  • VetNurse News

    FAB Easy To Give Awards

    The Feline Advisory Bureau has announced the winners of the 3rd annual 'East To Give Awards', given by a panel of experts to recognise products that are designed to be easy to give to cats. The winners are: Convenia (Pfizer) Having a long-acting injectable...
  • VetNurse News

    Danger of dog owners over-feeding at Christmas

    Four out of ten UK dogs will over-indulge this Christmas, according to a survey from Wholesome Nutrition Ltd, manufacturer of Britain's first weight-loss dog food, Formula K ( ). As a result, a staggering 29% of the nation...
  • VetNurse News

    Computer-based testing for veterinary nurses

    At its recent meeting (8 November), RCVS Council agreed to the new arrangements proposed by the RCVS Awarding Body, which manages the veterinary nurse training scheme. It means that candidates will be able to take their multiple-choice question...
  • VetNurse News

    Introducing the new BVNA President ...

    Claire Fraser, RVN, MBVNA, took over as President of the British Veterinary Nursing Association for the coming year at the BVNA AGM held on 21 October 2007 at the Annual BVNA Congress. Claire qualified as a VN in 1990 and worked in general...
  • VetNurse News

    Petplan offers AR practices chance to win 5000 credits

    Throughout November and December Petplan is offering its Appointed Representative (AR) practices the chance to win an extra 5000 Portfolio credits worth £200, by arranging an annual policy using Petplan's RapidApp. Using the individual...
  • VetNurse News

    Dietary problems for 1 in 4 rabbits

    Pet healthcare insurance provider, Pet Protect has analysed its 2007 claims for pet rabbits, concluding that that one in four relate to dietary issues and, in particular, obesity. Rabbits are now the third most popular of British pets, with nearly...
  • VetNurse News

    Free T-shirt!

    During November the RSPCA is running a national survey to identify the animal welfare issues that worry the public, and the charity is offering a free designer t-shirt in return for taking part. To take part in the survey, call the RSPCA on...
  • VetNurse News

    CEVA launches Prilactone® to combat canine heart disease

    Prilactone®, the world's first aldosterone antagonist licensed for the treatment of canine heart disease, has been introduced by CEVA Animal Health. Clinical trials have demonstrated that the product, which contains spironolactone, can...
  • VetNurse News

    ... And the Veterinary Nurse Of The Year is ...

    The Blue Cross, Britain's pet charity, has presented its Veterinary Nurse of the Year Award to Anna Hatchett (below, centre) for her outstanding contribution to animal welfare, both within her veterinary practice and among the local community in...
  • VetNurse News

    Pet Blood Bank UK announces trustees

    Pet Blood Bank UK (PBBuk) , the first charity which collects, processes, stores and supplies pet blood products in the UK, has announced its Board of Trustees. They are: Phil Nuttall, former Head of the National Blood Service Sheffield Centre,...
  • VetNurse News

    Company of Animals unleashes Visiglo

    The Company of Animals has launched a new range of battery-powered, illuminated dog leashes and collars called Visiglo . Available in 5 designs ('Bones', 'Macaroni', 'Paws', sport stripe and flashing LED), these look to me at least like an...
  • VetNurse News

    UK flea and tick trouble trebles

    An unprecedented outbreak of fleas and ticks in Britain, posing risks to human and animal health, is being blamed on climate change, the wet summer and tougher strains of pests. Experts also warn the problem is set to worsen as autumn provides...
  • VetNurse News

    Pets really are called one of the family

    Hot on the heels of research showing that pets are more pampered , comes the news from Debenhams Pet Insurance of a trend towards pets being given the same names as children. Whereas in days gone by a dog would perhaps wag its tail in response...
  • VetNurse News

    RSPCA measures 'animal footprint' with new report

    The RSPCA has just published the report: The Welfare State: Measuring Animal Welfare in the UK 2006 , a statistical analysis of animal welfare in the UK. The annual report considers 35 animal welfare indicators relating to wildlife, farm animals...
  • VetNurse News

    Hill's announces Veterinary Healthcare Advisor of The Year

    Jane Barlett BSc Hons VN of Orwell Veterinary Group (pictured left, below), Ipswich, has won the "2007 Hill's Veterinary Healthcare Advisor of the Year" award. The award was announced by Libby Sheridan, Veterinary Affairs Manager at Hill's ...
  • VetNurse News

    BVNA Congress 2007

    The final count isn't in yet, but it looks like it's been another record year for attendance at BVNA Congress. Organisers (pictured on the BVNA stand, left to right: Caroline, Angie, Hon. Secretary Lisa Cooper, Alison, Lisa) report that 2044 delegates...
  • VetNurse News

    Grand Meadows launches canine food supplement range.

    Following the launch of its equine range to the UK, Grand Meadows Animal Health has announced the launch of a range of canine food supplements, including: Mobility, Grand Tranquility, Grand Vitality, Grand Coat and Grand Complete. New stockists...
  • VetNurse News

    Market analysis: fewer pets, but they're more pampered

    Interesting research from The Pet Market, a new market assessment report from market intelligence providers Key Note Ltd ., which shows that the decline in pet ownership over the last ten years is being offset by an increasing trend towards pampering...
  • VetNurse News

    Petplan warns of claim delays following postal strike

    Following the latest postal strikes, Petplan is warning vets and customers there may be some delay in policy information and claim cheques reaching them. Royal Mail has suggested that it may take three weeks for them to clear all outstanding...
  • VetNurse News

    First new 'human' CT scanner in private practice installed by VRCC

    VRCC veterinary referral centre , the leading European veterinary cancer treatment centre, has announced that it has installed what is believed to be the first and only new 'Human' CT scanner in a UK private small animal veterinary centre, at a...
  • VetNurse News

    Response Medical launches UK’s first manually retractable safety needle

    Response Medical, a leading UK healthcare supplier, today launched Surety TM Needle . It's a new retractable safety needle developed specifically to address the growing threat of needlestick injuries - the second most common cause of accidents to...
  • VetNurse News

    New website for missing pets

    The Kennel Club has been working with Petlog and the people behind: to provide a new service to help track down missing pets. Not sure whether it'll take off or not. These sorts of initiatives rely on massive public awareness...
  • VetNurse News

    Latest pet accessory hits the shelves

    Here's the latest horror to hit the shops in time for Halloween this year: Form an orderly queue please, everyone.
  • VetNurse News

    RSPCA slams new Pfizer drug for dogs

    The RSPCA has come out against Slentrol , Pfizer's new dieting drug for dogs, in the Daily Mail this week. The charity's senior scientist, Dr Jane Cooper told the Mail that the drug could cause side-effects such as vomiting and diarrhoea, and that...
  • VetNurse News

    New website for horse owners

    Horse owner Cate Ashton has launched a new website for 'conscientious horse owners, yard managers and equestrian professionals'. The impressive-looking (and free) site allows members to record almost every facet of...