  • VetNurse News

    Veterinary groups up in arms over Scottish Fold's starring role in Hollywood blockbuster

    International Cat Care, the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM), the British Small Animal Veterinary Association and a further eight cat charities and welfare groups have contacted Universal Pictures to express their disapproval of the starring...
  • VetNurse News

    Vet nurses asked to do SPVS Salary Survey 2024

    The Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS) has launched its SPVS Salary Survey 2024. The annual survey gives an overview of remuneration levels within the veterinary sector. It covers everything from basic earnings, bonuses, dividends and...
  • VetNurse News

    BVA calls to restrict movement of dogs from countries with endemic diseases

    The BVA, SPVS and BVNA are calling on the Government to restrict the movement of dogs from countries with high levels of diseases like Brucella canis , which are currently not widely present in the UK, and introduce mandatory pre-import testing. In...
  • VetNurse News

    Identichip launches silent microchip scanner

    Identichip has launched a pocket-sized silent microchip scanner designed to help minimise anxiety when a pet is scanned for a microchip. Identichip says the scanner is particularly suited to noise-sensitive dogs and cats. It's designed to fit in...
  • VetNurse News

    RCVS Council votes to abolish elections

    At its January meeting today, RCVS Council agreed a series of proposals for the future reform of the College's governance structure which will now go to consultation with the profession and the public before being integrated into the overall recommendations...
  • VetNurse News

    New vet clinic price comparison service, the directory of veterinary practices in the UK founded in 2006 by Susie Samuel MRCVS, has added a new price comparison service with prices from 1600 practices to the website. The new service was reported in The Times , in an article...
  • VetNurse News

    CVS project to improve lameness treatment sees 1014% increase in use of clinical metrology questionnaires

    CVS has run a clinical improvement project to increase the treatment of lameness within 35 of its first opinion small animal practices throughout the UK. The group says it has led to 6,086 more clinical metrology questionnaires being conducted at participating...
  • VetNurse News

    Kent vet struck off over dishonest declaration on horse passport application

    Folkestone-based Vlad Butnaru haș been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee after it found that he'd dishonestly signed a declaration on a horse passport application. Dr Vlad Butnaru faced two charges, the first of which was that in May 2021...
  • VetNurse News

    RCVS forms working group to develop proposals for mandatory veterinary practice regulation

    The RCVS has established a new working group to develop proposals for how it will regulate veterinary practices on a statutory basis in the future. The mandatory regulation of veterinary practices, including statutory powers of entry and inspection...
  • VetNurse News

    Veterinary neurologist's epilepsy research recognised for being most valuable in general practice

    Neurologist Matthew James from CVS's Dovecote Veterinary Hospital has been given BSAVA PetSavers Veterinary Achievement Award 2024 for research into the initial management of epileptic dogs in first opinion practice. Matthew’s award is in recognition...
  • VetNurse News

    North Yorks OV reprimanded for dishonesty over avian flu certification

    North Yorkshire-based Amelia Briggs MRCVS has been reprimanded and warned by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee after she was found to have been dishonest in documentation relating to her official avian influenza surveillance visits. Dr Briggs faced four...
  • VetNurse News

    RCVS launches Surveys of the Professions

    RCVS has launched its Surveys of the Professions, billed as the largest and most comprehensive study of the UK veterinary sector, to inform strategy and policy for years to come. The two surveys, for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses respectively...
  • VetNurse News

    New materials to help practices promote dental health

    Animalcare has published a selection of materials to help veterinary practices promote good dental health during Pet Dental Health Month which runs in February. The company has created a new waiting room board kit as a way for veterinary staff to remind...
  • VetNurse News

    RCVS and BVA condemn abuse of veterinary professionals over XL Bully dogs

    The RCVS and the BVA have issued statements after hearing reports of individual vets and veterinary practices being on the receiving end of abusive and threatening messages from groups campaigning against the XL Bully ban. The RCVS said: "We understand...
  • VetNurse News

    New RCVS course about client confidentiality

    The RCVS Academy has launched ‘Client confidentiality,’ a free course which offers guidance for situations when veterinary nurses and other members of the veterinary team feel it’s necessary to disclose confidential information without a client’s consent...
  • VetNurse News

    New Cert AVN in exotic, zoo and wildlife species

    The Association of Zoo and Exotic Nurses (AZEVN) and Harper Adams University have developed a new Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing (Exotic, Zoo and Wildlife), which will start in September 2024. The course has been designed for RVN’s with...
  • VetNurse News

    Flat-faced dogs fall out of fashion

    Figures highlighted today by the Brachycephalic Working Group suggest that flat-faced dogs might, at last, be falling out of fashion. Overall, there has been a 17% decline in Kennel Club registrations of all dogs so far this year. However, new registrations...
  • VetNurse News

    RVC saves Christmas

    Specialists at the RVC appear to have saved Christmas after successfully treating Snowflake, one of twenty reindeer owned by a Mr S. Claus* of Rutland, for a neoplastic lesion of the third eyelid. Snowflake previously had a squamous cell carcinoma...
  • VetNurse News

    VetPlus launches in car diffuser to manage anxiety in travelling pets

    VetPlus has launched ‘On The Move’, a car diffuser designed to reduce anxiety in cats and dogs when they’re travelling. The diffuser contains a blend of rose, lavender, and chamomile oils, which the company claims provides stress-relieving benefits...
  • VetNurse News

    Vet researcher uncovers Ice Age malformations which warn against further inbreeding in modern dogs

    Hugo Schmokel, an EBVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery at IVC Evidensia, has discovered malformations in Ice Age animals which may have developed as a result of inbreeding and which are also common in modern dogs. For his research, Hugo visited...
  • VetNurse News

    New support materials to help vet nurses deal with the impact of recreational drugs

    TVM has launched guidelines for treating pets which ingest recreational drugs and materials for practices to highlight other hazards to pets this Christmas. The company points to data from the Animal Poison Control Center in the US which showed that...
  • VetNurse News

    RCVS calls for nominations for VN Council

    The RCVS is inviting veterinary nurses to throw their hats into the ring for the 2024 VN Council elections. Vet nurses who want to stand as election candidates must submit their nomination forms by 5pm on Wednesday 31st January 2024. There are places...
  • VetNurse News

    CVS clinical improvement project improves screening for hypertension in older cats

    CVS has reported the results of a clinical improvement project it ran in 105 of its first opinion small animal practices to increase screening for hypertension in older cats. According to the company, participating practices more than doubled the number...
  • VetNurse News

    New microRNA test could give pets with heart disease 18 months more life

    Diagnostics company MI:RNA has developed a test which it claims can detect the early signs of mitral valve disease (MMVD) in cats ands dogs with 85% sensitivity, 82% specificity and 83% overall accuracy. The company’s NEMO Cardiac Health Screening...
  • VetNurse News

    Boehringer launches support for risk-based parasite control

    Boehringer Ingelheim has launched an online educational hub to help practices use a risk-based approach to responsible parasiticide prescribing in their practice. has been created for all practice staff and contains advice from parasitologists...