Animalcare says the wipes deliver tartar reduction with some mechanical action without the difficulties that some owners experience when using a toothbrush. The company says they can also help owners grow more comfortable with handling their pets’ mouths before they progress to full toothbrushing.
Animalcare Senior Brand Manager Eleanor Workman Wright said: “With periodontal disease so common in dogs and cats, supporting owners to help them start and maintain an oral health regime for their pet is essential.
“Toothbrushing is, of course, the Gold Standard but it must be done frequently to achieve a significant degree of efficacy.
"For many owners this is just not possible and, if they find it difficult, the risk is that they then give up and their pet’s oral health is neglected.
"One of the founding principles of the Plaqtiv+ range is to offer proven technology in multiple formats which can be used daily by owners as an alternative to toothbrushing, as part of a programme to build up to toothbrushing or within a multi-modal framework.
"Launching our new dental wipes is the latest step in achieving this goal.”
To support Plaqtiv+, Animalcare has published a website with content for both veterinary professionals and pet owners.
For veterinary professionals, there's advice about how to start discussions with clients about dental care and tools to help them recognise signs of dental pain.
The pet owner site offers information on the importance of dental health in pets and advice on establishing a dental care regime.
The Clinical Supervisor course is designed to help RVNs to guide their students in developing the professional behaviours and Day One Skills they need to join the Register.
The course is also designed to complement any existing training that a VN who is a Clinical Supervisor has received from the college or university for which they are supervising the SVN.
RCVS Director of Veterinary Nursing Julie Dugmore said: “This course will help you undertake your role as a coach and assessor, ensuring your student has achieved the RCVS requirements by the time they have completed the practical elements of their training.
“It comprises modules that include the role and functions of a Clinical Supervisor, the types of professional behaviours SVNs need to develop and understanding of the Day One Skills in which they need to become competent.
"In addition, it will enhance the training Clinical Supervisors will receive from the relevant educational institution by promoting understanding of the RCVS requirements.”
Taking place on 26th November, the event will focus on putting the Cat Friendly Principles into action within the veterinary clinic, including how to work with cats in challenging situations, the role of appropriate handling techniques and the use of anxiolytics and sedation.
Speakers include Dr Sarah Heath (Veterinary Specialist in Behavioural Medicine), Dr Matt Gurney (Veterinary Specialist in Anaesthesia and Analgesia), Linda Ryan (Veterinary Technician Specialist in Oncology and Behaviour) and Kelly Eyre (RVN).
Head of ISFM Dr Nathalie Dowgray said: “This has been a really exciting programme to put together.
"Some cats can be challenging in the veterinary clinic even when the team has made every effort to be cat friendly. We wanted to recognise that and include in our panel discussion real-life scenarios to equip vets and nurses with the tools they need for when things don’t go according to plan.”
The Feline Fine London congress is open to all veterinary professionals, including nurses and receptionists.
The pack contains:
For more information, contact your local Dechra equine sales manager.
The paper, ‘Mortality Related to General Anaesthesia and Sedation in Dogs under UK Primary Veterinary Care’, published in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia1, used data from more than 150,000 dogs attending first opinion veterinary practices around the UK.
The study examined the overall risk of death for each dog which had at least one sedation and/or anaesthesia procedure over a set period of time.
The study also looked at anaesthesia related to neutering (spaying and castration) in dogs because these procedures are so common in the UK and anaesthetic risk can be a significant worry for owners.
The findings showed that currently there are 14 deaths in 10,000 dogs within two weeks of sedation/anaesthesia procedures carried out for any reason, of which 10 deaths per 10,000 are within 48 hours of these procedures.
For neutering surgeries in dogs, the risk is even smaller, with one death in 10,000 neuter procedures related to sedation and/or anaesthesia.
No association was seen between the age of puppies at the time of neutering and risk of death.
Factors associated with increased risk of sedation and anaesthetic-related death in this study included:
Certain breeds, such as Cocker Spaniels, were found to be at lower risk compared with mixed breeds.
The team also investigated whether flat-faced ‘brachycephalic’ breeds were associated with higher risk.
Surprisingly, longer-nosed ‘dolichocephalic’ breeds showed four times the odds of sedative/anaesthetic-related death compared with medium-length nose dogs, whereas no additional risk was seen in flat-faced breeds.
The authors of the paper say that overall, these results should provide some reassurance for the veterinary and dog-owning communities regarding the safety of neutering for young puppies, as well as the relative safety of sedatives and anaesthetics for more complex procedures.
For older dogs, those with poorer health or undergoing planned complex surgeries, the results emphasise the value of careful planning to manage the anaesthetic risks.
Urgent procedures, regardless of complexity, were shown to carry greater risk and therefore should be approached with high vigilance and caution.
Dr Dan O’Neill, Associate Professor in Companion Animal Epidemiology at the RVC and co-author of the paper, said:
“This new VetCompass study can help owners deal with these fears by understanding the real anaesthetic risk is not that high: 14 deaths in every 10,000 dogs. Decision-making based on the known can now replace fear of the unknown.”
Full paper: /
Using practices developed for human healthcare measurement, NewMetrica developed VetMetrica, which the company says can measure how an animal “feels” about its circumstances from its individual perspective.
Jim Brick, Vice President Commercial Development and Lifecycle and Innovation at Zoetis said: "This novel approach supports a significant shift in veterinary care and animal welfare more generally towards the attainment of good or excellent quality of life in companion animals.
"The benefits of NewMetrica’s digital instruments have been validated through scientific publications and the FDA, and the EMA has confirmed the algorithms that produce the results.”
Jamie Brannan, President International Operations, Zoetis added: "We expect NewMetrica’s tools and algorithms to support earlier detection and treatment of diseases as we gain more insight into the quality of life of our pets and be an important element of future product development.
“NewMetrica’s instruments will give us scientifically validated results for alleviation of OA pain that veterinarians and pet owners will appreciate and value.”
Ms Hazelwood faced three charges:
Having accepted her admissions on the charges, the Committee considered whether the three charges amounted to serious professional misconduct.
Regarding misconduct, Ms Hazelwood had also written to the RCVS prior to the start of the hearing and had accepted her conduct fell far short of what was expected of a veterinary nurse.
The Committee itself considered that Ms Hazelwood stealing the medication and other products was a serious breach of the trust placed in her by her employer, which had entrusted her with access to veterinary medications and their responsible use.
The Committee also considered that her conduct undermined the reputation of the profession and the public’s confidence in those within it. Accordingly, the Committee found that the charges amounted to serious professional conduct.
In terms of aggravating factors, the Committee considered that her conduct was a breach of trust and abuse of her professional position, that there was a possible risk to animal health in terms of the prescription-only veterinary medicine, that the conduct involved financial gain (albeit limited), that the conduct was sustained and repeated over a period of time, and that elements of her conduct were premeditated and sophisticated.
In terms of mitigation, the Committee noted that Ms Hazelwood had no previous disciplinary history and a hitherto unblemished career, that she had made open and frank admissions on her conduct and demonstrated genuine remorse, that there was no actual harm to animals, and that she demonstrated significant insight into her actions and the impact they could have on her colleagues and the wider profession, as well as taking into account a number of positive testimonials.
Judith Way, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “The Committee noted the mitigating factors in this case and that Ms Hazelwood stole these items at a time when she was under particular financial and personal pressure.
"She said it was out of character and her testimonials supported this assertion."
"The amounts involved were small and had been repaid.
“Furthermore, it was apparent that at the time Ms Hazelwood was struggling financially and her motivation was not so much financial gain but rather the need to feed and protect her animals.
"It was unfortunate that Ms Hazelwood had not attended this hearing, but in her written submissions she had, in the Committee’s view, demonstrated significant insight.
"Her writing came from the heart, she clearly recognised what a dreadful thing she had done and provided genuine expressions of apology and remorse.
“The Panel noted that Ms Hazelwood had worked as a veterinary nurse for some 16 years without incident.
"Her testimonials describe her as a very experienced and competent nurse, with an excellent work ethic and a real passion for the animals in her care.”
She added: “The Committee considered a period of suspension to mark the behaviour was both appropriate and proportionate in all the circumstances.
The order will be for a period of three months to reflect the seriousness of Ms Hazelwood’s disgraceful conduct, whilst reflecting the significant mitigation.
In light of the insight she has shown, the Committee was satisfied that it was highly unlikely Ms Hazelwood would ever behave in this way again and that she would be fit to return to practice after the period of suspension.
The Committee considered it would be wrong to deprive the profession of an otherwise competent veterinary nurse and that a member of the public in full possession of all the facts would not have their confidence in the profession undermined by such a decision.”
The full details of the case and the Committee’s decision can be found at
The idea is that by raising money through exercise, which is documented to improve mental health, you'll be helping to boost your own wellbeing as well as supporting the wellbeing of others.
To take part, you need to team up with colleagues, then decide on a challenge such as an overall distance or a total step count you want to hit.
Then create a fundraising page through Just Giving, so you can share the link and spread the word about your event.
If you share photos of your fundraising on social media, be sure to tag Vetlife.
You can buy running vests and t-shirts from Vetlife through it’s website (use code Vetlife40! for 40% discount).
Vetlife trustee Richard Killen said “It is well recognised how important physical activity is for wellbeing and what better way to promote within your workplace than participating in this event.
"Vetlife is a great charity with ever-increasing demands on its services and it is hoped that much needed funds can be raised through the VMOM campaign.
"Vetlife will be grateful for any contributions to its work.”
The centre, which is one of the largest animal hospitals in the UK, offers 14 specialist-led services.
Hospital director Daniel Hogan said: “The new hospital will provide the region with one of the largest and best-equipped veterinary centres in not only the UK, but also throughout Europe, with an extensive range of expertise in a wide variety of disciplines all under one roof.
“There will be seven operating theatres, 16 consultation rooms, recovery suites, lecture halls, a dedicated ICU department and there are plans for a future hydrotherapy suite.
“The facilities also include a cutting-edge imaging suite, comprehensive treatment facilities and a new linear accelerator to assist our illustrious oncology team.
"We also plan to launch our emergency and critical care service in the first half of 2023.”
Southfields says it also aims to lead the industry in terms of staff wellbeing and sustainability.
Daniel said: “The increased size of the hospital will enable us to provide a dedicated staff wellbeing area and offer a range of activities which will benefit our team in both body and mind.
“Along with exercise and relaxation classes such as yoga and boxercise, we will have an education centre which will be able to offer some really exciting qualifications and courses for the wider profession.
“We’ll also be striving to care for both our community by working with Investors in the Environment (iiE) to introduce a bold green initiative to substantially reduce our environmental impact and enhance our sustainability.
The buy-out was led by Professor Nick Bacon, Clinical Director, Dr Laurent Findji, Senior Clinician, Dr Jonathan Bray and Dr Gerard McLauchlan, who will collectively take the hospital forward with the financial backing of a small team of external investors.
Professor Noel Fitzpatrick will continue to lead Fitzpatrick Referrals Orthopaedics and Neurology and Fitzpatrick Referrals Institute for the Restoration of Skeletal Tissue which are both based in Eashing, Surrey.
Fitzpatrick Referrals Oncology and Soft Tissue is rebranding as AURA Veterinary, continuing to focus on animal oncology, soft tissue surgery, interventional radiology and internal medicine.
Under the new management team, AURA Veterinary says it has plans to invest in its team, equipment, scientific innovation and research.
Noel said: “I am proud of everything and everyone who has been part of the journey over the last seven years.
"It is a world-class hospital with an unrivalled team and the foundation we have built together is incredible.
"The time is now right for the team to embark on the next part of their journey - allowing me to also go forward and focus my passion, energy and time at Fitzpatrick Referrals Orthopaedics and Neurology and lead that team into its exciting new phase.”
Nick Bacon, Clinical Director, said: “It was a wonderful opportunity to be involved with a hospital like this from the very beginning, and it’s exciting to be part of its new chapter.
"Laurent and I are hugely grateful to Noel for his vision in creating the hospital, which is unparalleled in the level of care, skill and innovation our team can provide for our patients.
"We look forward to the growth and success of AURA Veterinary.”
Photo: Dr Gerard McLauchlan (standing, back left, in darker scrubs), Professor Nick Bacon, Clinical Director (sitting, front left), Dr Jonathan Bray, (sitting, right), Dr Laurent Findji, Senior Clinician (standing, far right)
Danilon is used to relieve the pain caused by musculoskeletal conditions, such as osteoarthritis (OA), bursitis, laminitis, and soft tissue inflammation.
Some oral NSAIDs have been shown to increase the risk of gastric irritation¹ - a particular concern when treating of chronic conditions.
However, Animalcare points to a study² in which horses given Danilon Gold showed a reduced number of ulcers and those that did appear were less severe.
The area of gastric mucosa affected was also five times less.
Animalcare says accurate administration is critical for clinical success.
To support this, Danilon Gold is presented in a coloured granule formulation and is now available in both 3g and 10g sachets.
Animalcare will officially re-launch Danilon® at this year’s BEVA Congress at the ACC in Liverpool in early September.
The scholarship will enable Claire (pictured right) to enrol on the company's Emergency and Critical Care (ECC) training programme, leading to a Nurse Certificate (NCert) awarded by the International School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies (ISVPS).
Claire has spent over twenty years in general practice and last year made the decision to move into ECC.
She said: “I am truly honoured and excited to have been chosen for the Louise O’Dwyer Legacy Scholarship for 2022.
"Thank you to Louise’s family and Improve International for this amazing opportunity.
"Louise was an inspirational nurse who always promoted autonomy within the profession and encouraged nurses to follow their own interests in a specialist field. I hope to be able to continue Louise’s legacy by inspiring other nurses to follow their own aspirations at any stage of their career.
“I hope to use this scholarship to further my knowledge and develop practical skills to enhance my role as an ECC nurse and provide the best clinical care to critically ill patients.”
The BVA is also calling on Government to tighten pet import rules.
The advice follows news about a positive Brucella canis test in a rescue dog imported from Belarus in March this year.
The woman fostering the dog was hospitalised after coming into close contact with it, in the UK’s first confirmed dog-to-human transmission.
The foster animal and four pet dogs who were exposed to the disease, three of whom also tested positive, all had to be euthanised.
Data released by the Government shows a steep rise in confirmed Brucella canis cases since the start of 2020, rising from just three before that year to 107 till July this year.
The dogs were all either imported, had returned from holiday overseas, or been bred with an imported dog.
BVA is asking veterinary teams to:
British Veterinary Association President Justine Shotton said: “This recent case of Brucella canis in a foster dog is extremely tragic and highlights why vets have long raised concerns over the real and serious risks of importing ‘Trojan’ rescue dogs with unknown health histories into the UK.
“We know there is an added public health risk too, including for veterinary teams who treat and handle these animals, from contact with an infected dog’s contaminated body tissues and fluids.
"BVA continues to call on the Government to take urgent action to introduce stricter pet import measures, including mandatory pre-import testing, so we can minimise the spread of Brucella canis and other emerging diseases.
"We are also calling for the strengthening of enforcement provisions and checks on dogs brought into the country through the commercial route."
The 2021 B. canis risk view and statement by Public Health England (now UK Health Security Agency) contains vital information and recommendations for veterinary professionals: here:
BVA’s recommendations on tightening pet travel legislation:,_campaigns_and_policies/Policies/Companion_animals/BVA%20Position%20on%20Pet%20Travel%20Full.pdf
Jane (or John) Doe was charged with having stolen midazolam, butorphanol and promethazine hydrochloride from their practice for use other than for veterinary purposes, making false clinical records concerning the use of drugs on their own dogs to disguise the fact that the drugs were instead being used for non-veterinary uses, and drawing up medication taken from the practice into a syringe for the purpose of self-medicating.
In addition, they were charged that their conduct was dishonest.
The Committee found it proven that Jane/John Doe had taken approximately 150 vials of midazolam, 87 ampoules, 112 tablets and one elixir bottle of promethazine hydrocholoride, and 0.2mls of butorphanol together with Iml of midazolam for their dog at a time when their dog was, in fact, dead.
The Committee also found it proven that the defendant had drawn up medication for the purpose of self-medicating, and had created false clinical records.
In deciding the sanction, the Committee concluded that the respondent had abused their position of trust, that their actions were dishonest, prolonged and repeated in nature, and undermined the reputation of the profession as a whole.
Therefore the only appropriate action was removal from the Register.
Unusually, the RCVS did not issue a press release about this case, as it normally does.
There was also a protracted delay between the hearing and the report of the hearing being published on the College website.
Furthermore, when it was finally published, the report had been redacted to remove any reference to the name, gender or location of the respondent.
When asked why, the College said: "Matters of a highly confidential nature arose following the hearing which led to a delay in the decisions being published.
“The decisions have been redacted and we cannot provide the reasons for the redactions as that would necessarily involve disclosure of confidential and personal information.
"However, the circumstances are considered to be exceptional and the College’s decision to make the redactions was only made following very careful consideration of evidence provided to the RCVS.
"The decision has been published on the RCVS website in its redacted form and in view of the timeframe and the circumstances, it has not been considered appropriate to issue a press release.”
CommentThe College will for sure have had very good reasons for redacting the name of the respondent in this case.
One has to assume there must have been a very real threat to the respondent’s life, and under those circumstances, confidentiality is absolutely right and proper.
However, whatever the reason, secrecy is never a good look, especially when it comes in the form of a cape worn by a regulator.
So it is frustrating to hear that the College has again made a rod for its own back, when it could so easily have included a very general one-line explanation for why it felt redaction was necessary, without compromising the individual’s confidentiality.
It would have been enough, for example, just to say that the College felt there was a risk to life. People would accept that.
The technology, developed by US firm SignalPET, sends X-rays through an AI machine algorithm to get a more or less instantaneous report, rather than needing a radiology specialist to analyse results, which can take up to three days.
IVC starting trialling the system with 22 of its practices last November and it quickly became clear that there were huge benefits, including saving time for clinicians, cost, and improving confidence in the diagnosis.
The majority of IVC's trial teams said they viewed the technology as a positive diagnostic aid, supporting their own professional opinion.
It also served as a learning tool, increasing the confidence and clinical independence of younger or newly qualified vets.
Sarah Merrell, Clinical Director at Lincvet, a group of IVC Evidensia practices in Lincoln and one of the trial clinics, said: “SignalPET has proved really valuable – giving us excellent support for radiography.
"It has been used by both our highly experienced and newly graduated clinicians to get a second set of ‘eyes’ on our cases giving reassurance and support when reading our radiographs.
“Overall, it has improved clinician confidence, reduced the pressure on senior vets, given us an additional tool for training and development, and greatly enhanced client understanding of our findings.”
Alistair Cliff, IVC Evidensia’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer, said: “The AI radiology process developed by SignalPET represents a real revolution in how results are analysed.
"The overwhelming success of our initial trial in November means we are confident in pushing ahead with rolling out the technology in the UK this year and eventually, in Europe too."
It's believed that and, which run on a platform that predates Facebook, may be the first online communities to require good manners.
Under the new policy, anyone who posts anything in the forums which is sarcastic, belittling, snide, rude or unkind towards another member will face immediate removal from the website.
This marks a very radical change to the previous policy in which members were free to say pretty much what they wanted. Publisher Arlo Guthrie said: "For years, I felt the right to free speech trumped all, and would rarely intervene.
"When I did, the worst anyone faced was a temporary suspension.
"As time has passed, I've realised the limitations of the written word, especially the short-form, hastily-written word, which can cause real distress.
"We all moderate our language offline, it's just a question of realising that we need a different set of standards online, to account for the lack of facial expression and immediacy of reply, and the public nature of the discussion.
Some people have questioned the new policy, and whether it will stifle proper debate.
Arlo added: "I believe not. It is perfectly possible and OK to disagree with someone, and express that disagreement forcefully, without being sarcastic.
"On the contrary, I think that allowing bad manners has a far more chilling effect on free speech, because it scares off opinions from the majority of more moderate members"
Others have asked whether this new policy is the consequence of the new partnership with Improve International, or proposed new laws surrounding social media.
Arlo said: "Again, no. It was a very personal decision I reached after years of wrestling with the problem. It was precipitated by a series of unkind posts and I just thought 'enough's enough'.
"That said, I am really excited about the prospect of working with Improve to grow the community as somewhere its members can come for high quality clinical content and authoritative opinion, which for sure would be hard to achieve if we don't have a friendly, collaborative atmosphere."
Another issue raised about zero tolerance is whether it is fair that there may be no second chance.
Arlo said: "I've tried loads of things over the years. Warnings. Red cards. Suspensions. None of them work. People just push the boundaries.
"But the moment I said 'zero tolerance', it seems people get the message and moderate themselves accordingly."
"I'm delighted. I want people to think of as somewhere everyone can come for authoritative advice and support, confident of a friendly welcome and the highest standards of online behaviour."
In particular, the two companies are focussing on the production of more video content, with Improve filming and sharing high quality clinical demonstrations, and sharing peer-reviewed community-driven content and knowledge. Publishing Editor Arlo Guthrie said: “This partnership, which brings together the clinical knowledge and infrastructure of the UK’s leading veterinary training provider with the country’s longest-established online veterinary communities, will substantially increase the amount of valuable content we can bring our members.
“Together, we're going to make THE community for authoritative information and opinions."
To ask questions or discuss the new partnership, click here.
Formerly known as BSAVA’s Scottish Congress, Alba delegates will be treated to 28 lectures, four practicals, ten hours of CPD and a commercial exhibition.
There are three lecture streams: one for vets, another for vet nurses and another open to all.
Highlights include ‘Echocardiology’ with Kieran Borgeat, ‘Dermatology: What can nurses do?’ with Sue Paterson, and ‘Wildlife Triage’ with Jenna Richardson.
The practical sessions are open to all and include sampling techniques, suturing and a ferret clinical exam.
There's a gala dinner on Friday 16th from 7:30pm, starting with a drinks reception, followed by dinner and entertainment in the evening, with a live band and ceilidh dancing.
Angela McLaughlin, Scottish Regional Chair at the BSAVA said: “We are delighted that we are returning to Scotland after three years away as this is a great event that allows vets and nurses the opportunity to improve their skills and knowledge, while visiting an idyllic part of the country!”
For BSAVA members, tickets cost £240 +VAT for vets, £165 +VAT for veterinary nurses, and £65 +VAT for students.
Day tickets and non-member tickets are also available.
There's an additional fee of £10 +VAT for all practical sessions.
Tickets for the gala dinner are £35 for delegates and £55 for guests.
If you are looking for somewhere to stay, BSAVA’s hotel booking partner, BCD Meetings & Events, can help.
The Canadian company highlights research which showed that the biggest challenge UK veterinary clinics face is the volume of pets (57%), followed by being overbooked (50%) and unable to take on new patients1.
In addition, earlier research has shown that 37%2 of vets are “actively” thinking about quitting, with 80%3 of the UK profession leaving to get a better work-life balance.
Hence the company offers a service through which UK practices can divert non-urgent calls to Vetster, to relieve some of the pressure.
Vetster says the most common cases treated by its veterinary surgeons are dermatology, gastrointestinal, respiratory, urinary tract, ophthalmology and musculoskeletal issues.
By diverting these cases to UK-licensed vets online, Vetster says it aims to relieve the pressure on clinics so that they can better serve pets in need of surgery, immunisations, bloodwork and other clinical treatments.
Mark Bordo, CEO and coFounder of Vetster said: “We are experiencing a global crisis in pet care exacerbated by the pandemic.
“Veterinarians are facing tremendous pressure to provide services to millions of pet owners.
"Vetster’s virtual care platform connects pet owners with licensed UK veterinarians to provide support when their clinic is closed, to answer a non-urgent question, and to improve the health outcomes of their pet and help ensure owners can care for their animals.”
Veterinary surgeons in search of a better work life balance can also join Vetster to create a virtual care practice that provides teletriage and addresses non-urgent issues.
Mark added: “Veterinarians are able to incorporate a new modality of practice to improve their work-life-balance, serve pet owners outside of a clinic environment, and hopefully practice for longer avoiding burnout and stress associated with this much-needed profession.”
Vetster is not available as a white label service at this time, and understands that when it is clear an online consultation requires hands-on care, the owner is referred to the local practice on the platform, which may or may not be their normal practice.
Vets interested in offering consultations through Vetster can visit:
Veterinary practices that are interested in having Vetster provide OOH support to clients, can visit:
The study was a randomised controlled trial of client-owned dogs and cats presenting as emergencies and requiring intravenous catheterisation.
Patient signalment and mentation score were recorded.
Patients were randomly allocated to either a swab saturated with vapocoolant spray or a swab saturated with saline applied to the clipped area before intravenous catheterisation.
Indirect application of vapocoolant spray via a swab before catheterisation was not found to significantly reduce the reaction of dogs and cats, nor to improve placement success rates.
The study did demonstrate a significantly greater adverse response to vapocoolant spray application to the skin via a swab when compared with the saline control in canine patients; feline patients demonstrated adverse responses to both vapocoolant spray and saline swabs.
It is unclear if the technique of application used in this study provided sufficient cooling effect to provide the required cryoanaesthesia to influence patient reaction.
The authors say future studies should be used to determine optimal vapocoolant spray application technique in dogs and cats, as well as examine its application in other populations and procedures.
Nicola Di Girolamo, Editor of JSAP concluded: “Pragmatic, adequately-powered, randomised controlled trials like the one presented here are essential to evaluate whether an intervention is not only efficacious in a controlled environment, but also effective during clinical practice.”
Full article:
Trinder, R, Humm, K, Phillips, S, and Cole, L (2022) The efficacy of vapocoolant spray for the improved tolerance of catheter pain in emergency patients in dogs Journal of Small Animal Practice, Available at:
They say that they've been aware of minor interruptions to the supply of such vaccines throughout 2022.
However, a significant, pan-European logistical problem being experienced by Boehringer Ingelheim has raised the prospect of a further reduction in supplies in the coming months.
BEVA is liaising with the three vaccine manufacturers to quantify the impact of the shortage and to consider solutions, both to minimise the threat to equine health and to prevent disruption to equestrian competition.
Marc Laemmer, equine business head at Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, said: “We are currently experiencing a European-wide supply issue relating to our equine influenza and influenza-tetanus vaccines.
"This has been caused by unexpected issues following the implementation of a technology upgrade and is not a product or quality issue.
"This means that some vet practices will have difficulty obtaining sufficient influenza vaccines and there may be a shortage in the UK market.
"We understand the importance of these vaccines to equine welfare, and we are continuing to work tirelessly to find a solution so that we can return to normal supply as soon as possible.”
Amanda Melvin, equine business manager at MSD Animal Health, said: “Based on prior demand, MSD’s equine vaccines Equilis Prequenza and Equilis Prequenza Te are in full supply.
"MSD have taken steps to protect as many horses as possible at this time.
"We will continue to supply existing customers with the available MSD stock on ‘allocation’ and, where possible, to allocate stock to additional customers. Allocations are being made to our veterinary customers based on their historical demand which we believe is the most efficient way to manage the available supplies.”
Rebecca Cabrejas, equine business unit manager at Zoetis, said: “Demand for our vaccines currently exceeds what we can supply.
"Whilst we have adequate stocks to fulfil current customers’ orders unfortunately, we are not in a position to be able to supply new customers at this time.
"We will continue to work with BEVA to limit the impact of the current shortages.”
The company says the webinars will equip veterinary professionals with strategies to strengthen wellbeing both individually and for practice teams.
Lauren Hayes, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs Manager at Royal Canin, said: “Working within clinical veterinary practice can be hugely rewarding and enriching, but it cannot be ignored that our industry also has its challenges.
"Veterinary surgeons have a significantly higher risk of suicide compared to the general population and mental health issues around work life balance and compassion fatigue are widespread.
"Through our webinar series, we hope to encourage conversations around mental health and help provide advice directly from leading experts.”
The one-hour webinars will take place at 7pm every Wednesday throughout September.
To help practices make the most of the week, TVM is providing waiting room displays, client leaflets, social media packs and online information to help educate pet owners on the symptoms of poor eye health.
The company will also be holding an webinar for vets and nurses which will be published during the week.
Will Peel, Product Manager at TVM said: "Eye problems in pets are common and brachycephalic breeds are particularly prone to them due to a number of compounding factors.
"They commonly suffer from corneal ulcers and are nearly four times more likely to develop dry eye than other breeds, so Pet Eye Health Awareness Week is focused on helping pet owners understand the issues, identify eye problems early and seek veterinary advice quickly".
Strangvac has been in development for over 25 years and Dechra says it's the first and only intramuscular vaccine to help protect against strangles.
Strangvac contains recombinant proteins CCE, Eq85 and IdeE from Streptococcus equi and has DIVA (Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals) capability.
The vaccine contains no live bacteria or bacterial DNA, so will not trigger positive culture or PCR tests.
In trials the new vaccine protected more than 94% of horses1.
Dechra says it reduces the clinical signs of strangles including a high temperature, coughing, inappetence, difficulty swallowing and changes in demeanour, while also reducing the number of lymph node abscesses.
Strangvac can be given to foals from five months of age and two injections should be given at a four-week interval.
Horses at high risk of Streptococcus equi infection, such as those in livery, should be revaccinated after two months.
Based on measured antibody titres, immunological memory was found in horses following repeated vaccination six months after primary vaccination.
Dr Andrew Waller, chief scientific officer at Intervacc AB, the company that developed the vaccine, said: “Strangvac is a ground-breaking new vaccine which, alongside good stable management and biosecurity procedures, can play a really important role in improving herd immunity and reducing the number of strangles cases in the equine population, thereby preventing major economic loss to the equestrian industry.”
So far this year the charity says it has received 144 requests from people asking for it to take in or help rehome their horse or pony through the Blue Cross Home Direct service.
More than 70% cited personal or financial circumstances as the reason.
In comparison for the full year of 2021, 43 (or around 15%) of a total of 277 intake and rehoming requests specified financial reasons.
In 2020 a total of 32 (around 14%) out of 231 requests stated financial reasons.
Annabelle Taylor, Rehoming Coordinator at Blue Cross, said: “It is distressing to see that the number of people seeking rehoming support because of financial reasons is already more than double last year’s annual total and we still have a third of the year to go.