Nurtured Pets has launched the Anti-Lick Strip PreventTM, ProTM and Pro CTM, billed as an alternative to the clumsy and uncomfortable e-collar.
The Anti-Lick Strips deter animals from licking, biting or chewing of hot spots, granulomas and surgical sites. According to the company, they are also an effective deterrent to prevent such behaviours brought on by anxiety, boredom or even insect bites.
Hayley Booth, product manager at Nurtured Pets said: "The UK pet market has been crying out for products like these for years. The unique bandages have medical grade adhesive on one side and all-natural active ingredients on the other. The combination of cayenne pepper, lemon powder, clove oil and oregano delivers a natural deterrent to the animal's nose and tongue to prevent it from interfering with the affected area.
"The Pro and Pro C are made exclusively for vets; the Pro can be used for direct application onto the pet's fur, ideal for securing IVs or catheters, the Pro C has a stronger adhesive and is ideal for over-wrapping gauze and cast materials.
"The Prevent then provides a profitable over the counter version for take home use. The preventative nature of these pet plasters may help promote healing and lessons the chance of infection, inflammation or re-opened wounds. In clinical trials, pets avoided the Anti-Lick Strip over 90% of the time proving these unique bandage strips really do work.
"The innovative features and benefits of the products themselves combined with extensive retail marketing support and highly visible point of sale display materials mean they're a must have for every vet practice."
For more information or a product sample, visit or call 02476 302 222.
The WikiQuiz project - a free online question and answer tool which enables vets, vet students and vet nurses to test their knowledge - is now online thanks to £4,770 of funding from the RCVS Trust.
WikiQuiz is a new resource to enable vets and students to structure and direct their learning, and links directly to information on WikiVet, the free research and academic collaboration resource put together by over 40 academics, veterinary surgeons and students from the Universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh and Nottingham, and the Royal Veterinary College (RVC). However, unlike its namesake Wikipedia, WikiVet is designed to be an accurate, peer-reviewed source of information for the veterinary profession and tailored to the undergraduate veterinary curriculum. Some of the material is also of interest to veterinary nurses, in particular those pursuing advanced professional qualifications.
Nick Short, Head of E-Media at the RVC said: "WikiQuiz is purpose-built for vets and students to structure and direct their learning. The questions and answers in WikiQuiz will help vets and veterinary students and work out what topics they might need to study, and link them directly to relevant information published on WikiVet.
"The Wikipedia concept is familiar and popular with students and vets; however, the information on the site can lack quality and relevance", he continued. "In creating WikiVet, we've used the look and feel of Wikipedia - but by making WikiVet available only to veterinary students, surgeons and nurses, introducing a peer-review system and appointing an editorial board to oversee the site, we can ensure the information published is relevant and accurate.
"We are hugely grateful to the RCVS Trust for supporting this project."
Cherry Bushell, RCVS Trust Director said: "Veterinary undergraduates and veterinary surgeons alike need to be able to assess where there are any gaps in their knowledge as part of planning their learning and development. The WikiQuiz resource helps them to do this.
"Using good quality online tools and information can save vets and students valuable time - which is one reason why we chose to support WikiQuiz. The WikiVet project also fits very well with the online Library services provided to vets, veterinary nurses and students by the Trust."
Veterinary surgeons, students and nurses can apply for a free log-in to WikiVet at
We don't do alot of bunny anaesthetics in our practice (as mainly referral), so many of you might already do this... but for people who don't...
Instead of trying to dive under drapes during a spay/castrate and/or your pulse ox is not working its best, place the doppler blood pressure probe onto bunny limb to get a nice pulse. Secure with micropore... and you can either wear headphones or have the volume cranked up!
Works a treat!
The aim of the webinar is to help bring everyone together to support one another and review how the profession can continue to protect animal health and welfare whilst also helping to slow the pandemic.
Subjects covered will include:
The webinar starts at noon tomorrow. It runs for one hour and there will be time for questions. The webinar will be recorded, so those who miss it will be able to watch it later.
The proposals put to Council by the Education Committee included six key recommendations for changes to CPD policy:
To change the CPD requirement – as stated in the Codes of Professional Conduct – to 35 hours per calendar year for veterinary surgeons and 15 hours in the same period for veterinary nurses, from the start of 2020. This replaces the previous requirement of 105 hours and 45 hours of CPD over a rolling three-year period for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses respectively.
Making the use of the new CPD platform (currently in development) for recording learning and development mandatory from 2022.
Giving veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses who, upon renewing their registration, have confirmed their compliance with the requirement, the opportunity to download a certificate demonstrating this.
The introduction of an administration fee (which is currently yet to- be determined) that will be charged to any veterinary surgeons or veterinary nurses who continually (defined as two or more years in a row) fail to confirm their compliance with the requirement and/or fail to respond to requests from the College for their CPD records.
Changing the words of the Codes of Professional Conduct to include the fact that CPD should be ‘regular’ and ‘relevant’.
The continuation of the RCVS CPD Referral Group, which meets to consider what further steps should be taken in cases of veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses who continually fail to comply with CPD requirements and/or respond to requests.
RCVS Council agreed, by a majority vote, to approve the above recommendations.
RCVS Council member Dr Sue Paterson (pictured right), who introduced the paper and is the incoming Chair of the Education Committee, said: "While the majority of both veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses do recognise the importance of continuous learning and development for their professional practice, their clients and, ultimately, animal health and welfare, it’s clear that there has been a cohort of people in both professions who take a more lax view of undertaking CPD.
"The changes to our CPD policy are intended to tighten up our processes and are targeted at those who, when challenged about why they have not undertaken sufficient CPD, say that they will meet the requirement one or two years down the line as part of the rolling three-year system. The administration fee also recognises the amount of time and effort spent by staff in the College in contacting and chasing up those people who aren’t compliant.
"However, we also recognise the fact that some members of the profession may have personal circumstances that means they are unable to meet their CPD requirement in a given year – whether that’s because of parental leave or other caring responsibilities, or long-term sick leave. So we will be retaining flexibility within the system and will be considerate and compassionate when taking into account individual circumstances when considering non-compliance.
"Furthermore, in light of the fact that the majority of vets and vet nurses do meet the requirement but also often go above-and-beyond it, we also thought it would be a good idea to introduce a downloadable compliance certificate in recognition of their achievement. This could be displayed, for example, in the practice and would be particularly useful for Practice Standard Scheme assessments.
"Over the coming months we will be fine-tuning the details of these policies and will be making further decisions about how they will work in practice in due course."
Veterinary surgeons and nurses who feel they will struggle to complete their CPD requirement within a 12-month period due to personal circumstances can contact RCVS confidentially at any time to discuss their difficulties on
For full details about the decision, you can download the RCVS Council paper at:
The article points towards the corporatisation of the profession, with 51% of practices now owned by private equity groups and 67% belonging to a group of three practices or more, as the main driver for an increase in vets' fees of over twice the rate of inflation between 2015 and 2020.
However, what the article focuses on, which is the issue of complex and very expensive treatments for pets, is a multifactorial problem which cannot be entirely blamed on corporatisation.
At its heart lie advances in science which now allow vets to offer ever more complex treatments and diagnostics which, when used in human medicine to prolong a human life might sometimes seem expensive, but when used to prolong the life of a dog, can seem frankly a bit bonkers.
Indeed the article does point towards over-treatment being partly driven by 'celebrity vets advocating increasingly complex surgeries'.
Then there's the fact that both parties to the transaction are often heavily invested in the idea of doing whatever can be done to save the dog: the pet owner, who has anthropomorphised their pet since they first collected it, and the vet, who's entire career has been dedicated to doing their best for the patient in their care.
Then of course there's the inflationary effect of insurance on treatment.
After all, if the animal is insured, why wouldn't you throw the kitchen sink at it?
Things are complicated by the difficulty in estimating the cost of veterinary treatment at the outset, when so much depends on the unknown outcome of diagnostic tests, the progression of disease and the success or failure of treatment. It's not like quoting for a new exhaust system.
There's also the inflationary effect of the increasingly litigious and socially litigious world we live in. It would be no surprise if veterinary surgeons have become more likely to test for everything, when the consequences of missing something is soul-destroying trial by social media.
And finally, there's the subjective value of money.
Nevertheless, the Daily Mail has a point.
Selling any product or service is about meeting clients' and customers' needs.
If you keep increasing the price of your product range until all you can offer is a Rolls Royce, sooner or later you're going to price yourself out of the market.
One other lesson for the profession from that article: 'No comment' is not a good look for a caring profession.
Hi someone sent an earlier mail regarding attaching old used drip bags with new giving sets to urinary catheters - not a well known fact but make sure each drip bag has had suction applied with extracting at least 40mls (may need more in Dgs) of air (use syringe & needle in injection port of drip bag to do this) before leaving bags to collect urine - this will create instant vacuum pressure & will prevent retrograde hydronephritis & allow urine to drain faster & therefore your patient much more comfortable!!! Male cats also benefit from having the giving set taped to their tails to prevent potential drag on their prepuce!!!
If the cuff no longer works on your ET tube - cut if off! I know that sounds drastic but it will stop other staff members from trying to inflate it!
I find often that the stoppers on the cuff come undone, so after you have inflated it - use the cover of a needle to place over and that ensure it stays done!
The Prime Minister's website has received a petition for a new law making it compulsory to microchip pets in the UK.
If you wish to support this petition, please click here and add your name:
The full petition reads:
"I am a responsible pet owner and have both my parrots and dog microchipped. I genuinely believe that all pets (where possible) should be microchipped.
I feel that it should be mandatory and is part of being a responsible pet owner. This should act as a "licence". I strongly beleive that this course of action will protect many discarded, stolen and mistreated pets every year as there will be no escape for the owners as the pet can be traced back to them.
I appreciated that due to size and temperament some pets may not be able to be microchipped, but certainly dogs, cats, horses, valuable / larger birds, rabbits etc should be.
I hope you agree that £30 for a microchip is good value, if owners cannot afford this then they shouldnt be considering a pet in the first place.
Please can you give this idea serious consideration as I feel we must do something to protect the pets that do not have a voice in our society."
Feeling creative? Vetoquinol is offering nurses the opportunity to win a first prize of £500 of high street vouchers by designing an imaginative waiting room display focusing on urinary incontinence.
To enter, apply to Vetoquinol for the Propalin waiting room display pack, create a unique display and then send the company a picture. There are 15 prizes to be won before Christmas. The winning display will receive vouchers worth £500, second prize wins £300 worth of vouchers and the third prize wins £200 of vouchers. The 12 runners-up will each receive £50 worth of Amazon vouchers.
Call 0800 169 8197 for your starter-pack. Visit for terms and conditions.
A new range of food flavour sprays for dogs and cats, which could it a lot easier for vets, nurses and owners to feed reluctant eaters and administer oral medications, has been launched by M H Foods Ltd.
The sprays, which will retail through veterinary practices only, are primarily designed to encourage cats and dogs to eat in situations where they are reluctant to feed.
Testimonials received by the company from vets and veterinary hospitals suggest the sprays may help pets to eat when recovering from surgery or suffering from anxiety or depression. The company says they have also been helpful in encouraging pets to eat before their insulin injections and to enjoy bland foods such as renal diets.
Fred Key, Managing Director of M H Foods, said: "The well-researched aromas and flavours of this patented development, which we have branded Bon Appetit, entice pets back to eating. Another plus, pointed out by veterinary nurses, is that our flavour sprays disguise tablets and medication powder on food, making life easier for pets and owners alike!
"The Bon Appetit range - in chicken, beef and fish varieties - is artificially flavoured and, therefore, has no protein and is free from sodium, potassium and phosphorous, adding only 2 Cals per spray".
Retailing at around £5 to £6 for about 50 days' supply, M H Foods says that Bon Appetit has been well received by the major veterinary wholesalers.
Testimonials, full product and analytical information is available at:
The Royal College has announced the winners of the 2009 RCVS Council and VN Council elections.
This year, a special elections section was set up here on and on for members to engage directly with candidates in a members forum, or directly using the social networking features on both sites. In the interests of promoting democracy, the sites offered a case of champagne to the voter who started the forum discussion which generated the greatest number of responses. Over the course of the voting period, these sections received over 23,000 page views, 53 questions for candidates, and 650 responses.
Arlo Guthrie, Editor of and said: "I think it's great that the candidates agreed to try this. They could have said no, and stuck with the traditional methods of communication (which are more of a known quantity). Instead, they really got stuck in to some interesting and at times lively debate. My sincere thanks to all candidates and congratulations to the winners. And I raise my glass to Princess Ophelia Hermione MacBeth, who wins the case of champagne for starting the discussion thread which generated the greatest response from other members"
The VN Council elections saw a 25% increase in voters over last year, with 912 out of a possible 8,108 VNs casting a vote. This was an 11.2% turnout. The results were as follows:
JEFFERY, Andrea Karen. 604 votes. Elected GLYSEN, Louise. 332 votes. Elected WILLIAMS, Caroline Mary. 312 votes.IVES, Cheryl Diana. 236 votes.
Louse Glysen is the new VN Council Member (again, officially joining at RCVS Day) and Andrea Jeffery will begin her eighth year, having been the Council's chairman for the past four years.
Voting in the RCVS Council election increased from 17% to 18.2% this year, with 4,041 veterinary surgeons out of a possible 22,201 casting a vote. The results are as follows:
NUTE, Patricia Jill. 2,467 votes. Elected JINMAN, Peter. 2,346 votes. Elected GRAY, Christopher John. 2,230 votes. Elected DAVIES, Jeremy Vincent. 2,229 votes. Elected VINER, Bradley. 2,123 votes. Elected TUFNELL, Christopher Wynne. 2,088 votes. Elected SWAYNE, Nigel. 1,673 votes. McDOWELL, David Michael. 1,394 votes.LONSDALE, Thomas. 389 votes.
The new Council members are Christopher Gray and Christopher Tufnell, who will officially join Council at RCVS Day on 3 July 2009.
Boehringer Ingelheim has launched a new competition for vets and nurses to win a £1,500 Thomson 'Round The World' travel voucher.
The competition is called 'Celebrate Life with Norman', the knitted star of the Vetmedin advert. To enter, you need to take a photograph of a cardboard cutout of Norman (sent to all practices, and also available from Boehringer Territory Managers) whilst 'on your travels'. Then upload your photo to by June 30th, 2009.
You can then follow Norman on his QUEST (Quality of Life and Extension of Survival Time, geddit), and vote for your favourite QUEST adventure.
The competition is open to UK and ROI practising vets and nurses.
For more information please contact your Boehringer Territory Manager or visit the Vetmedin® website.
Plans for the introduction of a disciplinary mechanism for Registered Veterinary Nurses (RVNs) have been agreed by the RCVS Veterinary Nurses Council.
RVNs agree to account for their professional conduct and keep their skills and knowledge up to date: over 70% of eligible veterinary nurses have now joined the non-statutory Register.
The Veterinary Nurses Council agreed to a period of nearly three years between the opening of the Register and the College putting in place a disciplinary mechanism. This was to give RVNs time to get used to their new rights and responsibilities. Plans are now in place to introduce a disciplinary system from September 2010.
Charges could be brought against a veterinary nurse if found guilty of fraudulent registration, criminal convictions which render him or her unfit to practise as a veterinary nurse, or allegations of disgraceful professional conduct.
The sanctions would be the same as for veterinary surgeons, ie to remove a nurse's name from the Register (with the nurse eligible to apply for restoration after 10 months), or to suspend the nurse, with his or her name returning to the Register immediately after the period of suspension. A veterinary nurse would not be able to carry out Schedule 3 tasks while removed from the Register.
Complaints would initially be dealt with by the Veterinary Nurses Preliminary Investigation Committee (VN PIC), which will assess whether the complaints should be taken to the hearing stage. Three RVNs will sit on this committee. They will be joined by three members of the veterinary PIC, including either the RCVS President, or one of the Vice-Presidents, and one Lay Observer.
Meanwhile three RVNs will join existing members of the RCVS Disciplinary Committee (DC) to form a VN DC, to adjudicate on charges against a veterinary nurse. These individuals will not currently sit on VN Council. If the case were against a VN, the sitting panel would include at least one veterinary nurse, one veterinary surgeon and a lay person acting as chairman. A legal assessor would also sit with the Committee to offer advice.
If a case were to concern both a veterinary surgeon and a veterinary nurse, the preliminary investigation would be carried out in tandem but with separate disciplinary hearings.
Applications are invited for RVNs to sit on the new VN Preliminary Investigation or Disciplinary Committees. Anyone who would like further information should contact Lesley Evans, Manager, Executive Office ( or 020 7222 2001) by 31 May 2009.
Hill's Pet Nutrition and National Tourist Boards, Enjoy England, VisitWales and VisitScotland have announced the UK's 21 top dog walks.
Voted for by more than 5,500 members of the public, the list includes places all over the UK, stretching from the Fife Coastal Path all the way down to the Portsmouth Seafront. Amanda Smyth, Head of Marketing at Enjoy England says: "With the current economic climate and weak pound making holidays abroad much more expensive, we expect the number of families choosing to holiday in their own country next year to increase dramatically. What's more, a domestic break is often the easiest and best way to holiday with a pet, and with these 21 walks, if you holiday in the country, coast or even a city, there's no excuse not to take the dog!"
Now into its second year, the 21 Top Dog Walks campaign was set up to help increase awareness of canine obesity, which now affects up to 50 per cent of dogs.
The 21 top dog walks for 2008 are (in alphabetical order):
More details at:
The UK dog-owning public is being duped into buying dogs from puppy farms says Dogs Trust, the UK's largest dog welfare charity, inadvertently fuelling the cruel trade and potentially landing themselves with huge vet bills.
In a recent survey the charity asked dog owners if they would consider buying a dog from a puppy farm. Although almost 95% said no, when asked where they had got their dog from 15.1% - potentially 900,000 dog owners - admitted they had got them from an advert in the newspaper, the internet, a pet shop or a pet superstore, all outlets often supplied by puppy farms.
In the past six months Dogs Trust has seen a marked increase in calls from concerned members of the public on the subject of puppy farming, many from dog owners whose pets have suffered illness and in some cases died as a result of having been bred at puppy farms.
Dogs Trust is calling for immediate measures to help to stop the puppy farming trade:
1. General publicDogs Trust is introducing the term 'battery farming of dogs' to associate the practice in the minds of the public with that of battery farming of chickens, and wants to educate the public as to where they can safely go to buy a 'cruelty free dog'.
Dogs Trust's message to the public is:
2. Government & Local AuthoritiesDogs Trust is calling for the review of existing breeding licensing legislation.
Clarissa Baldwin, CEO of Dogs Trust, said: "Battery farming of dogs is an appalling practice, abhorrent to all decent members of society. Breeding bitches are kept in unthinkably cruel conditions and bred from continuously until they are too old, then discarded. Puppies often suffer from medical problems and behavioural issues as a result of being inadequately socialised. While most people would never consider buying a dog from such a place, it seems that a large number are inadvertently doing so.
"Most reputable breeders would never sell their dogs through newspaper adverts, pet shops or superstores, garden centres or internet websites. Anyone who sees an animal for sale in any of these places should be suspicious. Newspaper adverts and online websites are of particular concern since unscrupulous breeders or middle men (dealers) are difficult to identify, often posing as members of the public selling 'puppies from unplanned litters'."
What's wrong with battery farms?Breeding bitches at battery farms:
A battery farmed puppy could have genetic or other health problems relating to its poor breeding conditions. It could also have behavioural problems as a result of being taken from its mother at too young an age.
Common problems for a puppy farmed dog are:
Dogs Trust has published a guide for anyone looking to buy a puppy. It can be downloaded from
'Get Well Friends', a new retail opportunity for veterinary practices, has now officially launched with a new website:
Described by their inventor, childrens' author Kes Gray, as "the ouch factor mixed with the aah factor", Get Well friends are a new and unique range of soft toy poorly animal characters for veterinary surgeries to sell. Each character is as cute as it is accident prone, and comes complete with a prescription from mouse Nurse Nibbles.
"For all kinds af reasons a young child may have to leave their pet with a vet. Under such circumstances, they can now depart from the surgery with a soft toy animal character that they themselves can nurse back to good health."
The Get Well website has been set up to try and lower the blood pressure of long suffering veterinary waiting room staff, with online games for children to play and activity sheets for surgeries to print off.
First shown at the London Vet Show, the current gift range comprises 5 soft toy characters and a 'childrens picture book entitled 'Who's Poorly Too?' The recommended retail price for each 8" soft toy characters is £11.99. (Trade price £5.50 per unit not inclusive of Vat.) The 'Who's Poorly Too' paper back picture book has an RRP of £5.99 and a trade price of £3.60 per unit.
Kes Gray's wife and co-founder of Get Well Friends said: "The spinner is our recommended display method. It has a strong and colourful retail presence. It holds fifteen toys and fifteen picture books, and can be bought for a special intoductory offer price of just £157.50. If a surgery waiting room is pushed for space, we can offer our striking 10 unit counter display boxes, or if preferred we can supply any combination of characters loose."
Click here to download the brochure and trade price list.
If you would like to place an order or make an enquiry contact Kes & Claire direct at
Following the tragic news earlier this week that VetNurse member Carolyn Laithwaite's husband Brian and fellow sky-diver Emma Bramley were killed in a skydiving accident, a fundraising page has been set up in their name on JustGiving, with the proceeds going towards the Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance.
As many of you will know, Carolyn has been a member of since it was set up almost a decade ago. At times a controversial figure, she has also been enormously supportive, kind and helpful to a great many VetNurse members over the past ten years. So, I'd like to ask anyone who has benefitted from her help over the years to go and pop a few quid in the kitty.
Actually, I'd like to encourage ALL VetNurse members to go and support this worthy cause. We don't charge you a membership / subscription fee for membership of this site, and it is what it is because of people like Carolyn. So whether you feel like showing your support for her, or the Air Ambulance, or, please visit now and donate.
In addition, if you'd like to leave a message of support for Carolyn, you can do so here.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has launched its new website, which also marks the first public outing for its new livery.
The College highlights the following key changes:
The RCVS says the new corporate look is designed to be fresh, uncluttered and professional, and the new RCVS logo and strapline - "setting veterinary standards" - should leave visitors in no doubt as to the key purpose of the RCVS as a regulatory body. And whilst the new identity is modern in feel, the use of a shield device aims to maintain the link with the College's long history.
According to the College, the new brand was described by the veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses who helped to develop it as "simple, clear and clean, with a strong message" and "modern and approachable".
President Peter Jinman said: "The College has been accused of being 'confused and confusing' in the past. With the new identity we have endeavoured to clarify that the College is a forward-thinking regulator - despite being established when Queen Victoria was only recently on the throne, and working to 45-year-old legislation.
"Changing the logo, font and colours we use is only a small part of the process though. Our branding review included several layers of research and we now have a better understanding of how we have been perceived, how we would like to be perceived, and what we need to do to get there. This includes changing how we behave and communicate as an organisation, as well as how we position ourselves to the outside world."
The new look, which includes new logos for RCVS Awards, the RCVS Charitable Trust and the Practice Standards Scheme, will be rolled out across other communications elements as the year unfolds, to avoid the unnecessary wastage of materials branded with the old identity.
Meanwhile, the website is a living medium, and the College says it is keen to hear feedback from users about what they like, and what could be improved, to help inform further developments.
The British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) has announced that it is opening its membership to RCVS registered veterinary nurses for the first time.
BSAVA has always been keenly involved with veterinary nurse issues and has representation on the RCVS nurse Awarding Body Board and observers on VN Council. Membership Development Committee Chair Patricia Colville said: "The association strongly believes that are nurses are integral to the care the profession offers to patients, and we have always taken advice from our members on ways we can support nurses on the many issues that they have been faced with over the last number of years, from the change in nurse training to compulsory CPD and the future change to self-regulation. Now it is time to formally recognise the services we offer to VNs and bring them into a package of benefits that they can collect as a member of the Association".
Patricia added: "There have been many changes over the last 50 years, during which nurse training has developed in its own right. The depth and breadth of knowledge that nurses have, and the amount of work that they have to do to gain the VN qualification is vast and it is a great credit to the veterinary world that this level of dedication has developed. It is fantastic to see the amount of CPD on offer now and the enthusiasm and dedication that nurses show in continuing to develop their skills, which has contributed to the betterment of practice life and animal welfare".
Membership for VNs is being launched at the first year introductory price of £66 in 2011, rising to £100 per annum in 2012.
Practices interested in how BSAVA membership can support their nursing staff, and veterinary nurses interested in membership should register at, email or call 01452 726700.
Virbac Animal Health has launched CaniLeish, the first vaccine for canine leishmaniosis in the European Union.
Leishmaniosis is a vector-borne parasitic disease caused by infection with protozoa of the genus Leishmania (L infantum in Europe). Leishmaniosis is transmitted by the bite of infected sandflies. In south-western Europe 2.5 million dogs are believed to be infected1,2 with the parasite and the disease is spreading northwards,3 as more people travel with their dogs or import infected animals from endemic areas.4 So far preventative methods have been limited to reducing the habitat of sandflies, minimising the physical contact of dogs with sandflies and using insecticides on dogs (sprays, spot-ons, repellent-collars, etc).
According to Virbac, CaniLeish's ability to protect dogs was demonstrated in an experimental challenge study, where the benefit of vaccination was still evident after one year.5 In an extreme condition natural challenge trial lasting two years under environmental conditions rarely encountered in reality, 93% of dogs vaccinated with CaniLeish did not develop symptomatic leishmaniosis. CaniLeish provides a fourfold reduction in the risk of developing this fatal disease. 6 Its safety profile has been shown in laboratory testing and field trials.7 In addition, Virbac says it contains no whole parasites that could be virulent in any host.
David McGahie BVMS Bsc (VetSci) MRCVS, Medical Department Manager at Virbac SA, said: "The development of this vaccine is a key milestone in the battle against this challenging disease which is a major problem in many regions of the world. Although in the past it was considered a rather exotic disease here in the UK, the advent of the Pet Travel Scheme means it has become increasingly important as a problem for dogs which regularly travel abroad to endemic regions."
CaniLeish can be given to dogs as young as six months of age: the primary course consists of three injections given over six weeks. Dogs should be re-vaccinated annually, with a single dose administered one year after the third injection and annually thereafter.
Complete Veterinary Care (CVC) is to launch the BooBooLoon, a new alternative to the Elizabethan collar at BSAVA Congress.
According to the company, the inflatable collar offers comfort and protection advantages over old style Elizabethan collars and other devices that restrict pets from harming surgical wounds and irritating skin disorders.
The BooBooLoon, which is made in the US by a manufacturer called Headroom, will be distributed by CVC to veterinary professionals and pet shops. The collar will be available in five sizes from extra small through to extra large.
Marcy Colangelo, President of Headroom invented the device when her boxer dog Mitzi had surgery for skin cancer. She said: "I just couldn't stand leaving that cone on her. It was like putting her head in a tunnel."
Inspired by her own travel pillow, she came up with the BooBooLoon.
Marcy added: "I know the entire CVC Group administrative and veterinarian management team are enthusiastic about their upcoming BooBooLoon inflatable pet recovery collar launch. The CVC Group is very experienced and is committed to providing excellent service and quality to the veterinary profession and to independent pet shops throughout the United Kingdom."
The RSPCA has released details of the more eccentric calls made to the charity over the course of 2011.
Doubtless members of and will empathise with the RSPCA over some of these, but do you have any better examples? If so, please email them to
Acoording to news reports, a government minister has said that a package of measures to encourage responsible pet ownership is on the way, and that may include compulsory microchipping.
Replying to a question in the House of Lords, Lord Taylor of Holbeach said the government would put forward its arguments for and against microchipping when it announces its new strategy on dog ownership.
However, according to the BBC report, Conservative peer Lord Renton said ministers must think "carefully before" taking such a step: "There are many dogs that take very badly to having a chip in them," he said. "They get very sore."
Who ever said the Lords were out of touch, eh?
John Kenward MRCVS, a director of Maidstone practice Pet Emergency Treatment Services, has been given a conditional discharge for allowing an employee to X-ray her own foot after a horse stamped on it.
Maidstone Magistrates heard that the employee, a 25 year-old vet and equine intern, was afraid the foot was broken and she might be unable to do that evening's on-call duty.
As a result, she rang Mr Kenward. As they were both concerned she could be held up in hospital A&E, Mr Kenward suggested she use the in-house X-ray kit. He gave her the settings to use and she carried out the test, which showed no break so she continued to work as normal.
Another director, who acts as Radiation Protection Supervisor, later noticed a human image on the digital processor. This led him to notify other practice board members of his intention to interview staff about the suspected breach of site radiation safety policy. He was immediately told by Mr Kenward not to discipline the vet intern as he had suggested that she use the X-ray.
As a result the Health and Safety Executive was contacted and an investigation confirmed a breach of radiation regulations.
Although the vet intern, from Maidstone, was the only person present during the X-ray exposure, she did not wear a personal dosemeter during the procedure.
However, HSE told the court that Mr Kenward was fully aware that the rules of the practice clearly stated nobody should be placed within the beam of the X-ray machine.
Mr Kenward was ordered to pay £1,296 in costs after admitting a breach of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
After the hearing, HSE inspector Rob Hassell said: "Any vet practice using ionising radiation for medical exposures must ensure that the X-ray equipment is properly maintained and that the requirements of the Ionising Radiations Regulations are complied with. The view of HSE and the Department of Health is that it is highly unlikely that all these conditions can be met by a veterinary practice.
"It follows therefore that X-rays must not be taken of human beings at practices. We are aware that the X-raying of people may not be unique to this particular practice so I hope others will take note that HSE is prepared to prosecute if such breaches come to light."