Animal Friends Insurance (AFI), a not-for-profit pet insurance business, has a High Court injunction which paves the way for its customers to make a smooth transition from the company's previous underwriters, Equine and Livestock Insurance Company (E&L), to Red Sands Insurance Company (Europe) Limited.
Equine and Livestock terminated their underwriting agreement with AFI in February 2008, citing unprofitablility of the book for them as the reason.
Negotiations over the transfer of the book to Red Sands Insurance Company (Europe) Limited foundered when E&L demanded £750,000 from AFI for the transfer and for their agreement not to solicit AFI customers.
Following legal advice AFI wrote to its customers offering to renew policies with Red Sands. This spawned letters to AFI customers from E&L which caused great confusion amongst customers as to what was happening with their insurance. The letters also offered first a 10% then a 20% discount to tempt AFI customers to renew with E&L and not to stay with AFI.
AFI therefore applied for an emergency injunction to prevent E&L making further contact with AFI customers (except in agreed situations, notably claims), to stop the escalating confusion and also to require them to acknowledge renewals advised to them by AFI into Red Sands and not to take further payments on those insurances. The application was successful.
Elaine Fairfax, Managing Director and Founder of AFI said: "I am delighted at the Court ruling. It has resolved the terrible confusion that followed E&L's letters to our customers. Unfortunately we know that some customers said they would renew with E&L thinking they were staying with us! Now we can simply renew our customers' policies with our new underwriters as we had originally intended to do at no inconvenience to them as they need do nothing if they want to stay with Animal Friends. They will enjoy exactly the same policy terms and premiums as before and our underwriters will even take on existing ongoing conditions where a policyholder has lifetime cover."
She added: "Although this has been a horrible experience we are delighted to have new underwriters as they have given us authority to handle everything in-house. For vets this means that Animal Friends will now be handling claims at our Wiltshire H.Q. We have a bespoke pet claims software systems and veterinary nurse staff to give the best possible service. We have the facility to pay claims swiftly direct into a customer's bank account or direct to a vet. It is also exciting that we shall be able to draw on Hollard's* international pet insurance experience to introduce some unique new products and ideas into the UK pet insurance market in the near future."
Nurses now have their own dedicated online CPD service. Keysteps Online for Veterinary Nurses was launched by CPD Solutions on the 7th July.
Vets have had access to their version of the programme, for the past four years, which enables them to complete their CPD hours at a time and place of their choosing.
The new site has been developed in response to demand for high quality, easily accessible CPD that is specifically designed for veterinary nurses working with small animals.
‘Nurses have been looking at the vets' version of Keysteps Online and asking us for their own programme' said Susie Coughlan, Managing Director of CPD Solutions. ‘They want the complete flexibility that the site offers, together with tuition on essential nursing topics in video form. Now we've made it available for all veterinary nurses, and Keysteps Online will provide sufficient material for nurses to complete their required 15 hours of CPD each year.'
Keysteps Online provides video programmes by expert speakers in a range of essential subject areas, and combines these with self assessment quizzes to test the viewer's understanding. Additional downloadable and online resources provide support for each topic. New programmes are added on a regular basis, and build into a library of valuable resources that can be accessed at any time by subscribers.
Other features of the new service for nurses include their personal secure CPD diary that automatically logs CPD completed and the option to learn in small or large chunks of time from any convenient location.
For a free 14 day trial nurses can visit
Hill's Pet Nutrition is once again seeking high achievers who have made the most of their VHA (Veterinary Healthcare Adviser) qualification.
Colleagues in practice are being asked to nominate VHAs who qualified in 2007 for VHA of the Year. VHAs can also nominate themselves, or be nominated by their Hill's Territory Manager.
Nominees are asked to prepare a submission which can include written evidence, photographs and testimonials from clients or colleagues to demonstrate how the VHA has made a difference to their practice.
The winner of VHA of the Year will receive an award and £1000 of holiday vouchers at a special gala dinner held during BVNA congress, to which all VHAs are invited. On the evening, prizes for the Top Exam Marks from 2007 and runner up for VHA of the Year will also be awarded.
Last year's winner was Jane Bartlett of the Orwell Veterinary Group, who developed new tools to support her nurse clinics, including a client lifestyle questionnaire that helped her formulate tailored advice for the client allowed them to better manage the needs of their overweight pets.
Speaking on behalf of Hill's, Libby Sheridan, Veterinary Affairs Manager described Jane as being a great example of what a motivated VN can achieve in practice.
Submissions for VHA of the Year need to be received by the end of August 2008 and should be sent to Libby Sheridan at Hill's Pet Nutrition, Building 5, Croxley Green Business Park, Hatters Lane, Watford, WD18 8YL.
Nurses who have a thirst for CPD can find out about all of Hill's upcoming courses by registering for Hill's Veterinary Nutrition Academy on-line at
Enrolment onto the Academy is free and there are also 100 reward points for registering which can be redeemed in the VNA Shop.
The European Commission has published an amendment to Regulation concerning the transitional period under which the UK keeps it's requirements for blood testing, a six month wating period, tick and tapeworm treatment.
The amendment extends the transition period to the 30th June 2010, which means that the current rules applying to pets entering the UK will remain in place until 1st July 2010.
Genitrix has introduced special envelopes for its Xeno 450 and Xeno 50-Mini spot on parasite control ranges.
The envelopes, provided in packs of 30, enable practices to dispense lesser numbers of pipettes than are in the complete boxes to pet owners with animals of low bodyweight with their own set of dispensing instructions.
Xeno 450 and Xeno 50-Mini are Ivermectin-based treatments. Xeno 450, launched in 2006, is indicated for rabbits, guinea pigs and ferrets while Xeno 50-Mini, launched in 2007, is suitable for rats, mice, other rodents and birds, as well as rabbits and guinea pigs under 800g in bodyweight.
The dispensing envelopes have been produced following feedback from practices that they frequently had to supply just one or two pipettes from a box for animals of a low bodyweight but then needed additional sets of dispensing instructions to give to clients.
A free pack of dispensing envelopes is available by calling the Genitrix Helpline number 01403 786345 or contacting your wholesaler.
A survey of qualified veterinary nurses conducted by on behalf of Molar Ltd, makers of PlaqueOff Animal, has found a significant number of veterinary practices are not routinely offering dental checks and advice to their clients.
According to Molar, it is generally accepted that without proper dental care around 70-80% of pet dogs and cats will have some sort of dental disorder by the age of three and certainly by the age of six.
452 qualified veterinary nurses who worked in practices employing an average 5 veterinary surgeons and 6 VNs took part in the survey.
According to the survey, over 67% of practices do not have a dental nurse and only 36% of VNs have ever attended a dental training course.
More than 76% of veterinary nurses thought it highly important for owners to practice good regular oral hygiene on their pets. However, less than 0.2% of practices are carrying out dentals 20 or more times a week, 53% perform 5 to 10 dentals a week and 34% less than 5 a week.
Over 66% of dental checks are carried out by a veterinary surgeon and over 90% of practices do not carry out an x-ray as part of a dental check-up.
The majority of practices were charging £100-150 for a basic scale and polish without x-rays for a medium-sized dog and £50-100 for a cat (including VAT).
Following a dental check-up on a pet, less than 0.3% offered a free dental check-up in six months or ‘money-off next purchase' incentive, but 82% provided product leaflets, over 60% dental hygiene foods or product samples and 55% a practice-designed dental info sheet in a post-dental pack for the client. And 60% of practices routinely contacted clients for regular dental check-up reminders.
John Leonard of Molar Ltd said: "These results indicate that there is a lot of scope for practices to promote dental care as a preventative measure against possible oral and general health problems later in a pet's life with the added bonuses of client relationship-building and increased business opportunities".
Britain's £4bn a year equestrian industry must be prepared for exotic diseases to hit the naïve population - but does not need to panic. This was the message delivered to 200 delegates at last week's Emerging Exotic Diseases seminar in Newmarket, hosted by The Thoroughbred Breeders Association and The Horse Trust.
The seminar focused on two particular diseases: African horse sickness (AHS) - described as "the most devastating horse disease on the planet" and West Nile virus (WNV) which has been found to be transmissible to humans.
African horse sickness is endemic in South Africa, where devastating but sporadic outbreaks - now becoming more frequent - have been linked to movement of zebra between the increasing numbers of game parks. Professor Alan Guthrie highlighted the clinical signs of the disease and the ways in which South Africa undertakes treatment and control.
But he warned: "There is no specific treatment for AHS. Affected animals should be provided with supportive therapy, nursed and rested as the slightest exertion may result in death. Animals that survive should be rested for at least four weeks following recovery before being returned to light work. They should also be carefully monitored for complications such as piroplasmosis."
West Nile Virus appeared in the USA in 1999, spread rapidly through equines in all 48 mainland states and peaked in 2002 with some 15,000 cases, said Dr Josie Traub Dargetz of Colorado State University USA.
"Since then, although endemic, the number of annually diagnosed cases has fallen, probably due to naturally acquired immunity, preventive management, and frequent use of WNV vaccination," she said.
"Management and control measures in the U.S.A. include the use of mosquito control through source reduction by larviciding and adulticiding, repellents (topical pyrethroids), and vector- resistant housing."
Tolerance of WNV is more obvious in South Africa. "Epidemics of neurological disease caused by WNV and which were characterized by ataxia, weakness, recumbency, muscle fasciculation and high case-fatality rates have recently been reported amongst horses in North America, North Africa, Asia and Europe. In contrast, WNV infection is endemic in South Africa but neurological disease has only very rarely been observed in horses infected with WNV in the country," Prof Guthrie added.
WNV is already controlled in the US by vaccination but, while a range of vaccines for AHS is available in South Africa, these have not been found suitable for use in Europe. Dr Jules Minke of Merial France explained: "Notwithstanding the evident success of the polyvalent modified live vaccines against AHS in endemic areas, there are concerns about their use in epidemic situations because of their inherent biological safety risks." Work is, however, under way to develop a vaccine which would be acceptable.
In the UK, Defra is charged with implementing control procedures should either disease be diagnosed. Matthew Hartley, Deputy Head of Exotic Notifiable Diseases, told the conference: "Defra is participating in an equine-industry-led working group to develop a UK African Horse Sickness Strategy. The strategy takes forward current European legislation and describes how it would be implemented in partnership should African Horse Sickness arrive in the UK. This is currently in the drafting phases and will be available for consultation later this year.
The National Office of Animal Health has launched, a new website that bills itself as: "A 'one stop shop' featuring a wealth of animal health information and advice to help owners and potential owners to make decisions about their pets' healthcare."
I must say, full marks to NOAH and the web designers 9xb for a really polished website that presents information in a very easy-to-navigate format. First class job.
In general, the site content seems very good too. There's help for owners deciding what pet to buy, health guides for various common conditions for each species, first aid advice, and much more.
Personally, I think it would have been a nice tweak to offer something a tad more interactive in the section about picking a pet - something that actually made suggestions depending on your answers to the questions the site poses.
I also wonder how useful the Vet FAQs are likely to be. There are so many possible questions a pet owner might have, that a slightly random list seems to me to be of limited use.
But these are small points in the grand scheme of things. Overall, an excellent production, and one you may want to link your practice website to.
Alfaxan®, Vetoquinol's injectable general anaesthetic, is one year old this month. To celebrate the occasion, and the product's use by 860 UK practices in over 80,000 procedures so far, Vetoquinol is offering a free Alfaxan party bag.
The party bag includes an Alfaxan anaesthesia monitoring chart and an Alfaxan vet brochure with dosage chart and timer. In addition, everyone who claims a party bag will be entered into a lucky dip. Ten winners will be chosen at random to receive an oesophageal stethoscope kit, containing one normal stethoscope, with a removable head, and three Portex oesophageal stethoscope probes (small, medium and large) for monitoring patient's heart and respiratory rate.
To claim your party bag, call the dedicated Alfaxan technical support line on 0800 345 7560 or email:
Vetoquinol also reports a very positive response to Alfaxan from the profession during its first year.
Simon Boulton, one of Vetoquinol's Veterinary Advisors, has been conducting wet labs across the country for the company. He said: "Vets have used the wet lab service to get me along to anaesthetize patients for the day using Alfaxan. I have had a great deal of positive feedback and the product is becoming more and more widely used. Extremely smooth and reliable inductions, followed by good cardiovascular and respiratory stability were the most noticeable features of Alfaxan anaesthesia, liked by both the vets anaesthetizing the patients and the nurses who monitor them."
Petplan has expanded its partnership business and is now offering 6 weeks free insurance vouchers to pet owners who have their animals microchipped with Bayer's Tracer.
Simon Wheeler, Head of Marketing at Petplan said: "We are delighted to be working with Tracer. Through this partnership, we hope that more pet owners will realise the importance of taking out insurance and microchipping their pets. Vets could also benefit from this partnership, as owners who insure their pets are far more willing to consult their vets and do so more frequently, meaning a more regular income stream from insured clients."
The insurance voucher will insure dogs, cats and rabbits for vet fees covering illness or injury (up to £2000), advertising and reward (up to £250) and boarding fees (up to £250) in the event of the owner being hospitalised.
Donna Cable, Assistant Product Manager at Bayer HealthCare said: "This is an exciting new development which allows us to highlight the importance of pet insurance in conjunction with microchipping for all pets. Our relationship with Petplan is an example of how two market leaders in the veterinary industry are working together to promote responsible pet ownership."
The new agreement will give pet owners piece of mind. In the unfortunate event of their pet going missing, Tracer could locate their pet and Petplan would pay to advertise the missing animal and offer a reward.
For more information about Petplan, please visit or call Petplan Vetline on 0800 316 8800 to become a registered Petplan practice.
A group of 36 newly-qualified veterinary nurses visited the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons on Friday 13 June for two admissions ceremonies.
Veterinary Nurses Council Vice-Chairman, Elizabeth Branscombe, began the ceremonies by welcoming guests to both Belgravia House and the start of the VNs' professional careers. She emphasised that the title of Veterinary Nurse is one to be proud of, and spoke about the exciting times ahead for the profession.
‘Having successfully completed your portfolio and exams you are now eligible to enter the Veterinary Nurses Register and follow the Guide to Professional Conduct. It is a satisfying and challenging career which can lead onto many other opportunities, such as practice management or teaching future veterinary nurses.'
Family, friends and colleagues were present to see the new VNs receive their certificates and badges from RCVS President, Dr Bob Moore, who congratulated them on their achievements, and also recognised the support they had received from those around them.
‘Congratulations to each and every one of you in reaching the first stage of your career. Now is the time to thank your colleagues, family and friends for helping you get to where you are today. Their support is crucial for your success, now and in the future. Today is for celebrating; enjoy what you have achieved,' he said.
The VNs and their guests then enjoyed a drinks reception with the President.
Pfizer, manufacturer of the wormer StrongidTM-P has launched a new promotional campaign. Love your horse is based on simple, straightforward and unbiased educational messages to help ensure the optimum health and wellbeing of horses and ponies in the UK.
Pfizer's veterinary adviser Ben Gaskell said: "Simplistically, the three key tools for the horse owner to understand are diagnostics, worming and pasture management. If these tools are used in combination with specialist advice, then the horse owner will be able to provide a sustainable, reliable and cost-effective worm control strategy for their horse."
At the core of the campaign is a new range of four highly informative and uncomplicated leaflets directed at every type of horse owner: Do you need to worm; Choosing and using the right wormer; Managing your pasture and Worming and Your new horse.
"Each leaflet has been designed to work as a stand-alone piece or can be presented as a smart, matching series of four," says Helen Shirley, brand manager for StrongidTM-P. "The leaflets can be displayed in-store in a distinctive counter-top leaflet dispenser and are supported by eye-catching point of sale materials including posters and balloons."
The new campaign packs will be rolled out to all stockists from early June, supported by a dramatic new Love your horse advertisement in national equestrian trade and consumer titles.
The campaign will build up momentum over the summer months and into autumn's double dosing time with a series of authoritative, no-nonsense features and news stories from StrongidTM-P's veterinary advisor Ben Gaskell.
For further information please email:
Alstoe is launching Vetergesic Multidose, a 10ml version of the opiate injection, in a new multi-use vial.
Alstoe Technical Director, Dr Ian Ryder said: "In addition to the new vial size the inclusion of a preservative enables Vetergesic Multidose to be used for up to 28 days following its initial use. Also the product is now licensed for intravenous administration."
Vetergesic Multidose should drastically reduce the amount of product wasted by practices using the old, smaller, single-use vial.
Alstoe says that supplying Vetergesic in a multi-use vial was one of the first things discussed with the drug originators, Reckitt Benckiser, when it took over the marketing of the product. However, for a large scale medical pharmaceutical manufacturer to consider producing a veterinary product in a different pack and in much smaller production runs than their medical operating scales, the answer is normally no. But in this case, Reckitts gave the project its full support, so in addition to reduced wastage, the inconvenience of snapping glass necks will become a thing of the past.
Please contact Alstoe Ltd for further information at or telephone 01347 878606.
Vétoquinol has announced plans to raise £10,000 for The Blue Cross pet charity through sales of Propalin, its fast acting treatment for incontinence in dogs.
From 1st July to 31st December this year, for every 100ml bottle of Propalin ordered, Vétoquinol will give 18p to The Blue Cross and 7p for every 30ml bottle.
To boost the amount raised for The Blue Cross, Vétoquinol is offering vets a free bottle of Propalin for every six bottles ordered of both the 100ml and 30ml sizes. For example, if you order 18 100ml bottles of Propalin, you will receive 6 free bottles and The Blue Cross will receive £4.32.
Vanessa Rossiter, corporate fundraising officer for The Blue Cross said: "As a charity, The Blue Cross relies on donations to support our adoption centres and animal hospitals around the country. We are very grateful to Vétoquinol for their pledge to raise funds for the hundreds of needy animals in our care."
According to Vétoquinol, Propalin is the UK's best selling licensed veterinary treatment for urinary incontinence in the ***. It contains phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride, which acts to increase the tone in muscles that make up the urethal sphincter. It takes effect within 30 minutes of administration and, as a liquid, is highly palatable.
Petplan has announced the winner of the 'ChiWOWhua' competition which took place at BSAVA Congress in April, and offers a guide to pet insurance in practice.
Alfreton Park Veterinary Hospital was chosen out of more than 800 entries from across the UK. The staff at the practice were delighted after winning £1000 which they plan to spend on computer equipment which includes a new laptop and a state of the art printer.
Matt Ingram, Partner at Alfreton Park Veterinary Hospital commented, "We were absolutely ecstatic when we found out that we won the competition. The prize money will allow us to promote pet health through weight watcher clinics by taking before and after photographs of clients' pets and educate our clients about responsible pet ownership. We will also use it to document the progression of a case study as part of our 'Pet of the Month' programme. We are very grateful and would like to thank Petplan for their ongoing support in the veterinary industry".
The competition's objective was to inform veterinary staff about the simple ways for practices to promote pet insurance to their uninsured client. There is still some confusion amongst staff as to what they can and cannot talk about. With this in mind, Petplan has produced a "Siameasy guide" for veterinary practices to show just how quick and easy promoting pet insurance can be. This guide provides ideas on when to mention insurance, the promotional materials available from Petplan as well as guidelines on insurance regulation.
Petplan says all practices can promote the benefits of pet insurance regardless of their regulatory status. For a free copy of the Siameasy guide, email or call Vetline on 0800 316 8800.
CEVA Animal Health is drawing vets' and nurses' attention to research which has found a possible link between autism and pyrethrin-based flea shampoos.
Findings from the Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and the Environment study, which is funded by the US National Institutes of Health, have raised the possibility that pyrethrins found in pet shampoos are linked to an increased risk of autism.
Mothers who used flea treatments containing pyrethrin based flea shampoos while pregnant were found to be twice as likely to have a child with an autistic spectrum disorder as those who did not.
The scientists who undertook the research have emphasised that the findings remain preliminary.
CEVA points out that while veterinary on-animal and household flea products have undergone extensive testing for safety and efficacy, parents may abandon flea control regimes over fears of pesticide use (as they abandoned the MMR vaccine).
Anxiety about the use of pesticides in the home is actually nothing new; a survey carried out in 2007, showed that two out of three pet owners were concerned about safety when using a pesticide-based flea spray in their homes2.
CEVA highlights its own environmental flea control, Skoosh, as a possible alternative for concerned parents.
Instead of pesticides, Skoosh uses inert silicones, commonly used in skin creams, make up, headlice lotions and oral medications, to physically engulf the fleas. CEVA says that SkooshTM is not only effective against mature fleas, eggs and larvae but also physically prevents the hatching and development of pupae, which are not affected by traditional household sprays.
Ed's note: Fleas are something I know a little bit about (having worked on behalf of Novartis Animal Health for many years); I'd say that Program is another good alternative for pet owners that want to use a flea control product that does not put them into contact with pesticides. And no, I wasn't paid to write that, just force of habit!
The Blue Cross is calling for nominations from veterinary practices across the country for its Veterinary Nurse of the Year Award 2008.
The annual award is presented at the British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) Annual Congress. It recognises the contribution of veterinary nurses in educating the public about responsible pet ownership and the welfare of pets in the community.
This year's Congress will take place on 10-12 October at the Kettering Conference Centre, Northamptonshire.
Last year's award was won by Anna Hatchett for her outstanding contribution to animal welfare, both within her veterinary practice and among the local community in Whitby, North Yorkshire.
Anna Hatchett was nominated by two vets, Edward Gillams and Kate Loomes, who previously worked with her at The Beck Veterinary Practice in Whitby. Ms Loomes commented: "Anna is an exceptionally dedicated and talented nurse. She has an amazing memory for clients and takes time to enquire as to how their individual pets are. She doesn't hesitate to take in and care for stray and lost animals and works well over her working hours when animals are in need of help."
Nominations for this year's award can be made by completing the nomination form on The Blue Cross website at: by contacting Sally Leathem on 01993 82557.
The deadline for nominations is Friday 15 August 2008.
Petplan, the largest animal health insurance provider in the world, has announced the first of three winners for their ‘Get Noticed' waiting room notice board competition, which runs till the end of July.
The staff at Ayers Vets in Tyne and Wear were the winners but Petplan says it wasn't an easy decision. Their submission was up against some other very informative and educational notice boards but, as a result of their research and creative ideas, they were the proud winners of a fantastic hamper filled with white and red wine, organic chocolates, coffee, fruit cake and other delectable snacks.
Joy Cook, receptionist at Ayers Vets commented, "We're delighted to have won the competition. We always promote the benefits of pet insurance to as many pet owners as possible so it is great to be recognised for this. The notice board has certainly caught the interest of our clients and we've had lots of comments about how great it looks!"
Practices have the opportunity to create their own notice board using a kit provided by Petplan with a remit to educate their clients about the benefits of taking out pet insurance.
The competition challenged vet receptionists and vet nurses to create an interesting notice board on the theme of insurance and send in a photo of it to Petplan. The competition was open to all practices, regardless of their regulatory status.
The second winner will be chosen at the end of June and the final winner at the end of July.
Dechra has launched a new administration rate guide developed to help vets and nurses administer the haemoglobin-based, oxygen-carrying fluid Oxyglobin at the correct rate (in ml/kg/hr).
"The handy dosing wheel allows you to line up the weight of the dog with the rate of administration in one window and then the ml/hr and drips per minute will be shown in the window below," explains Carol Morgan, product manager at Dechra Veterinary Products. "This rate guide will help vets and nurses to quickly establish the rate they need when giving Oxyglobin to anaemic dogs. It is important, especially during critical care and emergency situations, that these figures are readily available."
Oxyglobin requires no typing or cross-matching and ensures no transfusion reactions or disease transmissions. Its effectiveness can be measured by a rapid improvement in clinical signs, increased plasma haemoglobin concentration and arterial oxygen content. In addition, it can be stored at room temperature and has a shelf-life of three years.
Further details can be obtained from Dechra territory managers or phone for your free Oxyglobin dosing wheel: 01743 441 632.
Research from Bristol University confirms that Angiostrongylus vasorum is spreading in the UK, with 16 per cent of dogs involved in a recent study testing positive for the parasite's larvae(1).
The nationwide survey, funded by the RCVS Trust and Novartis Animal Health, was set up to determine the geographical distribution and typical presentation of angiostrongylosis in UK dogs and to elucidate risk factors for infection. The findings are based on examination of 630 faecal samples from dogs (500 sick and 130 healthy) around the country which presented in practice with a wide range of clinical signs for which there was no other obvious diagnosis.
"We received faecal samples from dogs with respiratory and cardiovascular disease, bleeding, neurological and gastrointestinal disorders," explained Eric Morgan, Veterinary Parasitology and Ecology Research Group, University of Bristol School of Biological Sciences. "We also received samples from a smaller number of apparently healthy dogs and examined all of them in the laboratory using the Baermann's test. The sample was analysed alongside an accompanying questionnaire that recorded history, clinical signs and the vet's index of suspicion that A. vasorum was the cause of the disease."
More than half (60 per cent) of the dogs that were positive displayed respiratory signs, including coughing. The next most common signs were cardiovascular (including syncope, lethargy and exercise intolerance). The most widespread combination of clinical signs was respiratory and cardiovascular. However, several dogs also presented with haemorrhagic signs and no respiratory involvement, and a wide spectrum of other signs such as diarrhoea, lameness and neurological disease.
Eric said: "Angiostrongylus vasorum is a great imitator and our research proves it can present in a wide variety of ways. Prompt diagnosis is vital but relies heavily on vets being aware of A. vasorum involvement. They should be especially suspicious of dogs that are coughing, lethargic, prone to collapse and presented in practice with unexplained bleeding."
Geographical extent Due to the survey relying on voluntary vet involvement, there was a strong bias in the regions represented, with high numbers of samples coming from South Wales and Surrey. Eric said: "Although these are known hot spots for A. vasorum, there were also positive samples from across southern England demonstrating that the parasite is much more widespread than we previously thought. It's important that vets outside of the known endemic areas regard this disease as a real threat, to ignore it because you believe dogs outside these areas are not at risk would be a very dangerous assumption indeed. You could already be missing cases."
Risk factors The most significant risk factor was age, with younger dogs more likely to be infected although cases were found in dogs up to 11 years old. "The age profile of positive cases did not vary by region, suggesting that there is no significant build-up of immunity in the dog population," Eric continues. "Several dogs became re-infected which also suggests that strong immunity does not develop following infection."
More than 40 breeds were represented in the survey with Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Jack Russell Terriers more commonly infected than other breeds. However, when considered alongside all the other risk factors the difference was not significant. "There are certainly no breeds which are resistant to infection, all of them can get it and are therefore at risk!"
Dogs that had not been wormed in the past six months were more likely to be positive (17 per cent of these were positive) than those dogs that had been regularly wormed (12 per cent). "It's important to realise that even in dogs that are regularly wormed, incidence is still high," concludes Eric. "Vets should pay particularly attention to the worming regimes that they routinely recommend and ensure that the products they prescribe have some activity against A. vasorum. They should also be prepared to consider A.vasorum as a diagnosis even in dogs that are routinely wormed. What we have to remember is that this is a tough worm to get rid of and one we need to take seriously if we are to prevent its spread."
Dogs which survived the devastating earthquake in the Zun Dao township of Sichuan, China have a new lease on life after the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and local officials announced an agreement to end the cruel killing of dogs and instead address public health concerns through an IFAW sponsored anti-rabies vaccination and veterinary aid programme in the 20,000+ population.
"This agreement is a major breakthrough," said Jackson Zee, IFAW rescue leader. "Chinese media have been filled with reports of people evacuating with their pets, being comforted by their pets, and even saved by their pets after their homes collapsed, so we are delighted to see this next step as local officials are acknowledging that humane care of dogs, cats and livestock can benefit both animals and people."
After the devastating earthquake that claimed around 80,000 human lives, IFAW rushed close to £100,000 in aid and sourced over six tonnes of animal food for some of the hardest-hit areas within Sichuan province.
IFAW met with local government officials in Zun Dao and offered humane alternatives to the dog culls presently in effect in much of the devastated areas. Officials agreed to halt any dog culling operations in the area and are welcoming IFAW's efforts to address the present public health concerns by conducting an anti-rabies vaccination and veterinary care programme in the area.
Accompanied by local veterinarians, IFAW began visiting villages immediately and on the first afternoon provided food, collars, leads and appropriate vaccinations for at least 50 family owned dogs. There are an estimated 4,000 owned dogs and 1,000 strays in Zun Dao and surrounding villages and relief efforts are expected to increase in the coming days.
In addition to the efforts in Zun Dao, IFAW has been providing humanitarian aid in the region by meeting some of the most basic and urgent needs. From cooking oil to laundry detergent, mosquito repellents and toys for children, these much-needed supplies are helping families get back on their feet and take care of their pets and backyard farm animals. Desperately needed supplies such as 100 water pumps, fencing, generators and other supplies have also been rushed to Mianyang to help rescue animals in advance of anticipated flooding while additional support has been given to the acclaimed Giant Panda Nature Reserve in Gansu province.
IFAW is appealing for public support to increase the amount of aid for animals and people in the earthquake region. To donate or view more information on current rescue efforts, visit
Lord Rooker, Minister for Sustainable Food, Farming and Animal Health spelled out the law on dangerous dogs at the RSPCA Conference on Dogs this week, and announced the publication of a Defra leaflet which provides clear, concise and accessible information regarding the law on dogs which are dangerously out of control and dogs which are banned.
He said: "The vast majority of dog owners are responsible and the vast majority of dogs are well behaved, but recent tragic cases of dog attacks underline why we need to give absolute clarity to anyone that owns a dog on their responsibilities under the law.
"This new leaflet explains to dog owners, and people who come into contact with dogs, how the law prevents irresponsible dog ownership. It is important that people understand the law as it may deter irresponsible dog owners from allowing their dogs to be dangerous."
The leaflet outlines the following key points:
The leaflet also deals with the law on banned dogs. It explains that:
A printable version of the leaflet is available on the Defra website at
Defra is also currently working on a booklet to provide guidance on the law to those who are enforcing it, including the police and local authorities.
Defra says the public leaflet, in combination with the enforcers' document, is an essential part of its strategy to promote the better enforcement of the law on dangerous dogs.
Purina Veterinary Diets has launched Feline Urinary UR ST/OXTM to provide highly advanced nutritional support in the veterinary treatment and long term management of FLUTD.
Purina says that Feline Urinary UR ST/OXTM will help vets nutritionally support the management of three conditions most frequently associated with FLUTD in just one formula: dissolve struvite crystals, reduce the recurrence of both struvite and calcium oxalate uroliths and help treat feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC).
According to the company, the most advanced scientific methods of evaluation have been used to determine the efficacy of Feline UR ST/OXTM, namely Activity Product Ratio (APR) and Relative Super Saturation (RSS) techniques. Rarely used, except in human science, APR is a dynamic and highly sensitive parameter. It is a more vigorous test than RSS and reflects more precisely the in vivo situation.
RSS assesses the likelihood of urolith formation by using measurements of urine pH, volume and mineral concentration. Urine APR goes further and calculates the ratio of urinary measurements before and after urine incubation with pure crystals (struvite or calcium oxalate.) APR is therefore able to more accurately predict the crystal evolution by assessing the cumulative influence of urine crystal growth promoters and inhibitors. Feline UR ST/OXTM is the first diet evaluated using both these parameters together. The results of the evaluation demonstrate a rapid dissolution for struvite and a reduction of recurrence for both struvite and calcium oxalate crystals.
FLUTD has a number of known risk factors including insufficient water intake and obesity. To date, the only interventions that have been repeatedly shown to increase water intake and urine volume are dietary modifications. In the management of FLUTD, raising water intake has three key benefits to decrease the concentration of various urolith-forming components in the urine, dilute inflammatory mediators and shorten the contact time of irritating substances with the bladder mucosa. Feline UR ST/OXTM dry formula has been shown to increase water intake by up to 20%, increase urine volume by up to 40% and consequently decrease urine specific gravity to below 1.045.
Feline UR ST/OXTM has also been specifically developed with moderate fat levels and optimal protein to help achieve and maintain ideal body condition thereby tackling obesity, another predisposing factor for FLUTD. With an exceptionally palatable formula, this new diet is available in both a wet and dry form.
Purina Veterinary Diets Feline Urinary UR ST/OXTM is available in the following pack sizes - 1.5 and 5kg and 195gr cans.
The Company of Animals, makers of behaviour and training products, has announced the launch of a new Product and Training DVD, designed to be screened in practice waiting rooms.
The DVD features the entire range of products from Company of Animals, including its multi-award-winning dog training devices, being demonstrated by pet dogs and their owners. It is presented by Animal Psychologist and founder of The Company of Animals, Dr. Roger Mugford.
The Company of Animals says that playing the DVD during opening hours will grab the attention of your customers, raise their awareness of already popular products, and educate them about new ones.
This DVD is free and available to all veterinary retailers. To order the DVD or for more information see:
Just over 17% of the RCVS membership voted in the Council elections - which the RCVS reports is consistent with previous turn-outs.
New faces on the RCVS Council include Richard Stephenson, Charles Gruchy and Catherine Goldie. Dr Barry Johnson (first elected to Council in 1985) and Dr Christopher Chesney (first elected in 1996) have been voted on for further terms. Dr Robert Ellis, who has had three previous periods on Council, has been re-elected.
Meanwhile about 9% of registered and listed veterinary nurses cast their vote in the VN Council elections. At 680, the number of votes was up 100 on last year, but the turnout remains disappointing low. Dot Creighton, current Vice-Chairman, will continue on Council for another term, and Katherine Kissick has been newly-elected.