The RCVS and the BVA have published the Vet Futures report: their vision for how the veterinary profession should look in 2030, coupled with 34 recommendations for change.
The report, which represents the culmination of a year of engagement, consultation and research with the veterinary profession, veterinary nurses, members of the wider veterinary team, key stakeholders, animal owners and the general public, says that in 2030 vets should be a leading force for animal health and welfare and valued for their wider roles in society. They should be confident, resilient, healthy and well supported, and benefit from exceptional leadership. And there should be a broad range of diverse and rewarding veterinary careers, as well as thriving, innovative and user-focused businesses.
While the focus of Vet Futures has been on veterinary surgeons, Vet Futures engaged with the RCVS Veterinary Nurses Council and British Veterinary Nursing Association, as well as individual veterinary nurses, and the College says that many of the ambitions should resonate with members of both professions. It goes on to recommend that the veterinary nursing profession should build on the work of Vet Futures to develop its own clear vision and ambitions.
The recommendations within the report include:
Other recommendations include developing an animal welfare strategy for the profession, increasing collaboration with medical professionals and environmental organisations, adopting a more strategic long-term outlook for research funding, and exploring how to encourage a more diverse profession.
RCVS President Bradley Viner said: "The Vet Futures report is the culmination of a year of research and engagement with thousands of members of the veterinary and veterinary nursing professions, which has given us a very firm foundation on which to build our ambitions and recommendations. We are extremely grateful to every individual who has contributed in some way to the project, and helped us to seize the initiative.
"Over the years the veterinary profession has proved itself to be adaptable and able to face challenges head on, and we have no doubt that by working together we will realise our joint vision of a profession in charge of its future. Ultimately, we all want a profession that is confident in itself and one in which members are proud to call themselves veterinary surgeons."
Sean Wensley, BVA President, added: "Vet Futures has proved to be an exciting, engaging and truly ambitious project for the veterinary profession and it has created a fantastic level of debate and engagement.
"The report we are launching today is not the end of the story; it is the beginning of the next chapter. It is crucial that we maintain the momentum of the project so we will be inviting members of the veterinary professions to step forward and join a new Vet Futures Action Group to help us turn the recommendations into actions and drive forward activity."
The full report can be downloaded here.
Kruuse UK has expanded the well-known Buster range of "elizabethan" collars with the introduction of a Buster Comfort Collar. According to the company, this new design is softer and more flexible and features a soft rubber outer edge for better comfort for the animal and is kinder to its surroundings. Prolonged use can make the edges of strong, rigid plastic collars brittle and ragged, especially with active animals, which is why the Comfort Collar was developed to alleviate this problem in such situations.
Manufactured out of environmentally-friendly 100 per cent polypropylene, these collars still feature the quick-fastening system found on the Buster Clic Collar and are fully transparent to allow the animal all-round vision. The Buster Comfort Collars are available in seven sizes ranging from 7.5 to 30cm.
Kruuse will be exhibiting at the BSAVA Congress 2008, stand number 205.
Grahame Gardner has introduced the M559, a classically styled tunic, stocked for the first time in bottle green.
The company says that although it has sold numerous ladies tunics in bottle green, this is the first time it has stocked a male tunic in the characteristic veterinary colour.
The M559 incorporates side fastening with the option of contrasting epaulettes, alongside practical pockets and side slits.
Simon Ward, Sales Director said: "We are delighted to introduce this new garment to the veterinary market. We are continually reviewing our range in response to customer comments, and felt it was time we stocked a bottle green option, specifically for male members of the veterinary team."
Stocked in sizes from 34" to 50" (chest), the M559 is just one of several new styles introduced in Grahame Gardner's latest brochure. The company is also launching a new men's scrub tunic. The SS3295 has a v style neck, complemented by the v-detail on the sleeves, and contrasting trim available on the neck, sleeve and pocket. Also stocked in bottle green, the company says this tunic is aimed at veterinary professionals who prefer a more relaxed approach to uniforms.
To explore Grahame Gardner's collection please take a look at, or call 0116 255 6326 to order a copy of their new brochure.
The Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS) has launched a new Profitability Survey to measure profitability levels across the nation’s veterinary practices and provide a benchmark for practices to assess their performance against.
Launched this month, the SPVS Profitability Survey is available to all practices, both members and non-members. It can be completed online using figures from the practice’s most recent set of accounts and the practice management system. All the data is kept completely confidential for practices to securely access their results online.
Once they have completed the survey, participating practices will be given an overall practice profitability score from excellent, good, average, below average and poor. Practices will also be able to benchmark against Key Performance Indicators such as: the cost of drugs and supplies; the cost of personnel; and cost of overheads.
Peter Brown, SPVS Treasurer and author of the survey said: "We’re particularly pleased to be launching this Profitability Survey. As the saying goes, turnover is vanity and profit is sanity. Profitability is key to any business yet we’re often told that veterinary practices fare badly when it comes to this fundamental point. Knowing how your business is performing and how it compares to others should be a priority for all practice principals and one that our new Profitability Survey will be able to answer.
"We are delighted to be working with John Sheridan on this subject. John has long been a passionate advocate of the need for practices to understand their profitability and he has helped SPVS to develop this simple survey to provide practices with the key statistics they need. Furthermore, the pooled, anonymised data will be used by SPVS to help us tailor CPD and expert advice for members on this critical aspect of their business. The more data we have the more accurate analysis we will be able to provide so we would urge all veterinary practices to complete the survey."
SPVS’ existing Fee and Salaries Surveys have also been enhanced with improvements to the way data is entered and results presented through a dedicated website developed with Veterinary Insights. Published earlier this year, the Salaries Survey revealed that there is a widening pay gap between newly qualified vets whose median salary actually fell by 3.7% and more experienced vets who attained increases of between 2.6% and 10.8%. However, while newly qualified vets compared favourably with their equivalents in the medical and dental profession, those more experienced lag some way behind.
To take part in the new SPVS Profitability Survey visit
The hearing proceeded in Ms Kay’s absence as she failed to attend. The Committee heard a number of charges relating to her practising while under the influence of alcohol, breaching undertakings to the College to abstain completely from alcohol, alleged serious clinical failings in relation to the treatment of two dogs, Izzy and Alfie, and making disparaging remarks to a client about other veterinary surgeons (the complete list of charges can be found on the College’s website:
In relation to the first charge, (that in September 2016, while a locum veterinary surgeon at Haven Veterinary Surgeons Group, Great Yarmouth, she was under the influence of alcohol), the Committee heard from a veterinary nurse at the practice who told how on different occasions Miss Kay had appeared to need more assistance than expected, was overly friendly in speaking to clients, was unable to prepare a syringe correctly, and finally, on 14 September 2016, was found asleep in the car with an open can of alcohol by her feet. The Committee also heard from a number of other witnesses from the Haven Veterinary Surgeons Group who also provided evidence of Ms Kay’s behaviour on the day in question. Following deliberations, the Committee found the first charge to be proved.
The second charge related to the breaching of undertakings which Ms Kay had given to the College to the effect that she would abstain completely from alcohol. When samples were taken on 3 August 2017, however, it was found that she had been consuming alcohol in the recent past. The Committee was therefore satisfied that the second charge was proved.
The Committee then turned to the third charge, that in March 2017 Ms Kay had displayed a number of clinical failings when performing surgery on a cocker spaniel, Izzy, belonging to Mrs Debbie Coe. The Committee found the majority of the charges proved, amongst others that she failed to obtain informed consent for surgery, performed surgery in her own home when it was not registered as a veterinary practice and it was not possible to ensure sterility, and that she failed to provide suitable post-operative analgesia to Izzy.
The College then turned to the fourth charge, which concerned her treatment of Mrs Coe’s other dog, Alfie, a Miniature Schnauzer. The charge was that in March 2017, Ms Kay euthanased Alfie in an inappropriate manner, and used a controlled drug without having a registered veterinary premise from which to dispense it. After hearing from an expert witness the Committee found the charges proved.
Finally, the Committee heard evidence relating to the fifth charge, namely that in or around July 2016, Ms Kay made disparaging remarks to Mrs Coe about other veterinary surgeons who had treated Alfie, and that between 17 March and 31 March 2017 she had sent inappropriate texts and voicemail messages to Mrs Coe about the treatment of her dogs and payments owed in relation to this. The Committee thought there was not enough evidence in relation to the voicemails, but found the remainder of the charge proved.
Taking all into account, the Committee found that Ms Kay’s conduct had fallen far short of the standard expected of a member of the veterinary profession and concluded that her conduct clearly amounts to disgraceful conduct in a professional respect.
Alistair Barr, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: "The Committee considered that the only appropriate sanction is that of removal from the Register. Such a sanction is required to protect animals and to send a clear message to the Respondent, and to all veterinary surgeons, of the unacceptability of the conduct identified in this case. Such conduct undermines public confidence in the profession and fails to uphold proper standards of conduct and behaviour.
"Accordingly, the Committee has decided that removal from the Register is the only appropriate and proportionate sanction in this case."
Ms Kay has 28 days from being informed about the Disciplinary Committee’s decision to make an appeal to the Privy Council.
The Veterinary Record has published what the British Homeopathy Association is calling the first ever systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in veterinary homeopathy.
The review was conducted by Dr Robert Mathie, research development adviser to the association, and Dr Jürgen Clausen from the Carstens Foundation, Germany.
They found 18 placebo-controlled RCTs of veterinary homeopathy, published in the peer-reviewed literature, that were eligible for detailed assessment. Of these, only two were judged to provide reliable evidence. The remainder were unclear or had a high risk of bias.
The two studies which were judged reliable were:
HEKTOEN, L., LARSEN, S., ØDEGAARD, S. A. & LOKEN, T. (2004) Comparison of homeopathy, placebo and antibiotic treatment of clinical mastitis in dairy cows - methodological issues and results from a randomized-clinical trial. Journal of Veterinary Medicine. A, Physiology, pathology, clinical medicine 51, 439-446. In this study, homeopathy was shown to be ineffective.
Dr Mathie said: "Up to now, debates about the efficacy or effectiveness of veterinary homeopathy have been polarised by the absence of any systematic review of the subject. Our work clarifies the nature of the current RCT evidence."
Mr Mark Elliott, immediate past president of the British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons, said: "This important study affirms that reliable evidence does exist and that more research should be done, particularly in light of current concerns about antibiotic resistance in production animals."
It seems a remarkable admission, that the entire veterinary homeopathy edifice rests upon one study in piglets. However, if that study did prove the efficacy of homeopathy, it would of course be an order of magnitude more remarkable than today's admission.
So, no pressure then, Camerlink et al!
Merial is inviting equine veterinary nurses to take part in a campaign to educate horse owners about the risks and prevention of gastric ulcers, for the chance to win a team trip to BVNA Congress or a £50 Marks and Sparks voucher.
Dr Emma Batson from Merial said: "The campaign is all about education of horse owners on the risks of equine ulcers and what they can do to prevent them. Prizes will be awarded for the most creative and innovative marketing campaigns carried out by practices.
"Gastric ulcers are thought to be the most under-diagnosed equine condition, affecting one in three of the equine population¹, from racehorses to children's ponies. EVNs can help to deliver a serious message about equine gastric ulcers whilst also getting the chance to win prizes for their practice."
To help practices with their campaign, Merial has produced information packs which include advice on e-shots, in-practice displays, telephone campaigns, newsletter articles, local events, client evenings and risk assessment forms.
The campaign runs from now until the end of June, deadline for receipt of competition entries is July 15, 2013. To enter, practices can select any communication channels to help increase client awareness of gastric ulceration and how they can potentially prevent it.
For more information and to download a competition entry form visit, email: or contact your local Merial equine territory manager.
The British Veterinary Association has responded to 'alarmist' headlines linking contact with cats to schizophrenia due to the risks posed by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii.
The report in today's Independent contains some important messages regarding the need for good personal hygiene and the need for pregnant women and immuno-compromised groups to be aware of the risks. However, the BVA says it is concerned that the headlines could cause significant alarm to cat owners.
Most people who become infected are asymptomatic but 10-20% can show transient symptoms which are flu-like. There is a more serious risk to pregnant women and those who are immuno-compromised, but as with all infections common sense and good personal hygiene reduces the risk significantly and the BVA says there is no reason that families with, or those intending to have, children shouldn't have pet cats.
As outlined in the article sources of infection include eating undercooked meat and vegetables that have not been washed properly and contact with cats. It is not known which the greater source of infection is but according to the BVA, anecdotal evidence suggests that meat is likely to be more important than contact with cats. The BVA says it echoes advice that meat should be prepared and cooked properly, and offers the following hygiene advice for cat owners:
BVA Past President and veterinary surgeon Harvey Locke said: "While the facts are true, the headlines in this story have been quite alarmist and we are very keen to reassure cat owners that the risks can be managed with good basic hygiene and common sense.
"The biggest threat is to pregnant women and those who are immuno-compromised, which we have known for some time. It is useful to reiterate that they should take extra care but there is no need for people to get rid of their pet cats or choose not to have cats as pets."
Current World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) recommendations are to include a representative strain from each of the two sublineages of equine influenza virus (EIV) - Florida Clade 1 and Florida Clade 2, to deliver optimum protection.
MSD's study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of Equilis Prequenza, containing whole virus Newmarket/2/93 (European strain) and South Africa/4/03 (Clade1) EIV strains, and an HA canarypox vectored vaccine containing Florida Clade 1 and Clade 2 strains.
Two groups of seven Fjord ponies were vaccinated twice, 4 weeks apart (V1 on day 0 and V2 on day 28). One group was vaccinated with Equilis Prequenza (MSD AH) and one group with ProteqFlu (Boehringer Ingleheim). The protective antibody response was measured and ponies were challenged, along with six unvaccinated control ponies, by experimental infection with Wexford/14 (a heterologous clade 2 strain), 1 20 days (4.5 months) after V2, and clinical signs and virus shedding monitored. EI serology was measured by single radial haemolysis (SRH) and hemagglutination inhibition (HI). Clinical signs and virus shedding (measured by qRT-PCR and egg titration) were compared between groups and with controls.
Vicki Farr, BVetMed MRCVS, equine veterinary advisor at MSD Animal Health said: "Following challenge at 120 days after V2 with Wexford/14, this study demonstrates that both vaccines provide a highly significant degree of protection against clinical signs of EI and viral shedding compared to unvaccinated controls. Although the study was not designed to compare the efficacy of the two vaccines, because of practical limitations on the number of animals and hence low power, there was no evidence of any significant differences between these two groups. There was, however, a trend towards slightly lower clinical score on days 4-8 and reduced virus excretion on days 2-5 in the Equilis Prequenza group compared to the HA canarypox vectored vaccine.”
MSD says Equilis Prequenza offers a broad based approach to immunogenicity by addressing and adapting key areas of an equine influenza vaccine - Matrix-C adjuvant, whole virus antigen and strain; efficacy has been proven through challenge trials and longer term protection confirmed by serology.
Vicki added: "Equilis Prequenza addresses key factors involved in promoting effective immunogenicity. It combines the demonstrated efficacy against challenge, with a current circulating strain with an established safety profile. Equilis Prequenza stimulates active immunity against EI providing the reassurance your clients demand. MSD Animal Health is committed to working with equine practices to improve vaccination rates in at-risk horses."
For more information about the trial results contact your MSD Animal Health account manager.
Sue qualified from Cambridge in 1984 and then spent time in mixed practice in Devon before taking her Certificate and then British and European Diplomas in Veterinary Dermatology.
Sue has been an RCVS and European Specialist for more than 20 years. She has recently been elected as a Fellow of the RCVS for meritorious contributions to clinical practice, is an elected member of the RCVS Council and is the Senior Vice President of the European Society of Veterinary Dermatology.
Sue is the Veterinary Director of two companies: Veterinary Dermatological Ltd, a manufacturer of a range of veterinary dermatology supplements, and Virtual Vet Derms, a veterinary telemedicine company. She has published seven text books as well as writing numerous peer reviewed articles and contributing chapters to both small animal and equine text books. She lectures extensively in Europe and America.
During her Presidency, Sue intends to consolidate everything she believes to be great about the Association. She said: "BSAVA has just completed a three-year strategic plan and my Presidency is going to be all about driving this forward. There are so many new initiatives in the pipeline I can’t wait to get started. I am looking forward to working with my dynamic teams of BSAVA officers and our amazing Woodrow House staff to show just how great BSAVA really is."
Professor Ian Ramsey becomes Vice President.
Martin Hosegood MRCVS has been selected to run for (your) Vetlife in the Virgin London Marathon.
Martin said: "Through my role at VDS where I assist those on the receiving end of an allegation of professional negligence or professional misconduct, I have seen the fantastic work that Vetlife does to assist anyone in the veterinary community who is having a difficult time. I’ve run the marathon before for other charities but there will be something special about running it to help support my own profession. I feel privileged to have been chosen."
Martin (aka Obed) is a Bristol graduate who worked mainly in large animal practice for 25 years before becoming a VDS claims consultant in 2010. He has also been advising a large safari park on the health, conservation and management of a wide range of zoo species for many years and still continues this role now, albeit in a reduced capacity.
Martin will be running on April 26th with 38,000 other runners – almost five times the number that ran the first race in 1981. Other competitors will include Tim Peake, who will be running the race aboard the International Space Station, Dame Kelly Holmes MBE, James Cracknell and Rosie Allister, Chair of Vetlife Helpline.
Rosie said: "It’s brilliant that Martin is giving up his time and training miles to support Vetlife. People who call Vetlife Helpline can often feel very alone; knowing the profession is behind us and wants to help can make a real difference. I’m hoping Martin waves as he overtakes me on the day! And that more vets and VNs will help us fundraise for Vetlife in the future."
Anyone willing to sponsor Martin can do so at:
The anti-emetic, Cerenia (maropitant citrate), has gained licenses for use in puppies from as young as eight weeks of age and in cats from 16 weeks of age in the prevention and treatment of vomiting and reduction of nausea.
Cerenia is an NK-1 receptor antagonist which Pfizer says is effective against both peripheral and central emetic stimuli by acting on the final common pathway for emesis. It is, according to the company, the only NK-1 receptor antagonist licensed for dogs and cats.
Pfizer adds that in addition to the use for general emesis in puppies, Cerenia can also be used for chemotherapy-induced nausea in dogs. Studies in human oncology show that some patients receiving chemotherapy consider nausea to be more distressing than vomiting1. and the use of NK-1 receptor antagonists has shown clear benefits in the prevention of nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy-treated humans2. Cerenia tablets are also for the treatment for motion sickness in dogs aged 16 weeks or older, delivering claimed efficacy up to 93% without sedating the dog.
Kate Grocott, Product Manager for Cerenia, said: "Already successfully used in the treatment and prevention of vomiting and chemotherapy nausea in dogs, the new licence is a positive step forward for the prevention and early treatment of vomiting for puppies as young as eight weeks of age and cats from 16 weeks old. Being able to deploy Cerenia in these cases, will improve quality of life, and increases the likelihood of the animal voluntarily taking food and water thereby assisting in the recovery where there is underlying disease."
The new licence for treatment of cats with Cerenia is associated with the injectable form, while puppies may be treated with either an injection or tablets.
For further information, contact your Pfizer Animal Health account manager or call 0845 300 8034.
Virbac has announced the launch of the Compulsory Chipping Support Pack, designed to help veterinary practices raise awareness of the importance of microchipping and the new legislation coming to England, Scotland and Wales in April.
The pack contains a range of promotional and educational items including:
Sarah Walker MRCVS, BackHome Product Manager, said: "Compulsory microchipping comes in this April and awareness needs to be raised among the general public – numerous reports in the media still show a significant proportion of dogs are not yet microchipped. The new BackHome Mini Chip has a 34% smaller needle than our standard needles and is ‘one size fits all animals’, making it easier than stocking different chips for different size pets.
"The resources in our Compulsory Microchipping Support Pack are great for practices to use. We want to help practices and the teams working within them to engage with the public in their vicinity and help to drive practice footfall."
Protexin has launched what is billed as the first therapeutic veterinary GI diet to contain an added probiotic: Pro-Balance, with Enterococcus faecium.
According to the company, dogs presenting the common clinical signs of upset, such as vomiting, diarrhoea, lack of appetite and weight loss are one of the most common reasons for a dog to be brought to the vets. The beneficial effect of probiotics on GI disorders by providing an influx of beneficial bacteria to the unbalanced gut has been extensively documented. As has the fact that, in acute cases, dogs respond well to dietary management following a short period of ‘gut rest', as an essential aid to a recovery programme recommended by the vet.
For more information, see:
Hill's Pet Nutrition has announced that it will not be exhibiting at the British Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress this year, and instead will be found in a restaurant round the corner called The Strada.
The press release containing this news fluttered in at almost exactly same time as one from the BSAVA, in which President Grant Petrie revealed that Congress already has a record-breaking exhibition.
Hill's' spin on the story is that it's all part of a new way of thinking about how the company does business. Blake Hawley, DVM and Managing Director at Hill's Pet Nutrition said: "It's easy to fall into the same old habits and routines. In fact, it can be enormously comforting to predict that in the year ahead, one will deliver, and probably receive, expected results. We don't think that's really quite good enough. So, we made the difficult and very conscious decision to question what we do and challenge how we think about the way we do business."
Hill's goes on to say that it will continue to support BSAVA and help provide a great experience for people attending the Congress, by offering free Italian food, coffee or a glass of beer or wine from its new restaurant location.
Some might call that supportive of BSAVA. Others, less generous, might call it a way of benefitting from all the work that the BSAVA does to bring everyone together at Congress without contributing towards the costs.
Thankfully, though, it doesn't look like BSAVA has been hit that hard by the news. Grant Petrie said: "BSAVA is a not-for-profit registered charity, and Congress is run by vets and nurses. So all of us - organisers, delegates and exhibitors - are supporting the veterinary profession simply by being involved. Together, we are officially part of a record breaking year - with 241 exhibitors in the NIA, along with our fellow associations in the ICC.
"That's more than we've ever had before, and there is a waiting list of companies wanting to join us at this flagship event. So every company who is seriously committed to vets and being involved in supporting the small animal veterinary profession will be with us in the NIA. BSAVA really appreciates the involvement of exhibitors in making Congress such a vital event in the veterinary calendar. It means that not only can we offer remarkably cost-effective CPD, but also provide a showcase of new advances in the industry and the opportunity to get the most from your practice budget. It is where budget holders get the best value, and where exhibitors can meet key decision makers.
"Plus, of course, there's a lot of fun and plenty of free gifts to be found in the NIA too!"
Protek Biochem Ltd., a company set up by champion horse-rider Debbie Topping, has won the rights to sell Envirocair Veterinary, a new range of disinfectants and sanitisers targeted at dogs, cats and other domestic pets, as well as horses and farm animals.
The product is claimed to kill 99.99% of all viral, bacterial and fungal infections, and lasts for 14 days.
Debbie said: "I did not consider myself a businesswoman, just a normal horse-rider and animal lover. However, I was so impressed when I tried Envirocair Veterinary that, when I was offered the opportunity to become the main UK distributor, I jumped at the chance."
According to the company, the product is being used by a number of the horses and trainers heading to the London Olympics in 2012. It is now being rolled out across the rest of the UK's animal care sector.
Debbie says that veterinary surgeons, farmers, dog kennels, animal rescue centres, breeders and others will all be able to benefit from the new product: "Envirocair Veterinary doesn't harm skin or irritate the respiratory tract, so you don't need to get dressed up in special clothing every time you use it.
"Used properly, it quite literally kills the threat of major animal diseases such as parvovirus in dogs, which can otherwise be fatal in less than 72 hours.
"It's not an exaggeration to say that Envirocair will protect the health and even save the lives of countless numbers of animals across the UK."
Debbie signed the distribution agreement with the manufacturer Biotech International Ltd last month, before officially launching Envirocair Veterinary this week.
For more information on Protek Biochem Ltd or Envirocair Veterinary, visit
Mr Smith was convicted of conspiracy to commit a fraud in which potentially dangerous horses were drugged and then sold to unsuspecting owners, at Maidstone Crown Court in June 2016. He was given 30 months' imprisonment, which formed one of the charges heard by the Disciplinary Committee.
There were also a number of charges related to his treatment of five different animals while in practice at the Lakeview Veterinary Centre in Folkestone, Kent. The charges were:
In relation to a Clydesdale mare named Grace on 14 August 2014 he failed to perform an adequate examination and/or undertake sufficient investigation and/or take a history of her; that after his initial visit to Grace on that day he failed to respond adequately to the owner’s telephone reports that Grace had deteriorated and/or failed to improve; and, that he failed to make adequate clinical records for Grace.
Between 29 September 2014 and 31 January 2015, in relation to a Labradoodle named Holly, he failed to keep adequate clinical records.
In relation to a cat named Maisey the allegations were that he failed to examine and investigate the cat adequately, he made a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and gave insulin to administer to the cat without first undertaking the minimum investigation required, failed to keep adequate clinical records and sent an incorrect, misleading and dishonest statement to the RCVS regarding his treatment of Maisey. All charges date between 30 October and 19 December 2014.
In relation to a cat called Comet the allegation was that between 1 April and 17 April 2015 he failed to keep adequate clinical records and failed to respond adequately and appropriately to concerns raised by the owner.
Regarding a Yorkshire Terrier with diabetes named Poppy the allegation was that in two emergency out-of-hours calls made by Poppy’s owner to Mr Smith in April 2015 regarding the dog’s condition, he failed to recommend veterinary treatment or keep adequate clinical records. Furthermore, when the owner attended the practice following the two calls and the death of Poppy, he attributed the care to another member of the practice and failed to communicate effectively with the owner.
Having heard from a number of witnesses, including Mr Smith, and having received representations from Mr Smith in relation to the above charges, the Committee found almost all of the charges proven, with the exception of those relating to Mr Smith’s alleged conversation with Poppy’s owner at the practice following her death.
The Committee then went on to consider whether the various proven charges amounted to disgraceful conduct in a professional respect and whether the conviction rendered Mr Smith unfit to practise veterinary surgery.
In relation to the clinical charges the Committee found that, both individually and cumulatively, they amounted to disgraceful conduct in a professional respect.
The Committee also determined that the conviction rendered Mr Smith unfit to practise veterinary surgery and noted that it involved prolonged dishonesty, breach of trust, disregard for animal health and welfare and a "total abrogation of Mr Smith’s professional responsibilities."
Cerys Jones, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: "The Committee was particularly concerned because the dishonesty went to the heart of Mr Smith’s responsibilities as a veterinary surgeon. His registration as a veterinary surgeon enabled him to take part in the conspiracy, and that role involved him conducting certified examinations on animals and supplying drugs for administration to animals. Reliable and honest certification is a vital element of the veterinary surgeon’s public role."
In considering the sanction against Mr Smith the Committee looked at the clinical charges and the conviction separately.
In relation to the clinical charges the Committee found that his treatment of the animals in these cases was fundamentally incompatible with being a veterinary surgeon. The Committee therefore directed that Mr Smith’s name should be removed from the Register of Veterinary Surgeons.
The Committee said that the case demonstrated that Mr Smith’s lack of treatment or his inappropriate treatment of these animals caused harm and that in some regards, for example the writing of accurate and contemporaneous clinical notes, Mr Smith demonstrated a total disrespect for the Code of Professional Conduct.
The Committee went on to say: "Further, he deliberately lied to his regulator. He demonstrated deep-seated attitudinal issues including a misplaced belief in his own abilities and had no insight or commitment to do anything different in the future. In those circumstances the likelihood of repetition was significant in the Committee’s view."
In considering the sanction for his conviction of conspiracy to commit fraud the Committee took into account a number of aggravating factors including the premeditated nature of the conduct, the fact it was repeated over four years and the fact that harm was caused to both animals and people as a result of his actions.
Cerys Jones said: "As the decision notes, some of the riders were novices or children and as a result of their experience they lost confidence in riding a horse. As the independent veterinary surgeon Mr Smith was in a position of responsibility because he was certifying the horses as to their suitability. A particularly aggravating feature in this case is that Mr Smith had previously been removed from the Register for falsely certifying horses for export."
In relation to the conviction the Committee also directed that the Registrar remove Mr Smith from the Register.
Mr Smith has 28 days from being informed of the Committee’s decision to make an appeal against it.
The full findings can be found here.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has clarified the legal position regarding the disbudding of goats, following recent media reports concerning undercover filming on UK goat farms.
The carrying out of any activity which amounts to veterinary surgery is restricted to veterinary surgeons unless there is a suitable exemption that allows other people to do it. The removal of the horn-bud of goats (disbudding) is considered veterinary surgery under the provisions of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 (the Act).
Schedule 3 of the Act provides certain exemptions to the restriction on carrying out veterinary surgery, such as those allowing veterinary nurses and student veterinary nurses to undertake any medical treatment or any minor surgery (not involving entry into a body cavity) in certain circumstances. However, Schedule 3 specifically provides that these exemptions do not allow non-veterinary surgeons to undertake the disbudding of goats, except the trimming of the insensitive tip of an in-growing horn which, if left untreated, could cause pain or distress.
There are no other Exemption Orders covering the disbudding of goats and therefore this procedure may only be undertaken by veterinary surgeons.
The Mutilations (Permitted Procedures) (England) Regulations 2007, the Mutilations (Permitted Procedures) (Wales) Regulations 2007 and the Prohibited Procedures on Protected Animals (Exemptions) (Scotland) Regulations 2007 all include disbudding of goats as a procedure which can be carried out for non-therapeutic reasons. However, this secondary legislation is subject to the restrictions in the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and therefore disbudding of goats is restricted to veterinary surgeons.The Welfare of Animals (Permitted Procedures By Lay Persons) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 currently include disbudding of goats as a procedure which may be carried out by non-veterinary surgeons. However, the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 applies to Northern Ireland and the Regulations are scheduled to be amended later in 2012. This will make it clear that only veterinary surgeons may disbud goats in the UK.
The secondary legislation in the UK does not explicitly require anaesthetic to be administered when disbudding goats. However, disbudding should be carried out by veterinary surgeons in accordance with good practice and in such a way as to minimise pain and suffering caused to the animal, which should include use of an anaesthetic.
In summary, only a veterinary surgeon may undertake the disbudding of goats and due to the nature of the procedure, veterinary surgeons disbudding goats should administer anaesthetic.
The Adaptil Diffuser has been renamed the Adaptil Calm Home Diffuser, the Adaptil Collar has been renamed Adaptil Calm On-the-Go Collar, Adaptil Spray is now called Adaptil Transport and Adaptil Tablets are now called Adaptil Express.
The new products are split into three colour-coded groups. In blue packaging, Adaptil Calm Home Diffuser is designed to help dogs stay calm in recurring situations at home, including staying alone, loud noises and visitors. It comes as a 30-day starter kit containing a diffuser and refill, and lasts for 30 days.
Adaptil Calm On-the-go Collar is for use when dogs face fearful situations outdoors. It is available in two collar sizes (small to fit necks up to 37.5cm and large to fit necks up to 62.5cm) and it lasts for four weeks.
Adaptil Transport comes in yellow packaging and is designed to make travel and visits to the vet less stressful. It is available in 60ml and 20ml bottles.
Adaptil Calm Home Diffuser, Adaptil Calm On-the-Go Collar and Adaptil Transport all contain dog appeasing pheremones to help dogs feel calm and relaxed.
The last product in the new range is Adaptil Express, which comes in green packaging. Adaptil Express is an oral supplement which Ceva says provides a fast, calming effect for dogs faced with occasional challenging events such as thunderstorms and fireworks. The non-pheromone tablets, which come in packs of 10 or 40 tablets, combine GABA and amino acids and can be given with or without food.
Abigail King, product manager for Adaptil, said: "80% of pet owners state that their dog gets stressed during challenging situations both inside and outside the home and during specific occasions such as travelling, fireworks and thunderstorms1. Adaptil’s new product range caters for all these eventualities and the eye-catching branding and packaging clearly indicates which product should be used for each challenging occasion to aid owner compliance and help dogs feel calm and relaxed at all times."
For further information, visit
Vet Futures, the joint initiative by the RCVS and the BVA to help the profession prepare for and shape its own future, has revealed the results of a survey which found that 59% of veterinary surgeons are optimistic about the future of the profession. 600 vets took part in the survey, which explored vets' attitudes towards their profession, and asked them to prioritise the key issues and rank some of the major threats and opportunities for the profession.Reducing stress was the single most important goal for the future, with 19% of respondents choosing it from a long list of options.The BVA and the RCVS say that priority goals for veterinary surgeons varied according to different areas of work and seniority in the profession. However, an overriding and uniting theme from the findings was the pursuit of recognition for the role vets play across the board. Vets' perception of the veterinary contribution to non-clinical roles, such as research, food supply and security, and public health, is high, but they don't believe the general public values these roles.Four of the respondents' top five goals for 2030 related to recognition:
Looking at how vets are respected and valued by society, Vet Futures points to its national ICM opinion poll of more than 2,000 members of the public which found that 94% of the general public trusts the veterinary profession generally or completely.
In terms of their own careers, 59% of vets said they felt that they had met or exceeded their expectations, leaving 41% saying their careers had only met some expectations (38%) or not met any (3%). Amongst this large minority of dissatisfied vets the reasons for their responses included: few opportunities for progression, pay, and working hours.The survey also asked vets to rank threats and opportunities for the profession and found that respondents considered the three greatest opportunities to be:
BVA President John Blackwell said: "It's heartening to see that, at the moment, the veterinary glass is half full for many. But we know that younger vets are disproportionately represented amongst those who are feeling less positive about their own careers, which is a real concern for future generations. There is clearly work to be done, through Vet Futures, for the profession to think innovatively in order to tackle some of their concerns around career progression, pay and working hours, as well as stress."The good news is that, through the Vet Futures UK-wide roadshow and our online engagement, we have been hearing new and interesting ideas for the future. We want to hear from as many vets, vet nurses and others who have a stake in the future of the profession and I would encourage people to get involved through our 'Veterinary Vision' essay competition or via the Vet Futures website."RCVS President Stuart Reid added: "There is a lot for the veterinary profession to be proud of but the Vet Futures survey shows that vets are concerned the general public doesn't understand or value the variety of roles we undertake outside clinical practice."We have also heard through our guest blog that vets working outside of practice sometimes feel that they are treated as second-class vets. "Through the Vet Futures project RCVS and BVA aim to address the lack of public awareness about the variety of roles undertaken by members of the profession, as well as increase understanding and access to these varied career opportunities amongst the profession. "We want to enable all veterinary surgeons to not only feel optimistic, but confident in their future."
Two recently published studies have demonstrated that the canine anti-emetic Cerenia® (maropitant - Pfizer) which was launched last year also relieves car sickness in dogs. In a pilot study, 17 dogs were given either Cerenia or placebo one hour before being taken on a car journey. After a washout period of 10-14 days, each dog was crossed over to the other treatment and once again taken on a journey to assess travel sickness. The results showed that likelihood of vomiting was reduced by 70% when the dogs were given Cerenia compared to placebo - but due to the small number of dogs enrolled the results did not reach statistical significance. The same research group also carried out a large, multicentre, blinded and placebo controlled study of Cerenia in preventing vomiting in 213 dogs known to be prone to travel sickness. They were given a single oral dose of Cerenia or placebo one hour before a car journey. The results showed that Cerenia was associated with a reduction in vomiting of 79% compared to placebo (p<0.0001).> The dosage of Cerenia used in both studies was 8mg/kg dose for the prevention of motion sickness-higher than the 2mg/kg dose that is routinely used to treat general emesis, administered at least one hour before the journey. According to the researchers' report in the Veterinary Record, the need for a higher dose is linked to the specific neural (central) pathway of emetic stimulation that is involved in motion sickness. Cerenia acts primarily at NK1 receptors in the emetic centre and thus has the ability to block vomiting due to vestibular stimuli. According to Pfizer, a single oral dose lasts for at least 12 hours, so pets can be dosed the night before an early start. For motion sickness prevention, Cerenia is licensed for up to 2 days' consecutive use, so owners can use it for a return journey the next day if need be. Pfizer also says that market research suggests almost one in five dogs suffers from travel sickness, which is not only inconvenient but does also stop some owners from travelling with their pet. In the past, owners have had to rely on OTC (over the counter) remedies or medicines developed for use in humans to prevent travel sickness. Many of these are ineffective or have unwanted effects such as sedation or extrapyramidial effects in dogs. Cerenia is the first anti-emetic to be developed specifically for use in dogs and was launched in April 2007- higher dose tablets aimed specifically for the prevention of travel sickness are expected to be made available early this year.
Loseley, the ice-cream maker, has announced that it has developed a new way of making flavoured ice-cream by adapting the diet fed to its cows.
The first variety to be made using the new technique is 'Eton Mess', for which the company's herd is being fed a diet of strawberries and meringues.
Loseley says its cattle - which are housed at the Beechdean Dairies farm in Buckinghamshire - have already been feeding on the ingredients found in the much loved pudding for over a year, to ensure their milk supply is infused with the strawberry and meringue flavours. Apparently, huge amounts of strawberries are having to be air-freighted into the UK in order to ensure an uninterrupted supply through the seasons.Andrew Howard Managing Director of Beechdean Dairies said: "We have been perfecting the quantities in the cattle feed for over 18 months to perfect the Eton Mess flavour. The cows need to be fed just the right quantities of meringues, strawberries, fat and hay to make the perfect Eton Mess ice cream. We believe ice cream should be great quality, tasty and interesting. Our products will always deliver against these criteria."Vince Bamford, Fast Moving Consumer Goods Editor at The Grocer, the UK's leading grocery trade magazine said: "Loseley's flavour development process is cutting edge - I have tasted the product and it is delicious. It is an exciting innovation for the ice cream category."
Virbac Animal Health has launched CaniLeish, the first vaccine for canine leishmaniosis in the European Union.
Leishmaniosis is a vector-borne parasitic disease caused by infection with protozoa of the genus Leishmania (L infantum in Europe). Leishmaniosis is transmitted by the bite of infected sandflies. In south-western Europe 2.5 million dogs are believed to be infected1,2 with the parasite and the disease is spreading northwards,3 as more people travel with their dogs or import infected animals from endemic areas.4 So far preventative methods have been limited to reducing the habitat of sandflies, minimising the physical contact of dogs with sandflies and using insecticides on dogs (sprays, spot-ons, repellent-collars, etc).
According to Virbac, CaniLeish's ability to protect dogs was demonstrated in an experimental challenge study, where the benefit of vaccination was still evident after one year.5 In an extreme condition natural challenge trial lasting two years under environmental conditions rarely encountered in reality, 93% of dogs vaccinated with CaniLeish did not develop symptomatic leishmaniosis. CaniLeish provides a fourfold reduction in the risk of developing this fatal disease. 6 Its safety profile has been shown in laboratory testing and field trials.7 In addition, Virbac says it contains no whole parasites that could be virulent in any host.
David McGahie BVMS Bsc (VetSci) MRCVS, Medical Department Manager at Virbac SA, said: "The development of this vaccine is a key milestone in the battle against this challenging disease which is a major problem in many regions of the world. Although in the past it was considered a rather exotic disease here in the UK, the advent of the Pet Travel Scheme means it has become increasingly important as a problem for dogs which regularly travel abroad to endemic regions."
CaniLeish can be given to dogs as young as six months of age: the primary course consists of three injections given over six weeks. Dogs should be re-vaccinated annually, with a single dose administered one year after the third injection and annually thereafter.
Some big names from the art and entertainment worlds, including Cheryl Cole, Tracey Emin, Twiggy and Jamie Oliver are donating their own paintings and drawings of hares to raise money for two new operating theatres at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
One of these A4 canvases would be a great addition to a veterinary practice waiting room. It would be sure to create an interesting talking point, particularly if you specialise in leporids.
If you're interested in buying one, they go under the auctioneer's hammer both online and at the 'Hare Ball' at the Dorchester Hotel in London on May 26th 2011.
The Hare Styling Celebrity Canvases Appeal is the brainchild of hairdresser Michael Van Clarke whose daughter Angelica was given a lifesaving operation at Great Ormond Street Hospital when she was just two days old. Now 15 years old, Angelica has drawn a hare to help raise funds for the hospital that saved her life. The hare has been reproduced on A4 canvases which have been sent to well-known names in the public eye inviting them to create an original artwork.
Other celebrities who have already donated include Stella McCartney, Tara Palmer-Tomkinson, Terry Venables and HRH Princess Beatrice The Duchess of York. Many more are expected ahead of the March deadline. All of the canvases will be displayed at a central London gallery exhibition and most will be included in a hard bound book printed to raise further money for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity.
Michael Van Clarke said: “The pioneering work carried out at Great Ormond Street Hospital provides hope to extremely sick children and their families. My family knows first-hand the incredible difference the hospital can make and I am always looking for ways to show my gratitude. When we first came up with this Hare styling idea, we weren’t sure how it would be received, but we have been overwhelmed by the response from the recipients of the canvases.
"The fundraising potential of these canvases is huge and we are so grateful for the time and effort people have put in to creating them. We are also looking forward to handing over a big cheque to the charity once all the canvases have been sold.”
For further information or to see a selection of the canvases, please visit
The Animal Medicines Distributors Association (AHDA) and the Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority (AMTRA) have both come out against the BVA's call for all anthelmintic medicines to be reclassified as POM-V, which would prevent them being prescribed by Suitably Qualified Persons (SQP).
Ian Scott, Secretary General of AHDA, said that instead of launching an attack on SQPs, the BVA should be working with them and animal owners to tackle anthelmintic resistance: "The BVA has written to the VMD to ask that all anthemintics be classified to POM-V only. This will monopolise the supply and distribution of anthelmintics for vets only. It effectively places the blame for anthelmintic resistance squarely on SQPs.
"An attempt by BVA to create a division between vets and SQPs demonstrates that the BVA is out of touch with its members.
"Both prescribing channels must work together to tackle the problem and AHDA has been working hard with vets at national and local level to ensure customers receive consistent, high quality, up-to-date and relevant advice from both channels.
"What is worrying is that the BVA attack also infers that farmer producers and equine owners are incapable of making decisions that not only affect their livelihood but cast doubt on their ability to care for their animals' welfare."
Meanwhile, Stephen Dawson, Secretary General of AMTRA said: "The large majority of SQPs deal with parasite control on a daily basis, having trained and been examined to a syllabus developed with BVA input. SQPs have to undertake compulsory continuing professional development, the majority of which includes good practice in parasite control. Therefore AMTRA has every confidence that qualified SQPs have excellent knowledge of parasitology to advise their clients on the correct choice and use of anthelmintics.
"It is important to recognise the hard work, knowledge and dedication of thousands of SQPs throughout the UK. The implication of what BVA say is that they are laying a proportion of the blame for resistance to these medicines at the door of SQPs. But the evidence isn't there: countries in Europe and elsewhere with different prescription systems, mainly though vet-only channels, still have major resistance problems. Prescription of antimicrobials by veterinary surgeons hasn't prevented concerns about prescribing practices and developing resistance. The key point is good advice from the prescriber and how they are then used in practice, rather than who prescribes them. The challenge for us all is not just to seek excellence in prescribing but also in usage on farm, something SQPs are ideally placed to do with their frequent farmer contact.
"I would urge all parties to work in partnership to ensure that best practice in prescription and use is followed by all prescribers and users. It is up to all prescribers to act responsibly, but to single out one group over another is unjustified. A pseudo-monopoly by vets on supply would do nothing to help farmers in difficult times."
Mr Dawson also expressed doubts about permanent POM-V status for new livestock anthelmintics: "While we fully support VMD's and VPC's need to be sure that the risk associated with wider availability of a new product is low, AMTRA considers that the current division in distribution classes and consequent low uptake of the newer products means that the much bigger risk is that widespread reliance on the three aging classes may be followed by reliance on just the two new classes when the older classes become unusable. Much better to have responsible prescription of all five classes now, by appropriately trained SQPs, vets and pharmacists, to ensure that there is a prospect of long term availability of effective parasite control."