In current regional anaesthesia procedures two operators are often needed, with an assistant using 'feel' to inject the anaesthetic solution at the required pressure. This, says the company, means anaesthetic solutions can be injected at unsafe pressures. The new device incorporates a safety system that limits injection pressure, to reduce the risk of nerve injury.
Dr. Federico Corletto, Consultant Anaesthetist from Dick White Referrals said: “By turning regional anaesthesia into a one-person procedure, the technology also removes the challenges of communicating with an assistant regarding subjective injective pressure feel, thus removing the unpredictability of an untrained hand.”
Medovate says the use of ultrasound guided regional anaesthesia is becoming more common practice today, with the technique – which can help provide a higher level of visualisation for the practitioner – increasingly seen as a ‘gold standard’.
However, there are limitations and challenges that are not always present in the practice of adult human medicine. Nerve parathesia, for instance, is harder to ascertain in animals. Small animals such as cats also have increased sensitivity to local anaesthetics when compared with other species, necessitating much lower maximum doses be used.1
Brett Hughes, Homecare & Veterinary Business Manager at Vygon UK, said: "The device infuses at 0.5ml/second, and to vets the technology offers a valuable tool that can control injection small intervals at a time. This allows the veterinary practitioner to titrate appropriately to see the anaesthesia spread around a nerve bundle.
"There are a significant number of regional anaesthesia blocks completed in veterinary practice per annum globally, so potentially this NHS developed device could play a major role in the future of veterinary practice."
For more information, visit: and
The association says that the day of lectures is mainly targeted at those who are starting on their path of ophthalmology, but old hands may also learn a few new tricks.
Topics will include how to get the most from the ophthalmic examination, diagnostics and what options there are for career growth in our specialty.
There will be live panel discussions to give attendees the opportunity to ask any questions they have.
Tickets costs £100+VAT for BrAVO members, £60+VAT for nurses and interns, and £40+VAT for students.
The deadline for registration is Tuesday 16th March at 5:00pm.
To book your ticket, visit:
Dr Fures was convicted of driving with excess alcohol in the Dublin Criminal Courts of Justice in December 2018.
Later, when renewing his UK RCVS registration, Dr Fures told the RCVS Chief Investigator that on the day of his offence, he'd been on a flight from Frankfurt to Dublin which suffered engine failure, causing the pilot to perform a forced emergency landing in Amsterdam. There, he claimed, the passengers switched to an airworthy plane for the rest of the journey, during which he had several drinks to calm his nerves.
In a remarkably detailed and complex investigation, the RCVS Chief Investigator rang Lufthansa and discovered that the flight had not suffered engine failure and had flown direct from Frankfurt to Dublin without incident.
In May and July 2020, the RCVS Chief Investigator wrote to Dr Fures setting out the result of his investigations and research. In his responses Dr Fures accepted that his memory of the incident was wrong.
At the outset of the hearing Dr Fures made an application to the Committee enter into undertakings to voluntarily remove himself from the UK Register and to not apply to re-join. However, the Committee did not accept these undertakings in part on the basis that he was not of retirement age and intended to continue to practise in Ireland.
The Committee considered that if it were to accept his undertakings, then there would be no judgement or findings that could be passed on to the Veterinary Council of Ireland for consideration via its own disciplinary procedures.
Ian Arundale, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “The Committee decided that this is a case in which the public interest, confidence in the profession, and, potentially, the welfare of animals, demands that there be a full hearing, with determinations made by the Disciplinary Committee."
The Committee then went on to consider the facts of the case.
Dr Fures admitted that he had supplied the RCVS with false information about his conviction for drink driving but denied that this was dishonest at the time that he supplied the information. He accepted that the information he provided was wrong, in that his flight between Frankfurt and Dublin, while delayed by just over an hour, did not have to land in Amsterdam as he had previously claimed.
He said that his false statement was based on misremembering the circumstances and that he had genuinely believed his statement was true at the time it was made to the RCVS. He said that, due to shame over his conviction and the negative impact it had on the life of him and his family, he had created a false memory of the circumstances.
However, the Committee was not persuaded that there was any other explanation in this case, other than that Dr Fures deliberately and dishonestly gave false information to the RCVS, to excuse his behaviour.
The Committee then considered if the admitted and proven charges amounted to serious professional misconduct.
Ian said: “The Committee was of the view that Dr Fures’ actions in dishonestly giving false details to his regulator was serious. While it was the case that there was no actual harm or risk to animals arising out of his conduct, the Committee took into account that the dishonest account was given deliberately.
“In addition, it was sustained, in that it was relied upon and expanded upon on several occasions when the College sought further clarity. Dr Fures had the opportunity to correct the situation, and give the truthful account, but he did not do so. The dishonesty was designed to achieve personal gain to Dr Fures, in that he wished to minimise the actions which the College may take against him, and, in consequence, safeguard his career.
“Dr Fures’ action in dishonestly giving false information to his regulator struck at the heart of his obligation, as a registered professional, to be open and honest with his regulator. This obligation is necessary to allow the College, as regulator, to carry out its crucial and statutory functions in ensuring that it investigates concerns properly.”
In considering the sanction for Dr Fures, the Committee took into account the mitigating factors, including the fact that there were no previous regulatory findings against Dr Fures or any previous conviction for dishonesty, that he had demonstrated remorse for his actions, that there was no actual harm or risk of harm to any animal, that no concerns raised about Dr Fures’ practice, that there was no repetition of the dishonest conduct and that he had demonstrated some insight.
However, in terms of aggravating factors it considered that there was deliberate and sustained dishonesty and that he had sought personal gain as a result of his actions.
After considering various options, the Committee decided that a reprimand and warning as to future conduct was the most appropriate sanction for Dr Fures.
The full findings for the case can be found at:
The authors say that study seeks to redress the lack of evidence-based information that has so far been published on the epidemiology and clinical management of non-neoplastic anal sac disorders (ASD).
The study, which was carried out within the RVC’s VetCompass programme, focused especially on identifying breeds with increased or reduced risk of anal sac disorders.
The breeds at greatest risk of an anal sac disorder compared with crossbreeds included Cavalier King Charles spaniel, King Charles spaniel and Cockapoo.
Conversely, breeds at reduced risk included larger breed dogs including Boxer, German Shepherd Dog and Lurcher. Flat-faced (brachycephalic) breeds such as Shih Tzu had 2.6 times the risk for anal sac disorders compared to long-skulled breeds such as Border Collies. Spaniel-types, Dachshund-types and Poodle also showed increased risk for anal sac disease.
The study identified 2,372 anal sac disorder cases from a population of 104,212 dogs attending VetCompass participating practices during 2013.
Other findings included:
Dr Dan O’Neill, Senior Lecturer, Companion Animal Epidemiology, at the RVC, and author of the paper, said: “During two decades in first opinion practice, anal sac problems in dogs were a routine daily presentation for me. However, when I searched the literature to find evidence on the best way to treat these dogs or even on which breeds were at most risk, there was almost no information available. It seemed back then that only problems that were severe enough to be referred to universities in large numbers were researched.
"As a result, vets in first opinion practice generally had to work out for themselves what seemed to be the best treatment in these cases. It is refreshing now to see research on common problems in dogs under first opinion veterinary care being reported. Owners and vets needs this evidence vitally.”
Anette Loeffler, Associate Professor of Veterinary Dermatology at the RVC and co-author of the paper, said: "This study shines a spotlight on critically important area of veterinary practice: antibiotic usage. Twenty percent of dogs presenting with an anal sac disorder received antibiotics even though diagnostic criteria for anal sac infection or proof of efficacy of antibiotic treatment are lacking.
"At a time when antimicrobial resistance presents one of the biggest threats to human and animal health, this highlights an urgent need for further study of these disorders in order to improve dog welfare but also to help vets in making responsible antibiotic treatment decisions in the interest of public health.”
The symposium is the first time the company has delivered virtual nurse training on this scale in the UK and the event will deliver over 20 hours of free CPD: 10 hours live and a further 10 hours of recordings after the symposium.
Topics will include the gut microbiome, management of cat allergens, holistic management of FLUTD and nurse clinics as a way of driving client loyalty; all delivered by a line-up of speakers which includes Clinical Nutritionist, Co-Chair of the WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee and WSAVA Liaison to the American Academy of Veterinary Nutrition, Dr Marge Chandler (pictured right), feline specialists Drs Andy Sparkes and Sarah Caney, and Honorary Associate Professor at Nottingham University’s School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, Alison Lambert.
Workshops, which will be limited in participant numbers to enable better interaction, will focus on the topics of nurse clinics, lower urinary tract disease, obesity and nutritional consultations.
Purina says the content will be suitable for RVNs at every stage of their career and all RVNs, VCAs and ANAs (or those studying towards those qualifications) are welcome to attend.
You can register at
Zoe Jackson, Purina Veterinary Nurse Development Manager, UK & Ireland said: "We wanted to show our support for all that veterinary nurses have done to support their practices over this last very difficult year. With so many face-to-face conferences cancelled and practice finances feeling the strain as a result of the pandemic, there is a significant need for quality CPD at nil cost.
"Growing the knowledge base and skills of veterinary nurses has an impact on patient care and practice success and this event has been designed to support those aims though sharing the latest research in key clinical areas. We’ve put together a very ambitious programme with two streams per day, which will include lectures and workshops, so busy professionals can pop in and out or catch up afterwards by watching the recordings.”
The event will start at 12.30 pm on Thursday 29th April and end at 1.30 pm on Friday 30th April.
For more information, contact the Purina Veterinary Nutrition Team on 0800 212161.
At the hearing, Dr Crawford made no admissions to the charges against him which involved allegations of: failing to provide adequate and appropriate care; failing to provide adequate clinical histories to another practice in respect of several animals; failing to treat fellow veterinary professionals and other members of staff from another practice with courtesy and respect; failing to maintain adequate clinical records; failing to have in place Professional Indemnity Insurance or equivalent arrangements; and, failing to respond to reasonable requests from the RCVS.
Dr Crawford’s representative drew the Committee’s attention to the fact that Mr Crawford was 71 years old, had no previous disciplinary findings against him and had now ceased practising, including closing his practice premises and notifying his previous clients of the closure.
His representative confirmed that Mr Crawford was fully aware that if his application was accepted, he would no longer be able to practise as a veterinary surgeon or identify as a veterinary surgeon. The Committee also noted that the RCVS had consulted with the complainants who were satisfied with the case being disposed of in this way.
Dr Martin Whiting, chairing the Committee, and speaking on its behalf, said: “Having weighed the public interest in a hearing with the registrant’s interests, the Committee determined that this is not a case in which the public interest required there to be a full hearing. Protection of the welfare of animals would also not be further served by a full hearing. The Committee decided to accede to the respondent’s application.
"The Committee considered that the adjournment on undertakings served to protect the public interest, confidence in the profession and the welfare of animals.
"The Committee carefully considered the detail of the undertakings. It decided, after due consideration that it would accept the respondent’s undertakings in the terms offered and signed."
The charity reports that 2020 was its busiest year ever, with 3,921 calls to its Helpline - a 25% increase over 2019.
Similarly, Vetlife's Health Support service saw a record number of referrals in 2020. There were 190 referrals made over the year, compared to 149 in 2019.
At the same time, the charity says it has seen a decrease in income, putting a strain on its resources. The pledge from the RCVS comes in addition to the annual donation of £100,000 made by the Mind Matters Initiative towards the Health Support service. On top of this, the Mind Matters Initiative also helps to fund other essential running costs for the charity, including the Helpline call directing service and by its contribution to the annual Helpline training for volunteers.
Graham Dick, Vetlife President (pictured right) said: “The last 12 months have brought significant challenges for Vetlife as restrictions in fundraising have combined with a significant uplift in demand for our Vetlife Helpline and Health Support services. Against this background the substantial ongoing financial support provided by the RCVS through MMI, both for the costs of professional mental health support and for the necessary call-handling facilities which underpin our Helpline, continues to be an invaluable contribution to the wellbeing of the veterinary community we serve."
The new vaccine offers 12 months protection when used as a single-dose booster in dogs previously vaccinated with Nobivac(r) KC. It is presented in a 10ml multi-dose vial which can be stored in or out of a refrigerator for 28 days after broaching.
Dogs not previously vaccinated against Bordetella bronchiseptica need two doses administered four weeks apart.
The duration of immunity is 7 months after the primary course and 12 months after a booster with Nobivac(r) Respira Bb. It can also be given 12 months after a primary course in cases where the 7 month dose is missed.
Blaise Scott-Morris, Product Manager, MSD Animal Health said: "Currently only an estimated 1 in 3 vaccinated dogs in the UK are also covered against Bordetella1 so Nobivac(r) Respira Bb offers the chance for practices to re-start the conversation about protection with clients.
"A common barrier to Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (CIRD) protection, caused by Bordetella, is the belief that it is only necessary for dogs going into kennels, rather than all social dogs. Most dogs meet others however, while out walking, during training, or while attending the vets, and CIRD is infectious even at low levels. Indeed, dogs can be asymptomatic but infectious.
"So, improving protection levels against this disease which is distressing for both the owner and dog, is important in both reducing the risk of outbreaks and the need for antibiotic treatment."
According to the company, trials showed that dogs vaccinated with Nobivac(r) Respira Bb demonstrated a significant reduction in clinical signs of respiratory disease and a reduction in bacterial shedding2. It has also been safely demonstrated in a wide range of breeds3 and has proven efficacy in puppies challenged two weeks after the primary course of vaccination4. It can be given concurrently with many other Nobivac(r) vaccines.
MSD says the new vaccine is most suitable for dogs:
Further information can be found at, or contact your MSD Animal Health account manager.
According to the company, the new Avacta Allergy+ offers:
Existing customers will be getting a launch pack this week, which comes with a box of Yorkshire teabags (as that's where Avacta heralds from) and a pack of chocolate biscuits so practice staff can take break whilst they peruse details of the new portfolio and accompanying support materials.
To encourage the reuse of the old Avacta submission boxes, the company is also running a competition where practices can win a £100 Amazon gift voucher if they come up with the most practical and imaginative reuse idea. Full details can be found at
For more information visit
The course offers veterinary nurses six hours of CPD covering the five stages of EBVM and an overview of its evolution.
Users can progress through the six modules in order, or dip in and out of individual sections to deepen their knowledge in particular areas. The course includes a number of practical examples and quizzes, and there's a certificate of completion at the end.
The course can also be used as a reference tool for specific aspects of EBVM, such as how to search the literature effectively.
RCVS Knowledge says the new release of EBVM Learning has been well received by veterinary surgeons and nurses who helped test the course. Lauren Sweeney RVN said: “My experience of this course was excellent. I gained a large amount of knowledge and confidence, and it is fantastic to have so much information in one place.” Chris Gush, Executive Director of RCVS Knowledge (pictured right), said: “This fresh iteration of our EBVM Learning course is the culmination of a huge amount of committed work from an international network of leaders in EBVM, and we are proud to launch it on our new, accessible platform RCVS Knowledge Learn. The course constitutes an important way in which the charity supports all veterinary practitioners to advance the quality of care they provide through evidence-based veterinary medicine, regardless of their role, location or background.”
EBVM Learning can be accessed for free at
The series will start on Sunday February 27th when Katie Ford MRCVS, who is also a life coach, will discuss the benefits of 'gratitude practice' in a 'Facebook Live' session starting at 8:00pm.
Thereafter, there will be a further seven 30-minute sessions:
Liz Barton, co-founder of WellVet, said: "We were blown away by the positive response to the Winter Wellbeing series and want to continue to build more tools and content to help people through what has already been a tough start to 2021. Our emphasis is on simple, practical, accessible tips to improve personal and team wellbeing.”
Emma McAnally, territory manager at Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health said: “Spring is the ideal time to hit refresh on your mental and physical wellbeing. So we felt that this series will help to shed the winter blues, re-energise the team and offer an opportunity for the veterinary community to come together and take forward positive wellbeing practices. We’re delighted to support WellVet again in bringing this Spring series to life.”
For further information on the WellVet Winter Wellbeing series and for details on how to join visit
250 mainly menopausal-aged veterinary surgeons and nurses took part in the survey.
Over 80% said the menopause had affected their health. Nearly half said the impact on their mental health had been moderate to severe. Overall, 76% said they were concerned about the impact of the menopause on their health, life and work.
You can read the full survey report here.
The most commonly reported physical symptoms, affecting over three quarters of respondents, were fatigue, irritability and difficultly sleeping. Hot flushes, night sweats and joint pain were also very common. Anxiety was the most common mental health impact, with some individuals experiencing clinical depression and, rarely, suicidal ideation.
Workplace measures said to be helpful included flexible working, help with heavy lifting and provision of fans or air conditioning. Diary management to allow breaks, and openness and understanding amongst colleagues were also valued.
Liz Barton, editor of Veterinary Woman said: “As a predominantly female workforce, we cannot ignore the profound impact the menopause can have both on individuals and veterinary teams. The effects last for an average of seven years and impact a majority of women mid-career. As a profession we have an opportunity to lead this conversation as it’s beginning to open up across the wider media."
Awareness of the impact of menopause was wide-ranging across age categories, but averaged 4.3 out of 10 for those 40 years old and under, and increased to 7.4 out of 10 for those aged 41 and over. Even with relatively high levels of awareness among respondents, 90% said they would like to know more about the impacts from either personal and/or business and human resource perspectives.
SPVS President, Anna Judson (pictured right), said: “Having experienced the effects of the menopause working as a practice owner, I wish I had known more about the impact and that I was not alone in how I was feeling. It’s time to break these taboos, open up the conversation and put in place measures to mitigate the impacts. In so doing, we will not only help individuals to continue to thrive in their careers, but also help practices to retain experienced staff at this challenging time of life."
A free access webinar discussing menopause impacts and how to mitigate is available free at:
An environmental photojournalist, Mr Gekoski has won various well-known wildlife photography awards and is regularly featured in the press, most recently for his book Animosity: Human - Animal Conflict in the 21st Century.
Aaron will join BVA President James Russell, Association of Veterinary Students (AVS) Senior Vice President Izzie Arthur and two other judges nominated by the competition sponsor iM3 Veterinary Dentistry. The BVA photography competition has already had over 200 entries for this year's award since it launched in January. Split into three categories, entrants are asked to focus on images that capture the human-animal bond in day-to-day veterinary work, as well as photos of pets or wildlife taken outside of the working environment.
Submissions for each category can be taken on a phone or a high-spec camera, and should take into account responsible animal interaction and positive animal health and welfare.
The three categories are:
Aaron said: “It's a huge honour to be a judge for the BVA Veterinary Photographer of the Year Award, the most prestigious photographic competition for the veterinary profession. The competition helps shine a light on the invaluable and relentless work carried out by vets around the world; work that may otherwise go unnoticed. I look forward to bringing my experience as an environmental photojournalist to the judging process."
The BVA Veterinary Photographer of the Year Award 2021 closes at 11.59 GMT on 8th March 2021. Winners will be announced in April. They will receive a £250 John Lewis voucher and their pictures exhibited by BVA.
Find out more and submit your entries at
Hill's says the new diet, which has been through three clinical trials over four years, contains nutrients to help strengthen the skin's natural barrier against environmental allergens and the Histaguard complex with bioactives and phytonutrients to help manage a dog's response to environmental allergens.
Prescription Diet Derm Complete also uses egg as its single intact animal protein source, which Hill's says avoids 96% of adverse food reactions1 and has shown the ability to dampen the inflammatory response in dogs and reduce itching.
Hill's says the new diet represents a real breakthrough, both because it simplifies treatment and because it's the first dietetic food for both adverse food reactions and environmental sensitivities.
Michael Unsworth, Hill’s Vet Affairs Manager, UK & Republic of Ireland said: "Supporting patients with skin sensitivities can be extremely challenging. Not only is it uncomfortable for the pet themselves, but it can cause a lot of distress for owners who just want to give their dogs a happy and healthy life. There can be a lot of pressure to find a quick, effective and affordable solution.
"Our new Prescription Diet Derm Complete is truly a ground-breaking product; the result of years of trials and clinical studies that has seen visible skin healing in dogs with AFR in as little as 21 days2 and not a single dog showing signs of recurrence after using the product.
"We’re thrilled to introduce this innovative, life-changing product to the market, to the benefit of dogs, dog-owners – and of course veterinary professionals - everywhere."
Accompanying the launch, there's a free webinar taking place at 7.30pm on Tuesday 23 February (tomorrow) for veterinary nurses in which Sarah Warren BVetMed MSc (Clin. Onc.) CertVD MRCVS will look at the complex nature of canine allergic skin disease and the importance of individualised treatment plans. To register, visit:
For more information about Prescription Diet Derm Complete, contact your Hill’s representative.
The new distribution service uses Invatech's Patient Medication Record (PMR) system, called Titan, which was accredited by the NHS a little over a year ago. Titan has now been developed further to support the company's Home Pharmacy service, and integrate with MWI.
The company says the new system offers practices a seamless workflow between prescribing, dispensing and logistics systems.
Tariq Muhammad, CEO of Invatech Health, said: "“The use of PMR systems for the veterinary market has been very light touch until now. Knowing that that we can bring the same level of efficiency and workflow to a new market presents an opportunity to support animal health in the same way that we do for human health."
Alan White, Commercial Director at MWI Animal Health, said: “The Covid pandemic has presented many challenges to veterinary professionals in the UK. Travel restrictions and social distancing measures make it difficult for animal owners to collect the medications and treatments they need from veterinary practices.”
“We are excited to be able to work with Invatech to provide an innovative solution to this problem, where vets can send the medications needed directly to their client. Working in partnership with veterinary practices and Invatech means we can move animal health forward together.”
For more information, visit:
The strategy, which is available to read at:, lists six areas where the College and other DIG member organisations can work to improve diversity and inclusion within the veterinary professions at all stages – from school-age children who may be considering a career in the veterinary professions, to engendering positive culture change for those already in the professions.
The six areas are:
The RCVS Diversity & Inclusion Group includes representation from the Association of Veterinary Students (AVS), British Veterinary Association (BVA), the British Veterinary Ethnicity & Diversity Society (BVEDS), the British Veterinary LGBT+ Society, the British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA), the Major Employers Group, the Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS) and the Veterinary Schools Council (VSC) and will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating progress within each of the above areas.
Dr Niall Connell, Senior Vice-President of the RCVS and Chair of the Diversity & Inclusion Group, said: "I’ve always been of the opinion that making the veterinary professions more diverse and reflective of British society at large, as well as protecting fellow professionals from discrimination, isn’t just a moral issue, but one that actually improves the quality of the profession and the outcomes we are delivering for our clients and patients.
"If we are losing colleagues to discrimination or just not attracting people from diverse backgrounds in the first place because they think it’s ‘not for people like them’, then we are losing out as a profession, and if we aren’t drawing on a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences, and attitudes in our work, then we are also potentially doing a disservice to our patients and clients. This is why this Strategy is not just a case of being seen to be doing something, but is actually crucial for the ongoing vitality and credibility of the veterinary team.
"It’s important to emphasise that this Strategy is a start, and not an end in and of itself. There will be lots of hard work to be done and challenging conversations to be had, and results may not be quick or immediately obvious, but I am proud that we are taking a proactive approach and not just saying ‘things will change with time’.
Dr Mandisa Greene, RCVS President and a member of the DIG, added: “Fulfilling this Strategy will involve a lot of hard work over the coming months and years but I am glad to say that many of the activities it outlines are already underway both at the RCVS and our partner organisations, building on the pioneering work that organisations such as the British Veterinary Association, British Veterinary Ethnicity & Diversity Society, the British Veterinary LGBT+ Society, Animal Aspirations and others have been undertaking.
“For example, we have already held a joint RCVS and Veterinary Schools Council Roundtable with BAME students in which we heard about their experiences, issues that they have encountered and how they felt they could be better supported. These discussions led to the formation of a new RCVS/VSC Working Group that will take forward actions as a priority.
"Our Mind Matters Initiative has also funded a vital piece of research being undertaken by BVEDS and the Royal Veterinary College on the impact of racism on the mental health of BAME veterinary professionals which will no doubt highlight some critical actions to take to better protect members of the professions from discrimination and improve how discrimination is reported and dealt with.
“On a personal level, I have also been undertaking a number of school talks and providing one-to-one mentoring to school students about veterinary careers because I think it is important that children from a wide variety of backgrounds can see me, as a Black British woman of Caribbean heritage, as a role-model for diversity within the veterinary profession and know that the professions can and should be welcoming to all.”
The study was part of the RVC’s VetCompass programme which include anonymised veterinary information from over eight million UK dogs. From this pool, a random sample of 22,333 dogs were followed for a year, identifying all health issues that were diagnosed during this time.
The study is one of the largest ever studies to explore the anonymised health records from veterinary surgeries and report on the most common disorders in dogs. The study also looked at whether the health of dogs varied by age, sex and whether the dogs were neutered.
The main findings were:
Dr Dan O’Neill, Senior Lecturer, Companion Animal Epidemiology at the RVC and lead author of the paper, said: "This study shows that it is really important for owners to develop strong habits of caring for their dog’s teeth, ears and weight, right from the time they first acquire a puppy.
"This study shows interesting and strong correlations between human and canine healthcare: the need for good dental and bodyweight maintenance. Given how closely the lives of humans and dogs are intertwined, this should be no surprise really; we often share the same food and exercise. Owners should work closely with their vet to plan appropriate dental and weight care programmes at each visit to their veterinary clinic.”
Hannah James, Health Research Manager at the Kennel Club, and co-author of the paper, said: "As dog owners, the key priority is keeping our pets healthy and happy, but it can be difficult to put into context the most common problems that affect our canine counterparts and which areas we need to pay particular attention to in order to maintain this. These findings help us establish these key areas, and where we as owners, vets and organisational bodies can work towards to improve the day-to-day life of our beloved companions."
O'Neill, D.G., James, H., Church, D.B., Brodbelt, D.C. and Pegram, C. (2021) 'Prevalence of commonly diagnosed disorders in UK dogs under primary veterinary care: results and applications', BMC Veterinary Research.
Photo: Uwe Gelle
During the course, which counts as 7 CPD hours, some of the best-known veterinary experts in equine nutrition will be sharing their knowledge with the speaker panel comprising Caroline Argo, Andy Durham, Pat Harris, Nicky Jarvis and Sarah Stoneham.
Course organiser Nicky Jarvis said: "Whether it's a conversation with an owner about their overweight horse, examining a geriatric pony with weight loss or formulating nutrition for an orphan foal, tailored nutrition is the cornerstone of every equine case we see in veterinary practice.
"We regularly treat a variety of conditions such laminitis and colic, but are we always confident about the best feeding advice to give our clients? And how often do we walk into a tack room full of the ‘latest’ supplements and wonder if any of them actually work?"
The course will look at a range of clinical conditions to enable vet nurses to build evidence-based feeding advice into their treatment plans, formulate diets for any age of horse and see which supplements are worth the internet hype. The speakers will provide practical tips for everything from the anorexic pony to the stubborn weight loss case.
The course will cover how to:
BEVA President Lucy Grieve said: "Following the National Equine Forum’s Great Weight Debate (Equine) last month, appropriate equine nutrition has never been more topical.
"Equine obesity is a growing problem and this debate has highlighted how teamwork, communication and trust will help to tackle it to best effect. Veterinary professionals are in a unique and privileged position to support owners on all matters of nutrition and this course will give you the knowledge you need to provide practical, constructive help."
From superfoods to supplements: How to know more than the owner will cost £80.00 for members and £160.00 for non-members. To find out more and to book visit
This second edition of the Pocketbook for Veterinary Nurses contains a number of notable additions including: surgical and anaesthetic checklists, pain scales for dogs, cats and rabbits, dental recording charts, and PROTECT ME information on antimicrobial resistance.
This edition has been edited by Emma Gerrard (pictured right), who built on the work of Louise O’Dwyer, the editor of the first edition. It condenses knowledge from a range of BSAVA titles, including the BSAVA Textbook of Veterinary Nursing, together with information from a number of external sources.
The BSAVA says the Pocketbook for Veterinary Nurses has been put together with an awareness of the value of time in a busy clinical setting. Sections are arranged alphabetically, with cross-references for ease of use.
Ian Ramsey (BSAVA President 2020-2021): “Animals are more likely to get better, and get better faster, if they have good nursing care. This book is packed with the sort of information that allows nurses to deliver that care. It is presented in a format that makes it easy to carry around, but it will find its home at the heart of the clinic.”
The BSAVA Pocketbook for Veterinary Nurses, 2nd edition is now available from the BSAVA website priced at £15 for BSAVA members and £25 for non-members.
New BSAVA veterinary nurse members, and existing members who renew in 2021, will receive a free copy of the book.
The 2021 Nursing Programme, which was launched in January, is a new course that provides CVS employees with over 150 hours of foundation training and is open to all registered veterinary nurses across the company's practices.
The programme offers a range of courses and is designed to help nurses complete their mandatory CPD requirements, while providing learning and development opportunities for colleagues to further their careers.
CVS says it has capped the cost of the course so it remains accessible to all its nurses.
The company added that it plans to introduce an intermediate course in 2022, and an advanced some time thereafter, so that it can meet the CPD requirements of all of its nurses, at any stage in their career.
Lucy Turner, Chief Veterinary Nursing Officer at CVS Group (pictured right), said: “At CVS, we place our people at the heart of we do and are always searching for ways in which we can be the veterinary company that people most want to work for.
"This foundational programme, which is available almost entirely online, is a way in which we can support, nurture and build on the extensive talent we have across our Group and we greatly look forward to hearing feedback from the nurses who take part in the programme’s first year.”
Over 25% of the 1001 veterinary professionals who responded felt that the use of technology for triage and or consultations had either improved efficiency or the service offered to clients.
More than 10% said the pandemic had led to practices taking actions which streamlined client processes such as taking payments and booking appointments online or by phone.
The survey results are included in a presentation at the BSAVA Virtual Congress: "Lessons from Lockdown:Telemedicine is here to stay", which forms part of the current topics stream on Saturday 27th March. Brian Faulkner will take a look at maintaining relationships and changing dynamics with remote consults, communication challenges and opportunities. Matt Flann will follow with: "A practical perspective – how we have used it, what have we learned?"
BSAVA President Professor Ian Ramsey said: “The survey results have given us an important insight on how technology is being deployed to help the profession continue to help pets and their owners safely and to the best of their ability in these difficult circumstances.
"Vets have embraced innovations in practice such as telephone triage, remote consultations and digital communications. These have shown us that, as within the human healthcare sector, we can continue to deliver our vital services, possibly to an even more efficient and effective standard, despite the restrictions.
"Our Congress session on lockdown learnings promises to make for compelling listening with important ramifications for veterinary practice even after the pandemic has receded to a bitter memory. As we return to degrees of normality these innovations should not be discarded, but equally must not be allowed to generate the inequalities that go hand in hand with them if some practices and owners are inadvertently left behind.”
To register for BSAVA Congress, visit
Amy was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2019 and treated at the Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre and Southmead Hospital.
She underwent cancer surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and afterwards wanted to show her appreciation for the expert care she’d received by supporting the charity Above and Beyond, which raises money for Bristol City Centre Hospitals.
Unfortunately, the pandemic put paid to her plans for a fundraising event, so instead, Amy decided to sell Christmas trees from home and donate a percentage of the profits to the charity.
Amy said: “I wanted to give something back in return for the wonderful care the hospitals provided me with.
"The people who work in this field truly are angels and made a terrifying road ahead much easier to get through. I really do not know how some of them do the jobs that they do.
"The charity Above and Beyond raises money for Bristol City Centre Hospitals, including the children’s hospital, so I decided to pick them so that all the hospitals that had been involved in my care would benefit."
Amy managed to sell 102 trees, well surpassing her original target of 70. She added: "I am extremely thankful to everyone who chose to support me and the charity. We had raised more than £2,000 by the end of January, which is fantastic.
"I hope everyone enjoyed their beautiful real trees and I look forward to seeing them all again next year!"
Cave’s clinical director Nele Van den Steen said: “This was a wonderful effort by Amy and typical of her caring and considerate nature."
This means there is still a remaining seat on VN Council which remains unfilled.
As a result, one candidate standing now, Susan Howarth RVN, is therefore automatically re-elected to VN Council for a further three-year term.
If you've toyed with the idea of standing for VN Council, now is your moment, because if only one more nurse enters the ring, they too will be automatically elected without having to canvas so much as a single vote. A shoo-in, if ever there was one.
If two or more additional candidates come forward in the extended nomination period, then there will be an election for the place, running from 15th March to the 23rd April online.
Matthew Rendle, Chair of VN Council, said: "Whilst it’s certainly disappointing that we only had one nomination for VN Council by this year’s deadline, we hope this extension until the end of February means more vet nurses will now consider putting themselves forward for election. We are doing some really important work currently that in time will push forward and enhance our profession, so I would ask any vet nurses who are interested in having a say on the future of our profession to step forward as a candidate for the Council. Those who want to find out more about what it means to be on VN Council are also very welcome to contact me on"
CommentWith the proposed changes to the legislative framework governing the veterinary professions, which will have a profound impact on the working lives of all veterinary nurses, now could not be a more important, a more interesting and probably more historic moment to be on VN Council. Surely there must be more than two veterinary nurses who care enough about their profession to stand up and help shape its future?
Entitled ‘Managing mitral valve disease from start to finish’, the course will account for four hours’ CPD split into six short bite-size sessions which can be completed at your own pace.
The sessions are presented by Dr Mike Martin MVB DVC MRCVS, and business thought leader, Dr Alison Lambert BVSc CMRS MRCVS. They consist of a practical review of MVD both pre-clinically and clinically and how to diagnose and stage it following the new 2019 American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) Consensus guidelines.
The course also includes tips on how to treat and manage dogs with MVD with diuretic management; a step-by-step guide to treatment options for acute and long-term management of congestive heart failure and how to troubleshoot problem congestive heart failure cases.
There's also a bonus ‘Communicating Cardiology’ session which looks at how to communicate the heart disease journey to owners.
To register for the course visit
Ceva will donate £2 for every veterinary professional completing the course throughout February and March 2021 to Vetlife, which provides support to the veterinary community and their families who have emotional, health or financial concerns.
The recall is for the following batches only:
Petlife is contacting retailers, veterinary surgeons and wholesale dealers to examine inventory immediately and quarantine products subject to this recall.
For further information, contact Dr J M Ballany on +44 1333 720257 or email: