The surgery was carried out in August 2018 and is, they say, the first time it has been performed on a companion animal anywhere in the world. The dog, a five-year old spaniel called Gigha, has now made a full recovery.
Gigha’s surgery was carried out by Dr Guy Killick and featured in a recent episode of The Yorkshire Vet. Guy said: "Gigha provides vital companionship to her owner, Mrs Taylor. She fell into a drainage ditch last summer and this caused a tiny cut on her elbow.
"The initial wound did not seem severe, however, despite intensive decontamination and treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics, the wound proved to have been infected with a resistant Haemolytic E. coli infection, causing a significant loss of skin from the medial aspect of the elbow. During this time, Gigha was hospitalised and was at significant risk of DIC and septicaemia."
"The skin loss was full thickness and, once the compromised tissue was debrided away, she was left with a large wound.
"We managed the wound in hospital for four days with daily dressing changes and an irrigation device to provide local anaesthesia and the delivery of topical antibiotics.
"Unfortunately, skin grafting in her case was not suitable given the infection and a lack of sufficient loose skin to donate. As such, we elected for healing by second intention but, given the large area, we felt it was important to explore novel methods to accelerate the healing process and reduce Gigha’s pain.
"Surgery using Tilapia fish skin grafts was pioneered at UC Davis in the USA and was used successfully on a horse with acid burns in the UK last year. It is still very rare, however, and had not been used to treat an infected wound before. Nor had it been used on a dog.
"Having done our research though and finding that these grafts have a natural anti-infective and analgesic effect, while also reducing the frequency of bandage changes that would cause discomfort and distress to the patient, we felt it was an appropriate treatment for Gigha and carried out the surgery a week after the initial wound."
Guy says the surgery was straightforward and simply involved tacking the skin in place. It adhered to the developing granulation bed, accelerating its growth and providing an antiseptic and analgesic effect. After application, Gigha’s owner reported that she was much brighter and seemed to be in less pain. Pain-scoring during check-ups confirmed this to be the case despite pain relief being voluntarily withdrawn by the owner.
This initial graft stayed in place for two weeks before breaking down and being removed. By this stage, granulation of the wound had been completed and around one cm of neo-epithelisation had occurred. A further graft was then placed which remained for a further two weeks until the wound was 50% of its initial size. No further grafts were placed as the team did not have access to further supplies so they simply bandaged the wound with traditional bandages. It was completely healed within nine weeks. Eight months on, Gigha has made a full recovery and the wound has healed completely.
Guy said: "Given the large wound area and risk of further infection we decided on this novel approach to improve the quality of life for the patient while the wound was healing. While we were naturally apprehensive of making the first attempt at this potentially revolutionary technique, what we knew about fish skin grafts and suggested that they could work in her case so we were determined to give it a try.
"Looking at her now, you wouldn’t believe that she’d been days from death just a few months ago. Her case is a demonstration of the efficacy of fish skin grafts as a treatment for large wounds where there are no other suitable methods of closure – and for their use in dogs. We hope her story and her recovery will be useful to colleagues treating dogs with similar wounds in the future and are happy to discuss the case with them if this would be helpful.
"I would also like to thank Dr Jamie Peyton, Chief of Integrative Medicine Service at UC Davis for her invaluable help and advice during this case and her assistance in the use of the Tilapia graft."
Richard, who works at North Downs Specialist Referrals (NDSR), graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2003.
While working in general practice, he developed an interest in ophthalmology and undertook an internship in the field at the Animal Health Trust in 2013.
Richard said: "Watching cataract surgery for the first time as a student, I was amazed it could be performed through such tiny incisions and an artificial lens could be placed inside the eye.
"My grandmother had cataract surgery around this time, followed later by corneal transplants when I was a recently qualified vet, and this further sparked my interest.
"I was very fortunate during my time in general practice to be able to attend an excellent one-year modular course, with an inspiring teacher, and also to spend some time with two specialist ophthalmologists at NDSR.
"These experiences made me realise it was time to make the leap and try to become a specialist. It was quite a daunting step, but one I’ve never regretted."
Following his internship, Richard undertook a three-year specialist training programme in comparative ophthalmology at the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, studying towards the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmology Diploma.
After the successful completion of his training, he remained at the RVC as a clinician for a further year before joining the team at NDSR in July 2018.
Richard says he is now looking forward to further developing ophthalmology services at NDSR, alongside RCVS and American specialist James Histed: "I have already been discussing with James how we can develop the ophthalmology service, with new equipment and treatment options.
"We will soon be taking delivery of a new Zeiss operating microscope, which will have video facilities and eyepieces for an assistant. This will help us to perform more complex surgical procedures, and also help in teaching our interns and visitors to NDSR."
For more information, visit
So, it suggested, "Kill two birds with one stone" should become "Feed two birds with one scone", "Taking the bull by the horns" should become "Take the flower by the thorns", and "Bring home the bacon", "Bring home the bagels."
Oh honestly. This really gets my goat.
The elephant in the room, of course, is that there's always more than one way of skinning a cat.
Still, PETA went to the dogs years ago.
The book guides the reader through the evolutionary background of dogs and cats and explains how inherited diseases and deformities associated with certain breeds can cause breathing problems, heart disease, skin problems and back problems.
The book concludes with practical advice to help owners buy a healthy puppy or kitten and to avoid the risk of supporting puppy farms.
Emma said: "I’ve been campaigning on this issue for twenty years and, if anything the conformational issues and inherited disease problems in dogs and cats, are getting worse with some breeders striving for ever more extreme body shapes.
"Selecting a pet with inherited defects can cost thousands in vet bills and cause anguish for family members. It also creates a relinquishment problem for animal shelters as they have to take in abandoned pets with health problems.
"While awareness is certainly increasing, too often prospective pet owners are still unaware of the health implications of the pet they are buying and it is difficult for my veterinary colleagues to criticise the choice of a client’s puppy or kitten once it has been bought. All too often though they are left to pick up the pieces."
Emma added: "Education is the key. It is vital that prospective owners understand why different body shapes could be detrimental to health and how far removed from nature some of our breeds now are. If we can encourage them to stop choosing the quirky extremes in some breeds, demand for them will soon fall. My message is simple – we should all prioritise health and temperament way above what animals look like.
"I hope that responsible prospective pet owners will find Picking a Pedigree? an enlightening read and that it will inform their choice of a new family member. I also hope that it will be a useful resource for vets and nurses to be able to recommend to reinforce their pre-purchase advice."
According to the Animal Protection Agency, the rule had been included in the draft version of the new Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) Regulations 2018, which had been compiled with input from a number of stakeholders who agreed, based on scientific evidence, that snakes should be kept in enclosures at least as long as their body length.
However, the APA says that the rule was removed by Defra just days before publication, on the basis of one protest from a veterinary clinic closely associated with the pet trade and following what the APA describes as 'somewhat pally' correspondence between Defra officials and the representative of the veterinary clinic that had protested.
As a result, the ad-hoc group of biologists and vets, including Dr Phillip Arena (a biologist from Murdoch University), Rachel Grant (herpetologist from Northampton University), Angelo Lambiris (herpetologist), Catrina Steedman (reptile biologist), Clifford Warwick (reptile biologist) and veterinary surgeons Martin Whitehead MRCVS, Fredric Frye DVM, Mike Jessop MRCVS and Anthony Pilny DVM, have written to Defra, arguing that the scientific evidence significantly contradicts the veterinary clinic's protest, and that for their health and welfare snakes need to be provided with enclosures at least as long as they are.
Elaine Toland, biologist and Director of the APA, says this latest skirmish is symptomatic of a wider malaise: that whenever the APA meets with government officials, it finds itself up against a small group of pro-trade veterinary surgeons that tries to block any attempt to advance welfare for captive reptiles if it compromises the profitability of the trade.
Elaine said: "It's very frustrating, because the views of the vocal minority of pro-trade vets seem to us to be completely unrepresentative of exotic vets in general, who we've always found to be very supportive of our work and deeply frustrated by the welfare issues surrounding reptiles.
On 23rd October, Dr Hannah Capon MA Vet MB MRCVS will present 'OA management: more than just drugs', in which she will consider how best to manage canine osteoarthritis in first opinion practice and offer practical tips on how veterinary surgeons and nurses can help owners manage the condition better.
On 6th November, Dr Zoe Belshaw MA Vet MB PhD Cert SAM Dip ECVIM-CA AFHEA MRCVS (pictured right) will present 'Increasing compliance in OA treatment', during which she will discuss some of the reasons behind poor compliance and strategies to improve compliance by owners of dogs with osteoarthritis.
Forte Healthcare’s head of technical services and marketing, Dr Lucy Chadwick said: "We are delighted to have two well-recognised experts to deliver these webinars and we’ve made sure that they will be as equally relevant for vet nurses as they are for practising vets.
"For anyone who cannot join the live screenings, the webinars will be made available to watch on demand for a limited time after they are shown."
To register for the webinars, visit:
The range includes:
Fluodrop (the first fluorescein product specifically designed for veterinary use)
Ocryl - an ocular and periocular cleanser that can also be used to reduce and prevent unsightly tear staining
Ocular lubricants (carbomer and hyaluronic acid based)
Clerapliq – a novel molecule to the UK veterinary market that is used to help restore and regenerate the corneal extracellular matrix
The products will be supported with a selection of materials to help vets, nurses and pet owners in the maintenance of corneal health, including diagnosis and treatment guidelines, anatomical guides, posters and client educational and treatment aids to help with compliance.
William Peel MRCVS, product manager at TVM-UK said: "Our Corneal Focus Range is an exciting way to expand on our product portfolio following the successful introduction of our ‘Anti-tox’ range.
"With ‘Anti-tox’ we successfully managed to make vets and nurses lives easier by providing education and materials alongside a great range of products to help when dealing with poisoning cases in practice. We also attempted to make clients more aware of the dangers of poisoning in pets.
"We hope to emulate this approach and success with our Corneal Focus Range – by developing a wealth of materials for vets, nurses and clients to aid them in managing and understanding ophthalmology cases – and by providing quality products."
TVM UK will be showcasing its new products and support services at the London Vet Show (stand P40) this November.
For more information, visit:
The machine-washable wound/bandage protector is available in denim blue, in five different sizes.
Pads, sold separately, can be added to pockets in the Head Cover for additional protection. Alternatively, the pockets can be used to hold a dog’s ear to prevent wound fluids and ointments from sticking to the fur.
The company has also announced the launch of the new Medical PetS Boot, a waterproof paw protector which, unlike the alternatives, comes in a variety of sizes and is firmly held in place with both velcro straps and a drawstring.
For more information, visit: or ring 01347 878697
The company behind the research shall remain nameless because whilst it has a great PR agency which produces some interesting press releases, the tight so-and-sos have never spent so much as a single bean supporting the community with any advertising. And whilst we always publish stories that are of genuine importance and even the odd piece of PR propaganda-puff, we have to draw the line somewhere.
Where was I? Oh yes. 57 of the 100 veterinary surgeons (64 practice owners, 7 senior partners and 29 employed vets) surveyed by the unnamed company said they think their practice could do more to prevent the spread of infection.
79 said they are concerned that they are not consistently following correct hygiene protocols.
54 said they need more staff training and 53 said they want to be able to give staff more time between appointments to allow longer for more thorough disinfection of equipment and surfaces.
The company says its research suggests vets may need to do more to educate pet owners on the threats of poor hygiene and the spread of infection. Only 14 of the 100 veterinary surgeons surveyed believe that pet owners know enough about this, and pets not being vaccinated against disease was the second most common frustration vets felt about owners’ standards of pet care.
An unnamed spokesperson from the unnamed company said: "A busy vets practice is naturally focused on the care and health of its animal patients, however, hygiene standards are a vital aspect of this. With a full schedule of appointments, it can be difficult to effectively ensure all infection control procedures are covered. As a result, it’s easy for vets to overlook the important role laundry has to play as part of this process."
Incidentally, if you'd like to buy laundry equipment from a company that does support, we recommend Eickemeyer.
The one-day event, called VetQuest, will allow prospective students to spend the day being mentored by a current student whilst getting involved in interactive sessions, such as large animal skills, clinical skills and veterinary public health.
Participants will learn about the opportunities available to those interested in pursuing a veterinary career, have a tour of the school and attend talks on vet admissions and work experience.
Dr Louisa Slingsby, Teaching Fellow and Faculty Admissions and Recruitment Officer at the Bristol Vet School, said: "VetQuest allows those who are interested in a career in the veterinary professions to come along for a day to find out more about the roles of veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses.
"They will also have the opportunity to learn what to think about when choosing and applying for courses and how to give themselves the best possible chance to make an informed decision about if vet medicine is the career for them."
There will also be an optional session for parents and carers to help them navigate the challenges of applying to study to be a vet or vet nurse. The morning starts with a tour and then a talk and a Q&A session and finishes around lunchtime.
The cost of the one-day event is £50 and there are a limited number of subsidised places at £10. Lunch is included in the registration fee. To book visit:
The event is primarily aimed at years 11 and 12, although anyone is welcome to attend.
For further information about VetQuest, email: or tel: +44 (0)117 928 9280.
The College says that until now, veterinary research has largely ignored lipomas because they are rarely referred for specialist treatment.
For the study, the RVC identified 2765 lipoma cases from a population of 384,284 dogs in its VetCompass Programme (which collects anonymised clinical data on dogs under primary veterinary care in the UK) in 2013.
The study found that 1 in 50 dogs are affected by lipomas each year and that Springer Spaniels, Dobermann Pinschers, Weimaraners and Labrador Retrievers are the most susceptible to lipomas (5-8% prevalence).
The study also found:
At least one lipoma was diagnosed in 1.94% of dogs during the single year of the study.
Individual dogs with an adult bodyweight that was equal or higher than their breed/sex average had 1.96 times the odds of lipoma.
As dogs age, their odds of getting lipoma increase. Dogs aged between 9-12 years were over 17 times more likely to be diagnosed with lipoma compared to dogs aged 3-6 years old.
Neutered dogs had higher risk.
Insured dogs had 1.78 times the odds of diagnosis.
Purebred dogs had 1.16 times the odds compared with crossbred dogs.
Dr Lynda Rutherford, Clinician and Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery at the RVC, said: "This paper has supported the theory that lipomas are more common in older, overweight dogs.
"This information is useful as it can be discussed with owners and used as another reason to keep pet dog’s weight under control. It also provides a useful insight into how common lipomas are within the UK dog population."
O'NEILL, D. G., CORAH, C. H., CHURCH, D. B., BRODBELT, D. C. & RUTHERFORD, L. 2018. Lipoma in dogs under primary veterinary care in the UK: prevalence and breed associations. Canine Genetics and Epidemiology, 5, 9.
Protexin says Pro-Kolin Advanced contains beneficial micro-organisms, several prebiotic sources, an optimal level of a dual-source binding agent and soothing fibres to support gastrointestinal function.
The company also says that in a study involving 148 dogs, Pro-Kolin Advanced significantly improved clinical outcome compared to a placebo1.
Protexin Veterinary Director, James Kyffin, said: "Pro-Kolin Advanced represents an exciting development for Protexin Veterinary and fits in perfectly with our ethos to produce innovative, research-based products of the highest quality for pets.
"It is the first product of its kind to be supported by a randomised, controlled clinical trial that was undertaken in first opinion veterinary practices across the UK and Ireland.
"Not only are we pleased to be able to offer veterinary surgeons with an evidence-based option for the management of acute gastrointestinal disturbances, but also a very palatable formulation that was readily accepted by 92% of the dogs in the study."
Pro-Kolin Advanced is available in 15ml, 30ml and 60ml syringes for dogs and 15ml syringes for cats. The flavourings used in the product contain no proteins or common allergens so Pro-Kolin Advanced can be used in animals with known hypersensitivities.
The Lintbells Mobility Matters initiative provides materials designed to help improve communication and client understanding of their pet’s condition. It includes a guide on how to set up a mobility-focused nurse-led clinic, together with a step-by-step guide in a flip chart format to help RVNs recommend dietary supplements or modifications.
To help launch the clinic, Lintbells Veterinary Business Development Executives can provide lunch and learn sessions. Practices can also become approved Mobility Matters practices with certified CPD for the whole team to ensure that the process of recommendation and referral to the clinic occurs seamlessly and involves everyone in the practice.
Yumove Brand Manager Gemma Cunningham said: "Feedback about the pack is that it helps vets and vet nurses explain mobility problems to owners in a simple but structured way to improve buy-in to a multimodal approach".
Practices that want to register an interest in the initiative can contact their local Lintbells Veterinary Business Development Executive or visit
The case studies were developed by the RCVS Standards Committee and use a variety of examples of where miscommunication between a client and the veterinary practice can lead to an inadequate level of consent being gained for procedures and treatment, including euthanasia.
Examples include damaged teeth being removed during a clean and polish dental procedure without the owner’s express permission and not giving the full range of options available in the case of a dog with an osteosarcoma.
The case studies follow the Standards Committee approving changes to chapter 11 (‘Communication and consent’) of the supporting guidance to the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct in January 2018 to give further advice on how to discuss informed consent with clients, who can be responsible for gaining consent for a procedure and additional guidance on consent forms.
Dr Kate Richards MRCVS, Chair of the RCVS Standards Committee, said: "We hope these case studies will prove useful to practitioners who are having to deal with the complexities around making sure that procedures are fully explained to ensure informed consent is gained.
"We understand the difficulties that are encountered and so these case studies, based on real-life scenarios, highlight where things may go wrong and how these incidents can be avoided by being thorough and ensuring that good communication is at the heart of all we do."
To view the case studies, visit
Chapter 11 of the RCVS supporting guidance on communication and consent is available to view at
The VCMS, which is administered by Nockolds Solicitors, was formally launched by the RCVS as an alternative dispute resolution service in October 2017 following a year-long trial.
The aim of the service is to resolve, by mediation, disputes between clients and veterinary practices that do not meet the threshold of serious professional misconduct that is needed for the RCVS to investigate a concern through its formal processes.
Since the service’s trial, which started in October 2016, the VCMS has given preliminary mediation advice on how to resolve a case in more than 1,700 instances with over 580 cases having gone to full mediation of which 89% have concluded with a resolution.
Eleanor Ferguson, RCVS Registrar and Director of Legal Services, said: "From the perspective of both the public and the profession, the establishment of the VCMS has been a "win-win" situation. For the public it has provided them with an additional route to solve those complaints which wouldn’t cross the threshold to progress in the concerns investigation process.
"For the profession it has provided a more appropriate format for resolving a client dispute that doesn’t involve the time, effort and formal process of an RCVS investigation for those cases that will never amount to serious professional misconduct. I think this has been demonstrated by the fact that the vast majority of the profession are willing to engage with the VCMS process, even though it is entirely voluntary.
"The VCMS has also had a positive impact on the College and its concerns investigation process, allowing us to focus greater resources on those cases that do meet our threshold of serious professional misconduct. This has had a very clear impact on the speed with which we either close cases or move them on to the next stage of consideration by the Preliminary Investigation Committee (PIC), which, again, is important to both the public and the profession."
The College says that around 90% of cases investigated at Stage 1 of the process are now either closed or referred to PIC within four months – the College’s key performance indicator at this stage. This compares to around 50% of these cases being closed or referred within four months at Stage 1 in 2016.
The College also says that in total (including both preliminary and full mediation cases), 86% of the cases dealt with by VCMS were successfully mediated and feedback from both clients and veterinary practices has been largely positive. In client feedback from the third quarter of 2018, 93% said they would use the VCMS again and 79% considered it to be fair, while the equivalent figure amongst veterinary practices was 94% and 87% respectively.
Jennie Jones, a partner at Nockolds Solicitors who heads up the VCMS, said: "It is a good sign that mediation is largely working as it should when both parties are reporting similar satisfaction rates and we pride ourselves on negotiating resolutions that are acceptable and beneficial for both the clients and the practices.
"It is great to see that our efforts are also having an impact on the RCVS concerns investigation system by allowing it to concentrate on more serious cases."
More information about the RCVS concerns investigation process, including the different stages of an investigation, can be found at
Further information about the VCMS can be found on its website at or by calling 0345 040 5834.
The course will be led by Dr Jon Hall, a European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery and Dr Danielle Gunn-Moore, an RCVS-recognised Specialist in Feline Medicine, supported by RVN Ms Claire Dorey-Phillips. It will take place at Improve’s new practical training facility in Sheffield in January 2019.
Improve says the programme will equip delegates with a full understanding of the causes of FLUTD and help them to advise owners with cats suffering from the condition in order to improve long-term outcomes. It will also provide a comprehensive overview of the nursing and medical options to treat feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) and other causes of FLUTD including infection, calculi and neoplasia. The range of appropriate surgical methods to treat ureteral obstructions will also be covered, along with the post-operative nursing care, to ensure that delegates feel ready to perform a variety of bladder surgeries with confidence.
Juliet Pope MRCVS, Veterinary Operations Manager at Improve International (pictured right), said: "Treating patients with FLUTD is a team effort so we’re offering a special rate for a vet and nurse attending from the same practice though both vets and nurses can still, of course, book independently. The cutting-edge programme will be highly interactive and we aim to send delegates back to their practices with a revitalised approach to these tricky cat cases."
For further information visit or email or call 01793 759159.
EthyCalm is sprayed directly on the skin, or, for more fractious patients, can be applied with a swab.
Invicta says that unlike other products the effect is instant and EthyCalm leaves no residue on the skin surface.
The improved product, EthyCalm Plus, contains 50% more product (good for over 100 applications) and incorporates a new 'on-off' switch for easier application. It is also now packed in a 'no-roll' case to protect from damage.
Rob Watkins, Managing Director of Invicta, said: "EthyCalm has been an incredibly popular product with nurses and vets. As a small company we always listen to our customers and have taken the opportunity to incorporate suggestions for improvement. The result is EthyCalm Plus which offers significant enhancement over the original product".
EthyCalm Plus is available from veterinary wholesalers and for a limited time the price has been held at £25 each.
One £1000 bursary will be made available to the student or qualified veterinary nurse in the UK, with the best research project application. There will be a further opportunity to win additional prizes at the MSD Animal Health Research Bursary Day.
Michelle Townley, Veterinary Advisor at MSD Animal Health said: "We are very excited to be extending our bursary scheme to student and qualified veterinary nurses. They play a vital role in the welfare of animals and the future of the veterinary profession. Our new research bursary, supported by the BVNA, recognises and celebrates the value of veterinary nurses and our commitment to the science of healthier animals. We view our investment in research, and the pursuit of new knowledge, as the lifeblood of the veterinary profession and would ask veterinary practices and colleges to encourage their nurses to apply."
Wendy Nevins, BVNA President added: "This is a great opportunity for student and qualified veterinary nurses to develop their research skills and contribute to new research in the industry. We would encourage students and qualified veterinary nurses to consider applying and seek support from their lecturers or practices to complete an entry; helping raise the profile of the profession."
The Veterinary Nurse Research Bursary is open for applications from Monday 15th October 2018 and has a deadline for entries of Friday 10th May 2019.
For more information, visit:
The study, which was carried out by the VetCompass programme at the RVC, in partnership with Vets Now, also found that cats are most likely to be involved in a traffic accident in the autumn.
1,407 cat road traffic accident cases that attended Vets Now clinics across the UK between December 2011 and February 2014 were analysed, with researchers finding:
Younger cats, aged six months to six years, are at the greatest risk of road traffic accidents.
Male cats are 1.3 times more at risk of road traffic accidents than female cats.
Crossbred cats are 1.9 times more at risk of road traffic accidents compared to purebred cats.
Cats are more likely to be involved in a road traffic accident in the autumn. However, they are less at risk in winter as compared to spring.
Those cats that present with abdominal or spinal injuries are more likely to die, as are those that present with an increasing count of injuries.
RVC veterinary epidemiologist and VetCompass researcher Dr Dan O’Neill said: "One of the scariest times for any cat-owner is when they first start to let their cat go outside unattended. Owners of younger, and especially male, cats need to be especially vigilant. These results help owners to understand the true risks and therefore assist these owners to make the best decisions about if and how they let their cats go outside."
Dr Amanda Boag, Clinical Director of Vets Now, said: "We are very proud to have worked with VetCompass to ensure this important information about risks to our pet cats is made available to vets and the public. Working with our partners such as the RVC, we are committed to ensuring our large clinical database is used to help advance veterinary knowledge and understanding of emergency and critical care practice."
The full paper entitled 'Epidemiology of Road Traffic Accidents in Cats attending emergency-care practices in the UK' is published in the Journal of Small Animal Practice.
A total of 8,234 votes were cast in this year’s election, a turnout of 25.5%. The College says the previous highest turnout recorded this century was 22.8%, and it thinks this year's result may even be an all-time record.
The full results, in order of number of votes, are:
Niall Connell – 3,766 votes (re-elected)
Linda Belton – 3,581 votes (elected)
Jo Dyer – 3,146 votes (re-elected)
John Innes – 2,716 votes
Kate Richards – 2,283 votes
Tim Greet – 2,280 votes
Peter Robinson – 1,791 votes
John Davies – 507 votes
Tom Lonsdale – 422 votes
Eleanor Ferguson, RCVS Registrar and Returning Officer for the election, said: "Congratulations to Niall and Jo for being re-elected to Council and congratulations also to Linda who we look forward to welcoming to Council at this year’s Royal College Day on Friday 12 July. I would also like to thank Kate, Tim and Peter for their contributions during their time on Council and give my commiserations to them and the other candidates who were unsuccessful this year.
"I was delighted to see that, this year, we had over a quarter of those eligible to vote doing so which means both a record number of votes and a record turnout – it seems this was assisted by our email reminders which, each time they were sent out, lead to a significant boost in uptake.
"However, we will not rest on our laurels and will continue to think about how we can further improve engagement in the election process and turnout for subsequent years."
The results of the election will be declared formally at this year’s Royal College Day – the College’s Annual General Meeting and awards ceremony – which takes place at the Royal Institute of British Architects on Friday 12 July 2019 where the successful candidates will also start their new four-year terms.
No election to Veterinary Nursing Council was held this year due to the fact that there were only two candidates – Liz Cox and Jane Davidson – standing for the two elected places. Both Liz and Jane will take up their three-year terms at Royal College Day.
The research, carried out by the Royal Veterinary College’s (RVC) VetCompass programme, involved analysing data from 333,910 bitches who presented at veterinary practices participating in the programme between 2014 and 2017.
The study also indicated that the females of certain breeds are more prone to UI than others, with Hungarian Vizslas, Doberman, Weimaraners and Boxers most at risk.
UI affects around 3% of bitches in primary veterinary care in England.
The researchers say that a connection between neutering and UI in bitches has long been suspected but this study provides stronger evidence on the extent of the relationship.
The data also showed that age and bodyweight are major contributory factors to bitches developing UI as well as neutering and breed. Other key findings include:
Bitches over nine years old are 1.7 times more likely to develop UI compared to those younger than three years.
Bitches weighing over 10kg are 1.9 more likely to develop UI than those weighing less than 10kg, while bitches over 30kg are three times more likely.
Camilla Pegram, VetCompass epidemiologist and lead researcher on the study, said: "First opinion vets discuss and perform neuters on a daily basis but, until now, evidence on the link between neutering and urinary incontinence has been tenuous.
"This study provides stronger evidence of an important association between neutering and urinary incontinence. The decision to neuter a bitch is based on many factors, not just incontinence risk alone. However, these results suggest that the component of the decision driven by urinary incontinence could be emphasised for the high-risk breeds and bitches of larger bodyweight.”
It is hoped that the results will aid owners and vets in making evidence-based decisions when it comes to neutering female dogs.
The range comprises of a detangling pre-wash, a cleansing shampoo and a fragrant conditioner, all of which are pH balanced and formulated using natural ingredients and a blend of essential oils designed to make bathtime a calmer experience.
The products all come in 300ml bottles with a list price of £6; RRP £12.
The Pet Remedy range can be ordered direct from Animalcare on 01904 487687 ( or from your veterinary wholesaler.
As part of the campaign, veterinary practices are being urged to measure their feline patients’ blood pressure from seven years of age and above, as recommended by ISFM (International Society of Feline Medicine) 1.
Ceva says it will also continue the Mercury Challenge, its study of feline blood pressure, throughout 2019 to help increase veterinary professionals' confidence in measuring blood pressure and identifying feline hypertension.
The company says that since June last year, 128 practices and over 1,000 cats have participated in the challenge. You can registered to take part at:, where there's a chance to win diagnostic tools to help diagnose feline hypertension.
Dr Rosanne Jepson, American, European and RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine at the Royal Veterinary College, said: "It is great to see that so many cats (over 1000!) and practices in the UK have been involved with the Mercury Challenge promoting the measurement of blood pressure and detection of hypertension.
"I would urge as many practices as possible to measure blood pressure; it’s simple, quick and easy to perform and means that we can help prevent target organ damage which at its most severe can leave cats sadly blind for the rest of their life. With careful identification and treatment this can so easily be prevented."
To help raise awareness of Feline Hypertension Month, Ceva has produced a range of marketing materials including waiting room displays, a pet owner leaflet and veterinary marketing packs, which are available upon request.
The initiative will be supported with an extensive PR campaign aimed at pet owners, including a radio day starring CBBC’s Rory the Vet.
For more information, contact or visit
The events offer six hours of CPD and the opportunity for discussion and interaction.
Erin Carr, Marketing Executive at Royal Canin, said: "We are delighted to partner with The Colourful Nurse Roadshows. As well as providing veterinary nurses with essential information on consultations, the course covers preventative care including long term medical management.
"Speaking alongside Stephanie Writer-Davies, BVSc, MRCVS will be Royal Canin’s Scientific Communications Manager, Clare Hemmings. A qualified vet nurse, Clare won Pet Health Counsellor of the Year for work with arthritic patients and has inspired many nurses over the past 20 years to start nursing clinics."
The dates and venues for the roadshows are: 15th May – Manchester; 5th June – Northern Ireland; 9th October – Bristol; 10th October - Solihull.
For more information or to book place on the Roadshow, visit
Katie, who works at Milbourn Equine, is now preparing with her horse Templar Justice, or TJ for short, to take part in what is widely acknowledged to be one of the world's most difficult equestrian events.
Last year, she compete at the Burghley Horse Trials and was voted "Amateur Rider of the Year" by Horse and Hound magazine.
Katie says she is determined to build on that success with a strong showing at Badminton: "The Burghley Horse Trials were amazing last year. I was so excited to be there and it went so well. To now be competing at Badminton will be an awesome experience.
"It’s one of only six 'five-star' equestrian events in the world and to compete there really is my dream come true."