The initiative comes after BEVA's new nurse committee ran a survey which found a poor understanding within the profession and amongst clients of what equine nurses can do.
Nurses said they believed they could be given more responsibility and do more within their roles and that there was a lack of opportunity for progression.
BEVA President David Rendle, who is championing this initiative, said: “RVNs are a significant an asset to any equine practice.
“They have invested a lot of time and effort to become highly skilled but in some instances their significant attributes are not being utilised to the full.
“Allowing RVNs to perform the clinical tasks that they are qualified to carry out under Schedule 3 of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, will provide better job fulfilment and career development as well as free up veterinary surgeons to carry out other tasks, all increasing the efficiency of the veterinary team.
“I feel, and the RVN survey results would seem to confirm, that veterinary surgeons and practice managers do not appreciate how much veterinary nurses are allowed to do in equine practice.
"We all know veterinary nurses have the ability; look at what they do in small animal and human nursing, but we have felt unnecessarily constrained by Schedule 3 of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and the associated RCVS guidelines.
"If you actually look at Schedule 3 it is clear that we can and should be letting our qualified equine nurses do far more.
“There are so many things in equine practice that nurses do better than vets.
"In addition to performing clinical tasks they can add wider value; they are generally (or are perceived by clients to be!) more patient, empathetic and caring so we should utilise these skills and get nurses to take on some of the roles that take more time and require longer client interactions – discussing parasite control programmes, running weight loss clinics, reviewing healthcare plans, making follow-up phone calls and visits to name just a few.
"Nurses can take a lot of pressure off vets and can add a significant revenue stream for the practice.”
On the 9th February, the BEVA will be hosting an online discussion forum for all members of the practice team to discuss the role of nurses and how their skills, experience and knowledge can be better-used.
It's free for BEVA members:
In addition, the Association is organising a number of other career events for nurses throughout the year:
Marie Rippingale Chair of the BEVA Nurse Committee said: “Last year’s recruitment and retention survey revealed that 50% of nurse respondents were earning less than £25,000 per annum and 48% of nurses said they were likely to look for a new job in the next two years.
"When asked their top reasons for leaving, salary was the biggest reason, and common themes on what would help the retention of nurses included salary, work-life balance and career progression.
“The review of Schedule 3 is important so we can encourage delegation of tasks to RVNs.
"This will allow RVNs to demonstrate their value and worth, earning money for the practice and achieving job satisfaction at the same time. This will contribute positively towards the current retention crisis.”
To find out more about what equine veterinary nurses can do in practice visit
Photo: Liphook Equine Hospital.
The 2023 PAW Report will assess how lifestyle changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis have affected the nation’s pets.
The survey, which is open to vets, veterinary nurses and students, closes on 10th February 2023.
Entrants will be in with a chance of winning a £100 One4all voucher, accepted in over 130 high street stores.
Rebecca Ashman, PDSA’s Veterinary Engagement and Communication Manager said: “The PAW Report provides invaluable insight into key areas of pet wellbeing in the UK.
"Lifestyles had to adapt and change through the pandemic, and now as we navigate a cost of living crisis, this research is more vital than ever before.”
Rebecca added: “It takes less than 15 minutes to complete the survey, and by taking part you’ll be helping us maintain an accurate picture of the biggest welfare issues facing pets in the UK today.”
The outbreak, which was widely covered in the media, caused concern amongst cat owners.
The findings of an investigation found a link between high concentrations of trichothecene T-2/HT-2 mycotoxins (both poisonous substances, produced by fungi) in certain cat foods.
The first study, published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, describes 580 cats recorded by the RVC’s database during the initial outbreak, the epidemiology of the cases and the link with mycotoxin exposure.
The cats presented with severe reductions in vital blood cells, including white blood cells responsible for fighting infection and platelets responsible for blood clotting.
The research recounts how analysis of these cats’ data – provided both by pet owners and vets - revealed three diets that had been consumed by the majority of affected cats and how this subsequently led to a UK wide recall in June 2021.
Examining the subsequent analysis of the feed samples and the discovery of mycotoxin contamination, which is known to be toxic to bone marrow, and thereby negatively impacting the production of key blood cells, the study concludes that mycotoxin contamination should be considered as the cause of the outbreak.
The second study examines 50 cats identified as having pancytopenia in more depth, providing a detailed picture of clinical findings to better understand the disease process in these cats affected by the outbreak.
Records and data of 50 of the affected cats were assessed to identify additional clinical signs which indicated contact with mycotoxins.
Following examination of the cats’ bone marrow, it was found that all cats suffered a marked toxic insult to their bone marrow.
From this, the study concluded that a differential diagnosis of mycotoxin-induced pancytopenia should be considered in cats presenting with pancytopenia.
Lead author of the research, Dr Barbara Glanemann, Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Medicine at the Royal Veterinary College and Co-head of the Small Animal Internal Medicine Service at the RVC’s Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, said:
“These pieces of research involved a great deal of work from many people (noted as authors and acknowledgements in the papers) and we really appreciate the teamwork involved, and the collaborative support we received.
“We know first-hand how much devastation and concern this outbreak caused for many cat owners across the country and so it is our hope that the studies will help people better understand what happened to cause this outbreak and can be used to not only provide some closure to those affected but also reduce the chances of something similar occurring in the future.”
The one-hour CPD session is being given by Tom Dutton (pictured right), an EBVS specialist in avian medicine and surgery.
Tom said: “We are currently suffering from the biggest avian flu outbreak in UK history.
“As well as the widely reported effect on the UK commercial poultry industry, there have also been a number of cases in captive birds.
“Bird owners are naturally worried about their pets becoming infected and practice vets are also having to field requests from members of the public who are concerned about wild birds.
“This session will help vets to manage enquiries and handle any potential clinical situations with confidence.”
To register for the webinar, email Jess at: before 23rd January
Expanding on the training available in autumn 2022, which was launched based on the results of an extensive training pilot, MMI is offering a total of 14 sessions taking place both online and in person over the next few months. Sessions will be running from January to April 2023. The courses will cover areas that have been identified as priority topics from previous MMI surveys, feedback from the professions, and evaluation of the training pilots.
Mind Matters Initiative Manager, Lisa Quigley, said: “Mental health and wellbeing are impacted by a whole host of structural and societal factors and maintaining a healthy workforce goes far beyond supporting people on an individual level.
"Whilst it is undoubtedly important to provide people with the skills they need to look after themselves, we are aiming to expand on this by providing individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to recognise and address wider collective issues. For example, the importance of creating and maintaining a positive workplace culture.
Session dates and specific topics are as follows:
Mental Health First Aid (£30 in-person)
9am – 5pm
Psychological Safety and Civility (£20 in-person, £15 online)
In-person – 9am – 4pm
Online – 9am – 1pm
Sustaining Your Emotional Health (£15 in-person)
2pm – 5pm
For more information on the training courses, visit:
The tips, put together by Tessa Plagis (communication advisor at St. Anna Advies), Alan Robinson (director of VetDynamics) and Rebecca Robinson (coach at VetDynamics and senior clinician in veterinary anaesthesia at the AHT), are being shared to set the scene for Congress 2023, where international experts will be exploring how time management at organisational, systems, teams and an individual levels can lead to drastic improvements in performance, job satisfaction and wellbeing.
The Association points to the demands on the profession caused by the fact that veterinary professionals have been saying 'yes' to everything for years: yes to more clients, more patients and more overtime.
This, says BSAVA, is taking its toll: experienced practitioners and recent graduates are leaving the profession, and many more are suffering mental and physical health issues associated with sustained high stress.
Tessa Plagis, communication advisor at St. Anna Advies, said: “We are at a tipping point and can’t keep doing what we’ve always done. If we want sustainable veterinary businesses going forward we need to change the structure of how we work.”
Tessa says the issues are both organisational and individual: “Many veterinary professionals struggle to give boundaries.
"We are people pleasers and tend to say ‘yes’, even if that means compromising other important aspects of lives, such as family.
"This set against a background of too few vets, which means that there’s nobody to help us out when there’s too much to-do.”
To find out more about time management, book your ticket for BSAVA Congress at:, and in the meantime, here are Tessa, Alan and Rebecca's time management tips.
Tessa's tips
Alan's tips
Rebecca's tips
Muriel joined Pennard Vets as an office junior on 7th January 1950, when she was 15 years old
She earned a weekly wage of £1 10 shillings, equivalent to £1.50 in today’s money.
Andy Green, a Director at Pennard Vets, said: “Few people in this country have achieved what Muriel has.
"Pennard Vets has been around for over 125 years and Muriel’s journey with us has encompassed a staggering 70 years of that, making her one of only a handful of people in the UK who have completed 70 years with a single employer.
“Muriel is ever-present, reliable, caring, dependable and she makes the best biscuits around.
"She started work at our Sevenoaks practice as a 16-year-old in 1950, when it was just as likely a client would be bringing in a sheep, goat or horse as a dog or cat, and we used loose boxes outside for examinations, treatments isolation and even post-mortems.
“During the subsequent 70 years she was part of the growth in the practice from a single site to multiple sites.
"She was also fantastic at embracing the latest technology as the practice went from handwritten ledgers, double entry bookkeeping and dealing with the terribly difficult to decipher handwritten notes of the vets, to digitalisation, computers, online systems, email, mobile phones and a host of other technological advances.
“Throughout the years her role changed dramatically, and she learned new skills, adapted, and moved with the times, demonstrating our core values of continuous improvement, client focus, compassion and clarity every step of the way.
“When Muriel retired in 2020, sadly lockdown rules denied us the chance for a proper celebration, so we are very pleased to have been able to celebrate together with such a fabulous party.”
Muriel said: “When I started at Pennard Vets, the practice cared for large animals including horses, sheep and cattle on the local farms, but we also had some more unusual clients.
"A special highlight was fielding telephone calls from former Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, who lived at Chartwell country house, near Westerham, in Kent and employed the practice to look after the health of the black swans living on the estate’s lake.
“Two of the biggest changes I saw during my seven decades at the practice were the business giving up farm work to focus on small animal work as dogs and cats became a bigger part of our families, and the transition from my handwritten notes in ledgers to modern computer systems, but I have always embraced change and enjoyed learning new skills.
"I miss everyone at Pennard Vets but will keep in touch and keep baking for them!”
The second biggest financial worry was the cost of dog food (18%), followed by pet insurance (16%).
The news came as Dogs Trust announced that it has had 50,000 requests this year from owners asking the charity to take in their dog, a new record in the charity's history.
The outlook for 2023 doesn't look any more optimistic; the poll also found that 62% of people who don’t currently own a dog think the rising cost of living would prevent them from getting one in 2023, whilst 36% said it ‘definitely would’ and 25% said it ‘probably would’.
In the meantime 21% said they would give their dog fewer presents this year, whilst 13% said they won’t give their dogs a present at all this Christmas, despite giving presents in previous years.
Maybe that is a good thing. After all why were they wasting money in the first place: the dog doesn't know it's Christmas, or appreciate a present.
Perhaps more significantly, fewer dog owners will be going away for a Christmas break this year: 9% said they’d be staying home because they can't afford a dog sitter.
Owen Sharp, Chief Executive of Dogs Trust, said: “Although it was inevitable that we would reach 50,000 calls from owners no longer able to care for their dogs, it’s still a shock and a stark signifier of the animal welfare crisis the UK now finds itself in.
“Through our December poll, dog owners have told us they’re going to struggle this Christmas, and many more are really worried about what 2023 is going to bring."
At the beginning of the hearing legal applications were made to rule that the whole proceedings should be stopped as an abuse of process on various grounds including the delay that had occurred in the matters being referred to the RCVS, and that there had been flaws in the original investigatory process.
There was also application that the evidence of one of the College’s witnesses should be excluded on the grounds that the witness had been convicted of bribery.
The Committee decided that the proceedings should continue but ruled that the statement and evidence of one witness should be excluded from the hearing based upon their conviction.
Mr Gracey faced five charges, all of which he was found guilty of. They were:
Three other charges were found not proven and one allegation was withdrawn by the RCVS.
The Committee then considered if the proven charges amounted to serious professional misconduct.
In doing so it made reference to the Code of Professional Conduct and its supporting guidance, particularly in relation to the 10 Principles of Certification.
Dr Hazel Bentall MRCVS, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “The Committee considered individually and cumulatively all matters it had found proved.
"It concluded that the public relies on veterinary surgeons to be honest and transparent when completing and signing forms.
"There is a public interest in being able to trust the profession to uphold high standards of probity because veterinary surgeons are trusted to play an important role in the promotion of animal health and welfare and associated human health.
"The Committee therefore concluded that cumulatively Charges 1, 2, 3 and 4 amounted to serious professional misconduct because the respondent had failed to meet the necessary high standards of honesty and transparency.
"In particular the fact that there were four separate events relating to animal welfare and public health was significant when considering what sanction to impose.”
“The Committee is satisfied that such conduct, when taken together, would be considered deplorable by other members of the profession.
"The respondent’s conduct on four occasions in respect of four animals and three conflicts of interest called into question his competence in relation to completing such forms.”
In considering the appropriate sanction for Mr Gracey, the Committee took into account both mitigating and aggravating circumstances, as well as a number of character witnesses for the respondent who highlighted his positive personal and professional qualities.
In mitigation, the Committee considered that Mr Gracey has hitherto been of good character with no previous disciplinary findings, that he had admitted some parts of the charges against him at the outset of the hearing, that he had made efforts to avoid repeating the misconduct and remediate it – this included making alternative certification arrangements for his father’s farm and taking more appropriate care with record keeping.
The Committee also acknowledged the significant lapse of time between the date of the misconduct and the hearing and the stress that had caused to Mr Gracey, as well as the insight he had shown into his misconduct.
Taking into account all the factors, the Committee decided that imposing a period of six months suspension from the Register of Veterinary Surgeons was the appropriate sanction for Mr Gracey.
Dr Bentall added: “The Committee concluded that suspension of the respondent’s registration for a period of six months was proportionate.
"The Committee considered whether a shorter period was appropriate bearing in mind the mitigating factors it had found applied in this case.
"It decided that a period of six months was proportionate and the minimum length necessary to meet the public interest balancing the seriousness of the misconduct and the mitigation.
"It decided that a shorter period of suspension would be insufficient to uphold proper standards within the profession, or to have a deterrent effect.
“The Committee was satisfied that the respondent had shown sufficient insight and efforts to remediate his misconduct and it concluded that at the end of this period of suspension he would not pose a further risk to animal welfare or public health.
"The Committee considered that the respondent was a valued veterinary surgeon with extensive farm animal experience and that a more severe sanction such as removal from the RCVS Register would not properly reflect the Committee’s findings on the scale of dishonesty and would not take account of the respondent’s mitigation.”
CVS says that in the USA, the veterinary profession is the fifth highest profession for non-fatal injuries, with equine veterinarians sustaining an average of eight serious injuries during their career.
‘The context, consequence and prevention of veterinary workplace injuries: a qualitative and quantitative study in the UK’ will be undertaken at the University of Liverpool in collaboration with CVS colleagues as part of its Clinical Research Awards.
The study will run for three years, supported by £74,400 of CVS funding.
The research will investigate what veterinary injuries are, what context they occur in and what their consequences are.
It will look to highlight areas of the profession where injury prevention training and strategies can be developed and adopted to improve the safety of working in veterinary practice.
For the first phase, University of Liverpool researchers have rolled out the largest ever survey to explore veterinary workplace injuries with over 5,000 CVS staff UK-wide.
The survey investigates how veterinary professionals define injuries, their specific causal mechanisms, and why individuals do or do not report injuries or seek medical treatment.
The survey will be followed by an independent audit of CVS’ accident reporting system.
The results of these two activities will lead to the development of a suite of industry leading ‘open access’ educational tools aimed at promoting injury awareness and prevention to help drive behaviour change and support injury avoidance.\
The research project is being led by Dr. John Tulloch, a Research Fellow and European Specialist in Veterinary Public Health, at the University of Liverpool.
Collaborators include CVS Head of Health and Safety Rebecca Jackson and Director of Learning, Education and Development Dr Martin Whiting.
John said: “Injuries that occur within veterinary practice can tragically at times be life-changing and are often avoidable.
"Currently we do not know some critical details that would help to improve safety within the veterinary workplace.
"If we can better understand these details, we will be able to develop and strengthen prevention measures through policy, education, and training.
"We anticipate that this project will result in safer workplaces within the wider veterinary community and, indirectly, in improved animal treatment through a fitter, healthier and safer profession.”
The new division has been granted a ManSA license by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD).
Glesni Owen, Head of Veterinary Sales, said: “Veterinary professionals across the world increasingly prescribing CBD products to their patients for a variety of health conditions including osteoarthritis, epilepsy, pain management and a variety of other behavioural issues.
“Research into the use of CBD is advancing daily which provides veterinary professionals with an increased knowledge base to help clients make informed decisions about treating their pets.”
Pets Choice have been working closely with veterinary professionals in the United States where CBD therapy is far more widely prescribed, collating and sharing the latest supporting evidence and guidance for vets here in the UK to feel comfortable discussing it with their clients.
Glesni said: “We have developed a CPD-accredited educational webinar and also recorded a podcast with the Vet Times, interviewing highly-respected US-based veterinarian Jeffrey Powers, who has extensive experience prescribing CBD to his patients.”
For further information, contact or 01934 831000.
To achieve the accreditation, Dechra’s Digital Learning team’s educational content, processes and services were reviewed and benchmarked against key opinion indicators by an LPI consultant.
Dechra Academy was first established in the UK in 2010 and has since launched in over 20 additional countries across the world.
Last year, over 5,000 veterinary professionals in the UK completed over 9,000 courses and there is currently over 60 hours of free CPD content available across the company’s therapy areas including endocrinology, dermatology, analgesia and anaesthesia, nutrition, equine analgesia and anaesthesia and locomotion.
The company has just launched the first of two courses in its ‘Purffect Partner’ series, which focuses on identifying and treating unintended feline weight loss.
A further four case studies will be added in the coming months.
This is the first time Linnaeus has appointed PCAs to its 68-strong clinical board, which aims to make it more inclusive by including a wider range of experience and expertise from every level in clinical practice.
The appointment of Alice Boyle from Maven Veterinary Care in Sutton, and Lily Barnes from Paragon Veterinary Referrals in Wakefield (pictured L-R), means PCAs are represented at a national senior level within Linnaeus.
Professor Séverine Tasker, Chief Medical Officer at Linnaeus and Chair of the clinical board said: “When it comes to clinical excellence, a broad range of perspectives will strengthen our ability to explore and follow best practice.
"Everyone’s views and experiences are important.
"Our nursing teams are critical to the care of our patients, but until recently we only had RVN representation on the clinical board and wanted to involve our excellent team of PCAs as well."
Samantha, who was a recipient of the Malaysian Prime Minister’s Scholarship, has a degree in genetics, molecular biology and microbiology, and a PhD in cancer research from University College London.
She was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 40, which led her to set up ADHD Girls, an organisation that helps people with ADHD access employment and works with businesses to help them understand ADHD.
Samantha's talk is part of a module on neurodiversity, which will open with an exploration of neurodiversity and the challenges of diagnosis, before looking at how you can better support those in practice teams, as well as neurodivergent clients and students.
The session will wrap up with a discussion about how to cultivate greater inclusivity and understanding around those who are neurodivergent within the veterinary professions.
Being neurodivergent means that your brain works differently from the average person, meaning there may be differences in social preference, ways of communicating, ways of learning and ways of perceiving the environment.
Samantha said: “No two brains are the same. But what if you were born with a brain that constantly makes you feel like everything you do differentiates you from everyone else?”
“My talk introduces neurodiversity in the context of society, casting light on ADHD and autism, and how this impacts the workplace and one’s quality of life, and what we can do to build a compassionate culture, starting with the conversations we have at work.
"I’m really excited to talk at the BSAVA Congress and meet other professionals in the veterinary field.”
After her lecture, she will be partaking in a panel discussion around the challenges of diagnosis of neurodivergence alongside Laura Playforth, a vet who has been diagnosed with both bipolar and autism and is currently Group Quality Improvement Director at IVC Evidensia.
Andy Green, Vice Chair of the BSAVA Congress Programme Committee chair said: “We are delighted to have Samantha delivering our keynote this year on such an important topic.
"Neurodiversity is becoming an increasingly important area of focus and understanding across society and we have a significant population of neurodivergent people working as vets, nurses and in other roles, many of whom may not as yet have a diagnosis.”
“We also need to recognise that many pet owners and clients are neurodivergent.
"Samantha is ideally placed to shine a spotlight on this subject, using her own story and life experience to deliver a greater understanding of what it actually means to be neurodivergent and how businesses/practices can understand, embrace and support neurodivergent members of the work force and community.”
Early bird tickets for BSAVA Congress 2023 are currently on sale with 3-day and 1-day tickets available to purchase. Get your ticket now:
The five-year strategy outlines actions required from the group and its members until 2025, as well as focusing on changing wider public attitudes to extreme conformations in brachycephalic dogs.
It identifies three core challenges:
Some of the actions committed to include working to prevent the inappropriate use of imagery of brachycephalic dogs in advertising, promoting relevant health testing schemes and sharing research with breeders and would-be owners, alongside developing and promoting a Brachycephalic Health Assessment veterinary consultation framework.
Dr Dan O’Neill, chair of BWG said: “BWG understands that the serious health problems associated with the flat-faced body shape can cause many dogs to suffer and considers that the health and welfare problems linked to breeding for a flat face are one of the UK’s leading canine welfare priorities.
"This new strategy lays out a plan to redress many of these issues and we call on everybody to ‘Stop and think before buying a flat-faced dog’.”
The new guide, developed in association with Vets Digital, is the latest addition to BVA’s ‘Respect your vet team – end abuse’ campaign, which aims to support vets and veterinary workplaces who experience abuse from animal owners either in person or online.
It will be added to the Respect Your Vet Team toolkit, which offers a range of resources designed to help protect staff and limit the frequency and impact of abuse from clients.
The resources include practical tips on how to protect staff from online abuse, downloadable posters encouraging respectful behaviour from clients and a series of blogs exploring the issues.
BVA President Malcolm Morley said: “The vast majority of clients are hugely appreciative of the care they receive from their vet teams, resulting in thousands of positive reviews every year.
"While we recognise not every client will have a positive experience and may wish to provide critical feedback, a small number are posting deliberately abusive or unfair reviews.
"This is unacceptable and can have a hugely negative impact on individual veterinary professionals and the wider team.
"Protecting the wellbeing of veterinary teams remains a top priority for BVA and this new resource will help vet teams to take practical steps to limit the impact of this type of abuse.”
The ophthalmology service, which offers cataract surgery, corrective eyelid surgery and corneal disease management amongst other things, is headed by RCVS and US Ophthalmology Specialist, James Histed (pictured right)
The hospital, which has doubled in size to 30,000ft², now has a purpose-built theatre complex, a new reception and waiting area, 12 additional consulting rooms and a new rehabilitation centre equipped with a water treadmill and a large arena for treatment and gait analysis.
It also has a new lecture theatre where SCVS can deliver its CPD programme and parent company IVC can deliver its intern and residency programme.
The company says that its redevelopment has focused on employee wellbeing, to which end there is a new staff area for the 200-strong team a place to gather, dine and relax.
Kennel space for staff dogs has also been increased to support SCVS’s ‘bring your dog to work’ policy.
The new hospital facility is fully operational and open 24/7 for referrals, supporting colleagues from surrounding vet practices.
The ISFM says Congress will offer veterinary professionals an extensive scientific programme designed to support a multi-modal and cat friendly approach to caring for feline patients with acute upper urinary tract disease and other emergencies.
Speakers will include Søren Boysen (Emergency & Critical Care), Serge Chalhoub (Internal Medicine), Laura Owen (Soft Tissue Surgery) and special guest Allyson Berent (Non-Invasive Surgery).
Sam Taylor MRCVS, ISFM Veterinary Specialist Lead (pictured right) said: "We seem to be seeing more and more feline urinary cases, urolithiasis and acute kidney injury - and of course the familiar blocked cats!
"In Dublin, I can’t wait to hear how to approach these cases as well as look more in-depth at ECC and discuss cat friendly critical care amongst many other topics from all angles – surgery, medicine, behaviour, imaging and more!’
The 2023 ISFM Feline Congress Dublin is open to veterinary surgeons and nurses of all experience levels.
Part of the Goddard Veterinary Group and based at Wanstead Veterinary Hospital in East London, the College takes most of its students from vet practices in London and the home counties.
At the time of the inspection, the College had 34 students on its Registered Veterinary Nurse course and 15 students working towards their Level 2 animal care and welfare assistant qualification.
Ofsted inspectors found that the College’s apprentices learn and work in very supportive environments and value the support they get from the tutors and clinical coaches.
In their report the inspectors said: “Apprentices’ academic and welfare needs are met well.
"Apprentices enjoy their training and would recommend it to others.
"Leaders and managers have a clear rationale for delivering their training.
"They aim to train apprentices so they become skilled veterinary practitioners and develop a career in the sector.”
Group Training Manager and Head of Centre at the college, Emma Eve-Raw, said: “To receive such positive feedback from Ofsted is very rewarding.
"Our team prides itself on inspiring the next generation of veterinary nurses and veterinary nursing assistants and we have a flexible approach to give students the best chance of reaching their full potential.
“We offer hybrid learning to make it easier to balance studying alongside working in practice and every student is assessed to find out how they best learn, so their course can be tailored to suit them.
“We are also very proud of our teaching team, as we have more than 100 years of RVN experience between us and our senior teaching team spends time in practice every year to ensure their practical knowledge is kept up to date.”
Teleradiology company, VetCT, is calling for companies developing and deploying AI in the field of veterinary diagnostic imaging to impose the highest standards of self-regulation. In an AI position statement released on their website, the company highlights the opportunities and risks associated with the use of AI to interpret diagnostic images.
In the joint statement, company owners Victoria Johnson and Julien Labruyère (pictured right), said: “We strongly welcome the introduction of appropriately developed, tested and implemented AI tools into our profession, to provide solutions to improve resourcing and benefit animal welfare.
“There is a limited pool of veterinary radiologists and an ever-increasing need for expert interpretation of radiographs and more advanced diagnostic imaging modalities.
"This presents a huge opportunity for the development of AI and related technologies to better address demand, save time and potentially improve clinical knowledge and outcomes.
"However, it is important to note that, unlike human radiology, there is no official framework for the regulation, governance and quality control of AI tools in veterinary radiology.
"This means that there should be a very strong onus on companies and individuals to adhere to the highest standards of medical tool development when creating AI solutions.”
“If AI is released into veterinary practice without appropriate oversight or governance there is a significant risk of misleading results, misdiagnosis, and negative impacts on patient welfare.
"This, in turn, may undermine trust in AI and create a culture of hesitancy to adopt new technologies at a time when innovation is much needed to improve access to advanced care.”
The company is advocating for a series of self-regulatory measures to be applied by companies developing AI in order to safeguard both animal welfare and the liability of the veterinary surgeons using these tools in clinical practice.
The full position statement and a list of recommendations can be here:
Concern has been expressed in the profession about environmental contamination from products used in companion animal treatment for ectoparasites, such as fleas and ticks.
In recent years there has been a widely documented fall in the abundance of many terrestrial invertebrate populations1.
While the decline has been mostly linked to agricultural chemicals, there is a concern that companion animal ectoparasiticides could also be a contributing factor, with a recent study2 confirming the presence of common compounds used in flea-treatment3 in UK waterways.
However, the association with companion animal ectoparasiticides is currently poorly understood, with a significant knowledge gap and little robust research available to assess the true importance and environmental consequences.
The funded project ‘Assessing the Environmental Risk from Ectoparasite Treatments in Companion Animals’ will be led by Professor Richard Wall, Professor of Zoology and Dr Emily Bell, Senior Lecturer at University of Bristol in collaboration with Dr Imogen Schofield, Veterinary Statistician and Epidemiologist at CVS, and Lizzie McLennan-Green, Small Animal Veterinary Director at CVS.
It will be conducted via a PhD studentship at the University of Bristol as part of the CVS Clinical Research Awards.
The research will include a longitudinal ‘citizen science’ study with pet owners to develop a greater understanding of owner use and attitudes towards ectoparasiticides.
It will also include laboratory assessments of ectoparasiticide residues collected from companion animals to provide evidence-based information on the potential environmental impact of the treatments when applied to companion animals.
It is hoped the study will help the wider veterinary profession develop the most appropriate approaches to prescribing and use of ectoparasiticides in the future, and inform educational strategies to support owners with ‘responsible use’. The study is also set to benefit companion animals, as the research will inform strategies to ensure the most appropriate control of parasitic burden to pets.
The project starts in January 2023 and will run for three-years as a full time PhD.
CVS is providing £95,000 to fund the research.
At a hearing in April Dr Johnston had admitted all the charges against him, which related fraudulent claims for the treatment of animals, two of which were fictitious, where he arranged for the insurance claims to be diverted and paid into a personal bank account.
Dr Johnston had admitted all the charges against him as well as admitting that his conduct was dishonest and amounted to serious professional misconduct.
Committee Chair Paul Morris said: “The Committee has no hesitation in concluding that the respondent’s dishonest conduct will have severely undermined the confidence of the public in the veterinary profession and, further, that his conduct fell far short of the standards and conduct properly to be expected of a member of the veterinary profession.
"The Committee is satisfied that this conduct by the respondent brought the profession into disrepute.”
The proceedings were then adjourned to allow a psychiatric report and other mitigation to be prepared.
At its resumed hearing on earlier this month, the Committee considered what sanction to impose.
The Committee found that aggravating features of his misconduct were that it was premeditated, carefully planned and sophisticated in that it involved the creation of numerous and extensive false clinical records to support his fraudulent claims.
It also considered the fact that he implicated an innocent professional colleague who worked alongside him at the practice, that he abused the trust placed in him by clients, that the dishonest conduct was repeated and that it involved significant financial gain in excess of £13,200 to be further aggravating features of his conduct
In terms of mitigation, the Committee accepted that he had made early admissions regarding his conduct to his employer and the College and accepted responsibility.
The Committee also heard that he had made attempts at remediation involving repayments of some of the sums lost by the practice and insurers.
It also considered positive testimonials from family and professional colleagues and the fact that Dr Johnston had taken significant steps to deal with the gambling addiction that was at the root cause of his misconduct.
Having considered all the evidence, the Committee decided to postpone its decision on sanction for a period of 2 years on the condition that Dr Johnston agree to undertakings including refraining from any form of gambling, subjecting himself to a close regime of support and supervision, and repaying some of the sums he had defrauded.
Paul added: “In reaching this conclusion the Committee wishes to make it clear that it has taken an exceptional course in this case.
"Ordinarily conduct of the type covered by the charges which this respondent has accepted will merit the imposition of a sanction of removal from the Register or a period of suspension from the Register.
"In this instance the Committee has found it possible to take the course that it has because it is satisfied that the respondent was, at the time, suffering from a recognisable psychiatric compulsive addiction… and that the fraudulent attempts by the respondent to obtain funds with which to gamble would not have occurred but for this psychiatric condition.
“The Committee further considers that the undertakings offered by the respondent will serve to reduce the risk that he will relapse into gambling again, for his conduct will be closely monitored and he will accept continuing support and guidance from the organisations currently assisting him.
“The Committee is also satisfied of the requirements that neither animals nor the public will be put at risk by this proposed course of action; that the respondent has demonstrated insight into the seriousness of his misconduct and that there is currently no significant risk of repeat behaviour; that his practicing standards are not in need of improvement so long as he continues to fulfil his CPD obligations; that the undertakings offered are capable of being met, are appropriate and are measurable; that there is evidence that his underlying medical problem is being appropriately addressed, will be monitored and reported on; and that he has responded positively to the opportunities for support and counselling which have been offered to him.”
If Dr Johnston fails to comply with his undertakings the Committee will reconvene and consider the charges with the full range of sanctions at its disposal.
The CertAVN was launched by the RCVS in May 2019 as an advanced professional qualification allowing veterinary nurses at all stages of their career to develop their professional skills and knowledge in specific areas.
The qualification, which can either be taken as a Level 6 graduate qualification or a Level 7 postgraduate qualification, is smaller and more focused than its predecessor, the Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing.
The other CertAVN providers are Harper Adams University, the University of Glasgow, the University of Central Lancashire in partnership with Myerscough College, and the Royal Veterinary College which has also recently added another pathway to its existing provision.
In total the five providers are offering 23 different CertAVN qualifications, including two with an equine focus.
Matthew Rendle, Chair of RCVS Veterinary Nurses Council, said: “It is fantastic that, in just a few short years after it was launched, we already have five educational institutions accredited to deliver the CertAVN across a wide range of subject matter, covering everything from anaesthesia & analgesia, to dentistry, to teaching, coaching and mentoring, to equine critical care.
“We have more providers on the horizon, as well as a Zoo, Exotics and Wildlife course that I am particularly excited about.
"This demonstrates that there is clearly a demand for the CertAVN courses which are very manageable and can fit around work and personal life, while also offering opportunities to develop a greater focus in designated areas of practice and the career opportunities that may offer.”
Time spent discussing the articles can be claimed towards the annual CPD requirement by pressing the ‘Claim CPD’ link at the top of the forum discussion thread.
The first article up for discussion is "Newborn resuscitation following dystocia or caesarean section", by Tom Towey MRCVS who will be joining us in the forum this week.
Tom is an RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Emergency & Critical Care working at Vets Now in Manchester.
He graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2011, before spending 7 years at Petmedics Emergency Hospital in Manchester.
He gained his Advanced Practitioner status in Emergency and Critical Care in 2016 and joined Vets Now in 2018.
He now lectures on a wide variety of aspects of emergency care . Clinical Editor Alasdair Hotston Moore said: “For veterinary nurses, I think this adds a really valuable extra dimension to your clinical reading. “It’s not just the opportunity to ask questions of the author, but also to discuss the implications and practicalities of the article amongst yourselves. Editor, Arlo Guthrie said: “More than that, it’s also in a closed professional community where you can be 100% confident of a friendly atmosphere and authoritative opinions with provenance. “And more even than that, the questions you ask and the discussion you have are then available as a useful, searchable resource for everyone in the profession.” So do come and join in. First read the article here: Then come and join the discussion here:
The article points towards the corporatisation of the profession, with 51% of practices now owned by private equity groups and 67% belonging to a group of three practices or more, as the main driver for an increase in vets' fees of over twice the rate of inflation between 2015 and 2020.
However, what the article focuses on, which is the issue of complex and very expensive treatments for pets, is a multifactorial problem which cannot be entirely blamed on corporatisation.
At its heart lie advances in science which now allow vets to offer ever more complex treatments and diagnostics which, when used in human medicine to prolong a human life might sometimes seem expensive, but when used to prolong the life of a dog, can seem frankly a bit bonkers.
Indeed the article does point towards over-treatment being partly driven by 'celebrity vets advocating increasingly complex surgeries'.
Then there's the fact that both parties to the transaction are often heavily invested in the idea of doing whatever can be done to save the dog: the pet owner, who has anthropomorphised their pet since they first collected it, and the vet, who's entire career has been dedicated to doing their best for the patient in their care.
Then of course there's the inflationary effect of insurance on treatment.
After all, if the animal is insured, why wouldn't you throw the kitchen sink at it?
Things are complicated by the difficulty in estimating the cost of veterinary treatment at the outset, when so much depends on the unknown outcome of diagnostic tests, the progression of disease and the success or failure of treatment. It's not like quoting for a new exhaust system.
There's also the inflationary effect of the increasingly litigious and socially litigious world we live in. It would be no surprise if veterinary surgeons have become more likely to test for everything, when the consequences of missing something is soul-destroying trial by social media.
And finally, there's the subjective value of money.
Nevertheless, the Daily Mail has a point.
Selling any product or service is about meeting clients' and customers' needs.
If you keep increasing the price of your product range until all you can offer is a Rolls Royce, sooner or later you're going to price yourself out of the market.
One other lesson for the profession from that article: 'No comment' is not a good look for a caring profession.