In the study titled “Safety of early postoperative hydrotherapy in dogs undergoing thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy”, the medical records of a single referral hospital in Sweden were retrospectively reviewed to identify dogs that had been treated with hemilaminectomy for acute or chronic thoracolumbar IVDE and had commenced hydrotherapy within five days after surgery.
Information collected from the medical records included signalment, presenting clinical signs, severity of neurological signs, initiation and duration of hydrotherapy, postoperative complications and follow-up.
Postoperative complications were considered major if there was a need for hospitalisation, surgery or if the dog died or was euthanised as a direct consequence of the complication.
A complication was deemed minor if outpatient medical treatment was sufficient to rectify it.
A total of 83 dogs were included in the study.
Hydrotherapy was started within a mean of 2.7 (one to five) days after surgery and consisted of swimming without underwater treadmill (UWTM) in dogs with severe paraparesis or paraplegia.
With neurological improvement, and when supported ambulation was possible, UWTM was initiated.
Ninety-six percent of the dogs used swimming as postoperative hydrotherapy, starting with a mean of 2.7 days after surgery, fifty-seven percent of the dogs used UWTM as the postoperative hydrotherapy, starting with a mean of 13 days after surgery.
Forty-five percent of dogs used both hydrotherapeutic modalities.
Dr Abtin Morjarradi, corresponding author for the paper, said: “A total of 10 minor complications were recorded during the study period, including surgical site infection (SSI) (n=5), diarrhoea (n=4) and urinary tract infection (n=1).
Major complications were recorded in 26 dogs during the study period and included euthanasia (n=13), acute dermatitis (n=1), spinal abscess (n=1) and disc extrusion (n=1).
Reasons for euthanasia were urinary incontinence (n=5), lack of neurological improvement (n=2), clinical suspicion of progressive myelomalacia (PMM) (n=2), persistent pain (n=1), aggression (n=1) and widespread cellulitis with an abscess caudal to the right stifle without known cause (n=1).”
Abtin added: “Follow-up visits for 71 dogs were performed at a mean of 15.3 (9 to 30) days, and 68 dogs at a mean of 45.9 (30 to 111) days, after surgery.
"At the first follow-up visit 68% of the dogs were ambulatory with Modified Frankel Score (MFS) 4 or higher.
"At the last follow-up visit 97% of the dogs were ambulatory with MFS 4 or higher, with 34% demonstrating normal neurological function. None of these dogs deteriorated after the initiation time of hydrotherapy.”
Nicola Di Girolamo, Editor of JSAP, said: “Whilst previous studies indicate that early rehabilitation may be beneficial after acute spinal cord injury, the optimal timing to start hydrotherapy is unclear.
“Despite a high number of complications being recorded in the present study, it is not clear how many of these complications were directly related to the initiation time of hydrotherapy and therefore further research is required.”
The full article can be found in the December issue of the Journal of Small Animal Practice:
The company, which now has over 20,000 monthly subscribers in the UK, saw a massive growth during the pandemic, with a reported 1000% increase in monthly recurring revenue over the past two years.
Since March 2020, VetBox has shipped over quarter-of-a-million boxes.
Bought by Many says the acquisition is a major part of its expansion beyond insurance and into preventative wellness.
Will said: "I founded VetBox after seeing that far too many UK pets were missing out on essential parasite protection.
"I'm really proud of the progress that VetBox has made in solving this issue in just five years and can't wait to see what we can achieve as part of the Bought By Many family.
"As a vet I've seen first-hand the fantastic service Bought By Many offer pet owners, so it's been a pleasure seeing this partnership grow over the past few years."
Chair of the Standards Committee, Dr Melissa Donald, said: “We were very aware of the likelihood that both practice staff and clients will increasingly have to isolate over the coming weeks due to direct infection or positive contacts, particularly with the rise in cases amongst school children.
“Added to this, we know there are already workforce pressures across the profession, which will be exacerbated by reduced staffing levels over the Christmas and New Year period.
“We therefore felt it was appropriate to reintroduce these temporary remote prescribing measures at this time to help relieve pressure on practising professionals, and to provide them with the means to continue to look after the health and welfare of their patients in all circumstances.”
As before, the temporary dispensation is subject to the specific guidance found in FAQ4 (, including that veterinary surgeons must be able provide a 24/7 follow-up service involving physical examination, for example where the animal does not improve, or suffers an adverse reaction, or deteriorates, subsequent to the remote prescription of medicines.
The Committee agreed that the position should be reviewed in February 2022 at its next meeting.
The strange phenomenon was spotted by Veterinary Vision's clinical director Chris Dixon when he examined Dachshund called Margo, which had been referred for the treatment of a corneal ulcer and fungal infection.
Chris said: “I was assessing Margo’s eye and was very surprised to see a face smiling back at me.
"It perhaps doesn't bear quite the same resemblance as the Turin Shroud. Still, I've never seen anything like it before.
"The good news is that it does not appear to have affected her vision at all.”
Apparently the smiling face is still there, even after Chris performed a corneal graft.
Chris added: "I think we can safely say that Margo is a very happy dog, both inside and out!"
David, who was assisted by Dan Kenny and Kat Grzywa MsRCVS, said: “Penny presented with suspected ascites, given a large volume of peritoneal effusion. Her abdomen was very swollen and taut
“We performed a contrast-enhanced CT scan with an iodine-based contrast to help highlight the areas of the body we needed to examine and the results were startling.
“The mass was enormous. It almost completely filled the abdomen.”
CT images showed that the mass had originated in the right kidney, which had been displaced into the left side of the abdomen, and also compressed the rest of Penny’s internal organs.
There was no evidence of metastatic disease.
David added: “A right ureteronephrectomy was performed and the large cystic parts of the tumour were dissected free from the omentum, the peritoneum and the retroperitoneal vasculature.
“The surgery was really difficult because the mass was so large and heavy, and it required extra surgeons to hold and manipulate the mass, while its vasculature was dissected and ligated.
“The weight of the mass on the diaphragm also made the anaesthesia challenging but surgery went very well.
"Once the surgery was over, the weight of the mass was confirmed at nearly 5kg.
“Penny made a good recovery from the anaesthesia, her blood renal parameters remained normal throughout her recovery, and she was discharged 48 hours later. Histopathology later confirmed the mass to be renal carcinoma.”
BlueSky says that conventional treatment for equine sarcoids, which are induced by tumour antigens E6 and E7 of the bovine papillomavirus, have only limited effect and typically result in the recurrence of the tumours.
However, research published by the company in PLoSONE1 showed that sarcoids treated with delNS/E6E7 were completely and permanently eliminated.
For the study, 29 horses were treated with different regimes involving direct injection into the tumours over three years.
Visible and very significant regression of the sarcoids was achieved in 20 of the treated horses, and 100% regression of the sarcoids in 10 equine patients.
Thomas Muster, CEO of BlueSky Immunotherapies said: "The complete elimination of very aggressive and difficult-to-cure equine sarcoids is yet another important proof of the potential offered by our delNS platform."
In addition, the systemic delNS-mediated immune stimulation eliminated non-injected sarcoids and the papillomavirus that caused the sarcoids.
Thomas added: "We are therefore confident that we will also be able to successfully heal and/or eliminate the cervical tumours of the women enrolled in the clinical trials currently under way."
Owners found not to have microchipped their cat will have 21 days to have one implanted, or face a fine of up to £500.
Cats Protection, which has campaigned for years for the measure, says the new regulations will be a major step forward for cat welfare in England.
According to its research, 2.8 million or roughly 26% of the UK's 10.8 million pet cats are not currently microchipped.
Animal Welfare Minister Lord Goldsmith said: "These new rules will help protect millions of cats across the country and will be brought in alongside a range of other protections we are introducing under our Action Plan for Animal Welfare.
The Government is also reviewing the regulations on dog microchipping and the related microchipping database systems to consider whether improvements can be made.
The new cat microchipping rules will come into force once this review has completed.
The collection includes articles from BSAVA’s Companion magazine, webinars, and Congress lectures, covering topics such as ‘What does environmentally-friendly look like in practice?’, ‘20x20 visions of a greener future now’, and ‘One Health, One Planet: Why sustainability is a necessity’.
The collection builds on the work of the BSAVA Sustainability Working Group (SWG), which was formed to help small animal practices on their sustainability journey.
Carl Gorman, Junior Vice President of the BSAVA and Chair of the SWG said: “We are pleased to have created this collection of resources for veterinary professionals.
"It is increasingly important that we ensure sustainable working in small animal practice, and we hope that this collection highlights some of the ways in which staff can really make a difference in their practice”.
The collection is freely available in the BSAVA Library throughout December from:
To find out more about the BSAVA SWG’s work, visit:
The two-day ‘Save A Life Today’ (SALT) courses are being run in partnership with the Reassessment Campaign on Veterinary Resuscitation (RECOVER).
Vets and nurses are encouraged to attend together, as well as individually, so that they can go back to practice and share their learning as a team.
On day one, delegates will cover the practical aspects of resuscitation.
The second day will be focused on effective leadership during and after CPR and the critical care of patients that survive CPR, with an emphasis on techniques used in general practice.
The courses will be led by Emily Thomas BA VetMB FHEA DACVECC DECVECC MRCVS Specialist in Emergency and Critical Care at Dick White Referrals, supported by Kathryn Latimer DipAVN DipHE CVN CertEd CertVN (ECC) RVN, Head of Nursing Services at North West Veterinary Specialists in Cheshire.
Charlotte French (pictured right), Operational Head for Improve International in the UK, said: “When CPR is attempted, it can be stressful and distressing for those involved.
"It’s also a situation in which clear thinking and teamwork can save lives.
"Through our partnership with RECOVER, we hope to increase the competence and confidence of veterinary staff globally in conducting CPR and to facilitate the building of team-working which will radiate into other areas of day-to-day practice."
Emily Thomas said: “CPR training for vets and nurses has traditionally focused on individual tasks such as chest compressions.
"However, we’re now realising that human factors such as organisation, teamwork, and leadership are equally integral to success.
"This is an area of particular interest for me, and I’m hoping to bring some simple, evidence- based ideas to this course to help people improve these non-clinical aspects in their own practices.”
The course is comprised of an online training module, followed by a face-to-face course which together account for 20.5 hours of CPD. Successful delegates will become Basic and Advanced Life Support RECOVER Rescuer Certified.
Developed by Zoetis, Apoquel is a prescription-only Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor approved for veterinary use that targets the itch and inflammation pathway.
Ben Hurst, Product Manager, Zoetis UK said: "Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common allergies in dogs, affecting approximately 10% of the dog population1.
"Itching caused by an allergic skin disease can impact the quality of life for both the dog and its owner unless they are controlled with effective management.
"Apoquel chewable tablets now offer a new, convenient and palatable solution for dog owners."
Apoquel chewable tablets are administered twice daily for up to 14 days (at 0.4 to 0.6 mg/kg), then once daily for maintenance therapy.
Zoetis says marketing authorisation for the EU market is expected later this year following the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use (CVMP) positive opinion received on 7th October 2021.
The new facility will have 9 consultation rooms and 4 theatres, and is expected to open in early 2022.
It will be Animal Trust’s 10th veterinary hospital – with existing locations in Wrexham, Yorkshire and North England.
Animal Trust now employs more than 300 vets and veterinary care staff.
A further 15 jobs will be created in Rhyl when the new hospital opens.
Owen said: “Our ethos has always been that every animal deserves access to experienced and professional veterinary care as soon as they become ill.
"That’s why we offer free consultations for sick and injured animals brought to our surgeries.
"Our clients are from all walks of life and they come to us because of what we stand for and in some cases, for the prices we offer.
“As a CIC, we try and make sure that a comprehensive veterinary service is within reach of as many pet owners as possible.
"We build large veterinary hospitals that will serve the needs of the local pet-owning community and make a positive impact on their lives.
"Our new surgery will allow us to extend our services to the residents of the North Wales coastline, many of whom currently have to travel to one of our other existing surgeries.”
Funding for Animal Trust was provided by the £500 million Wales Flexible Investment Fund.
The fellowship provide a grant of up to £35,000 for work in companion animal research to be spent over a maximum of two years.
Applications are open to veterinary nurses who have completed a postgraduate qualification such as a PhD or Masters, and who are within the first four years after starting an academic post (Lecturer, Fellowship or above) and have received no more than £50,000 of funding in competitive external grants to date.
David Killick, Chair of the BSAVA PetSavers Grants Awarding Committee said: “BSAVA PetSavers is delighted to launch the PetSavers Research Fellowship.
"It is well recognised that the journey from completion of a PhD to becoming established as an independent researcher is one of the most challenging times of a researcher career.
“With this new grant BSAVA PetSavers will support exceptional veterinary professionals in the Early Career Researcher phase develop their research ideas by providing £35,000 towards research costs over a two-year period.
"Through this initiative BSAVA PetSavers aims to help these researchers reach their potential and in so doing expand the capacity for companion animal research in the UK.”.
Applications close on 28th February 2022, and a decision will be made by the end of May 2022.
To apply for the Research Fellowship, visit the BSAVA PetSavers website:
The teleconsulting service, accessed via the VetCT App, offers general practitioners 24hr clinical advice and support from specialists in all disciplines.
Practices who subscribe to the service can apply for £15 per person of food and drink vouchers for up to 20 people, to enjoy together.
VetCT says it will also be hosting a virtual party for locum vet subscribers want to take them up on the offer.
Victoria Johnson, Founder and Co-Director said: “We wanted to encourage people to get together - in person or virtually - to enjoy some festive treats and all-important social time, especially after a challenging year.
"We also appreciate how reducing staffing over the seasonal holiday period can leave teams stretched, and want to reassure our clients that we’re here to support them, 24/7, throughout the festive season.”
A member from the VetCT team will join the start of each practice party, to explain how versatile the teleconsulting service can be in providing reassurance and support, with answers to quick clinical questions, as well as advising on complex, multi-disciplinary case queries.
For more information, contact: using the words ‘Staff Party’ in the subject, or visit for more information.
To help nurses get more involved in neutering, the company is also hosting a complimentary 2-part webinar series this December.
The Science of Canine Castration and Practical Tips for Clinics will be presented by Dr Michelle Kutzler and Nicola Lakeman on Thursday 9th December 2021 at 7:30pm
The webinar will be followed by an online mixology course to help you prepare for Christmas celebrations.
The second webinar: Behaviour in Post-Pandemic Puppies and Practical Tips for Clinics will be presented by Stephanie Hedges and Nicola Lakeman on Thursday 16th December 2021 at 7:30pm.
This webinar will be followed by a ‘Quizmas’ hosted by former Love Islander Chris Taylor.
Dr Neil Mottram MRCVS, Technical Product Manager at Virbac said: "A huge surge in dog ownership in the last two years, combined with the additional pressures of Covid-19, has massively increased pressures on veterinary teams
"At the same time we know that pet owner attitudes to surgical neutering is changing with 1 in 3 pet owners saying that they would look at alternative methods to surgical castration1.
"Suprelorin offers practices the opportunity to utilise the skills of their RVNs to provide a choice to clients when it comes to neutering and help to ease pressures on surgical waiting lists’.
The elections will again be held completely online this year.
Veterinary nurses have until 5pm on Monday 31st January 2022 to put themselves forward as candidates for the elections which will take place in March and April 2022.
The full eligibility criteria can be found at:, where prospective candidates will also find further information about the role of the RCVS, RCVS VN Council and RCVS VN Council members, guidance notes, and frequently asked questions about standing as a candidate.
Eleanor Ferguson, RCVS Registrar and Returning Officer for the elections, said: “We look forward to hearing from prospective candidates and are happy to give further information about what being an RCVS VN Council member means and what the role entails to those who may be considering standing for office.”
Prospective candidates for RCVS Council can also contact VN Council Chair Matthew Rendle for an informal conversation on what it means to be an RCVS Council member on
Matthew said: This 60th anniversary year for the veterinary nursing profession has been a time to take stock about how far the profession has come and where it is going.
"One thing I have appreciated is the important role both VN Council and its committees will continue to have in this development process, by making key decisions on areas such as student training and wellbeing, continuing professional development, post-registration qualifications and statuses, and registration of veterinary nurses.
“I would be happy to talk to anyone who might be interested in joining VN Council about its role and how you could contribute both to it, and to the wider profession.”
Anyone interested in the work done by Council can also visit: to see the agendas for previous meetings.
Acepromazine-based Acecare is used alongside other opioids and reduces the amount of anaesthetic necessary to induce anaesthesia by approximately one third.
Animalcare Product Manager Eleanor Workman Wright said: "Practices are looking for greater cost-effectiveness in the products they use and are also keen to reduce waste.
"We are delighted to announce that Acecare, a trusted staple of anaesthetic protocols in use at many practices is now offering improved performance in both of these areas.”
For more information, contact your Animalcare Territory Manager or contact Animalcare’s head office on 01904 487687.
Because of the pandemic, the College reduced the number of CPD hours required from 15 to 11 in 2020.
Nevertheless, it's still impressive that 92% of veterinary nurses who had their records audited had completed their CPD.
The data was gathered by the RCVS Education Department, which audited the records of 1,249 RVNs who had been registered and practising without a break for at least three years.
Jenny Soreskog-Turp, RCVS Lead for Postgraduate Education, said: “This is an incredibly impressive CPD compliance figure, especially considering all the challenges that vet nurses faced throughout 2020.
"I want to thank everyone that took part in our audit as this is a really important data source which helps us understand what the profession needs from us to help them complete their CPD.
“I know that sometimes vet nurses are unsure as to what counts towards their CPD target and often they discover that they’ve completed their CPD quota for the year without realising it.
"Things that take place within practice, like formal case discussions, clinical audits and in-house training, all count towards someone’s CPD target.
"If anyone is unsure as to what counts as CPD, I would encourage them to get in touch with the RCVS Education team and we’ll be happy to answer any questions.”
There is also a CPD guidance document available at:
There is also guidance, including webinar recordings on topics including Workplace-based CPD and Reflecting on your CPD, available on the RCVS website at
BSAVA PetSavers is funding a research project at the University of Liverpool designed to help vets and owners provide the best care for senior and geriatric dogs.
In the first part of the study, veterinary professionals were interviewed about the services currently provided to senior dogs and their owners regarding preventative healthcare, treatment, and advice.
Owners were interviewed about their experiences of living with and accessing veterinary care for senior dogs.
The results of these interviews were then used to develop the online survey which researchers now need vets to take part in, to validate the interview findings in a quantitative way.
Dr Carri Westgarth said: “The veterinary survey focuses on the perceived barriers to care for senior dogs, end-of-life care including quality-of-life, and the potential design of the BSAVA PetSavers guidance tool.
"We would be grateful if any veterinary professional could take a few minutes from their day to help us with this project.”
The survey should take around 20–25 minutes to complete.
Survey participants will also have the opportunity to win an Amazon voucher.
The survey can be accessed here:
Unlike a normal 2D X-ray system, Adaptix's system fires very low-flux X-rays from many different positions in a sequence.
This allows the system to reconstruct a stack of slices through the patient which can be reviewed like the coronal slices from a CT scan, with only marginally more of a dose than a single 2D X-ray.
Adaptix says this means each side of the jaw can then be seen separately and clearly, in a much easier workflow than taking multiple intraoral 2D X-ray images.
Dr Conrad Dirckx, Director of Product Management at Adaptix said: "The system is both lightweight and simple to install in an existing radiology or treatment room, and it is also very useful for orthopaedic imaging.
"It reduces the workflow time for dental imaging from about 12-20 minutes to less than three.
"On top of that, it offers veterinary surgeons access to advanced 3D imaging for most complex orthopaedic cases without having to buy a CT scanner and sacrifice a treatment room, or refer the patient away."
The system is also being offered with an innovative pay-per-study pricing model, through which Adaptix installs the system with no capital outlay, and charges on a 'per-study' basis which also covers maintenance.
The system is available from Clark Dental Veterinary:
For more information, visit:
The College sold the premises in March this year, with an option to lease it back for up to two years, giving time for Council to consider the future building requirements of the organisation and how they might have changed following the coronavirus pandemic.
Following easing of government restrictions this summer, the RCVS says that Council members and staff have started using the building for some meetings and day-to-day working, but occupancy has not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels.
RCVS Council therefore agreed at its meeting earlier this month that there is now a clear financial benefit to moving out at the first opportunity under the existing terms of lease.
Lizzie Lockett, RCVS Chief Executive, said: “As we all gradually emerge from the restrictions of the past 18 months, one of the things we, as an organisation, have learned from the pandemic is that we can cope well with remote and hybrid working, whilst continuing to provide a high level of service to the professions and the animal-owning public.
“Retaining the use of our current offices over the last few months has certainly helped us to do this, but our Estates Strategy Group recommended to Council that there was now little to be gained and much to lose financially if we continued to lease Belgravia House for another year.”
“In the coming weeks, we will be drawing up detailed plans for the safe removal and storage of our effects, including the library, historical collection and archives, which are maintained by RCVS Knowledge.
"To support the team until we can move into a permanent building, we will hire serviced office space and meeting rooms around London and elsewhere in the UK as and when we need them.
“We also plan to take Council meetings ‘on the road’ over the next 12 months to enable Council members to engage with more veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses around the country.
“Meanwhile, we remain fully committed to the purchase of a new permanent London home for the RCVS and are seeking a building that not only meets the needs of the professions both now and well into the future, but also aims to be a sound financial investment for the College in the years ahead.”
Felpreva is the first spot-on parasiticide for cats that covers tapeworms in addition to other endoparasites including gastrointestinal roundworms and lungworms, and ectoparasites (fleas, ticks and mites) for up to three months with a single dose.
It is licensed for treatment of cats with, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infestations/infections, including:
Matthieu Frechin, Vetoquinol CEO, said: “Marketing authorisation is a pivotal achievement for both Vetoquinol and Felpreva.
"It is a breakthrough treatment with convenience and simplicity of use combined with long-lasting efficacy.
"We believe that Felpreva will be a real game changer for this area of veterinary medicine, demonstrating our commitment to the parasiticide market.”
It is anticipated that Felpreva will be available in Europe early in 2022.
The 2022 programme will include 17 education streams, covering the veterinary and nursing care of companion animals, together with a stream covering veterinary wellness, leadership and management-related topics.
Speakers include veterinary experts and leaders from around the world, and the expected 2,000+ delegates will be able to collect 14 hours of CPD over the two days.
The VET Festival will also offer a Wellness Hub offering things like yoga, movement and mindfulness sessions alongside the lectures.
There'll be a diverse commercial exhibition, with more than 60 leading veterinary suppliers, and all delegates will also have free admission to the VETFest Live Party Night.
Noel Fitzpatrick, Clinical Chair at Fitzpatrick Referrals, who launched VET Festival in 2015, said: “The last 18 months have been tough for everyone but particularly difficult for veterinary professionals, many of whom were already suffering with challenges to their well-being and mental health because of the pressures of their work.
"VET Festival is an oasis of time during which they can relax and rejuvenate themselves; experiencing continuing professional development that is uplifting and inclusive and enjoying social activities and companionship that will replenish their souls.”
Tickets for VET Festival can be bought here:
Poulvac CVI + HVT Marek’s vaccine provides the combination of the Rispens CVI strain and the HVT strain.
Zoetis says this combination of serotypes has long been recognised for providing strong, reliable protection against the disease, effective even against the very virulent pathotype of the virus.
John Kenyon, Zoetis National Veterinary Manager for Poultry said: "Marek’s disease remains a major problem for the poultry industry.
"To increase protection, it is a good idea to combine the CVI and HVT vaccine strains, and the new supplies of our vaccine help to make this more feasible.
“Currently in some longer-lived broilers and backyard laying hens a vaccine composed of just a single serotype is used, but it is advantageous to use a combination of serotypes to boost immunity further.”
Marek’s vaccination with Poulvac CVI + HVT can be performed in the hatchery at day of age via subcutaneous or intramuscular injection.
The Zoetis vaccine is supported with a range of services, including hatchery and vaccine audits, vaccine training and technical assistance.
MsRCVS Sean Cleary and Richard Thomas, and accountant Jane Platt have opened their first practice, Burford Lane Vets in Cheshire, and now plan to open 10 more practices over the next five years, two in Spring 2022
Burford Lane Vets is headed up by Pieter De Villiers MRCVS, who has become an equity owner, supported by a team of nine vets, nurses and receptionists.
Sean said: “Our vets benefit from our many years of clinical, financial, human resources and procurement experience and have the opportunity to add the finishing touches to a state-of-the-art practice, where no expense has been spared on the fit out and equipment.
"Everything from finding a property, negotiating the lease, fitting out the practice and health and safety is taken care of.
"It means our equity partners can enjoy being fantastic vets and reap the financial rewards that brings, and we are here to support the practice and take care of all the administration, procurement, marketing and everything else that goes into running a successful business."
Sean added: “We have benefited from the shift in the industry that saw veterinary groups acquired by large corporate businesses.
"However, this has inadvertently made it difficult for the next generation of vets to follow the traditional route of buying into a practice as they progress from a junior role to partner, as corporate interest has pushed the values of practices to unaffordable levels for most vets.
"We want to bridge that gap and give a leg up to vets who want to be masters of their own destinies, without the difficulty of starting from scratch or having to find a huge initial investment.”
Sean says he thinks there are a great many vets who would like to launch their own practice.
However, starting from scratch is fraught with risk, expense, and complexity.
Sean added: “Our innovative model helps great vets set up in business as leaders of their own practice and our unique offering is already attracting interest from high-calibre individuals.
"We would encourage any colleagues out there who feel they would like to join us in our new venture to get in touch via our website.”
Sean concluded: “The business acumen we have built up over our many years of working in the industry enables us to provide practical support, mentorship and guidance for vets through every step of the process, and that’s something we’re passionate about.
"The directors will be working across all practices to provide support whenever it’s needed. We are in it for the long haul, not just the initial set up stage, and we will become a part of every practice that opens.
“We take a real pride in being the solution to fix the broken practice ownership model and North Star Vets will empower ambitious vets to enjoy a better and more successful future, which in turn will translate into the standard of care our clients enjoy.”
Andra-Elena Enache and Savina Gogova join the head of service Richard Everson, an RCVS and European Recognised Specialist, to form one of the strongest ophthalmology teams in the UK.
Richard said: “It is fabulous that Andra and Savina were both successful in their specialist examinations.
“Of course, we already knew their expertise but passing the examination requires not just an unparalleled knowledge of their subject but also the constitution that allows them to prove their knowledge, skills and professionalism in the crucible of the examination environment.
“For both Andra and Savina to pass at the first time of asking is remarkable and just confirms their brilliance. It’s also a big boost for NDSR.
“Having three internationally-recognised specialists in ophthalmology in one hospital makes the service so much more resilient; for example, we will never have to close due to annual leave or lecturing commitments.
“This strength in depth means we really can offer the best possible service to our referring vets and poorly pets.”
For more information, visit: