The individual was granted anonymity by the Committee to protect their and their family members’ safety.
They had been convicted in court in March 2022 of three charges related to indecent images of children and sentenced to eight months’ imprisonment suspended for 24 months, with rehabilitation activities of a maximum 35 days, 12 months mental health treatment, 100 hours unpaid work and a 10-year sexual harm prevention order.
Their name was placed on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years and they were ordered to pay £425 prosecution costs.
At the DC hearing, the individual admitted that their conviction rendered them unfit to continue to work as a veterinary nurse.
In considering the sanction for the individual, the Committee took into account aggravating factors including that their conviction involved behaviour which increased the risk of harm or injury to human beings, the fact that viewing such images fuelled demand for such exploitative images, and that the conviction related to premeditated sexual misconduct which was sustained or repeated over a period of time.
In mitigation the Committee considered that the individual had taken a number of steps to address the root cause of the offending behaviour, had recognised the seriousness of these offences and had engaged fully with the College throughout the disciplinary process.
Paul Morris, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “The Committee decided that the only appropriate and proportionate response to the respondent’s convictions was a removal order.
"Convictions of this kind are fundamentally incompatible with being a registered veterinary nurse.
"At this point in time, a removal order is the only sanction capable of satisfying the public interest in safeguarding the reputation of the profession of veterinary nursing and ensuring that public confidence in the profession is maintained.”
The ‘2022 AAFP/ISFM Cat Friendly Veterinary Interaction Guidelines: Approach and Handling Techniques’ and the ‘2022 ISFM/AAFP Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment Guidelines’ cover all aspects of a cat’s veterinary experience, including the journey to the practice and interactions with veterinary team members, as well as the clinical environment.
The new guidelines cover things like:
Dr Nathalie Dowgray, Head of ISFM (pictured right), said: "We are extremely proud of our new guidelines; they have been a lot of hard work with large amounts of literature to review and multiple time zones to work across, but the effort has been worth it.
"We hope all veterinarians working with cats will take the time to read them and apply the concepts and ideas to their clinics and to how they personally interact with their feline patients.’
The guidelines are available at:
For its research, the company surveyed 700 veterinary veterinary professionals.
The subsequent report, "Digital Adoption in Veterinary Medicine", provides up-to-date data on the levels of digital adoption by vets in the UK.
It also explores their attitudes to technology and digital communications tools, and the barriers to adoption. At the Zoom meeting, Scott Goodsir-Smyth, Provet Cloud’s VP of Growth for the UK & US will share and discuss some of the main findings of the report. He will also be answering questions about how practices can go digital, what the pitfalls are, how you can get the most value out of practice management software, and whether you should switch to the cloud. With the RCVS currently in the process of changing the rules regarding telemedicine, and only 23% of veterinary practices currently using telemedicine, this meeting could not be more timely. and Provet are now inviting questions from vet nurses about adopting digital technology, including online booking, integrated payments, pet owner apps, telemedicine, referral portals and digital whiteboards. The people who submit the best ten questions will be able to ask them before anyone else on the night and the best of the lot will get a bottle of champagne in time for Christmas.
To download the report, visit: To submit your question, email it to by Wednesday 9th November at 11:00am.
To register to join the Zoom meeting, visit:
Sandymoor Vets and Westbrook Vets are headed by Clinic directors, Dr Becky Crossfield and Dr Rhys Peters, supported by a team of 18 vets, nurses and receptionists at each practice and a six-strong head office support team providing finance, marketing, property and HR expertise.
North Star Vets which was launched by Dr Sean Cleary, Dr Richard Thomas and chartered accountant, Jane Platt, opened its first practice about 11 months ago.
The company is aiming to grow to 10 practices over the next four years.
Sea, said: “The ethos of North Star Vets is about giving the next generation of ambitious vets an opportunity to own a share of their own practice and to run it the way they want, without the risk and substantial capital investment that would usually be required to open their own site.
“Our practices also have the added benefit of our central resources spanning clinical, financial, HR, marketing, procurement and property expertise, which are all required to create a successful business.
"In addition, clients enjoy the service levels and continuity that owner managed businesses are renowned for.”
“We knew our offering would be attractive to high quality vets who have the ambition and drive to go beyond heading up a corporate practice, and want to take their career, experience and earning potential to the next level.
“Burford Lane Vets has been very successful achieving a monthly turnover of £100,000 within its first 12 months and we’re very pleased to follow this with the opening of Westbrook Vets and Sandymoor Vets.
"Both practices are in great locations and have undergone high quality fit outs that incorporate all the latest equipment and facilities.
"When this is combined with the knowledge, experience and enthusiasm of Becky and Rhys, it’s easy to see why both practices are proving popular, with almost 700 clients already registered at Westbrook Vets and more than 400 at Sandymoor Vets.
“We’re already planning to open two more sites in the North West, and are currently looking for high-calibre vets who want to be masters of their own destiny by becoming part of our unique co-ownership model.
"Anyone interested should contact us now.”
Edited by Matthew Rendle and Jo Hinde-Megarity, the manual covers a wide range of species, including cats, dogs, exotic companion and zoo animals.
The book integrates ethics and theory with quantifiable measurement of welfare and evidence-based practical solutions.
It also takes into consideration the welfare of the veterinary team.
The BSAVA says that the book will be relevant to all veterinary professionals and animal carers, as well as those studying animal welfare and behaviour.
Dr Sean Wensley, Chair of the Animal Welfare Working Group, Federation of Veterinarians of Europe, said: "implementing animal welfare policies and activities in a range of settings … can improve patient welfare, client satisfaction, staff morale, staff health and safety, and professional reputation.
"This valuable book will make a significant contribution to helping ensure all of these benefits are realised".
The BSAVA Manual of Practical Veterinary Welfare is available from the BSAVA store: (£90; £58.50 for BSAVA members).
This brings the total reported the UK so far this year to eight, following 28 last year and 287 in total.
For a map of all confirmed cases and information for veterinary professionals and pet owners about CRGV, visit:
Patricia will take up the position at the start of November, replacing Mark Ross who is stepping down.
Patricia originally joined Vets Now in 2009, working in areas of hospital management and then business development.
She became COO in June 2021.
Patricia said today: “Vets Now is made up of fantastic people and it’s the honour of my career to be leading such a talented team.
“Our out-of-hours business model was set up twenty years ago by a vet to support the working practices of vets and vet nurses, helping to improve their work-life balance by providing outstanding animal care at times of greatest need to customers. As leaders in emergency care for small animals, we’ll continue to work steadfastly in supporting the profession.
“Mark has done a tremendous job driving the business forward and I’m excited to be able to continue to build on our success. “
Vets Now says it is working hard to drive diversity and inclusion within the profession, and with 88% of Vets Now staff being female, Patricia will lead a board of directors of whom nine out of ten are women.
That doesn't sound very diverse to me.
Where are the men?
The new system integrates with the Merlin practice management system and pet owners can access the MWI Pet portal to view and book available appointments with their veterinary surgeon via any connected device.
David Tinsley, Vice President, MWI Animal Health U.K., said: “As providers continue to navigate a changing industry and evolving consumer expectations, veterinary practices need access to technologies that help them better serve the needs of both their staff and their clients.
“MWI Pet will help practices meet consumer demands for digital-driven convenience and foster deeper relationships with their clients, while freeing up more time for staff to focus on delivering high-quality care.”
To set up a demo of the new system:
The toolkit contains triage forms, a contact directory, emergency action guidelines and a drug glossary, together with dosage rates for its Anti-Tox Range.
Miranda Davis, Territory Manager at TVM said: "The Toxin Toolkit is designed to make it as easy as possible to access advice when veterinary staff are dealing with pet poisoning cases which need immediate attention.
"We are launching the Toxin Toolkit to make information more easily accessible to vets, however an added benefit is that it helps us and our clients to minimise our environmental impact by reducing the need for our printed poisoning guidelines."
To access the Toxin Toolkit, visit:
According to its latest Voice of the Veterinary Profession survey, 93% of vets are either ‘very’ or ‘quite’ concerned about the boom in unregulated canine fertility clinics.
Amongst vets who work in companion animal practice, 30% said they were aware of unregulated canine fertility clinics operating in their local area.
However, despite high levels of concern, 78% of vets said they didn't know how to report a clinic.
Even amongst those who do know how to report a clinic, only 8% had, which is about 2% of all vets.
BVA Senior Vice President Justine Shotton said: “Our survey reflects the magnitude of vets’ concern around canine fertility clinics popping up across the country with no veterinary oversight and should serve as a wake-up call for urgent regulatory action.
“While non-surgical procedures can play an important role in breeding programmes, we are clear that they must always be carried out under the advice and care of a vet and in the interests of dog health and welfare.
“We know that many fertility clinics often focus on the most in-demand breeds such as French bulldogs, which can struggle to mate and whelp naturally.
"BVA is very concerned about artificial insemination being used in such cases, as well as in cases where dogs with inherited diseases and conformation-related issues are used for breeding.
"We are also aware of worrying reports that some fertility clinics are advertising prohibited or dangerous procedures such as surgical artificial insemination.”
To report a fertility clinic:
Justine added: “I’d encourage vets to develop a practice protocol for reporting concerns of this nature and to make a note of the country-specific reporting mechanisms relevant to them.
"The more information the authorities have, the easier it is for them to take enforcement action.
"Working together we need to send a strong message that these animal welfare breaches are unacceptable.
“As veterinary professionals, we also need to work with, and support, our clients who are breeding responsibly and re-double our efforts to reach prospective puppy owners to help them make the right decisions when they choose a new pet.”
Liz, co-founder of WellVet, will present data from a survey conducted by SPVS and Veterinary Woman: ‘Menopause and the Effect on Veterinary Professionals and Teams’, which showed the impact of menopause on an important, experienced demographic, with up to 80% of women experiencing negative physical and mental effects, which are moderate to severe in 30% of women1.
Belinda, Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh will present on conclusions from her research on menopause at work.
Belinda will also share findings from the government-funded Supporting Healthy Ageing at Work (SHAW) Project, a 3-year investigation into hidden health factors affecting how workers over 50 engage with work.
Her presentation will include a synopsis of suggested workplace interventions to trial as a result of this research.
The session will discuss possible solutions to support improved retention and happier, healthier work for longer across the veterinary sector. It will present an opportunity for veterinary teams to be part of the phase 3 of the SHAW project and trial the evidence-based workplace interventions that have emerged from the phase 1 data.
Liz said: “We could be doing a lot more to support healthier, longer working lives for many women impacted.
“If you are unable to attend this session, please encourage representatives from across your organisations and businesses to attend.
"This could be the start of a hugely positive pan-profession move to improve working life for many.”
The session will take place on 18th November 2022 from 15:45 – 16:35 at London Vet Show in the Business Theatre.
Webinarvet will be hosting a lead-in session to this on 15th October 2022 at 8pm.
The first webinar Does Ease of Use Have to Come at the Expense of Efficacy? is presented by Claire Harrison BSc (Hons) RVN VTS (Dentistry) AFHEA, Dentistry Nurse at the Hospital for Small Animals at the Royal ‘Dick’ School of Veterinary Studies.
Claire will consider the best practice of daily toothbrushing for oral homecare and explore what practices can do to contextualise care for the many owners who struggle to achieve this goal.
Animalcare highlights research which shows that the number of pet owners who brush their pet’s teeth daily is very small: one study in Sweden suggested that only 8% of dog owners and 4% of cat owners met this target¹.
Senior Brand Manager Eleanor Workman Wright said: “With periodontal disease so common in dogs and cats, supporting owners to maintain an oral health regime for their pet is essential.
"Daily toothbrushing remains best practice but many owners are just not able to do this, so it is important to suggest effective alternatives in order to protect their pet’s oral health.
“During this webinar series dental experts will explore a range of approaches which can be used with owners & pets throughout the different stages of their pets’ lives, either as an alternative to toothbrushing, or as part of a programme to build up to toothbrushing.”
To register, visit:
Further webinars in the oral homecare series will be delivered in January 2023.
The extension will triple the size of the hospital's waiting room and nearly double the number of consultation rooms to seven, including one cat-only consult room and a cat-only waiting area.
The work to improve facilities for felines will also enable NWVS to apply for the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM) gold award.
Clinical director Prue Neath said: “This work will serve to further enhance the modern facilities we have on offer and add to our wide range of cutting-edge equipment which is all aimed at delivering the very best of care and treatments to our pet patients.
“We are always looking to expand our expert team and recruit new specialists, clinicians and vet nurses, as well as extending our in-house opportunities for residents and interns to fulfil their veterinary ambitions.
“This work will be another piece in the jigsaw which allows us to meet those ambitions, both in terms of the care we deliver to pets and the opportunities we offer to outstanding clinicians.”
Photo: Sarah Hardy, client services team leader at NorthWest Veterinary Specialists
The webinar will take place at 11am and will be repeated at 7.30pm for those who are unable to listen during the day.
Hosted by Zoetis vet Dr Wendy Talbot the session will last for approximately an hour and equates to 8 AMTRA CPD points.
Wendy will explain the current situation and recommended approaches to help slow resistance.
The webinar will conclude with a live Q&A to give everyone the opportunity to discuss any queries, concerns or common questions they hear from their customers with Wendy.
Zoetis Equine Product Manager, Penny McCann said: "Our webinars continue to be very well received.
“This one is particularly important as it explains the important new thinking around the use of anthelmintics in order to address the serious challenge of resistance.
"It’s a must for all those involved with prescribing.”
To book the 11am webinar: To book the 7.30pm webinar:
Nine-year-old Nigel the puma, from Lincolnshire Wildlife Park, was suffering from a deteriorating arthritic condition, which was causing loss of function in his front leg.
His veterinary team consulted an orthopaedic specialist and trialled medical management including steroids and Solensia, but Nigel was unresponsive to treatment.
This led to a severe debilitating limp and pain, leaving a choice between amputation or euthanasia.
Nigel's treatment was funded by donations from visitors to Lincolnshire Wildlife Park, which is a registered charity that was originally established as a sanctuary for parrots in the early 1990s, who raised nearly £5,000 following a fundraising campaign.
The operation took place in a sterile theatre set up in Nigel’s enclosure, where the entire limb was removed, including the scapula.
After an intense five-hour operation, led by Iain Cope, veterinary surgeon and practice owner at Vets4Pets Newmarket, and Shannon Grimwood, veterinary nurse at Vets4Pets Newmarket, Nigel is now on the road to recovery and adapting well to life with three legs.
Iain said: “Nigel’s case was certainly unique and one we haven’t come across before. Working alongside Lincolnshire Wildlife Park and a team of local vets and veterinary nurses, we applied our knowledge of domestic cat amputations to a big one.
“The approach was extremely similar, and the operation ran as smoothly as possible.”
The Elsevier publication is edited by Dottie Laflamme, DVM PhD ACVIM (Nutrition) with an expert team of authors providing practical information on a variety of nutrition topics appropriate for daily practice.
The Elsevier publication is designed to help veterinary staff expand their knowledge and skills in nutrition topics, from discussing nutrition with clients, to the nutritional management of common health conditions, so that they can be confident in their own nutrition knowledge and ability to communicate about nutritional issues.
The current edition, edited by Dottie Laflamme, DVM PhD ACVIM (Nutrition), is available in English and in Spanish.
Daniel Rodes DVM, PhD, and regional leader for the Purina Institute, said: “The veterinary team is a valued source of nutrition information for pet owners, but vets do not always initiate discussions about nutrition with clients for various reasons, including the concern that owners may be unwilling to change their views on their choice of a pet’s diet1.
"In fact, one recent study reported that most veterinary clients (93%) 'were at least somewhat willing to change their pet’s diet on the basis of a veterinarian’s recommendation if it was phrased as benefiting their pets’ health'2, and in another, the veterinary healthcare team was reported to be the primary (43.6%) and most important source of nutrition information for pet owners3".
Although most articles cover nutrition for dogs and cats, there is also a review on nutrition for ferrets, rabbits and rodents, and another on effective communication, suggesting ways veterinary teams can empower clients to take positive action to support the health of their pets.
Ciar, who works at Davies Veterinary Specialists, says her driving aim was to help acknowledge and understand why the veterinary sector is the least diverse profession in the UK (Gyles, 2018), with veterinary nursing being worse than veterinary medicine, and her article also considered possible solutions.
Ciar first studied animal management at Shuttleworth College, before completing a bachelor’s degree in veterinary nursing at Middlesex University.
She then participated in Linnaeus’s post registration programme (PRP) at Davies Veterinary Specialists and is now a permanent member of the team.
Davies Hospital Director Ben Orton said: “Many congratulations to Ciar on her impressive achievement.
“We are extremely proud that she is a member of our nursing team here at Davies.
"Her drive, focus and commitment strongly reflect our hospital ethos and her article pertinently and comprehensively tackles the very important subject of BAME representation within the veterinary sector.”
The training sessions are taking place both online and in person and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Upcoming training dates are as follows:
The RCVS awards for which nominations can be made this year are:
Matthew Rendle RVN, Chair of the RCVS VN Council, said: “In my involvement with VN Council and through events such as our Diamond Jubilee celebrations, I get to see the sheer amount of talent and dedication in our profession, people who have spent their careers going the extra mile for their animals, their clients, their colleagues and their students.
"If you know a veterinary nurse who can demonstrate the real and tangible impact that veterinary nurses can make over a long and sustained career, please consider nominating them for this award.”
The deadline date for the 2023 awards is 5pm on Friday, 27 January 2023.
To read the guidance on making a nomination and to download the PDF nomination forms for each of the awards, visit
For the study, researchers from the RVC’s VetCompass Programme identified 2,105 hypothyroidism cases diagnosed amongst a study population of 905,553 UK dogs.
This revealed an annual frequency of one case in 400 dogs (0.23%) for the condition, with the most common breeds diagnosed being Standard Doberman Pinschers (x 17.02), Tibetan Terriers (x11.25), Boxers (x10.44) and Alaskan Malamutes (x 9.71).
The average age at first diagnosis was 7.65 years.
Other findings included:
Dr Rebecca Geddes, Lecturer in Small Animal Internal Medicine at the RVC Queen Mother Hospital for Animals and last author of the paper, said: “It is great to have this data from UK primary care practices, which will help highlight high risk breeds to veterinary surgeons so they can diagnose and treat affected dogs as early as possible. Hypothyroidism is usually straightforward to manage with medication that can greatly improve quality of life in affected dogs.”
BSAVA Congress, which is open to the whole practice, from reception to the clinical team, will offer free practical drop-in sessions, day-in-the-life dramas, and a bigger wellbeing zone.
There'll be over 120 hours of CPD covering a range of topics such as oncology, veterinary leadership, the RVN’s role, and charity veterinary care.
Paul Higgs, Chair of the Congress Committee, said: “I cannot wait for BSAVA 2023!
"After the successful transformation of BSAVA in our move to Manchester we have been working our socks off to go one better!
"Filled with brilliant speakers, our now trade-mark combination of short, paired lectures with stimulating and inspiring panel discussions, is back in strength.”
Early-bird tickets for BSAVA Congress 2023 are on sale now and BSAVA has brought back one-day only tickets, so if you can’t attend all three days, you have the option to visit on a day that suits you.
At the heart of the new system is a transportable monitor (pictured right) which starts automatically after you connect two sensors and press the power button.
The system uses the handheld Darvall H100N Pulse Oximeter, which uses Nellcor OxiMax pulse oximetry technology.
It also comes with veterinary blood pressure NIBP small animal cuffs which are designed for accurate pressure detection in exotic animals, cats, and all sizes of dog.
Completing the Darvall Express system is the Darvall Capnograph which continuously measures the EtCO2 and respiratory rate, and features EtCO2 waveform Cardiac Oscillation artifact detection, for correct respiratory rate determination.
There's a default system set-up for cats and small dogs, a colour-coded display and a ten-hour battery life.
Darvall says the monitor has been thoroughly tested at veterinary practices in Australia, where it displayed outstanding performance in small dogs and cats, which are notoriously difficult to get reliable readings.
Darvall founder, Dr Colin Dunlop said: “Anaesthetic monitoring plays a vital role in keeping patients safe, giving peace of mind to the hospital veterinary team, and boosting pet owner confidence in the care their pet is receiving.
"This is vitally important when you remember mortality in veterinary patients is many times higher than in human hospital practice”.
The study “Evaluation of quick sequential organ failure scores in dogs with severe sepsis and septic shock1” reviewed electronic records from dogs that presented through the veterinary medical teaching hospital emergency service between January 2010 and December 2019 using the search terms “sepsis” or “septic”.
The quick sequential organ failure score was calculated by evaluating respiratory rate (>22 breaths per minute), arterial systolic blood pressure (≤100mmHg) and altered mentation.
Forty-five dogs with severe sepsis and septic shock and 45 dogs with non-infectious systemic inflammatory response syndrome were included in the final analysis.
It was found that the quick sequential organ failure assessment score provided poor discrimination between survivors and non-survivors for dogs with severe sepsis and septic shock.
In addition, the quick sequential organ failure score demonstrated a poor sensitivity and fair specificity to detect this population of canine patients.
The authors say that previous studies on quick sequential organ failure score have provided conflicting results, but that this may just be due to the inherent heterogeneity of the population.
Considering the results of this study, it may not be possible to identify a single scoring system that serves the purpose that quick sequential organ failure assessment is intended for.
Nicola Di Girolamo, Editor of the JSAP said: “The results of this study have strong clinical implications.
"The JSAP values studies with negative findings such as this one, as much as studies with positive findings.
"The fact that a diagnostic tool or a treatment does not reach the desired objective, should not hinder publication of methodologically sound research”
At first glance, one might ask why? After all, who - other than the pilot - would fly with Thomas Cook sober?
However, there's a world of difference between being not entirely sober and Ms Heyes's level of intoxication, which according to the judge at Greater Manchester Magistrates Court, made her 'every passenger's worst nightmare', and earned her a sentence of 80 hours community service, a victim surcharge of £80 and £250 in costs.
At the start of her disciplinary hearing, Ms Heyes admitted the facts of her 2020 conviction, but denied that the conviction rendered her unfit to practise as a veterinary nurse.
The Committee then considered whether Ms Heyes's conduct amounted to serious professional misconduct.
The Disciplinary Guidance states: “A conviction may be related to professional or personal behaviour and whether it renders a respondent unfit to practise is a matter of judgment for the Disciplinary Committee.
"Behaviour unconnected with the practice of veterinary surgery can cause concerns about the protection of animals or the wider public interest.”
The Committee concluded that the conviction and underlying behaviour was sufficiently serious that it required a finding that Ms Heyes was unfit to practise veterinary nursing on public interest grounds and that it also breached Code 6.5 of the Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses which states: ‘Veterinary nurses must not engage in any activity or behaviour that would be likely to bring the profession into disrepute or undermine public confidence in the profession’.
The Committee then considered the most appropriate sanction for Ms Heyes, taking into account the relevant aggravating and mitigating factors.
Aggravating factors included the risk Ms Heyes caused to passengers, including children and that she had behaved recklessly, falling far below the standard to be expected of a member of the veterinary nursing profession.
In mitigation, the Committee considered this was a single and isolated incident, Ms Heyes had no previous disciplinary findings against her and following her conviction she had shown developing insight.
It also noted that she had continued to practise as a competent and dedicated veterinary nurse.
Cerys Jones, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “The Committee decided to reprimand Ms Heyes because of its finding that the charge amounted to disgraceful conduct and rendered Ms Heyes unfit to practise.
"Such a sanction was necessary in the Committee’s view because the conviction brought the profession into disrepute.
"Whilst the charge was not so serious as to require suspension or removal from the register, the Committee decided it is necessary to issue a formal warning to Ms Heyes as to her future conduct.
“Taking into account the overall circumstances of the case including the positive references and the fact that a number of mitigating factors set out in the Disciplinary Committee Sanctions Guidance were present in this case, the Committee was satisfied that this sanction would meet the public interest and protect the reputation of the profession and uphold standards within the profession; thereby maintaining public confidence in the College as the regulator for veterinary nurses.”
The full details of the hearing and the Committee’s decision can be found at
Until now, research in equine veterinary science has focused primarily on the information needed to prevent and cure disease, with little attention paid to the attitudes and actions of horse owners, veterinary surgeons, and numerous other professionals to implementing science-based advice.
This special EVJ collection showcases studies that seek to understand horse owner behaviour around their horse’s health, supplementing clinical evidence with information about the real-life behaviours of equine owners and professionals and the factors that influence them.
It includes papers on horse owner knowledge and opinions on recognising colic, treating infectious disease, uptake of some of the most basic preventive health measures such as vaccination and deworming as well as attitudes and behaviour around equine obesity and laminitis.
Other studies highlight the importance of professionals other than vets such as farriers, equine podiatrists, physiotherapists, dental technicians, chiropractors, and equestrian organisations such as the British Horse Society.
Guest Editor Tamzin Furtado added: “As our understanding of the drivers of behaviour develops, pre-existing behaviour change models will help us to understand the barriers and enablers to uptake.
“With dissemination of this knowledge, we have a better chance of communicating effectively and implementing change that will have a positive impact on equine welfare at individual, community, and national level.”
Professor Celia Marr, Editor of the EVJ said: “This collection is both compelling and eye-opening.
"It is dangerous to assume an understanding of the motivators of horse owner behaviours and actions; these papers confirm the current lack of comprehension, providing an invaluable insight, which will ultimately help us to accelerate improvements in equine veterinary practice and, most importantly, equine welfare.”
The virtual issue can be found at and will be free to view until 26 December 2022.