A DNA test which will save foals from unnecessary pain and suffering, and ultimately death, has been launched by the Animal Health Trust.
Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome (FIS), a genetic disorder which is known to affect Fell and Dales ponies, causes foals to become anaemic and prone to opportunistic infections. Any foal born with the syndrome will not survive.
The new diagnostic DNA test, which costs £40, is the result of ten years of research by the Animal Health Trust (AHT) and the University of Liverpool. The test will not only identify foals which have the fatal condition but will highlight adult ponies who are carriers of the genetic trait which causes the syndrome. Affected foals will be prevented by avoiding covering a carrier mare with a carrier stallion.
Owners and breeders who wish to find out the genetic status of their ponies can arrange for a simple pulled mane or tail hair sample to be taken by a vet and submitted to the AHT. The Fell Pony or Dales Pony Societies will supply sample bags for submission on request. A fast-track system to identify foals suffering with the condition will report results within three working days.
The team that developed the DNA test was led by the AHT's Dr June Swinburne and Professor Stuart Carter of the University of Liverpool with research student Laura Fox-Clipsham. They believe that by using the test, owners and breeders will eventually be able to eradicate this awful condition.
Dr. June Swinburne, said: "The DNA test gives owners and breeders the power to overcome this devastating illness. It enables them to make informed decisions about which ponies to breed. We have already had samples submitted by HM The Queen from her own breeding stock of Fell ponies. I'd urge any breeders of Fell or Dales ponies to submit samples in order to arm themselves with the facts they need to prevent the birth of affected foals and thereby avoid this distressing condition."
Professor Carter, said: "The research, and ultimately the DNA test, has only been possible thanks to funding from The Horse Trust and the support of the Fell Pony Society and the Dales Pony Society who have supplied DNA samples. We consider that the efforts of all involved in enabling this research have lead to a major advance in animal welfare."
For more information on testing, contact the Fell or Dales Pony Societies. Alternatively visit the AHT website http://www.aht.org.uk/genetics_fis.html or email FIStesting@aht.org.uk
AB Science, a young Paris-based biotech company, has announced the pan-European commercial launch of its veterinary anticancer drug, Masivet
Masivet was approved in November 2008 by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) for the treatment of dogs with non-resectable grade 2 or 3 mast cell tumours. Masivet's active pharmaceutical ingredient is masitinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Masitinib, discovered and developed by AB Science, belongs to a therapeutic class of drug known as targeted therapy that is, according to AB Science, revolutionising the treatment of cancer in humans.
Alain Moussy, CEO of AB Science said: "Masivet is the first product ever registered as a cancer treatment in veterinary medicine. AB Science is a dynamic and very entrepreneurial biotech company, and is proud to have introduced a drug that can extend the life of dogs suffering from cancer ahead of the large pharmaceutical companies".
The company says Mastocytoma can be an aggressive cancer with a poor prognosis, and represents up to 20% of all cutaneous canine tumours. Some breeds are particularly susceptible, among them Golden Retrievers, Labradors and Boxers. Cancers have the same prevalence in dogs as in humans (1 dog in 4 will suffer from cancer during its lifetime) but surprisingly, no drugs developed for veterinary medicine with a demonstrated efficacy and safety have ever been approved until the arrival of Masivet.
The company claims two main benefits of the new treatment:
AB Science is a biotech company specialising in developing targeted drugs for high need indications, such as cancers, chronic inflammatory diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. Masitinib is the most advanced drug in the pipeline. Now being marketed in veterinary medicine, masitinib is also under development in humans, with phase 3 clinical studies in pancreatic cancer and in gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST).
Alain Moussy said: "This registration in veterinary medicine is good news for the future success of masitinib in humans, for whom we are aggressively developing it in cancers and other indications with high morbidity or pain.
"It is very unusual to develop such an innovative product simultaneously in veterinary and human medicines, and even more so that the product is registered in veterinary medicine first. There is no doubt that experts in human oncology will be watching Masivet's future very closely from now on.. However, people will have to wait a while before benefiting from masitinib because it is unlikely to be available to man before 2012".
For more information, see www.masivet.com and www.ab-science.com
Bayer Animal Health has signed a sponsorship deal with the celebrated series The Dog Whisperer on Nat Geo Wild and committed to a wide-reaching TV advertising campaign to promote Drontal.
The sponsorship agreement covers series 5 of The Dog Whisperer as well as repeats of series 1 - 4. The programme follows Cesar Millan as he goes into the homes of troubled dog owners offering calm and assertive guidance. The Dog Whisperer is broadcast five times a day throughout the week and will be aired from July until December on Nat Geo Wild. Drontal's sponsorship credits will be shown before, during and after each episode and will feature the Schnauzer that's become synonymous with the brand.
An additional TV advertising campaign will run during July and August in the UK and Republic of Ireland, primarily on GMTV and Ireland AM, but also on around 15 satellite channels. All the advertising will centre around the Schnauzer "Absolutely Not" campaign, serving to highlight the benefits of regular worming to a specifically targeted audience.
Drontal product manager, Dan White, says the initiative will increase brand awareness for Drontal amongst pet owners, ultimately resulting in healthier dogs and cats. "We're expecting to see a significant increase in demand once the campaign commences and, as such, have put in place the necessary steps to ensure this extra demand can be easily satisfied."
Deborah Armstrong, Senior Vice President, Media Sales and Partnerships for Fox International Channels says: "We are thrilled Drontal has partnered with our world famous Dog Whisperer TV series. The show, which premieres on Nat Geo WILD, and its star Cesar Millan, has a passionate and loyal fan base in this country which is a key factor for Drontal. The Dog Whisperer is a break-out franchise for National Geographic Channel and the show combines our unique brand values with first class entertainment."
New point of sale materials for veterinary practices to reflect the sponsorship agreement will also be available.
For more information, please speak to your local Bayer Territory Manager.
New research published online by the Veterinary Record suggests that puppies separated from their litters early are significantly more likely to develop potentially problematic behaviours as adults than puppies who stay with the litter for at least two months.
This is important, say the Italian authors, because behavioural problems affect relationships with owners and the risk of subsequent abandonment.
The authors based their findings on 140 adult dogs, half of whom had been taken from the litter and adopted between the ages of 30 and 40 days, and half of whom had been taken from the litter at 60 days.
The dogs' owners, who were clients of several veterinary practices in Naples, Italy, were all asked to complete a telephone questionnaire about their pets, including their provenance, breed, and a range of potentially problematic behaviours.
These included destructiveness, excessive barking, possessiveness around food and/or toys, attention seeking, aggressiveness, play biting, fearfulness on walks, and reactivity to noises.
The dogs were aged 18 months to seven years at the time of the study. Half had come from a pet shop, while one in three came from a friend or relative, and the remainder were sourced from a breeder. None of the dogs had been in a shelter or been obviously traumatised.
Attention seeking and reactivity to noises were the most commonly reported behaviours. And younger dogs (under 36 months) were significantly more likely to be destructive and to tail chase than older animals.
But with the exception of pica eating, aggression towards the owner, paw licking and shadow staring, all behaviours were significantly more likely among dogs who had been separated from their litters before 60 days, irrespective of their breed, neuter status and size.
Similarly, some behaviours were more common among pet shop dogs who had been taken early from their litters than among pet shop dogs taken from their litters at 60 days.
The authors write: "It is generally accepted that dogs go through a sensitive period, the socialisation period, during which social experiences and stimuli have a greater effect on the development of their temperament and behaviour than if they occur in later life."
They say that the evidence increasingly points to a mix of early genetic, environmental and experiential factors that may permanently reconfigure the DNA, so leaving lasting effects. "Early separation from the dam and littermates, especially when combined with housing in a pet shop might affect the capacity of a puppy to adapt to new environmental conditions and social relationships later in life. "Behavioural intervention can address the development of problem behaviours and improve the dog's relationship with the owners, ultimately reducing the number of dogs that are relinquished or abandoned."
Click here to read the paper in full.
The RCVS has released the photograph of a man apprehended by Wiltshire police whilst working as a bogus veterinary surgeon at a practice in Swindon.
Peter Keniry, who had been practising under the name of a properly qualified and legitimately registered veterinary surgeon Shaun Kehoe, was arrested on 23 August and appeared in Swindon Magistrates' Court on charges of fraud and practising veterinary surgery unlawfully. He was released on bail.
Mr Keniry is no stranger to the College or the police, and has already been dealt with in 1998, 2001 and 2005 for similar offences. On each occasion, Mr Keniry has impersonated a member of the College whose name is legitimately on the Register, which makes it difficult even for practices that do check the credentials of prospective employees.
Gordon Hockey, Head of Professional Conduct and Assistant Registrar at the RCVS said: "We were alerted to the potential fraud on 23 August and immediately liaised with the police to facilitate Mr Keniry's arrest that same day. The next day, RCVS Council member Dr Bob Moore and I visited Swindon police station to assist the police.
"It appears that Mr Keniry has continued his pattern of re-offending, and we hope that by publicising his photograph any other practice that has employed him recently will recognise him and contact the RCVS Professional Conduct Department, and potential employers and locum agencies will keep his photograph to reduce the chances of this happening again."
The RCVS Professional Conduct Department can be contacted on: profcon@rcvs.org.uk or 020 7202 0789.
The RCVS has opened a consultation on the future of veterinary specialisation, which includes a proposal that the use of postnominals and titles by veterinary surgeons should be rationalised in order to avoid confusion amongst the public.
The proposals are submitted for comment by the RCVS Specialisation Working Party, which is chaired by former Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Kenneth Calman.
The Working Party's review was precipitated by a finding that the structure of veterinary specialisation is "confusing and opaque" to both animal owners and the profession (Unlocking Potential - a Report on Veterinary Expertise in Food Animal Production, by Professor Philip Lowe, 2009).
The Working Party has explored the routes to RCVS Recognised Specialist status. It has also looked at the use of 'specialist' more broadly, given the fact that it is not a protected term in the veterinary field, and has considered animal owners' expectations of a 'specialist'.
The Working Party also makes proposals for encouraging more veterinary surgeons to become specialists, given that there are currently only 319 on the RCVS List of Recognised Specialists, out of a UK practising arm of the profession of some 17,400 veterinary surgeons.
The proposals from the Working Party could have far-reaching impact. One suggestion is that all those meeting the criteria for specialist status would also become Fellows of the RCVS (FRCVS) - a status currently only held by those who complete a thesis or exam, or who qualify on the basis of 'meritorious contributions to learning'. There are also proposals that the term 'RCVS Recognised Specialist' be dropped and replaced with the much simpler term 'specialist' or 'veterinary specialist'.
Further proposals include the introduction of a 'middle tier' of veterinary surgeons - potentially to be called 'advanced practitioners' - who would be below full specialist status and subject to periodic revalidation.
There are also recommendations that veterinary surgeons should be obliged to explain referral options to their clients, including the level of expertise of those to whom they are referring cases.
The future of the RCVS subject boards, which currently manage the various Certificate and Diploma examinations, is also considered in the proposals.
The emphasis throughout is on simplification and improvement, according to Professor Sir Kenneth Calman, who said: "New legislation to introduce statutory registration for veterinary specialists would no doubt make things clearer, as it is for doctors and dentists, but, in the meantime, we believe there are a number of actions which the RCVS could take to improve matters."
The consultation paper can be downloaded from www.rcvs.org.uk/consultations, and comments are welcomed from members of the public, veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses. The closing deadline for comments, which should be sent to RCVS Head of Education, Freda Andrews, on f.andrews@rcvs.org.uk, is Friday 9 December.
Comments received will be considered by the RCVS committees and Council in early 2012.
The British Veterinary Association and its specialist cattle division the British Cattle Veterinary Association have welcomed today's announcement by Defra that it is strongly minded to include a controlled cull of badgers as a key component of the bovine tuberculosis (TB) eradication plans for England.
The two associations have long supported the need to control TB in both cattle and wildlife, including the need for a targeted, humane cull of badgers in specific parts of the country.
Following a consultation exercise which closed in December 2010, Defra has today announced:
The BVA and BCVA jointly responded to Defra's 2010 consultation to say that the available science supported the case for a badger cull, alongside the need for stricter cattle control measures, in those areas where badgers are regarded as a significant contributor to the persistent presence of TB. The response also emphasised strongly that any cull of badgers had to be done in a humane and effective manner.
The BVA and BCVA say that today's announcement shows Defra has listened closely to their concerns. Through the consultation response the BVA and BCVA raised the issue of the efficacy of an industry-led cull using controlled shooting (as opposed to cage trapping and shooting) and stated firmly that any cull must be monitored for humaneness. Both of these issues have been considered in depth by Defra and appear to have been addressed in the plans.
The associations say they will be looking closely at the detail of the guidance issued today and will be responding to the consultation.
Harvey Locke, President of the BVA, said: "The BVA and BCVA have long argued for a targeted, humane badger cull to be used alongside stricter cattle controls. We believe that failure to tackle wildlife sources of TB infection has prolonged the presence and enhanced the spread of infection in all affected species populations.
"We recognise that this is a very emotive and difficult decision but we believe that the science supports this policy and we support Defra's commitment to tackling this devastating disease.
"We are particularly pleased that this announcement has not been delayed until after the summer recess, which demonstrates the seriousness of the need to tackle TB."
John Fishwick, President of BCVA, added: "We welcome today's announcement which indicates that a humane and carefully targeted cull of badgers can contribute to the control of this dreadful disease.
"We are particularly pleased that the veterinary profession's concerns that any cull must be humane and well monitored appear to have been listened to and we will now study the proposals in detail.
"An industry-led cull will be an enormous undertaking for everyone involved and it is vital that we get the detail right from the outset; for the sake of cattle, wildlife and industry."
Meanwhile, the RSPCA has expressed its devastation at the announcement.
According to the charity, new research has been published which shows that badger culling can more than double the risk of TB infecting cattle1. High-profile voices such as Sir David Attenborough and government adviser Lord John Krebs have also weighed in, saying a cull could "make the situation worse" and be "ineffective".
David Bowles, Director of Communications for the RSPCA, said: "Today is a black day for badgers - a day we have been dreading.
"At a time when the Welsh government has stepped back from a cull, the government in England is slowly shredding its own animal welfare credentials."
The RSPCA says it agrees that action is needed to combat bovine TB in cattle, but does not think action is synonymous with culling. The charity believes that vaccination of badgers, increased levels of testing, improved biosecurity and stricter controls on the movement of cattle are more effective ways of dealing with the problem in the long-term and eradicating bovine TB in cattle for good.
Colin Booty, senior scientist for the RSPCA, said: "The RSPCA is sympathetic to farmers struggling to cope with the effects of this crippling disease and thinks that the problem of bovine TB in cattle needs a sustainable and effective solution.
"But this is not such a solution. We believe that the government have taken the wrong fork in the road with this risky policy.
"This cull will contribute little or nothing to the long-term goal of eradicating TB nationally. Instead it will wipe out huge numbers of this much-loved species, including many animals which are healthy."
1 The New Medical Research Council study came from Imperial College London and were published in the Royal Society Journal Biology Letters. They were based on analysis of data from the 10-year Randomised Badger Culling Trial set up by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in 1998.
Defra has announced that new rules on pet travel will be introduced from 1st January 2012. The changes will mean that the rules on rabies vaccination for entry into the UK will be in line with the rest of Europe.
Defra has carried out a risk assessment to find out how the changes will affect the level of risk of rabies entering the UK. Although the probability of rabies introduction into the UK will increase, the assessment found the risk will remain very low after the increase.
The British Veterinary Association and the British Small Animal Veterinary Association are informing their members of the new rules so that the right advice can be given to pet owners planning to travel abroad with their animals.
Dogs, cats and pet ferrets entering the UK from an EU or 'listed' third country from 1 January 2012 must:
The current requirement to carry out a blood test followed by a six-month wait before entry into the UK will no longer be required.
From 1st January pets entering from a non-listed third country must pass a blood test 30 days after vaccination followed by a three-month wait.
Until now, the UK, Ireland and three other Member States have had derogations from EU pet travel rules to allow for additional controls to protect against rabies, ticks and tapeworms.
Successful vaccination programmes in wildlife in mainland Europe have now allowed the UK to consider whether the additional controls for rabies are still necessary.
The BVA and BSAVA have continued to lobby in Europe for additional controls to be maintained for tapeworms, which could introduce Echinococcus multilocularis to the UK - a significant public health concern.
Although a final decision has not yet been made the European Commission has indicated that it will support the UK case for additional tapeworm controls.
Harvey Locke, President of the BVA, said: "It is vital that any controls on animal movements are proportionate to the risk.
"Due to the highly successful vaccination programme in wildlife in mainland Europe there has been a huge reduction in the incidence in rabies. Research carried out by Defra reveals that the risk of introducing rabies under the new rules is very low.
"However, it is essential that pet owners get good veterinary advice when planning to take their animals abroad because pets can be exposed to a number of diseases not currently endemic in the UK, for example leishmaniasis, babesiosis, and ehrlichiosis.
"As part of responsible ownership we would always advise pet owners to visit their vet for a pre-travel consultation to discuss how to protect the health and welfare of their animals when travelling abroad."
Andrew Ash, President of the BSAVA, added: "The Pet Travel Scheme has been highly successful in keeping the UK free of rabies. BVA and BSAVA have been working closely with Defra to ensure that any changes to the pet travel rules do not threaten our disease-free status.
"The rabies vaccine has advanced and now has a longer duration of immunity and we welcome the continuing requirement for all pets to be vaccinated before travel."
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is seeking feedback on a new draft Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses.
The new draft Code, which would replace the existing RCVS Guide to Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses, has been produced by a Working Party set up by the RCVS Advisory Committee to review the Guides for both veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses.
It is the benchmark for professional conduct against which registered veterinary nurses will be measured in any hearings on serious professional misconduct held by the recently-introduced VN Disciplinary Committee.
The purpose of the review is to ensure that guidance to the profession, and the public, is clear, for example, using consistent language to distinguish between what must be done and what is advised.
The new Code is a short, principles-based document, using the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe's Code of Conduct as the starting point. It will be supported by additional advice on specific areas of veterinary practice or issues, for example, clinical governance.
The consultation follows an earlier one for a new draft Code for veterinary surgeons that closed at the end of June: the new Code for veterinary nurses follows the format and style of that for veterinary surgeons. Comments made during the veterinary surgeon consultation will be taken account of alongside comments made during this new consultation.
For the first time, the draft proposes that veterinary nurses make a declaration on joining the VN Register, which underlines the primary importance of animal health and welfare: "I PROMISE AND SOLEMNLY DECLARE that my constant endeavour will be to ensure the welfare of animals committed to my care and that I will pursue the work of my profession with integrity and accept my responsibilities to my clients, the public, the profession and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons."
Comments on the proposed draft are invited from the veterinary nursing profession, the veterinary profession and the public, particularly on the issue of whether the Codes for veterinary nurses and veterinary surgeons ought to be combined.
Andrea Jeffery, the RCVS Veterinary Nurses Council member who led the group tasked with developing the new Code, said: "It is 50 years since the start of the veterinary nursing profession and the changes proposed in the Code reflect the development of our professional role over this time.
"This new Code is a simplified document that focuses on key principles and which will be supported by more detailed guidance. Although it follows the format of the draft Code for veterinary surgeons, it is important that we recognise our unique position as veterinary nurses."
The new Code, together with the consultation paper, can be downloaded at www.rcvs.org.uk/VNcodeconsultation.
Comments should be sent by email to Christopher Murdoch, Secretary to the Guides Review Working Party, at c.murdoch@rcvs.org.uk by Friday, 21 October 2011.
Eurovet has launched Comfortan, the first EU-authorised methadone in the UK, available as an injectable solution for use in dogs.
Eurovet says that whilst methadone may seem an unfamiliar analgesic choice for some vets in practice, that is about to change very quickly.
Ruth Vernon Technical Services Manager at Eurovet says that prior to the launch of Comfortan, reports show that usage of methadone to manage pain in animals is much higher than previously thought: "We have become aware that many practices are using methadone routinely for orthopaedic procedures and that several specialists use it in preference to any other analgesic where rapid onset of action and profound analgesia is important. This opioid provides vets with an animal analgesic with very rapid onset of action: exerting an effect in just 10 minutes of intravenous administration and 15 minutes of intramuscular administration. Comfortan is licensed both as an analgesic and as a premed in combination with a neuroleptic drug. As a full opioid agonist, Comfortan results in very effective pain relief, particularly when used for moderate to severe pain. Comfortan provides pain relief for approximately four hours and can be re-dosed to achieve the desired level and duration of pain relief."Ruth is anticipating high demand for Comfortan from launch: "Comfortan enables many more patients to be given methadone immediately to control their acute pain without their vets having to go through lengthy protocols involved in using products off-licence, so we think that more vets are about to become convinced of the benefits. Comfortan is licensed for veterinary use and it offers the convenience of a 10 ml vial with a shelf life of 28 days. Those who have not used methadone before, or indeed anyone with a query about storage or monitoring, can source all the information and advice they need by contacting us at Eurovet Animal Health."
For further information contact Eurovet Animal Health on 01223 257933, e-mail: office@eurovet-ah.co.uk, or visit: http://www.eurovet-ah.co.uk/
Petlog is announcing details of National Microchipping Month at BSAVA, which this year will include a special offer through which pet owners can update their registered details free of charge, and a 10% discount on SureFlap microchip cat flaps to all veterinary practices that agree to stock SureFlap and take part in the June initiative.
Celia Walsom, Petlog Executive said: "On top of the launch of National Microchipping Month 2011 we will be releasing details about the 'Petlog's Featured Practice' competition, our social media campaign enabling veterinary practices to send in images of themselves with their happy customers: selected images will be featured online and there will be a unique prize for the overall winners.
She added: "Visitors to the Petlog stand will also be able to pick up their own personal copy of the Kennel Club's Veterinary Practice Guide to Dog Health on a handy disk."
Meanwhile, you can see SureFlap on stand 203 at Congress or visit: www.sureflap.co.uk/trade.
Following last month's news that Hill's had pulled out of BSAVA and would instead be found at a pizza restaurant round the corner from the NIA, comes a fresh announcement that the company has changed venues, and will now be at the Slug and Lettuce for the duration of Congress.
What next? I'm half expecting another press release before Congress kicks off, inviting us all to meet at John's.
A group of brave veterinary nurses and a student nurse leapt out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft last weekend, both to raise money for children with epilepsy, and to highlight the need to protect the title 'Veterinary Nurse' in law.
Vicky Couzens, Jenny Cook, Kim Blowing, Michelle Dickens, Gillian James and Leigh Martin, none of whom had parachuted before (in fact, Gillian hadn't even been in a plane before), were raising money for the Muir Maxwell Trust, a charity which funds research into childhood epilepsy, and supports the families of some of the 70,000 children affected by it in the UK.
The daredevil nurses also wanted to highlight the fact that anyone can call themselves a veterinary nurse, regardless of whether they've ever even set foot inside a veterinary practice, let alone passed the demanding examinations. They argue that the title 'Veterinary Nurse' should be protected in law, in exactly the same way as 'Veterinary Surgeon', so that the pet-owning public can have the reassurance of knowing when their animal is being cared for by a qualified professional.
To support these nurses' efforts, and help them reach their fundraising targets, click the links below:
http://www.justgiving.com/Victoria-Couzens http://www.justgiving.com/Jenny-Cook23 http://www.justgiving.com/KimBlowing http://www.justgiving.com/Michelle-Dickens
Meanwhile, one of the children that has benefitted from the work done by the Muir Maxwell Trust is Emily Guthrie, daughter of the editor of VetNurse.co.uk and VetSurgeon.org. She sent the jumpers her own message of thanks:
According to a survey of 2,000 dog owners by Burgess Supadog Sensitive, 18% of women say they speak to their dog more than their partner or husband.
Not only that, but it seems the older you are, the more likely you are to strike up a conversation with the dog: 21 per cent of respondents aged 45-54 said they talked to their dog more than their partner as opposed to 10 per cent of 18-24 year olds.
Other findings from the survey included:
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Council and the Veterinary Nursing Council have decided that there will be no increase in registration and retention fees for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses for 2012.
Last year, the Councils decided that a lower than inflation increase should apply to fees for 2011 to help mitigate the impact of the difficult economic climate on veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses. Members who are over 70 and who cease practising do not have to pay fees if they wish to remain on the Register.
Bradley Viner, RCVS Treasurer said: "We know times are tough financially for many people and hope that freezing fees will help a little. Professional regulation can be costly, but we try to keep fees as low as possible."
The RCVS financial policy remains that fee increases should be small and incremental in order to avoid a need for periodic sharp fee hikes resulting from inflationary pressures.
Fees for 2012 will be as follows:
2012 fees (£)
Veterinary surgeons
UK-practising retention fee
Overseas-practising retention fee
Non-practising retention fee
Non-practising retention fee (over 70 years old)
Registration fee
Temporary registration fee
Restoration fee
Restoration fee following voluntary removal
Veterinary nurses
Retention fee
Rabbit Awareness Week (RAW), which starts on 23rd May this year, is calling on veterinary practices to sign up to its free health check scheme to help raise awareness of rabbits' behavioural needs.
Participating practices will receive free support packs to help them advertise and run their health check events, as well as goodie bags to give out to clients who bring their rabbits in.
The 2011 event will see a PR, advertising and marketing campaign with backing from Burgess Excel and RAW partners, including Panacur Rabbit, Petplan Insurance, RSPCA, PSDA, The Blue Cross, Wood Green Animal Shelters and RWAF (Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund), which are the driving forces behind the RAW 2011 initiative.
Naomi Chatterley, marketing manager at Burgess Excel, said: "Following the success of last year's event, our aim is to create an even bigger success in 2011. This May, the focus is on raising awareness of rabbits' emotional welfare needs by encouraging owners to consider their rabbit's mental and emotional health. Rabbits that are not stimulated both mentally and physically tend to develop behavioral problems such as fur plucking, depression or severe aggression. Our sole aim is to educate owners about responsible rabbit ownership and improve the wellbeing of Britain's 3rd most popular pet."
If you are interested in supporting RAW 2011 by hosting rabbit healthcare clinics at your surgery, please visit http://www.rabbitawarenessweek.co.uk/ to order your free support kit and register your event.
The British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons is claiming that: "owners can now be confident homeopathic medicines can be effective for common canine and feline conditions in many animals, following a recently published clinical study."
In what the BAHVS says was the largest-ever study of its type, the Clinical Outcomes survey has identified a number of clinical conditions in dogs and cats that homeopathic veterinary surgeons believe may be promising targets for future research in veterinary homeopathy.
In the study, twenty-one homeopathic vets in the UK recorded data from their patients over a 12-month period, and collected information from a total of 1500 dogs and 400 cats. The most frequently treated feline conditions overall were dermatitis, renal failure, overgrooming, arthritis and hyperthyroidism. The most commonly recorded canine conditions were dermatitis, arthritis, pyoderma, colitis and fear. By owners' assessments, a moderate or major improvement was reported overall for 68% of dogs and 63% of cats.
The authors of the study concluded that a programme of controlled research in homeopathy for frequently-treated feline and canine conditions is clearly indicated.
John Alborough, co-publisher of VetSurgeon.org said: "I also find that if I shove toenail clippings up my bottom, it totally cures my indigestion."
ReferenceMathie RT, Baitson ES, Hansen L, Elliott MF, Hoare J. Homeopathic prescribing for chronic conditions in feline and canine veterinary practice. Homeopathy 2010; 99: 243-248.
Bayer Animal Health has re-designed Drontal Cat and Drontal Cat XL tablets from a round shape to a smaller ellipsoid one, in order to make worming an easier process.
Bayer's Drontal brand manager Dan White said: "Market research conducted among 218 cat owners in August revealed that an ellipsoid, smaller tablet was preferred. In fact, 69% of non-Drontal Cat users indicated they would prefer to switch from their current worming product to an ellipsoid, smaller tablet. So we have re-designed the shape of the tablet across the Drontal Cat range.
"Drontal is the only wormer that kills every type of gastrointestinal worm commonly found in UK cats. So it was not surprising the research also showed Drontal to have the highest brand awareness, at 37%, of all cat worming products."
The new Drontal Cat Ellipsoid tablets are now available, and in new pack sizes of 2, 24 and 96. For large cats, Drontal Cat XL Ellipsoid has new pack sizes of 2, 8, and 48, and these packs will be available in early 2011.
For more information about the new Drontal Cat tablets, please contact your Bayer territory manager.
Fidavet has launched Surosolve, a vet wholesaler exclusive, non-prescription ear cleaner for cats and dogs.
Fidavet says the product has multiple uses for complete cat and dog ear cleaning:
Surosolve maintains healthy ears by acting as an antibacterial flush1, 2 and antibiotic potentiating agent2, 3 while contributing to restoring the normal microbiological balance of the ear canal.
According to the company, the product has already received positive feedback from veterinary practitioners that have used it: 79 per cent liked the appearance of the formulation and over 80 per cent appreciated the fragrance.
Helen Goldberg, marketing manager for Janssen Animal Health, said: "Surosolve has a unique, powerful yet non-irritant formulation, ideal for the ears of cats and dogs. This non-irritating solution with an almost neutral pH of 6.8 allows cleaning while respecting natural ear physiology.
"Surosolve also contains Tris-EDTA, which gives extra power to concurrent topical antibiotics. EDTA is a chelating agent, active in damaging the cell surfaces of bacteria, while Tris enhances the effect of EDTA by buffering the pH, ensuring the solution is not irritating to the ear and maximising the anti-bacterial effect."
Marion Lannegrace, Janssen Animal Health international product manager for Fidavet said: "The Fidavet range is only available through veterinary wholesalers because we firmly believe these products should be used only with veterinary advice. This gives clients peace of mind that their pet is receiving the best care."
For further information on Fidavet Surosolve, visit www.fidavet.com.
1 Cole LK. Anatomy and physiology of the canine ear. Veterinary Dermatology, 2010, 20 (5-6), 412-4212 Cole LK, Nuttall TJ. Pseudomonas otitis. Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, 2005, (5), 324-3303 Roberts NA, Gray GW, Wilkinson SC. The bactericidal action of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid on Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microbios, 1970, (7-8), 189-208
Following last weekend's Mail on Sunday revelation that a number of well-known organisations have been routinely serving meat from animals which have not been humanely slaughtered, the BVA has written to the companies involved, both to express concerns about animal welfare and to renew calls for clearer labelling.
The Mail on Sunday found that meat slaughtered under certain religious rules without pre-stunning (including kosher and some halal meat), is entering the mainstream food chain without being labelled as such. The investigation found that the meat is being used in schools, hospitals, pub chains and sporting venues.
The investigation follows news reports that GateGourmet, one of the largest airline caterers, is considering making the majority of its meals halal.
The BVA is concerned that consumers are confused by existing food labels and supports moves by the European Parliament to introduce mandatory labelling of meat from non-stunned animals, including use of the meat in other products. The BVA also supports the concept of one clear EU-wide label that would indicate higher welfare throughout the food chain.
Professor Bill Reilly, President of the British Veterinary Association, said: "Whilst we understand the need to respect religious freedoms the BVA believes that all animals should be stunned before slaughter to ensure the highest possible welfare for the animals.
"The exemption for religious slaughter should therefore be kept to a minimum. Meat from animals slaughtered according to these religious rules should not used in the mainstream market, particularly if it is not labelled as such.
"Earlier this year the European Parliament voted in favour of the compulsory labelling of meat from non-stunned animals and the British Veterinary Association strongly welcomed this move.
"We believe that consumers do want to make choices based on higher animal welfare and not cause unnecessary suffering. They should have the right information to make those pro-welfare choices."
Fitzpatrick Referrals has announced the launch of a new outpatients diagnostic imaging service, available to all primary care veterinary surgeons.
According to the practice, its Siemens CT and closed field MRI scanners are among the most advanced in small animal practice in the world, and enable more accurate and timely diagnosis of both routine and potentially life-threatening conditions, including tumours. The practice is now making these scanners available to outpatients from primary care practices.
The service will be available 7 days a week, from 09:00hrs to 21:00hrs. Primary care vets can access the service directly and schedule an appointment at a time convenient to them and their patient, without the need of referral. The qualified team of radiographers at Fitzpatrick will operate the scanners and all scans will be complemented by detailed imaging reports created and sent electronically by Vet CT Specialists, a teleradiology company headed by radiology specialist Victoria Johnson BVSc DVR DipECVDI MRCVS.
Fitzpatrick Referrals says it acknowledges that many primary care veterinary surgeons do not have the resources to provide advanced diagnostic imaging on site, so it is very pleased to be able to offer its CT and MRI suite to help expedite diagnosis, whilst the patient remains under direct supervision by the referring practice and the patient is immediately returned to their care thereafter. This can be an extension of the service offered by the primary care clinician to the client, hopefully resulting in rapid and appropriate treatment for the patient and expanding the range of services offered by practices to their clients.
Dr Noel Fitzpatrick, Director said: "It's as if the MRI and CT were actually in your own practice, because our facility is just an extension of your care package and you can advertise it as such. This improves the profile of your practice and enhances the bond of the client with the referring practice whilst facilitating appropriate intervention in a timely fashion. All types of scanning, soft tissue, orthopaedic and neurologic, can be catered for and all patients will be cared for and monitored by qualified veterinary nurses at a time to suit the owner. I see this as a win-win situation. If the primary care clinician needs any further help with the case, they can just ask on the day. Seven-day week advanced diagnostic imaging is now within the grasp of each and every practice, marking a new era of an integrated team approach to efficient cost-effective diagnosis and treatment."
To book an appointment, call Fitzpatrick Referrals on 01483 423761 and in due course there will be an online booking facility. For more information on the Outpatients Diagnostic Imaging Service, call Simon Hester on 07802 584133 or visit www.fitzpatrickreferrals.co.uk.
The British Veterinary Association has contacted the BBC programme 'Countryfile' following the broadcast of an item on identifying wild ponies in North Wales using 'ear marking' on 31st October 2010.
The programme visited a farmer in Snowdonia during the annual health check during which the wild ponies are brought into the town with support from the Countryside Council for Wales. During the programme presenter Jules Hudson asked the owner of the ponies, farmer Gareth Wyn Jones, how he can tell which pony is which. Gareth Wyn Jones explained that each pony has 'special ear marks' and there was footage of ponies with both ear tags and ear notches (marks or cuts). However, ear notching is no longer permitted under the Animal Welfare Act.
The BVA contacted Countryfile expressing concern at the programme's contents and asking for a clarification to be made. Countryfile responded to explain they were not aware of the law in relation to ear notching and tagging but that they would undertake to clarify the facts in a future programme.
The BVA has also been contacted by the pony welfare charity People4Ponies expressing concern about the ongoing practice of ear notching and tagging in England and Wales.
In light of the programme the BVA is asking its members to remind horse and pony-owning clients that ear tagging and ear notching are not permitted in Great Britain under the Animal Welfare Act as they do not appear in the list under Schedule 1 of the Mutilations (Permitted Procedures) Regulations 2007 (or under the Animal Health and Welfare [Scotland] Act).
Since July 2010 there has been a legal requirement that all horses and ponies are permanently identified by microchip (with some small exceptions) and the BVA believes this removes the need for any other form of identification, such as ear marking and hot branding, even for wild equids.
The BVA will also contact Local Government Regulation (the new name for LACORS - the Local Authorities Coordinators of Regulatory Services) and the Welsh Local Government Association to ensure that those with responsibility for policing animal health and welfare legislation in England and Wales are taking the appropriate action.
Harvey Locke, President of the British Veterinary Association, said: "This is a simple fact of legality and it appears there was widespread ignorance of the rules amongst all those taking part in the programme.
"As veterinary surgeons we have a responsibility to work with clients to ensure they are complying with animal health and welfare legislation. Ear mutilations are not permitted and we must make sure that message is reaching horse and pony owners.
"The BVA will also be contacting those responsible for enforcing the legislation relating to ear mutilations in horses and ponies to make sure the law is being policed."
The supermarket Morrisons is to launch new pet food packaging which will alert shoppers to the ideal portion size their cat or dog should be eating, in a bid to tackle the UK's growing pet obesity problem.
Morrisons is the first supermarket to add portion control guidance to the front of their pet food packaging, and it follows research from Petplan which found that 36% of all dogs and 29% of cats treated by vets are obese. In addition, 71% of vets agree that cases of obesity are continuing to rise.
Each packet of Morrisons pet food will provide the correct portion for a healthy weight pet and, according to the company, the packaging will communicate the amount of servings each product provides clearly.
Apparently, 70% of owners believe that their dog or cat has never been overweight, which shows that there is a level of confusion amongst owners as to how much their pet is eating. A further 83% do not even worry about giving their pet too much food. Morrisons is aiming to make it easier for pet lovers to ensure their animal doesn't put on any unnecessary weight especially with Christmas just around the corner and the temptation of being fed leftovers and treats.
According to vets asked by Petplan there are five main reasons for an obesity problem amongst household pets. They are:
John Cannan, New Product Development Manager for Pet Food at Morrisons said: "We've had feedback from our customers which says that they are often in the dark about how much food they should be buying and giving their pet. Our new packaging will ensure that shoppers have a clearer sense of portion sizes whilst also saving them some pennies"
Brian Faulkner Petplan Vet of the Year said: "It's great to see Morrisons taking the lead on this and helping shoppers make more informed decisions about what they are feeding their pet. Whilst it's normal to give your animal a treat every now and then, pets do need to follow healthy regimes just like we do. Keeping your pet fit and healthy will ultimately save you money on veterinary bills as well."
Anna was nominated by senior vet, Charlotte Botham, and vet, Hayley Stenning, from Pennard Vets.
Charlotte said: “Anna is a rare find, she brightens the lives of all she meets, including our furry and feathered friends!
"For the clients she serves and the team she works with, she is not just a friendly, smiley face when they walk in, she’s a safe place, a friend, a confident and a fabulous sounding board.
"She laughs and smiles with joy during the happy times and she’s a supportive shoulder to lean on during the sad times.
“Anna is not only manning the front desk and answering phones but doing the stock take, ordering food and prescriptions, dealing with insurance queries, keeping the place spick and span, sorting blood and other samples - the list goes on!
"She is also a feisty cat wrangler, a bouncy dog distractor, or is simply there to hold an anxious paw or hand, with treats or a cup of tea at the ready!
“Our clients, staff and suppliers, as well as every pet that walks through the door, is treated like family, any concern big or small is acknowledged with compassion and empathy and she finds an efficient and fair solution to every problem.”
CEO and founder of the British Veterinary Receptionist Association (BVRA), Kay Watson-Bray, said: “Anna's nomination instantly stood out and impressed the judges.
"She is clearly an exceptional receptionist who goes above and beyond for both her colleagues and her clients, and she truly deserves this award.”
Anna said: “I really love what I do, it’s more than a job, it’s a way of life and I find helping my team, our clients and their pets incredibly rewarding.
"As part of the award win, I will now have a place on the BVRA Council for the year, which means I will help shape the training courses and the support veterinary receptionists receive.
"I will also be part of the judging team for next year’s awards so it’s a very exciting role.”
Bayer Animal Health has announced it'll be running the 'Be Lungworm Aware' campaign in April 2011. The campaign is targeted at dog owners to raise awareness of the risks associated with the lungworm Angiostrongylus vasorum.
A Bayer spokesman said: "Over the past years, the spread of A. vasorum has been cited by independent experts, and disease caused by this parasite is increasingly diagnosed. Previous lungworm awareness campaigns have been successful in increasing dog owner awareness of A. vasorum and how their dogs can become infected. However, there is still a lack of recognition as to the signs associated with this infection, so the continuing education of dog owners is extremely important."
The national 'Be Lungworm Aware' activity for April includes TV, radio and print advertising in the form of an educational 'public information' style feature. A national awareness day is also planned for 6 April, which will include radio broadcast and web chat TV, and feature veterinary surgeon Luke Gamble and TV presenter Jenni Falconer.
Bayer has produced a package of veterinary support materials to allow practices to take part in the campaign and raise awareness at a local level. Materials include: an educational waiting room wall display and DVD, and client leaflets. A PR pack has also been produced which contains useful images and information which can be used on websites and in newsletters, as well as a press release for issuing to the local media and radio stations. To order these support materials, practices should contact their local Bayer representative or ring 0845 2574798 quoting 'Be Lungworm Aware'.