trust, sustained misconduct as the puppy was retained by Dr Rafiq from 2/3 December until its actual death on the night of 5 December, that the dishonesty was sustained until 7 December and that she had only demonstrated limited insight in respect of her wider professional responsibilities.
In mitigation, the Committee considered that her actions involved no financial gain, that it was a single and isolated incident, that she had no previous adverse findings, that she had demonstrated genuine remorse and that she had made admissions at an early stage.
Dr Rafiq, who was unrepresented during the hearing, also submitted evidence in mitigation including testimonials from colleagues and clients, her youth and inexperience at the time, and her remorse, among other things.
In deciding the sanction Ian Arundale, who chaired the Committee and spoke on its behalf, said: "The Committee concluded that Dr Rafiq was a competent veterinary surgeon who was very unlikely to pose a risk to animals in the future.
"However, it considered the reputation of the profession and the need to uphold standards was an important consideration that outweighed the hardship which would be suffered by Dr Rafiq by not being able to practise in her chosen profession. It considered that Dr Rafiq would be fit to return to the profession after a period of suspension.
"It therefore determined that, notwithstanding the nature and extent of the dishonesty in this case, a suspension order was a sufficiently severe sanction to maintain the reputation of the profession and to meet the wider public interest. It took into consideration the overall dishonesty, including that Dr Rafiq had been dishonest when first confronted about these matters, when deciding on the length of any suspension.
"The Committee considered the sanction of suspension was proportionate in the circumstances of this case where there was supporting evidence that Dr Rafiq was a competent and well-regarded veterinary surgeon. It considered the positive testimonial evidence given… and that she was held in high regard by her current employers who were aware of the admitted misconduct, were significant factors in deciding that a suspension order was the proportionate sanction."
The Committee determined that a six-month suspension order would be the most appropriate sanction under the circumstances and directed the Registrar to remove Dr Rafiq from the Register for this period of time.
The Disciplinary Committee considered four charges against Dr Strokowska. The first was that, whilst registered in the 'Practising Outside the United Kingdom' category of the Register of Veterinary Surgeons maintained by the RCVS, she practised as a veterinary surgeon in the counties of Somerset, Shropshire, London, Lancashire and Norfolk between July 2016 and August 2017 when she was not registered as UK-practising. The charges were that her conduct in relation to this was dishonest and misleading to her employer and/or clients.
The second charge was that, between October 2016 and July 2017, Dr Strokowska made posts on social media which included photographs of and comments about animals being treated at the practices where she worked, without the consent of the owners or the practices.
The third charge was that, between January 2017 and March 2017, Dr Strokowska made posts on social media which included photographs, videos and comments about animals being treated at Goddards Veterinary Hospital in Wanstead, without the consent of the treating and/or operating veterinary surgeon.
The fourth charge was that, between July 2017 and September 2017, Dr Strokowska made representations to the practice principal of Barn Lodge, in Lancashire, and/or a student vet working at the practice that she had gained consent for photographs and social media posts when she had not, and that her conduct was dishonest and misleading.
At the outset of the hearing, the Dr Strokowska admitted to having practised as a veterinary surgeon in the UK when she was registered as practising outside the UK, but disputed that she had been dishonest or misleading with regards to this.
She also admitted to the entirety of the second charge and part of the third, but, under the latter charge, denied that she had, without consent, taken a video of an animal being operated on by a veterinary colleague.
Finally, she admitted to dishonest and misleading conduct with regard to part of the fourth charge, but denied that, in July 2017, she informed the practice principal that she had been told that she would be allowed to take photographs at Barn Lodge and post these on social media, when she had not been so told.
The Disciplinary Committee went on to consider the facts of the case for each of the charges that remained in issue.
Having considered all of the evidence, the Committee accepted that she did not have her registration status with the RCVS in her mind while she was working in the UK during the period in question. Accordingly, the Committee did not find her to have been dishonest.
With regards to the third charge the Committee considered the issue of whether the video in question had been posted "without the consent of the treating and/or operating veterinary surgeon". After examining the relevant evidence (which included the video in question) the Committee determined that the evidence did not support the facts charged and thus that charge three was not proved.
With regards to the fourth charge, Strokowska denied that her conduct in relation to informing the principal that she had been told that she would be allowed to take photographs and post these on social media was dishonest or misleading, on the basis that she believed she had permission to take and post photographs on social media. The Committee was not able to be sure as to how she sought this consent and the response provided and so the charge was found not proved.
The Committee then went on to consider whether the charges that were admitted amounted to serious professional misconduct.
The Committee found that it was the respondent’s responsibility to ensure that her registration status was appropriate at the time she was doing locum work in the UK. However she had provided her RCVS registration number to all the practises she had worked for and in the view of the committee there was no intention to deceive anyone. In the judgement of the Committee, her conduct was not sufficiently grave so as to constitute serious professional misconduct.
The Committee, in its judgement, concluded that her conduct in relation to the second charge did fall far short of the behaviour to be expected of a member of the veterinary profession, and amounted to serious professional misconduct.
The Committee considered that all members of the profession are obliged to ensure that they comply with the provisions of the Code of Professional Conduct, and the supporting guidance, in relation to the use of the internet and social media.
Unauthorised posting of photographs of animals being treated by a veterinary surgeon on social media may well cause distress to the owners, and damage to the reputation of the profession as a whole, and to the reputation of individual practices.
The aspect of the third charge admitted by the respondent involved posting a photograph with accompanying text of a dog without the consent of the treating and/or operating veterinary surgeon. The Committee considered that this was, indeed, a matter of professional discourtesy, but did not consider that it amounted to serious professional misconduct.
The respondent admitted the fourth charge and admitted that her conduct was dishonest and misleading. The Committee, in its judgement, considered that by choosing to lie in response to a genuine professional enquiry about her conduct, her behaviour fell far short of that to be expected from a member of the veterinary profession, and constituted serious professional misconduct.
The Committee next considered what, if any, sanction to impose.
In mitigation the Committee considered that the postings were an attempt to promote the health and welfare of animals; the lack of risk of harm or actual harm to an animal or human; no apparent financial gain from her actions; her youth and inexperience at the time of the misconduct; her open and frank admissions at an early stage; her subsequent efforts to avoid repetition; the lapse of time since the incident; and her demonstration of insight into the effects of her postings on some owners.
The Committee considered the available sanctions in order starting with no further action. The Committee did not consider that this was appropriate where the serious professional misconduct found in this case involved dishonesty, even given the mitigating factors relating to that as outlined above, nor in view of the repeated nature of the social media posts without owner consent.
The Committee determined that a reprimand and warning as to future conduct was the appropriate sanction in the circumstances of this case.
Dr Strokowska was reprimanded for her serious professional misconduct in relation to her admitted failure to obtain necessary consent for posts on social media and her dishonesty in communication.
She was warned that she should in future be fully aware of, and comply with, the provisions of the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct and its supporting guidance, in particular as it relates to the use of social media, including the need to ensure that she has obtained all the necessary consents from all relevant parties.
Equibactin vet contains sulfadiazine and trimethoprim, and is indicated for use in the treatment of infections, particularly respiratory tract infections associated with Streptococcus spp. and Staphylococcus aureus; gastrointestinal infections associated with E. coli; urogenital infections associated with beta-hemolytic streptococci; and wound infections and open or drained abscesses associated with Streptococcus spp. and Staphylococcus aureus.
The new product has been designed to provide accurate administration to all sizes of horses or ponies. One syringe provides a complete dose for 600kg bodyweight and is subdivided into 12 markings, to help keep track of dosages.
Dechra Brand Manager Emma Jennings said: "Equibactin vet has a proven antibiotic combination with a synergistic effect2 making it an excellent first line broad spectrum antimicrobial treatment for most Gram positive and negative aerobes.
It can be administered without food which improves the oral bioavailability, offering equine veterinary surgeons a quick and efficient treatment when it comes to targeting these infections that are often experienced in day-to-day practice.
"With its ease of use and three-year shelf life, we anticipate that Equibactin vet will quickly become a popular product when it comes to maintaining equine health."
For more information, visit www.dechra.co.uk/products/equine.
For the research, 326 recruited veterinary practices examined 812 cats and 662 dogs using a standardised flea inspection protocol in April and June 2018.
Fleas were collected, the species identified, and pooled flea samples from each host were analysed for the presence of pathogens using PCR and sequence analysis.
Overall, fleas were found on 28.1% of cats and 14.4% of dogs.
Unsurprisingly, over 90% of the fleas on both cats and dogs were our dear old friends, Ctenocephalides felis.
The PCR results found that at least 14% of the samples were positive for at least one pathogen, and 11.3% were positive for Bartonella spp (35 from cats, 4 from dogs), a pathogen which was identified as a risk to veterinary professionals and others with direct animal contact in a 2010 research paper2.
Entomologist Professor Richard Wall from the University of Bristol said: "Fleas are the most clinically important ectoparasites of dogs and cats worldwide.
"Rising levels of pet ownership, climate change and globalisation are increasing the importance of a detailed understanding of the endemicity and prevalence of flea-borne pathogens. This requires continued surveillance to detect change.
"The results have shown the high numbers of cats and dogs that still carry fleas and the relatively high prevalence of Bartonella spp found in the samples provided, which is of significant concern for the health of the pet, pet owner and veterinary practice staff."
Nicola Barclay, Senior Product Manager at MSD Animal Health said: "The Big Flea Project results demonstrate the ongoing need for pet owners to understand the importance of flea prevention, particularly with the implications of infestation for human and animal health.
"It’s particularly important at this time of the year as the weather is getting warmer and infestation is more likely to occur.
"Our national launch today has been designed to raise awareness amongst pet owners and encourage them to seek advice from the veterinary practice.
"Building awareness of the risks of fleas to practices and pet owners is also at the forefront of our ongoing campaign."
Louise had achieved great things in her all-too-short life. Born in February 1974, she qualified as a veterinary nurse in 1999. She gained the DipAVN (Surgical) in 2004 and the DipAVN (Medical) in 2007. She then qualified as a Veterinary Technician Specialist (Emergency and Critical Care) in 2011 and as a Veterinary Technician Specialist (Anesthesia) in 2014.
Along the way, she was widely published, contributing to over 35 publications and lectures worldwide on all aspects of anaesthesia, emergency and critical care, surgery and infection control.
In 2016 Louise received the inaugural Bruce Vivash Jones Veterinary Nurse Award, presented by the BSAVA as the primary recognition for outstanding contributions to the advancement of small animal veterinary nursing. It is the highest award the Association can bestow on a veterinary nurse. That year, she also received the The Veterinary Nursing Golden Jubilee Award for her leadership role in the profession as a clinical director for a veterinary group, her advocacy on behalf on the profession and her research work into antimicrobial resistance.
At the time of her death, Louise was the Clinical Support Manager at Vets Now.
We all live on in the hearts and minds of the people we knew in life and from the moving tributes that have appeared in such large numbers online, it is clear that Louise was one of those rare individuals whose ripples will keep spreading for years to come:
Along with many many others i feel absolutely shell shocked to hear the news that Louise O'Dwyer is no longer with us. I've had the privilege of working with her and only ever in her shadow. The world will not be the same without her. A terrible loss to the profession. If there was anything she would have wanted it would be that the Veterinary Nurses in this world could realise their potential. I am sure that no-one will disappoint her. Good night beautiful lady - you were not a star but a supernova. Georgie Hollis.
I feel greatly honoured to be able to call Louise my head nurse and then my Clinical Director, but most importantly a friend. She was an inspiration to nurses up and down the country. It has been said what Louise didn’t know wasn’t worth knowing. Nick Shackleton RVN.
Louise had a natural ability to inspire and foster talent in others; her passion and dedication to emergency and critical nursing led her to become a leading veterinary nurse, mentor, author and teacher respected throughout the international ECC community. We were privileged to be able to call Louise a colleague as well as a much loved friend and she will be sorely missed, not just by the Vets Now team, but by everyone across the veterinary profession. Amanda Boag MRCVS
I feel honoured to have known her and share the deep sadness, expressed by hundreds of her friends and colleagues at her untimely passing. Sue Paterson MRCVS
Burgess Pet Care, which organises the event, is encouraging vets and nurses to watch the webinars to ensure they’re aware of the key information concerning this year’s Rabbit Awareness Week, Protect and Prevent campaign, taking place from the 1st to the 9th June.
The webinars are hosted by Dr Richard Saunders BSc (Hons) BVSc FRSB CBiol DZooMed (Mammalian) DipECZM(ZHM) MRCVS, veterinary adviser to the Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund (RWAF).
Richard said: "These webinars provide information across all of the key areas relating to preventative healthcare in rabbits. There is a large number of health issues facing rabbits but thankfully many of these can be prevented. Vets play an incredibly important role in ensuring rabbit owners have all the information they need to correctly care for their pets but unfortunately there is still a lack of awareness and understanding around many basic needs such as diet, husbandry and the importance of vaccinations to protect against dangerous diseases.
"The webinars have been designed to be accessible and engaging to all vets and nurses, regardless of their experience level. We’re urging vets and nurses to watch all three seminars so they’re able to provide the best possible advice to rabbit owners seeking advice on their pets in advance of Rabbit Awareness Week."
To watch the webinars and learn more about this year’s Rabbit Awareness Week campaign, visit: www.rabbitawarenessweek.co.uk, where you can also request a free vet pack to help promote any activity you're planning for RAW.
For the study, Tim Charlesworth, an RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery from Eastcott Referrals (pictured right), analysed 260 cases where dogs had undergone laparoscopic or open surgical ovariectomy between January 2013 and January 2018 by the same team of similarly experienced surgeons using standard practice anaesthetic, theatre and perioperative protocols. Complications were then compared between the two groups.
44% (46) of the dogs that underwent open ovariectomy developed a complication, compared to 20% (31) of those that underwent laparoscopic ovariectomy.
Whilst the authors acknowledge the limitations of a retrospective study and emphasise that confirmation requires a randomised trial, they say that when considered alongside previously demonstrated improved postoperative comfort and earlier return to normal function, laparoscopy could be considered preferable for ovariectomy in dogs.
Galliprant is a first in a class of drugs called piprants, or non-COX-inhibiting prostaglandin receptor antagonists (PRAs), which specifically target the EP4 receptor largely responsible for OA pain and inflammation1,3 without interfering with other prostanoids and receptors, thereby minimising the impact on gastrointestinal and kidney homeostasis.1,4
According to Elanco, the main benefit of the new drug is that it can be given in the earlier stages of the disease; from first diagnosis in fact. Speaking at the London Vet Show in 2018, Dr Kristin Kirkby Shaw, Surgeon and Rehabilitation Specialist at the Animal Surgical Clinic of Seattle, said: "…being much more targeted, it makes us feel more comfortable starting this product in an earlier stage of osteoarthritis."
In the target animal safety study, Galliprant was well-tolerated over 9 months at doses equivalent to 15 times the target dose.5 Kristen said: "I challenge anyone to think of another product that has been given in a safety study at that high of a level for that duration of time."
The efficacy of Galliprant was demonstrated in the field study at the licensed target dose of 2mg/kg body weight, with treatment success seen by owners in their dogs at home, and confirmed by vet assessment.2 Owners saw statistically significant improvements in pain severity and interference with daily activities vs placebo at days 7, 14, 21 and 28.2
For more information, visit www.galliprant.co.uk. You can also watch Dr Kristen Kirkby Shaw's London Vet Show presentation and other expert opinion here.
Members of the profession are of course more likely than most to receive information about violent incidents that constitute abuse against an animal, and research has shown that such cases are often the index case that trigger investigation into violent households.
Jennie Bartholomew, education coordinator at the BSAVA said: "Suspecting animal abuse can be an alarming and sensitive issue to confront but our training courses should give veterinary teams the skills and support they need to help deal with such cases."
The sessions will provide guidance on setting up a practice protocol and identifying a Safeguarding Liaison Officer (SLO) who will aid practice staff in suspected cases of abuse. Through the SLO, relationships with RSPCA officers, police domestic abuse officers and aid agencies can be set up to give staff expert support to call upon if they suspect animal or human abuse.
Freda Scott-Park is a BSAVA Past President and is one of the lecturers on the Links Veterinary Training Initiative courses. She said: "There are few veterinary practices that do not encounter animal abuse, not daily, but the incidence is increasing.
"Cases can be quite complicated to diagnose but often vets find they develop a sixth sense that something isn’t right. By defining the complexities and difficulties in diagnosis, the course aids vets, veterinary nurses and receptionists to understand how to proceed – to ask the right questions and how to seek help from the correct people.
"Information from the veterinary practices may allow human healthcare professionals to investigate troubled households, offering support to the family and potentially improving or saving a human victim’s life."
Three sessions have been organised around the country during 2019. They are free for BSAVA members, with a non-member price of £40.00.
Sunday 23 June: Wetherby Racecourse, Yorkshire
Monday 16 September: Woodrow House, Gloucester
Sunday 27 October: Jesus College, Cambridge
This year, in collaboration with Your Cat, the charity is looking for entries which showcase the cat-human bond with a brand new theme of ‘Cat-Human Relationships’.
The judges want to see a range of relationships in a variety of situations, locations and ages. For instance, entries can include but are not limited to: pet cats with their owners in the home, street cats with the public and cats with those who work with them eg, veterinary professionals with their patients and homing centre workers with the cats in their care.
Since its launch in 2013, the competition has collectively attracted over 15,000 entries from all over the world.
Eve Davies, who runs the competition, said: "Whilst we tend to think of our relationship with cats as that of pet and owner, cats and humans can have a huge variety of unique connections with each other and we would love to see this reflected in the entries.
"This year’s theme is quite different to previous topics – for example kittens or sleeping cats – but it has the potential to be much more rewarding. As well as receiving exceptional photos over the years, we have been sent some incredibly moving stories to accompany them and we are hoping that this year will be even better still."
Twelve winning images will be selected by the iCatCare and Your Cat Magazine judges to feature in the charity’s 2020 calendar (and other materials) which will be sold to raise funds for the charity’s work, with one crowned the overall winner and gracing the front cover.
All twelve winners will each receive a certificate, copies of the calendar and a selection of iCatCare merchandise. The overall winner will also receive £500 in prize money.
To find out more and to enter, visit: www.icatcare.org/photography-competition. The competition closes at 10 am (BST) on 1 July 2019.
Global names in gastroenterology will be sharing the latest knowledge to help veterinary surgeons and nurses support the work of the BHS and Nottingham University’s REACT to colic campaign, which is designed to help vets and horse owners work together for colic patients.
On Friday 13th September there'll be a two-hour session chaired by Harry Carslake, a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary internal medicine (ACVIM). The session will involve five experts speaking about aspects of colic, followed by discussion and the opportunity for questions from delegates.
Natasha Jocelyn, Internal Medicine Specialist, Sussex Equine Hospital, will speak about managing the acute colic in the field: what to do when flunixin doesn’t work.
Prof. Dr. Gunther Van Loon European Veterinary Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine, Ghent University, Belgium, will discuss managing acute colic in the equine hospital.
Dr Nathan Slovis member of the American College of Internal Veterinary Medicine, Director of the McGee Medicine Department and a partner at Haygard Equine Medical Institute in Lexington, Ky will explain colic guidelines – can ‘algorithms’ help?
Prof. Dr Lutz Goehring European Veterinary Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, will explore the question ‘is there an evidence-based approach to managing enteritis?’
David Rendle European Veterinary Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine, Rainbow Equine Hospital, North Yorkshire, will look at parasitic disease as a cause of colic and methods of management.
All BEVA Congress delegates get a certificate of attendance worth seven hours of CPD.
If you're struggling for time or torn between several lectures you can use the BEVA Congress Encore Room to play back missed lectures at your convenience. BEVA Congress is also providing day crèche for children between the ages of 0-8 years. Find out more here.
Anyone who registers for Congress before 8 May 2019 will receive significantly reduced booking fees, and BEVA members save up to £379 on their Congress passes.
Medivet says each topic is covered in a six-week module, delivered online by RVC lecturers using a blended learning approach to encourage learners to think critically. On successful completion of a module, the participant will get up to 18 hours’ CPD and a certificate from the RVC.
Rachel Mattia, Head of Learning and Development at Medivet, said: "The Medivet Training Centre delivers the initial training our nurses need to qualify as Registered Veterinary Nurses. Building on this, our partnership with the RVC means that we can now support their continued development by giving them access to state-of-the-art CPD from recognised experts in an engaging, interactive format that they can fit in around their work and home life."
"Our nurses are the lynchpins of our practice teams and we are committed to investing in their development throughout their careers through initiatives such as this partnership with the RVC."
Euthasol vet is presented as a clear blue liquid, licensed for intravenous, intracardial and intraperitoneal usage. A dose of 140 mg/kg (equivalent to 0.35 ml/kg) is considered sufficient for all licensed routes of administration.
Euthasol vet comes in vials of 100ml and has a 28 day broached shelf life.
Dechra Brand Manager Claire Morgan said: "Choosing the correct product for euthanasia is vital for veterinary professionals and Euthasol vet offers a highly effective solution.
"The intravenous route of administration should be the route of choice. Where intravenous administration is impossible, the product may be administered via the intracardiac route in all named species.
"Euthasol's versatility in terms of the range of species in which it is licensed for use, coupled with its 400 mg/ml concentration, is set to make it a popular choice in practice."
For more information, visit www.dechra.co.uk
The research, carried out by the Royal Veterinary College’s (RVC) VetCompass programme, involved analysing data from 333,910 bitches who presented at veterinary practices participating in the programme between 2014 and 2017.
The study also indicated that the females of certain breeds are more prone to UI than others, with Hungarian Vizslas, Doberman, Weimaraners and Boxers most at risk.
UI affects around 3% of bitches in primary veterinary care in England.
The researchers say that a connection between neutering and UI in bitches has long been suspected but this study provides stronger evidence on the extent of the relationship.
The data also showed that age and bodyweight are major contributory factors to bitches developing UI as well as neutering and breed. Other key findings include:
Bitches over nine years old are 1.7 times more likely to develop UI compared to those younger than three years.
Bitches weighing over 10kg are 1.9 more likely to develop UI than those weighing less than 10kg, while bitches over 30kg are three times more likely.
Camilla Pegram, VetCompass epidemiologist and lead researcher on the study, said: "First opinion vets discuss and perform neuters on a daily basis but, until now, evidence on the link between neutering and urinary incontinence has been tenuous.
"This study provides stronger evidence of an important association between neutering and urinary incontinence. The decision to neuter a bitch is based on many factors, not just incontinence risk alone. However, these results suggest that the component of the decision driven by urinary incontinence could be emphasised for the high-risk breeds and bitches of larger bodyweight.”
It is hoped that the results will aid owners and vets in making evidence-based decisions when it comes to neutering female dogs.
A total of 8,234 votes were cast in this year’s election, a turnout of 25.5%. The College says the previous highest turnout recorded this century was 22.8%, and it thinks this year's result may even be an all-time record.
The full results, in order of number of votes, are:
Niall Connell – 3,766 votes (re-elected)
Linda Belton – 3,581 votes (elected)
Jo Dyer – 3,146 votes (re-elected)
John Innes – 2,716 votes
Kate Richards – 2,283 votes
Tim Greet – 2,280 votes
Peter Robinson – 1,791 votes
John Davies – 507 votes
Tom Lonsdale – 422 votes
Eleanor Ferguson, RCVS Registrar and Returning Officer for the election, said: "Congratulations to Niall and Jo for being re-elected to Council and congratulations also to Linda who we look forward to welcoming to Council at this year’s Royal College Day on Friday 12 July. I would also like to thank Kate, Tim and Peter for their contributions during their time on Council and give my commiserations to them and the other candidates who were unsuccessful this year.
"I was delighted to see that, this year, we had over a quarter of those eligible to vote doing so which means both a record number of votes and a record turnout – it seems this was assisted by our email reminders which, each time they were sent out, lead to a significant boost in uptake.
"However, we will not rest on our laurels and will continue to think about how we can further improve engagement in the election process and turnout for subsequent years."
The results of the election will be declared formally at this year’s Royal College Day – the College’s Annual General Meeting and awards ceremony – which takes place at the Royal Institute of British Architects on Friday 12 July 2019 where the successful candidates will also start their new four-year terms.
No election to Veterinary Nursing Council was held this year due to the fact that there were only two candidates – Liz Cox and Jane Davidson – standing for the two elected places. Both Liz and Jane will take up their three-year terms at Royal College Day.
Held last weekend, the event gave cat and dog owners the opportunity to learn the principles of animal first aid while raising money for the Dogs Trust Freedom Project.
During the practical morning event, Danielle Banks and Nichole Neate (pictured right, Danielle right, Nichole left) discussed how to identify when something isn’t right with a pet and how to act in an emergency situation before getting to the vet. They explained the principles of first aid, wounds and bandaging and common problems encountered. Attendees were also able to try their hand at bandaging and practice CPR on animal models.
Danielle said: "The course was fully booked almost immediately which shows how keen pet owners are to learn about emergency first aid.
"Our 24 attendees were very engaged and really seemed to enjoy learning and putting their skills to the test in the practical session. Nichole and I are looking forward to running additional courses to help even more owners."
Pet owner and attendee Liz Ward said: "I thoroughly enjoyed the morning and found it really educational and useful. I now do feel equipped to handle more situations and a lot more confident in my first aid skills. I would definitely recommend this workshop to pet owners."
Over £400 was raised by the event, which has been donated to the Dogs Trust Freedom Project, a dog fostering service for people fleeing domestic abuse.
Danielle and Nichole put together seven animal first aid tips to help owners care for their pet in an emergency. You might find them a useful inspiration if you are thinking of running a similar course at your practice:
Keep calm, an animal will pick up on your distress and make it more difficult to manage the situation.
Keep a first aid kit at home and a small one with you for when you are out and about.
Find out about your veterinary practice's 'out of hours' care and ensure you have the vet's number on your phone.
Your safety is paramount, don't put yourself in danger in order to provide first aid.
Be aware that animals may become aggressive if in pain or distress. It may be necessary to restrain the animal in order to provide first aid.
Never administer drugs to your pet unless directed to do so by your vet.
Use advice from friends and the internet with caution and always seek professional advice.
'FLUTD and Dysuria – a frustration for many and not just the cat' will be presented by Dr Hanne Friis Lund (DVM) from Idexx and Katy Smith from Royal Canin (pictured right).
Hanne will be talking about diagnostics, focusing on urine analysis and laboratory tests, whilst Katy will discuss nutritional management of the condition.
Hanne said: "Feline lower urinary tract disease is a very common condition in both male and female cats affecting 1-3% of cats every year.
"It goes without saying that FLUTD causes great discomfort and pain for the feline, which is why the webinar will explore how best to manage the condition from a nutritional point of view.
"From the innovative Haematuria Detection by Blücare litter granules which turn blue when a urinary condition is detected to the new urinary range kibble from Royal Canin’s Veterinary Health Nutrition, the webinar will be leaving no stone unturned."
To register for the webinar, go to: https://vetportal.royalcanin.co.uk/cpd/webinar/
The box, which is aimed at both veterinary surgeons and nurses, contains two USB sticks which contain the wound care education sessions, a Bluetooth speaker, product samples, clinical literature, case studies and Time Out wafer bars to enjoy while you learn.
You can also book a timeslot with a representative from Essity to answer any clinical or product related questions raised by the contents of the box.
Richard Barker, Account Sales Executive at Essity said: "Time Out Training allows us to educate vets and vet nurses directly in practices within timescales that we could not previously achieve. We feel this is the future of education in busy veterinary settings, allowing for emergency interruptions, and allowing training of all staff within the convenient setting of their own practice."
Fiona Garrard RVN said: "I found this to be a very easy to follow and very informative webinar. It is full of content that is very useful and aids a good, underpinning knowledge of infections in wounds, and why they happen. It was packed with content and not long-winded or boring at any point."
Time Out Training takes an hour to complete. You can order it for your practice by emailing animalhealthcare@essity.com or dialing 01482 670124.
The app, which has been accredited by the Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, contains information about 36 different drug molecules in 10 different drug classes, including analgesics (NSAIDs, opioids and local anaesthetics), sedatives (acepromazine, alpha-2 agonists and benzodiazepines), induction agents, volatile agents, neuromuscular blocking agents, anti-cholinergics, sympathomimetics and antagonists where applicable.
It also offers 24 different dog and 15 cat anaesthetic protocols for procedures carried out in general practice. Each contains information on specific anaesthetic considerations for that condition or patient, any preoperative stabilisation required, premedication, perioperative analgesia, induction, maintenance and recovery.
Additional features include a dose calculator, summary sheets that can be saved or emailed to be attached to the patient’s clinical notes, and the option to save favourite protocols for repeated use.
The app was developed with the advice of two diplomat anaesthetists, Matthew Gurney BVSc CertVA PgCertVBM DipECVAA MRCVS and Joost Uilenreef DVM MVR DipECVAA, together with Elizabeth Barker BVetMed(Hons) Cert AVP(VA) PgCert MRCVS at Dechra.
Dechra Brand Manager Claire Morgan said: "We are passionate about anaesthesia and the provision of excellent support for vets, nurses and students. The app can be used to build confidence and knowledge in less familiar procedures or to update protocols to ensure best anaesthetic practice for the more common routine procedures.
"All of the protocols and information particularly emphasise considerations around anaesthesia, patient monitoring and perioperative analgesia, including local and regional techniques."
She added: "We hope the app will help practitioners to move away from a ‘one protocol fits all’ approach and give them the confidence to tailor the protocols and medications chosen to the specific patient and condition they are treating and to generally improve the standard of anaesthesia and analgesia in small animal practice."
The Dechra Dog and Cat Anaesthesia App is available to download for iOS and Android devices. For more information, visit www.dechra.com/dcaa
Culture Change In Healthcare is presented by Simon Fleming, a trauma and orthopaedic registrar who has a special interest in combating bullying, undermining and harassment in human healthcare, and Sally Everitt MRCVS, the ex Head of Scientific Policy at BSAVA.
Simon will discuss the problem of bullying, the fallout from serious cases, and how you can work to eliminate bullying in your practice.
Sally will present the results of a survey carried out by VetNurse.co.uk and VetSurgeon.org in 2017, to investigate the incidence and impact of unpleasant behaviour in veterinary practice.
The webinar is hosted by The Webinar Vet and sponsored by RCVS Mind Matters. It counts as 1hr towards your annual CPD requirement.
Whether or not you think there is any bullying going on at your practice, I strongly urge you to watch this webinar. There can be few things as harmful to an effective practice team as bullying. Everyone needs to be able to spot it and stamp on it quickly.
Register for the webinar here: https://www.thewebinarvet.com/pages/culture-change-healthcare-2/
The wellbeing room is designed to offer staff a comfortable space to relax during breaks, or before or after shifts. It has comfortable seating and a small library of books covering topics such as personal development, mindfulness and stress reduction.
There are also two 'jars of joy' staff can dip into which feature top tips for emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. Employees are also being invited to put forward their own top tips on wellbeing to share with colleagues.
It is hoped that the room will also provide employees with a sanctuary from social media, emails and telephones.
Sounds like a great idea to me, although the library titles look a bit uninspiring for my taste. My ideal wellbeing room would have a few John Grishams on the shelves, limitless music, a Sony playstation, oh, and a minibar.
The two companies have agreed to jointly discover and develop species-specific therapeutic monoclonal antibodies for companion animals, a class of drug which they say is neglected in veterinary medicine but offers a variety of future therapeutic options for diseases that cannot be adequately treated today.
adivo will select species-specific antibodies using its proprietary fully canine phage display library. Bayer Animal Health will provide targets involved in severe animal diseases.
Dr. Douglas Hutchens, Bayer Animal Health’s Head of Drug Discovery, External Innovation & Chief Veterinary Officer, said: "Today’s agreement is another example of how we realize our innovation strategy
"By combining the know-how from creative start-up companies like adivo with opportunities derived from Bayer’s research, we broaden our space of therapeutic medicine options and complement our portfolio.
"We are constantly looking for innovative technologies that enable us to generate novel treatment options for the companion animal sector. Now, we will focus on evolving the options presented by adivo from research and development to market maturity."
Dr. Kathrin Ladetzki-Baehs, Managing Director of adivo said: "At adivo, we truly believe that pets have a positive impact on our society. By developing novel medicines for companion animals, we want to make a difference for veterinarians and pet-parents. Today, we are more than pleased and excited to have gained such a committed and experienced collaboration partner, to jointly develop new treatment options."